im trying to update database record with function return Ionic, Back& - angularjs

Hi I'm trying to update my database with function that returns a number
$scope.sum = function()
return $scope.inp + $scope.points;
this function will update the record in object points, column name and id 1:
$scope.addPoint = function() {
PointService.addPoint($scope.sum, 1)
.then(function(result) {
$scope.inp = 0;
addPoint = function(id,points)
return $http.put(getUrlForId(1),points,name);
the error is: Error details: Cannot convert type 'int' to 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary'
the data type of the field is Float.
Any idea what is wrong with the code?

you are passing function reference to PointService.addPointer(),
use this:
$scope.addPoint = function() {
PointService.addPoint($scope.sum(), 1) // NOT PointService.addPoint($scope.sum, 1)
.then(function(result) {
$scope.inp = 0;
this will execute your function and pass the output (id parameter) to addPoint function, further, for more safe side, you can return Number from $scope.sum() i.e.
$scope.sum = function()
return Number($scope.inp + $scope.points);

This looks like an issue with how you're contacting Backand. You use the following code to send your points over:
addPoint = function(id,points)
return $http.put(getUrlForId(1),points,name);
This is an older version of calling the Backand API that is manually constructing a PUT request, and putting "points" and "name" as the "Data" and "config" parameters to $http. With an object update via PUT, you'll need to provide the updates as an object. So if you wanted to update the points and the name of the object (and I'm doing some assuming based upon what I can tell from the code snippet above), you'd need to encapsulate these properties in an object that has the following general format:
"field_name_1":"new value_1",
"field_name_2":"new value_2",
etc ...
This should then be sent as the body of the request. So, for your code, change it to the following and see if this helps:
addPoint = function(id,points)
return $http.put(getUrlForId(1),{points: points, name: name});
To give more info on why you're seeing this particular error, Backand is depending on this JSON format in the body. Our platform should definitely do more validation (and I'll create a ticket for the devs to handle non-conforming input more gracefully), but at the moment we simply take the body of the request, convert it to a dictionary object, then begin the requested operation. As your code above sends only "1.0" as the body, this fails the conversion into a dictionary, causing the stack exception and the issue you are seeing.
As a note, we offer a new SDK that encapsulates these HTTP methods, performing the authentication header generation and HTTP messaging for you, providing promises to handle responses. You can find it on our Github page at To make the same call using the new SDK, the code would resemble the following:
backand.object.update("your object name", 1, {name: name, points: points})


Passing and retrieving complex objects from Angularjs to Web Api

I have a form in angular where a user enters various criteria which I then want to pass to Web Api and get a result after queries are run. I originally thought of this as a "Get" but had trouble passing complex objects to the Web Api. With some advice, I then used a Post and was able to pass the criteria run the query in the Web Api but I had trouble getting the result back in Angular. The Web Api method is run and gets the results. But I don't see the results in the data service.
What is the best approach where the criteria for a query is multiple fields and some are lists? I haven't been able to find any good examples.
Here is the Web Api method:
public IEnumerable Post([FromBody] FrequentPawnerReportCriteria criteria)
var repo = new FrequentPawnerReport();
var result = repo.GetReport(criteria);
return result;
Here is the dataservice:
function getFrequentPawner(criteria) {
return $"/api/FrequentPawner/Post", criteria)
.then (getFrequentPawnerComplete)
function getFrequentPawnerComplete(response) {
var x = response
function getFrequentPawnerFailed(error) {
alert("XHR failed for frequent pawner report: " + error.responseText);
And here is the controller code:
function getTopPawnerResults(criteria) {
return DataContext.getFrequentPawner(criteria)
function (result) {
vm.frequentPawnerReport =;
return vm.frequentPawnerReport;
Simply use JSON. Use JSON.stringify() to parse JSON object to string and POST it. Similarly, return JSON string from server, and assign it to variable in Angular. It will be automatically converted to JSON object.
I think when you make your post request, you need to have a callback function that would get invoked when your Web Api returns. Within that callback function you can update your $scope variables which will make your web ui show the response from the server. You can find an example of what I mean here:$http
The gist of it:
method: 'POST',
url: '/path/to/your/web/api',
function(success) {
console.log('Successfully executed the api call');
$scope.response = response; // change this to match the data you are expecting from the server response
function(failure) {
console.error('There was an error');
$scope.failure = failure; // change this to match your failure response
Thanks for responding. The project is a mix of web forms and angularjs. I am migrating the app and didn't notice this form had a conflict which was causing a post back and making it look like the result was not being returned. I took the form into a separate project and was able to get the results I was going for.

Understanding BackboneJS flow

I have been given a Project which is written entirely in Backbone.js, which I am supposed to change according to our specific needs. I have been studying Backbone.js for the past 2 weeks. I have changed the basic skeleton UI and a few of the features as needed. However I am trying to understand the flow of the code so that I can make further changes.
Specifically, I am trying to search some content on Youtube. I have a controller which uses a collection to specify the url and parse and return the response. The code is vast and I get lost where to look into after I get the response. I tried to look into views but it only has a div element set. Could someone help me to proceed. I wont be able to share the code here, but a general idea of where to look into might be useful.
Code Snippet
],function( youtubeModelForSearch, Config, PagedCollection, CoreTV ) {
"use strict";
return PagedCollection.extend({
model: youtubeModelForSearch,
initialize: function() {
this.url = '';
fetch: function(options) {
if (options === undefined) options = {};
if ( === undefined) = {};
// = Config.getCMDCHost();
//CoreTV.applyAccessToken(options);, options);
parse: function(response) {
var temp = response.feed
/*temp["total"] = 20;
temp["start"] = 0;
temp["count"] = 10; */
return temp.entry;
inputChangeFetch: function(query) {
if(query) { = query;
// = Config.api.region;
// = Config.api.catalogueId;
Let's assume your collection endpoint is correctly set and working. When you want to get the data from the server you can call .fetch() on you collection.
When you do this, it will trigger an request event. Your views or anybody else can listen to it to perform any action.
When the data arrives from the server, your parse function is called, it is set using set or reset, depending the options you passed along fetch(). This will trigger any event related to the set/reset (see the documentation). During set/reset, the data retrieved from your server will be parsed using parse (you can skip it, passing { parse: false }.
Right after that, if you passed any success callback to your fetch, it will be called with (collection, response, options) as parameters.
And, finally, it will trigger a sync event.
If your server does not respond, it will trigger an error event instead of all this.
Hope, I've helped.

How to mock get(id) requests

I am building an application prototype and try to mock the REST web-services.
Here is my code:
var mock = angular.module('mock', ['ngMockE2E']);$httpBackend){
users = [{id:1,name:'John'},{id:2,name:'Jack'}];
$httpBackend.whenGET(new RegExp('\\/users\\/[0-9]+')).respond(users[0]);
Everything is ok, my resource User.query() returns all users, and User.get({id:1}) and User.get({id:2}) returns the same user (John).
Now to improve my prototype, I would like to return the appropriate user, matching the good id.
I read in the angular documentation I should be able to replace the RegExp URI by a function. The idea is to extract the id from the url to use it in respond method.
I then tried this:
$httpBackend.whenGET(new function(url){
var regexp = new RegExp('\\/users\\/([0-9]+)');
id = url.match(regexp)[1];
return regexp.test(url);
The problem is the url parameter is always undefined. Any idea to achieve my goal?
By using new function(url) your app tries to instantiate a new object from your anonymous function and pass that new object as the first argument of the $httpBackend.whenGET() call.
Of course, at the time of calling whenGET() no URL is provided, thus it is always undefined.
You should pass the function itself (and not an object instanciated using the function). E.g.:
$httpBackend.whenGET(function (url) {
After some more digging it turned out that the option to pass a function as the first argument to whenGET was added in version 1.3.0-beta.3. The docs you were reading probably referred to the latest beta version, while you were using an earlier version.
(Note that even versions 1.3.0-beta.1 and 2 did not provide this option.)
Without getting into much detail, responsible for verifying a matching URL is MockHttpExpectation's matchUrl method:
function MockHttpExpectation(method, url, data, headers) {
this.matchUrl = function(u) {
if (!url) return true;
if (angular.isFunction(url.test)) return url.test(u);
if (angular.isFunction(url)) return url(u); // <<<<< this line does the trick
return url == u;
The line if (angular.isFunction(url)) return url(u); is the one that gives the option to directly pass a function and was added in version 1.3.0-beta.3 (as already mentioned).
But, if you still want to pass a function to a previous AngularJS version, you could "trick" angular into believing you passed a RegExp, by providing an object with a test method.
I.e. replace:
.whenGET(function (url) {...})
.whenGET({test: function (url) {...}})
See, also, this short demo.
I found a solution by using a function in the respond part instead of the when part:
$httpBackend.whenGET(new RegExp('\\/users\\/[0-9]+')).respond(
function(method, url){
var regexp = new RegExp('\\/users\\/([0-9]+)');
var mockId = url.match(regexp)[1];
return [200, users[mockId]];

AngularJS preprocess specific $http requests

I'm sending a model to server via $, but, say, empty dates must be deleted, ids must be converted to int, in float values comma must be replaced with dot. These are restrictions of the server-side json api, so I'm looking for a way to modify $http request. Complicated part is that the modification rules depend on a api method name, which itself is a part of request.
The most straightforward way is to declare a modifying function and pass model to that function right before $
$scope.method1Adapter = function(model) {
var data = angular.copy(model);
// 30 lines of modification code
return data;
$"/api", {method: "method1", "data": $scope.method1Adapter($})
but I think it's a little bit spaghettysh.
Better way is a factory that gets a method name and returns an adapter callback.
coreApp.factory("httpAdapter", function() {
return {
get: function (method) {
if (method == 'method1') {
return function (model) {
var data = angular.copy(model);
// modifications
return data;
} else {
return function (model) {
return model;
so i can add this to $httpProvider.defaults.transformRequest callbacks chain
coreApp.config(function($httpProvider, httpAdapterProvider) {
$httpProvider.defaults.transformRequest.unshift(function(post) {
if (post && && { = httpAdapterProvider.$get().get(post.method)(post.method);
And still I don't like that, because api for my application has 16 methods, and it would require 5 adapters which is about 100 lines of code hard to maintain.
Any ideas about more clean and neat solution? Thank you.
I wouldn't chain adapters here because, as you said, it would be hard to maintain.
My advice would be to use the $http interceptors (not the responseInterceptors, which are deprecated, but the normal one, see$http).
Notice in that you have access to the "config" object that has the request url, amongst other interesting properties.
It won't be superneat but at least the problem can be contained in one isolated part of your codebase.

How to not make backbone.js use the save response as model attributes

So when I save a model on the backend, My api send back a response telling everything went fine and giving you some other pointers in json format
My problem is that backbone think I want to use that response as attributes of my model and automatically dump them in the model attributes..
I just saved it on the front-end and do not want to save the attributs again.
That is the what Backbone.Model.parse is for. By default, it is just a pass-through, so you don't need to call "super".
Let's say you only care about two properties that come back (id and foo) and you don't care about anything else:
var myModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
parse : function(resp, xhr) {
return {
Note that I included "id" in my example. It is really important that creates (POST) return an id property. Without it, the Backbone model won't know how to update/delete in the future. Even if it has a different name for id (like "objectId"), you should still set the id in this function.
Indeed that's the default behaviour, and if you want to change it, you have to overwrite some Backbone functions.
Looking at how save is implemented, you have two options - either overwrite save for your model, or overwrite parse to make it aware of the data you are sending.
Or, you could give up sending the 'pointers' in the response, because an empty response means that the model does not change after save.
I have the exact issue you are encountering. Backbone is a pretty young framework with the additional fact that javascript is really dynamic. So the saying that there are a thousand ways to solve a problem applies really well here.
I think a more suitable way to go about this is to employ something called Mixins. Here's what I did:
], function (_, Backbone, $) {
return {
parse: function(response, xhr){
var data = response;
if(response.response && response.response.status != 0){
return {};
if(response.response &&
data = _.first(;
if(typeof data == 'undefined'){
return, data);
return data;
As you can see, I've overridden the Backbone.Model.parse prototype method and came up with my own that takes in a response. And parse the response according to my server's spec. In you case, you would implement whatever it takes to understand your server's response.
With the ground work out of the way, specifying a model is very easy:
var group = Backbone.Model.extend(
_.extend({}, ModelMixin, {
initialize:function () {
return group;
Voila! All the parse methods and checks that you need to write is encapsulated in that one ModelMixin "superclass".
