how create select box using Array object json in angular js? - angularjs

I am trying to displaying country names from json object. json data looking collection of array object, this object using ng-repeat iterating that json data and displaying into select box. i tried bellow code.
$scope.countries = [
"AT": "Austria"
"CI": "Côte d'Ivoire"
"CG": "Congo"
"SV": "El Salvador"
"IN": "India"
"SX": "Sint Maarten (Dutch part)"
"SZ": "Swaziland"
"CH": "Switzerland"
"AE": "United Arab Emirates"
<select ng-model="counryNames" >
<option ng-repeat="(key,country) in countries" value="{{key}}">{{country[key]}}</option>

Change your ng-repeat as, you should access the key of countries not country
<option ng-repeat="(key, value) in countries" value="{{key}}">{{countries[key]}}</option>
angular.module("myapp", [])
.controller("MyController", function($scope) {
$scope.countries = [{
"AT": "Austria"
}, {
"CI": "Côte d'Ivoire"
}, {
"CG": "Congo"
}, {
"SV": "El Salvador"
}, {
"IN": "India"
}, {
"SX": "Sint Maarten (Dutch part)"
}, {
"SZ": "Swaziland"
}, {
"CH": "Switzerland"
}, {
"AE": "United Arab Emirates"
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src=""></script>
<body ng-app="myapp">
<div ng-controller="MyController">
<option ng-repeat="(key, value) in countries" value="{{key}}">{{countries[key]}}</option>


how to set default value for angular chosen

I want to set my angular chosen with default value from my response. also my Angular chosen dropdown values also coming from AJAX response. I tried ng-init and pointing the value with respect to index. But no luck.
<select ng-init=" = cities[currentLocationIdx]"
chosen ng-model=""
ng-options=" for cities in cities" required>
<option value="">Select a Location</option>
$ = "Bangalore";
$scope.currentLocationIdx = $scope.cities.findIndex( city => === $ );
"name": "South Andaman"
"name": "Nicobar"
"name": "Adilabad"
"name": "Anantapur"
"name": "Chittoor"
"name": "East Godavari"
"name": "Bangalore"
You just need to declare your variable as obj in controller like this:
$scope.model = {};
Try this below updated code. Its working at my end with chosen library.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<body ng-app="app" ng-controller="ctrl">
<select name="mySelect" id="mySelect" chosen
ng-options=" for city in cities track by"
<script src="../lib/angular.js"></script>
<script src=""></script>
var app = angular.module('app', []);
app.controller('ctrl', function ($scope) {
$scope.cities = [
"name": "South Andaman"
"name": "Nicobar"
"name": "Adilabad"
"name": "Anantapur"
"name": "Chittoor"
"name": "East Godavari"
"name": "Bangalore"
$ = { "name": "Bangalore" };

How to populate select ng-options with JSON object that has an string array?

currently I have this JSON object:
"hospitalId" : "0002",
"name" : "test form",
"procedureId" : "0002-testform",
"steps" : [
"title" : "Brand",
"value" : [
"title" : "Procedure type",
"value" : [
And I need to display it on a multiselect, like this:
<strong>Procedure type</strong>
They need to be ordered by steps.title and by steps.value, the thing is: I can't figure out how to display them correctly with a <select ng-options> tag, this is what I've tried:
<select multiple ng-model="step" ng-options="step[0].value group by step.title for step in loadedSteps.steps " ></select>
Gives me: Brand undefined
<select multiple ng-model="step" ng-options="step.value group by step.title for step in loadedSteps.steps | orderBy:['value']"></select>
Gives me: Brand [jonson, smith, braun]
Also I've tried with a nested <option> but it doesn't have ordering...
Any help would be very appreciated, thanks in advance
Here is the answer you are looking for.
You should use two ng-repeat, first for displaying title and other for displaying values inside the title.
The first ng-repeat starts with the title and ends with the values in that title.
var app = angular.module('myApp', []);
app.controller('myCtrl', function($scope) {
$scope.names =
"hospitalId": "0002",
"name": "test form",
"procedureId": "0002-testform",
"steps": [{
"title": "Brand",
"value": [
}, {
"title": "Procedure type",
"value": [
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src=""></script>
<div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="myCtrl">
<div >
<option ng-repeat-start="step in names.steps | orderBy:'title'" ng-bind="step.title"></option>
<option ng-repeat-end ng-repeat="opt in step.value | orderBy:'step.value':true" ng-bind="' - ' + opt"></option>
Please run this snippet
HEre is a plunker

Sort subarrays in array with AngularJS

If I have a dataset that contains an array of objects, with each object having an array inside of them, how can I sort the subarrays by their properties? For example, here is some sample music data, it has 2 albums with tracks within them:
albums: [
type: "album",
name: "Brothers",
tracks: [
type: "track",
name: "Everlasting Light"
type: "track",
name: "Next Girl"
type: "track",
name: "Tighten Up"
type: "album",
name: "Listen",
tracks: [
type: "track",
name: "Around Town"
type: "track",
name: "Forgive & Forget"
The result would look like this:
- Around Town
- Everlasting Light
- Forgive & Forget
- Next Girl
- Tighten Up
Is there any way I can use an ng-repeat to create an alphabetically sorted list of music tracks?
I'd imagine it working something like below, but I tried with no success.
<p ng-repeat="track in albums.tracks">{{}}</p>
Since you need only the tracks of albums, you should merge all the tracks in a single array and then just sort it alphabetically. Here's is a snippet working:
var app = angular.module('app', []);
app.controller('mainCtrl', function($scope) {
$scope.albums = [
"name":"Everlasting Light"
"name":"Next Girl"
"name":"Tighten Up"
"name":"Around Town"
"name":"Forgive & Forget"
$scope.tracks = [];
angular.forEach($scope.albums, function(value) {
$scope.tracks = $scope.tracks.concat(value.tracks);
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html ng-app="app">
<script src="">
<body ng-controller="mainCtrl">
<div ng-repeat="track in tracks | orderBy:'name'">
<span ng-bind=""></span>
You can use the orderby filter to sort your list based on a property. The angular website has more info on this
Here is a plunker that might help,
You can use the filter directly in your html to sort by a property.
<div ng-repeat="album in albums">
<div ng-repeat="track in album.tracks | orderBy:'name'">

AngularJS - How do I filter an array of 'deep' objects given an array of values to filter by?

I am trying to filter my data which I am getting from a HTTP GET endpoint by an array of values
filters = ['Full Time', 'LinkedIn', ...]
The general structure of the response I am getting back is an array of objects where each object can look like this:
"preferences": {
"jobType": {
"type": "Full Time"
"profile": {
"additionalinfo": {
"organization": [
"name": "Google"
"name": "LinkedIn"
"university": [
"name": "UC Berkeley",
"degrees": [ {"name": "Computer Engineering"}]
So if I filter by ["Google", "Full Time"], the above object should be included.
Is there a built in filter to handle this?
I am having trouble writing the custom filter to handle such a heavily nested object.
Any ideas on how to implement this?
You can use built in filter like this jsfiddle
var myApp = angular.module("myApp", []);
myApp.controller("myCtrl", function($scope) {
$ = [{
"preferences": {
"jobType": {
"type": "Full Time"
"profile": {
"additionalinfo": {
"organization": [{
"name": "Google"
}, {
"name": "LinkedIn"
"university": [{
"name": "UC Berkeley",
"degrees": [{
"name": "Computer Engineering"
}, {
"preferences": {
"jobType": {
"type": "Remote"
"profile": {
"additionalinfo": {
"organization": [{
"name": "Yandex"
}, {
"name": "LinkedIn"
"university": [{
"name": "UC Berkeley",
"degrees": [{
"name": "Computer Engineering"
<script src=""></script>
<body ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="myCtrl">
<input ng-model="filterModelJobType" placeholder="filter jobType">
<input ng-model="filterModelJob" placeholder="filter job">
<table class="table table-striped table-bordered">
<tr ng-repeat="x in data|filter:{profile: {additionalinfo:{organization:{name:filterModelJob}}},preferences: {jobType:{type:filterModelJobType}}}">
<td>{{ $index + 1 | number }}</td>
<td class="text-center">{{ x.preferences.jobType.type }}</td>
<td class="text-left">
<div ng-repeat="org in x.profile.additionalinfo.organization">
<hr> {{}}
In the latest version of AngularJS
If there is nested object then
var foo = $filter('filter')($scope.welcome, {
additionalinfo: { name: 'google' }
Reference: GitHub issue

bind select from api using angularJS

I'm trying to populate a Select getting data from a webapi using ng-options.
Basically, my webapi returns the following JSON:
And I Need to generate options in a select displaying the name property, but with the id as value.
The problem is that I can't display my options using ng-options. Here's what I'm trying:
<html ng-app='app'>
<body ng-controller='DemoCtrl'>
<select ng-model="selectedTestAccount" ng-options=" for option in testAccounts">
<option value="">Select Account</option>
<script src=''></script>
angular.module('app', []).controller('DemoCtrl', function ($scope, $http) {
$scope.selectedTestAccount = null;
$scope.testAccounts = [];
method: 'GET',
url: '/api/values',
data: {}
}).success(function (result) {
$scope.testAccounts = JSON.parse(result.items);
I hope this helps you
angular.module("app", []);
angular.module("app").controller("ctrl", function($scope) {
$scope.testAccounts = [];
var youJson = [
{ "items": [{ "name": "X", "id": "your value for X" }, { "name": "Y", "id": "your value for Y" }] },
{ "items": [{ "name": "A", "id": "your value for A" }, { "name": "B", "id": "your value for B" }] }
angular.forEach(youJson, function(items) {
angular.forEach(items.items, function(item) {
<!doctype html>
<html ng-app="app" ng-controller="ctrl">
<select ng-model="mySelect" ng-options=" as for item in testAccounts"></select>
<script src=""></script>
