Smartgit : not a DIRC file error - smartgit

Today when I first tried to open a repository in Smartgit, it threw Executing a command failed "not a DIRC file" error. No idea what it means. I haven't done anything fancy besides pushing changes to bitbucket and now I cannot do that because it won't even open the repository.
How can I fix this?


Error message: Another git process seems to be running in this repository, e.g. an editor opened by 'git commit'

I'm working on a project in React and trying to make a commit to my github repository but can't because of this error:
Another git process seems to be running in this repository, e.g.
an editor opened by 'git commit'. Please make sure all processes
are terminated then try again. If it still fails, a git process
may have crashed in this repository earlier:
remove the file manually to continue.
Does anyone know how to fix this??

ERROR in EPERM: operation not permitted, open

I have a react application that starts up fine and has been running for some time now however now when I go to make any edits I am met with the following error....
ERROR in EPERM: operation not permitted, open 'C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\ApplicantApp\FrontEnd\build\node_modules.cache.eslintcache'
Any ideas how to fix?
My exact error was
"ERROR in [eslint] EPERM: operation not permitted, open
and I solved it like this: In Windows, I right clicked for folder properties on the folder Y:\Caido\Dev\CaidoWebFramework\caido_nodejs\node_modules.cache and unchecked ReadOnly and Hidden.
But I don't really understand what heappened because:
if I reopen the folder properties again the ReadOnly and Hidden boxes are not changed even if I just saved the same dialog with both checkboxes unchecked.
the message is about a file that can't be opened and I don't know why these atributtes would affect the behaviour.
Still I'm sure that after I uncheckd these checkboxes for the first time the problem dissapeared.
ERROR in [eslint] EPERM: operation not permitted, open 'D:\CODING\web dev\projects 2.0\portfolio 2.0\frontend_react\node_modules.cache.eslintcache'
For this just go into the path and delete the .eslintcache file, npm will create
a new file without any problem.
this problem is created because of running build commands over and over again and when you try to push git commands and all atleast in my case
but after doing all this it is solved so enjoy ....
Seems like you don't have the permission to edit within the folder. You need to give yourself the permission to edit C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\ApplicantApp\FrontEnd. Depending on which Operating System you are using, allowing edit permission might vary. For Mac OS, you need to check the permission of each folder of the whole path 'C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\ApplicantApp\FrontEnd\build\node_modules.cache.eslintcache'.
Then, you can remove node_modules folder, and then build it again with npm install (or yarn/Gulp depends on which package manager you are using to build).
I'm not sure if it will fix you problem, but no problem in trying :) Best of luck.

Execute a Workflow KNIME with a Batch file

I would like to execute a workflow KNIME with a Batch file but i have an error :
ERROR KNIME-Worker-2 Call Local Workflow Execute failed : java.lang.NullPointerException
My workflow knime work well on Knime but i don't know why I have this error.
This is my Batch file :
"C:\Program Files\KNIME\knime.exe" -nosave -consoleLog -noexit -nosplash -reset
-application org.knime.product.KNIME_BATCH_APPLICATION
Knime report Java :
Java was started but returned exit code = 4
I'm not find solution. Can you help me ?
If you run the command without options, e.g. eclipsec.exe -consoleLog -noexit -nosplash -launcher.suppressErrors -application org.knime.product.KNIME_BATCH_APPLICATION
then you will see a list of the available options and the java return codes. In particular, return code 4 indicates if an error during execution occurred
Often this sort of problem can be fixed by openning the workflow in the KNIME desktop, checking for any errors, reset the workflow and save it again, as an error during loading (e.g partially executed loops to pick a common one) could cause problems. Then try re-loading the workflow in the KNIME desktop and check no errors during load are recorded during the console. Also, adding the option --launcher.suppressErrors to your command line can sometimes avoid issues like this.

Cakebake not working

I am using cakephp-2.4.4 When I have backed my project in console this giving me below error
myphp version :5.4.12
If any body face this types of problem.Please help me to solve it.
I can ensure there is no any problem in environment variable.I have checked.
Bake is run in Console directory.Try in app/Console
Call Console cake
In the early days it was recommended to put cake in your path so you could type cake anywhere. Eventually this was realised to be a bad idea, it's not the recomended way to do things any more instead use the executable that's in your application:
> cd my\app
> Console\cake
Welcome to CakePHP v2.x.x Console
Read the error message
If using the correct executable doesn't immediately fix the problem - read the error message. It's not possible to say more as the image in the question truncates the output, however it contains:
<title>... Errors</title>
This in an indication that the output is a cakephp error i.e. the html you're seeing is the result of a fatal error of some kind (e.g. a missing plugin, model or other class).
Read the error message (or open app\tmp\error.log and read it there), address the problem and Console\cake will work as expected.

Can't start Apache2, could not open error log file

Ok, so I have a related question posted here, but I feel like this is a separate issue.
Every time I try to run
apache2 -k start
I get the error
(2)No such file or directory: apache2: could not open error log file /etc/apache2/${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log.
So after extensive research and browsing through configuration files, I am fairly certain that the path shown in the error message above should simply be
which is the exact path in my <VirtualHost> file for error logging. Something is prepending /etc/apache2/ onto the error log path, resulting in a final path of /etc/apache2//var/apache2/log/error.log, and I cannot for the life of me find out why that is.
I don't care what I need to do, whether it's disabling logging, finding the source of the prepended path, or reinstalling apache2, as long as I don't have to reinstall my entire OS. I have been at this for hours, and I'd really like an answer.
See if starting apache with the following command helps--
service apache2 start
