How to get a year datepicker in AngularJS Material? - angularjs

Are there any md-year pickers available? if yes, please share me some links. If no, then is it possible to turn a md-datepicker into a year picker?
I have tried with a normal one with giving modes, types of models etc but no useful output.

In the docs on <md-datepicker>, there is an option for a year picker by using the md-current-view attribute, setting it to either year or month:
md-placeholder="Enter Date">


Disable weekends and previous dates - AngularJS

I am using the below code to insert a date picker text box.
<script src=""></script>
function MainController($scope) {
$ = new Date();
<body ng-app>
<div ng-controller="MainController">
<input type="date" ng-model="date" value="{{ date | date: 'yyyy/MM/dd' }}" />
Angular JS Calendar
I would like to if the below is possible to implement;
A. disable weekends selection
B. disable previous dates (starting yesterday)
C. disable 4 days including today (ex. if today is 12 then from 12 to 17 should be disabled - which includes weekends as well that are already disabled)
I have done this using JQuery Datepicker but not able to do it with AngularJS. Please help.
Attached screenshot of Jquery Datepicker.
Here you are relying on browsers' implementation of <input>, which is not very powerful. Using this, you can't grey out specific dates, only ranges using min and max attributes (which makes your B objective achievable).
There are several solutions from the AJS community, including:
ui-date, apparently a copy-paste of jQuery's picker you're used to (read the warnings though, they don't sell it as the best solution)
UI Bootstrap's datepicker seems more powerful and is referred to by ui-date's page - yet I don't see how you'd achieve A and C objectives using its options
the proven md-datepicker, which allows you to achieve B with md-min-date and md-max-date, and to achieve A, B and C with md-date-filter; demos are here (my personal favorite, in case it's not obvious enough ^^)

Angular JS material date picker not showing date correctly?

Hello I have an issue with angular js material date picker not showing date correctly cause it's always one day less than the selected date. Here is my date picker
<md-datepicker ng-model="ctrl.myDate" md-placeholder="Enter date" ></md-datepicker>
Is there a way to fix this? Please check this codepen:

How to Disable to date based upon choosing from date

I am using md-date picker in angular js ng-material.I want to show the To date based upon From date.(Eg.If am selecting Aug 27, 2018, in From date-column then I have to disable before 27aug 2018 in the To date picker.Here am disabling past date in From Date column using md-min-date="vm.minDate" For this vm.min date i write code in controller
md-placeholder="Date From"></md-datepicker>
md-placeholder="Date To"></md-datepicker>
Please provide any solution for me.How to disable To date based upon choosing date in from date
Without the full code, it's hard to know for sure, but based on the fragment above
md-placeholder="Date To">

Angular Material Datepicker md-current-view not working

I'm using Angular Material Datepicker, and I'm trying to display the "year" view (which display months instead of days) when opening the datepicker :
<md-datepicker required ng-model="departureDate"
md-placeholder="Date de départ"
md-open-on-focus class="col-md-6"></md-datepicker>
<md-datepicker required ng-model="leavingDate"
md-placeholder="Date de retour"
md-open-on-focus class="col-md-6"></md-datepicker>
However, It doesnt work. I searched over the git repo issues, didn't find any solution about that, nor any reason why it behave like this.
I had exactly the same issue and was using version 1.1.0.
I upgraded to 1.1.8 and the issue was fixed straight away.
Hope that helps,

date formatting is painful across the browsers

In my project I am using angularJS and momentJS for fixing the painful date formating part. I have two scenarios, here we go:
Retrieving the date from db and rendering it in UI:
I am getting the response from service in this formate "2016-01-31T20:30:00.000Z". I am using the above and rendering the date and time separately in the following way in UI
<input ng-model="data.startDate" type="date" name="startDate" disabled>
<input ng-model="data.startDate" type="time" name="startTime" disabled>
Its displaying like the image attached below
Its being displayed as YYYY-MM-DD in firefox and in the chrome as DD-MM-YYYY. I want to use the same object for displaying the date and time maintaining the date formate across all the browsers. How it can be achieved ?
I am using this datepicker. When the user selects the date I want show the date in the same format. In this scenario date and time inputs are taken separately and combined in the background.
So can someone help me in fixing the issue.
Convert all date format into string like .ToString("YYYY-MM-DD")
Format datepicker as dateFormat: "yyyy-mm-dd"
