Can't Track Outbound Links with Google Analytics's Suggested Approach - analytics

I'm doing everything described on this Google help page to try and get to track it's outbound links, but it doesn't seem to report anything.
I copied the code as they list it and in the right places. I changed my tracking id accordingly and I'm 99.99% sure there's no conflicting code in the rest of the page.
Anyone else having this issue or have any tips on where to search for and fix errors??? Thank you!


Blogger Dynamic Views MOSAIC theme: how to fix page auto-scrolling bug?

My website is based on the Blogger Dynamic Views MOSAIC theme.
This theme has a bug whereby when you are scrolling a page in the site, the page suddenly jumps back to the top. This bug is present only on mobile devices (Phone and Tablet). On Desktop /Laptops it is fine.
Two years ago a contributor on StackOverflow had kindly helped me fix the bug, and the site was working perfectly fine. However, In the last few months the site has stopped working - it doesn't load at all, and all one can see is a blank screen. I have not tampered with the site at all in the last two years, and in fact two other sites I have with the same coding also do not load.
I do not know whether Blogger has changed the coding of this Template recently, or whether there is some other reason the sites do not load.
The link to the StackOverflow page where that contributor had helped me fix the bug is How to stop a Page from auto-scrolling UP on Mobile devices? (using Blogger Dynamic Views “Mosaic” template)
Unfortunately the contributor who had originally helped me is no longer on StackOverflow, hence I am unable to ask for his help again.
I would be most grateful if someone else would kindly help me fix the site not loading issue. Thanks.

Wagtail-Localize translated home page not connected to site

So the problem is simple:
Translated home page is not connected to any site. Everything is working kind of properly, I can open translated pages manually like this: /en/.... But for example there is no LIVE button on the translated page, to which i'm used to.
This is the main home page, my site defaults to.
And this is translated home page.
Also in the explorer, it shows a warning that this page is not connected to any site, which I think should not be.
Here in the red boxes it was written in what language each page is.
This is not a very big deal, but it's a little bit annoying and I'm planning to release this site in production soon, so editors may not understand which page to edit. How can I fix this? Maybe there is a way to change something in the database, so translated home pages are properly connected to the main home page?
I tried to delete database and remigrate everyting(which by the way gave me this error, I fixed it by adding locale_id=1 to the migration), nothing worked. I think this happened when I changed LANGUAGE_CODE from en-us to ru-ru, I'm not sure, but deleting and remigrating database should have fixed it but it didn't. :(
Somebody with 1500 reputation please create a wagtail-localize tag xD
Of course, posted a question, answer came up... Nevermind, I think many people will find this Q&A useful.
So the problem was in wagtail_localize.locales app, I changed it to wagtail.locales and everything is working now, I thought these apps are basically the same thing, but I was wrong.
.url function on pages was not working too because of this issue. Just replace the app!
Hope this helps! :P

Piwik (Matomo) creating multiple visits in single session

One visit is getting broken down into multiple visits (10+ in some cases).
I’m pretty sure that it’s the same session because all the visit data is identical. Most visits have single action/event.
There can’t be a visit with single Event.
Event is only triggered after the page is loaded. Hence, it would have at least 1 additional page action.
Did anyone face this issue before? Any idea about how to fix this?
Make sure you're using latest Matomo version. if you can reproduce the issue consistently, for example create a small HTML page with the code to reproduce, then create a bug report at: and the team will investigate.

Products not appearing under content in admin in Drupal Commerce

I am importing products using Commerce Feeds. The products appear just fine on the front end and via Store > Products in the admin. However no products appear under Content in the admin area. I have tried clearing out the database, re-importing, re-indexing, flushing caches - nothing works.
Also this is bizarre and seemingly un-related, however I noticed it around the same time I realized my products were not appearing in the admin - there is a strange whitespace above my admin menu bar - which only appears on the Content page (also coincidently the page giving me trouble.)
Using Commerce Kickstart (commerce_kickstart-7.x-2.0-rc1) (Would love to upgrade to the latest release but I am unsure how to do this without losing a great deal of work. I have not found a good upgrade document - please chime in if you know something I don't!)
I feel kind of stupid now. I edited the admin/content view and saw there was a filter criteria which caused it to not display nodes of type "product_display." Evidently this is intentional behavior. I am guessing you are only supposed to manage products from within the store tab. Still wish I could figure out the cause of the phantom whitespace at the top though.

Have problem with maintaining session in a Website sone in CakePHP

Well as I have posted earlier too...I have created a site in two languages.One with URL and other with are done in CakePHP,in french I have just changed the views of it to French.But the problem is,when anybody login's in English version and then switches to the French version,the session does'nt recognizes it and ask for login again.It has become to be the biggest bug in the Web application which I have done till far.How can manage this thing? Is there any way so that I can manage session on the same time?Please suggest me some thing,so that I can resolve this thing...!!!
Thanks in advance
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