How to persist an Image with size, location, and rotation and then restore it? - wpf

In WPF, I have an image that is dropped onto an InkCanvas and added as a child:
ImageInfo image_Info = e.Data.GetData(typeof(ImageInfo)) as ImageInfo;
if (image_Info != null)
Image image = new Image();
image.Width = image_Info.Width * 4;
image.Stretch = Stretch.Uniform;
image.Source = new BitmapImage(image_Info.Uri);
Point position = e.GetPosition(ic);
InkCanvas.SetLeft(image, position.X);
InkCanvas.SetTop(image, position.Y);
Then by way of an adorner, the image is moved and resized. It is then persisted to a database as:
public List<string> Children;
var uiList = ic.Children.Cast<UIElement>().ToList();
foreach (var p in uiList)
string uis = System.Windows.Markup.XamlWriter.Save(p);
Children = s;
Children then being sent on to the database. The resulting record in the database shows as:
"<Image Source="pack://application:,,,/Images/Female - Front.png" Stretch="Uniform" Width="Auto" InkCanvas.Top="296" InkCanvas.Left="695" xmlns="" /> "
There is no reference to the new location, size, or rotation of the image--only its initial drop point. Recreating the image with xmlreader restores the image to its initial drop point and size.
foreach (string s in behavior.Children)
var stringReader = new StringReader(s);
var xmlReader = System.Xml.XmlReader.Create(stringReader, new System.Xml.XmlReaderSettings());
Image b = (Image)System.Windows.Markup.XamlReader.Load(xmlReader);
(The image source is packed as an application resource).
How can I persist the image with its size, location, and rotation and then restore it?

Either you can add additional fields to your DB Table for Size / Location / Rotation and store info there.
Or, you can add these fields together as comma(,) separated and store in Tag field of your Image control. <Image Tag="(120,230);(50,50);(-30)" ... />
You can also save entire manipulated image as byte[] in DB.
Please tell if this solves your problem at hand.


WPF event within a frame stored on a stackpanel

I need to recreate a program similar to whatsapp that can send and receive messages, images videos and audio. I have created a WPF form to show messages that looks like this:
I have a stack panel that contains text bubbles on them. Text messages work fine but if I send an image I want the user to be able to click on the image text bubble and it must become full screen. The image text bubble consists of a label that has a frame in it and then within that frame the image is stored. The label was used since we could resize the label.
However, because the image is done like this dynamically, we cannot seem to register an on-click event on this image bubble. If you have any better ways that we can display the image or how to log this event it would be much appreciated. Here is the method used to add the image.
public void AddMessage_Image(string path, string displayName, int role, string date = "")
//Create an image from the path
ImageBrush image = new ImageBrush();
image.ImageSource = new BitmapImage(new Uri(path, UriKind.Absolute));
image.Stretch = Stretch.Uniform;
//Create a frame in which to place the image
Frame fr = new Frame();
fr.Background = image;
fr.MinHeight = 120;
fr.MinWidth = 160;
//Ensure scalabilty of the image
Viewbox vb = new Viewbox();
vb.Child = fr;
vb.Stretch = Stretch.Uniform;
//Place the image in a sizable container
Label lbl = new Label();
lbl.MinHeight = 10;
lbl.MinWidth = 10;
lbl.MaxHeight = 300;
lbl.MaxWidth = 400;
lbl.Content = vb;
if (role == (int) Role.Sender)
lbl.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Right;
lbl.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
lbl.Background = Brushes.Black;
//Place the image in the chat

VisualBrush does "lazy evaluation"?

I create FixedDocument in more iterations (one page per iteration) like this:
PrintDialog pr = new PrintDialog();
FixedDocument doc = new FixedDocument();
foreach(var i in a)
// some changes of MaingGrid here
VisualBrush vb = new VisualBrush(this.MainGrid);
FixedPage page = new FixedPage();
page.Width = doc.DocumentPaginator.PageSize.Width;
page.Height = doc.DocumentPaginator.PageSize.Height;
Rectangle rec = new Rectangle();
rec.Width = this.MainGrid.ActualWidth;
rec.Height = this.MainGrid.ActualHeight;
rec.Fill = vb;
PageContent content = new PageContent();
pr.PrintDocument(doc.DocumentPaginator, "test");
In each iteration I change the MainGrid a little. So each page should contain the actual state of MainGrid. But the printed document contains pages with same content of last iteration (in other words - the last state is on all pages in document). Is there any "lazy evaluation" of VisualBrush or something?
Call .Freeze() on the VisualBrush in each iteration. Otherwise, it will always be a live view of whatever visual you pointed it at.
EDIT: Freeze doesn't work but you can render the brush into a static bitmap. See

silverlight bing maps pushpin question

I'm trying to use the microsoft_maps_mapcontrol. I see how one could create a pushpin and the lat long location... but i can't figure out how to instead use an image in place of that pushpin. doesn't look like pushpin will allow using a different image. So, that being the case how do you create an image and then wire it to the proper spot. Once wired can will i be able to use an event for when that image is clicked on.
added 3/2/2010
I've looked at the example given at
and i must not be converting something correctly to vb.
Here is there code
Image image = new Image();
image.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri(ImageUriValue.Text, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute));
double opacity;
if (double.TryParse(OpacityText.Text, out opacity))
image.Opacity = opacity;
image.ImageFailed += MediaFailed;
Point point = GetPoint();
Canvas.SetLeft(image, point.X);
Canvas.SetTop(image, point.Y);
element = image;
and what i converted it to
Dim image As New Image()
image.Source = New BitmapImage(New Uri("\Images\1.png", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute))
Canvas.SetLeft(image, 100)
Canvas.SetTop(image, 100)
element = image
Hopefully that helps in spotting what i'm not doing correctly.
Here's a code snippet that should show you how to add an image.
public void addImageToMap()
MapLayer imageLayer = new MapLayer();
Image image = new Image();
//Define the URI location of the image
image.Source = new System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapImage(new Uri("myimage.png", UriKind.Relative));
//Define the image display properties
image.Opacity = 0.8;
image.Stretch = System.Windows.Media.Stretch.None;
//The map location to place the image at
Location location = new Location() { Latitude = -45, Longitude = 122 };
//Center the image around the location specified
PositionOrigin position = PositionOrigin.Center;
//Add the image to the defined map layer
imageLayer.AddChild(image, location, position);
//Add the image layer to the map

Silverlight specific Image shifting to the right

I am generating a set images to form a human body so that I can use for a physics engine.
The images generated are in a specific user control in where I set the dimentions and co-ordinates of each image. That usercontrol is then loaded in another user control but for some reason when the images are loaded, one specific image which I named (rightBicep) is shifting to the right. Here is a screenshot :
alt text
I illustrated the positions of the images with dotted lines, the green dotted line is refering to where the image should be located, and the red dotted line is where the image is being shown.
The weird thing is the image beneath it (called rightForearm) take's it's LeftPosition from it, and when during debugging they have the exact same leftProperty value. Here's the syntax :
public void generateRightBicep(string imageUrl)
rightBicep = new Image();
rightBicep.Name = CharacterName + "rightbicep";
Uri imageUri = new Uri(imageUrl, UriKind.Relative);
rightBicep.Source = new BitmapImage(imageUri);
rightBicep.ImageOpened += new EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs>(bodyPart_ImageOpened);
public void rightBicepLoaded()
var bi = waitTillImageLoad(rightBicep.Name);
rightBicep.Height = elbowToArmpit + (2 * palm);
rightBicep.Width = ratio(bi.PixelHeight, bi.PixelHeight, rightBicep.Height); // to be determined
Vector2 topVector;
topVector.X = (float)(Convert.ToDouble(torso.GetValue(Canvas.LeftProperty)) - palm);
topVector.Y = (float)(Convert.ToDouble(neck.GetValue(Canvas.TopProperty)) + neck.Height);
if (!faceRight)
perspectiveVectorHeight(ref topVector, ref rightBicep, torso.Width);
rightBicep.Width = ratio(bi.PixelHeight, bi.PixelHeight, rightBicep.Height);
rightBicep.SetValue(Canvas.LeftProperty, Convert.ToDouble(topVector.X));
rightBicep.SetValue(Canvas.TopProperty, Convert.ToDouble(topVector.Y));
rightBicep.SetValue(Canvas.ZIndexProperty, rightBicepZindex);
public void generateRightForearm(string imageUrl)
rightForearm = new Image();
rightForearm.Name = CharacterName + "rightforearm";
Uri imageUri = new Uri(imageUrl, UriKind.Relative);
rightForearm.Source = new BitmapImage(imageUri);
rightForearm.ImageOpened += new EventHandler<RoutedEventArgs>(bodyPart_ImageOpened);
public void rightForearmLoaded()
var bi = waitTillImageLoad(rightForearm.Name);
rightForearm.Height = (elbowToHandTip - handLength) + palm;
rightForearm.Width = ratio(bi.PixelHeight, bi.PixelWidth, rightForearm.Height);
Vector2 topVector;
if (faceRight)
topVector.X = (float)(Convert.ToDouble(rightBicep.GetValue(Canvas.LeftProperty)));
topVector.Y = (float)(Convert.ToDouble(rightBicep.GetValue(Canvas.TopProperty)) + rightBicep.Height - palm);
topVector.X = (float)(Convert.ToDouble(leftBicep.GetValue(Canvas.LeftProperty)));
topVector.Y = (float)(Convert.ToDouble(leftBicep.GetValue(Canvas.TopProperty)) + leftBicep.Height - palm);
perspectiveVectorHeight(ref topVector, ref rightForearm, torso.Width);
rightForearm.Width = ratio(bi.PixelHeight, bi.PixelWidth, rightForearm.Height);
rightForearm.SetValue(Canvas.LeftProperty, Convert.ToDouble(topVector.X));
rightForearm.SetValue(Canvas.TopProperty, Convert.ToDouble(topVector.Y));
rightForearm.SetValue(Canvas.ZIndexProperty, rightForearmZIndex);
Now all the values I am adding together are a group of doubles I preset, and the property faceRight is to dertmine if the human body is facing right or left to determine where the positions of the body parts (since if the right hand looks on the left hand side when the human body turns the other way).
If you notice the rightforearm is taking the leftproperty of the rightbicep, so technically it should display direcrly underneath which it isn't. I also debugged the user control and both have the left property of -3.
PS. I call the methods rightbicepLoaded and rightforearmLoaded when an event is called when all the imageOpened events all have been triggered.
Any ideas on why this is happening?
Found out why , in my method ratio it should take hieght and width, and I put and i put 2 hieghts instead

Printing a WPF FlowDocument

I'm building a demo app in WPF, which is new to me. I'm currently displaying text in a FlowDocument, and need to print it.
The code I'm using looks like this:
PrintDialog pd = new PrintDialog();
fd.PageHeight = pd.PrintableAreaHeight;
fd.PageWidth = pd.PrintableAreaWidth;
fd.PagePadding = new Thickness(50);
fd.ColumnGap = 0;
fd.ColumnWidth = pd.PrintableAreaWidth;
IDocumentPaginatorSource dps = fd;
pd.PrintDocument(dps.DocumentPaginator, "flow doc");
fd is my FlowDocument, and for now I'm using the default printer instead of allowing the user to specify print options. It works OK, except that after the document prints, the FlowDocument displayed on screen has changed to to use the settings I specified for printing.
I can fix this by manually resetting everything after I print, but is this the best way? Should I make a copy of the FlowDocument before I print it? Or is there another approach I should consider?
yes, make a copy of the FlowDocument before printing it. This is because the pagination and margins will be different. This works for me.
private void DoThePrint(System.Windows.Documents.FlowDocument document)
// Clone the source document's content into a new FlowDocument.
// This is because the pagination for the printer needs to be
// done differently than the pagination for the displayed page.
// We print the copy, rather that the original FlowDocument.
System.IO.MemoryStream s = new System.IO.MemoryStream();
TextRange source = new TextRange(document.ContentStart, document.ContentEnd);
source.Save(s, DataFormats.Xaml);
FlowDocument copy = new FlowDocument();
TextRange dest = new TextRange(copy.ContentStart, copy.ContentEnd);
dest.Load(s, DataFormats.Xaml);
// Create a XpsDocumentWriter object, implicitly opening a Windows common print dialog,
// and allowing the user to select a printer.
// get information about the dimensions of the seleted printer+media.
System.Printing.PrintDocumentImageableArea ia = null;
System.Windows.Xps.XpsDocumentWriter docWriter = System.Printing.PrintQueue.CreateXpsDocumentWriter(ref ia);
if (docWriter != null && ia != null)
DocumentPaginator paginator = ((IDocumentPaginatorSource)copy).DocumentPaginator;
// Change the PageSize and PagePadding for the document to match the CanvasSize for the printer device.
paginator.PageSize = new Size(ia.MediaSizeWidth, ia.MediaSizeHeight);
Thickness t = new Thickness(72); // copy.PagePadding;
copy.PagePadding = new Thickness(
Math.Max(ia.OriginWidth, t.Left),
Math.Max(ia.OriginHeight, t.Top),
Math.Max(ia.MediaSizeWidth - (ia.OriginWidth + ia.ExtentWidth), t.Right),
Math.Max(ia.MediaSizeHeight - (ia.OriginHeight + ia.ExtentHeight), t.Bottom));
copy.ColumnWidth = double.PositiveInfinity;
//copy.PageWidth = 528; // allow the page to be the natural with of the output device
// Send content to the printer.
You can use the code from the URL below, it wraps the flow document in a fixed document and prints that, the big advantage is that you can use it to add margin, headers and footers.
The following works with both text and non-text visuals:
//Clone the source document
var str = XamlWriter.Save(FlowDoc);
var stringReader = new System.IO.StringReader(str);
var xmlReader = XmlReader.Create(stringReader);
var CloneDoc = XamlReader.Load(xmlReader) as FlowDocument;
//Now print using PrintDialog
var pd = new PrintDialog();
if (pd.ShowDialog().Value)
CloneDoc.PageHeight = pd.PrintableAreaHeight;
CloneDoc.PageWidth = pd.PrintableAreaWidth;
IDocumentPaginatorSource idocument = CloneDoc as IDocumentPaginatorSource;
pd.PrintDocument(idocument.DocumentPaginator, "Printing FlowDocument");
I am also generating a WPF report off a Flow document, but I am purposely using the flow document as a print preview screen. I there for want the margins to be the same. You can read about how I did this here.
In your scenario I'm thinking why not just make a copy of your settings, instead of the entire flow document. You can then re-apply the settings if you wish to return the document back to it's original state.
