no messages consumed from queue - apache-camel

I am trying to consume the message from Amazon SQS using camel.
<from uri="aws-sqs://{{aws.sqs.queue}}?amazonSQSClient=#sqsClient&delay=10000"/>
<to uri="bean:sqsQueueListener?method=consumeMessage(${body})"/>
The handler looks like this (I originally did not specify it in xml because annotation should have handle it but it did not work so I defined it directly)
class SqsQueueListener {
public void consumeMessage(List<Message> messages) {"Got messages: [{}].", messages);
Every 10 seconds I get the message regarding instantiation of AmazonSQS client in my application as it is trying to read from queue. But nothing happens then. I don't get the message about consumed messages.
What is the problem?

Have you added your handler to the registry attached to the camel context with the name "sqsClient"?


How to manually ack/nack a PubSub message in Camel Route

I am setting up a Camel Route with ackMode=NONE meaning acknowlegements are not done automatically. How do I explicitly acknowledge the message in the route?
In my Camel Route definition I've set ackMode to NONE. According to the documentation, I should be able to manually acknowledge the message downstream:
"AUTO = exchange gets ack’ed/nack’ed on completion. NONE = downstream process has to ack/nack explicitly"
However I cannot figure out how to send the ack.
My PubSub subscription has an acknowledgement deadline of 10 seconds and so my message keeps getting re-sent every 10 seconds due to ackMode=NONE. This is as expected. However I cannot find a way to manually acknowledge the message once processing is complete and stop the re-deliveries.
I was able to dig through the Camel components and figure out how it is done. First I created a GooglePubSubConnectionFactory bean:
public GooglePubsubConnectionFactory googlePubsubConnectionFactory() {
GooglePubsubConnectionFactory connectionFactory = new GooglePubsubConnectionFactory();
return connectionFactory;
Then I was able to reference the ack id of the message from the header:
#Header(GooglePubsubConstants.ACK_ID) String ackId
Then I used the following code to acknowledge the message:
List<String > ackIdList = new ArrayList<>();
AcknowledgeRequest ackRequest = new AcknowledgeRequest().setAckIds(ackIdList);
Pubsub pubsub = googlePubsubConnectionFactory.getDefaultClient();
pubsub.projects().subscriptions().acknowledge("projects/<my project>/subscriptions/<my subscription>", ackRequest).execute();
I think it is best if you look how the Camel component does it with ackMode=AUTO. Have a look at this class (method acknowledge)
But why do you want to do this extra work? Camel is your fried to simplify integration by abstracting away low level code.
So when you use ackMode=AUTO Camel automatically commits your successfully processed messages (when the message has successfully passed the whole route) and rolls back your not processable messages.

Resume Activiti task from Camel ActiveMQ route

I'm trying to send a message from an Activiti Camel task to an ActiveMQ queue, which should resume the activity when it is received by Camel. As I understand it, when the message is received from the queue lacks the properties that would enable it to be identified by Camel in order to be routed to the correct activity task.
As such a Business key is Null Exception is raised and the route fails.
As expected, if I hardcode either the PROCESS_ID_PROPERTY or the PROCESS_KEY_PROPERTY in the receiving route, the message is routed correctly (when the ID matches).
.setBody(constant("test body"))
.setProperty(PROCESS_ID_PROPERTY, constant("50"))
// .setProperty(PROCESS_KEY_PROPERTY, constant("CUSTOM-KEY"))
How can I get either property in the receiving route so I can set them accordingly?
Or is there a more recommended way to approach this?
A good question.
The way I handled this is to inject the PROCESS_KEY within the route using the setProperty() command:
See below where I set the process key (business key) to "bar":
.log(LoggingLevel.INFO, logMsg3)
Now, if you dont want to use a constant, then you have access to the exchange object within the route and can use an Expression as shown below:
Expression foo = new Expression() {
public <T> T evaluate(Exchange exchange, Class<T> aClass) {
return (T) "foo";
Hope this helps,

Is there a way to do content based routing on a message's exchange pattern in Camel 2.15?

I currently have a process that needs to do some routing based on a message's exchange pattern. If a message is InOut, then the route ends and whatever the message contains gets sent back to the callback location. If the message is InOnly then the message gets routed somewhere else. The code is below:
.process(new Processor(){
public void process(Exchange e) throws Exception {
e.getIn().setHeader("ExchangePattern", e.getPattern().name());
I know that in Camel 2.16 you can get the exchange pattern via the simple expression (exchange.getPattern.getName) but that's not available in 2.15. Is there a more elegant want do doing the routing or am I stuck with the ugly routing logic above?

Let Camel handle various URI types

I would like to write a Camel Route that gets in a URI (can be http, ftp, file, ...) and then fetches the data and stores it locally in a file.
This URI-String could be, for example:
Based on this string, the correct Camel Component should be used to access the data. Something like a case/switch in Java:
(1) Receive URI (from uri="vm:incomingUri")
(2) Chose "right" Camel Component
case HTTP: use Camel HTTP component
case FTP: use Camel FTP component
case JMS: use Camel JMS component
(3) Read data from that URI, using the "right" Camel component
(4) Store file locally (to uri="file://...)
From "vm:incomingUri" I read a String "ftp://localhost/example.txt". That what finally needs to happen now should be equivalent to this:
<from uri="ftp://localhost/example.txt"/>
<to uri="file://tmpDir/example.txt"/>
How would this look like in Camel?
I believe one difficulty will be that, for the components you mention (HTTP, FTP, file, JMS), you may want to use either a producer or a consumer:
FTP, File: definitely a consumer to read a file.
HTTP (or HTTP4): definitely a producer, to send a request to the server (the server's reply will by the new message body)
JMS: depends on wether you want to read from a queue (consumer), or send a message to a queue with a ReplyTo header, then wait for the answer (producer).
Producers :
If you are using Camel 2.16+, you can use the new "dynamic to" syntax. It's basically the same as a regular "to", except that the endpoint uri can be evaluated dynamically using a simple expression (or, optionnaly, another type of expression). Alternatively, you can use the enrich flavor of the content-enricher pattern, wich also supports dynamic uris starting with Camel 2.16.
If you are using an older version of Camel, or if you need to dynamically route to several endpoints (not just one), you can use the recipient list pattern.
Here's an exemple. We will transform the message body by calling an endpoint; the uri for that endpoint will be found in a header named TargetUri and will be evaluated dynamically for each message.
// An instance of this class is registered as 'testbean' in the registry. Instead of
// sending to this bean, I could send to a FTP or HTTP endpoint, or whatever.
public class TestBean {
public String toUpperCase(final String str) {
return str.toUpperCase();
// This route sends a message to our example route for testing purpose. Of course, we
// could send any message as long as the 'TargetUri' header contains a valid endpoint uri
// 1. The toD example :
// 2. The recipient list example :
// 3. The enrich example :
.enrich().simple("${header.TargetUri}") // add an AggregationStrategy if necessary
Consumers :
With Camel 2.16+, you can use the pollEnrich flavor of the content-enricher pattern.
For older versions of Camel, you can use a ConsumerTemplate in a processor.
// 4. The pollEnrich example (assuming the TargetUri header contains, e.g., a file
// or ftp uri) :
.pollEnrich().simple("${header.TargetUri}") // add an AggregationStrategy if necessary
// 5. The ConsumerTemplate example (same assumption as above)
.process(new Processor() {
public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception {
String uri = exchange.getIn().getHeader("TargetUri", String.class);
ConsumerTemplate consumer = exchange.getContext().createConsumerTemplate();
final Object data = consumer.receiveBody(uri);
Producer or consumer?
Sadly, I can't think of any really elegant solution to handle both - I think you will have to route to two branches based on the uri and known components... Here's the sort of thing I might do (with Camel 2.16+), it's not very pretty:
// This example only handles http and ftp endpoints properly
It is possible by using
<to uri="{{some.endpoint}}"/>
But you would require to add it in property .
<cm:property name="some.endpoint" value="SomeEndPoint"/>
And you can add any endpoint you want http, ftp, file, log, jms, vm etc.
Value of SomeEndPoint.
Log Component: log:mock
JMS Component: activemq:someQueueName
File Component: file://someFileShare
VMComponent: vm:toSomeRoute

dismiss message in Apache Camel

Hope this doesn't sound ridiculous, but how can I discard a message in Camel on purpose?
Until now, I sent them to the Log-Component, but meanwhile I don't even want to log the withdrawal.
Is there a /dev/null Endpoint in Camel?
You can use the message filter eip to filter out unwanted messages.
There is no dev/null, component.
Also there is a < stop /> you can use in the route, and when a message hit that, it will stop continue routing.
And the closest we got on a dev/null, is to route to a log, where you set logLeve=OFF as option.
With credit to my colleague (code name: cayha)...
You can use the Stub Component as a camel endpoint that is equivalent to /dev/null.
Although I am not aware of the inner workings of this component (and if there are dangers for memory leaks, etc), it works for me and I can see no drawbacks in doing it this way.
one can put uri/mock-uri to the config using property component
<camelContext ...>
<propertyPlaceholder id="properties" location="ref:myProperties"/>
// properties
# cool.end=result
// route
I'm a little late to the party but you can set a flag on the exchange and use that flag to skip only that message (by calling stop) if it doesn't meet your conditions.
public void configure() throws Exception {
.process(new Processor() {
public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception {
exchange.setProperty("skip", false);
byte[] messageBytes = exchange.getIn().getBody(byte[].class);
if (<shouldNotSkip>) {
} else { //skip
exchange.setProperty("skip", true);
I am using activemq route and needs to send reply in normal cases, so exchange pattern is InOut. When I configure a filter in the route I find that even it does not pass message to next step, the callback is executed(sending reply), just same as the behavior when calling stop(). And it will send the same message back to reply queue, which is not desirable.
What I do is to change the exchange pattern to InOnly conditionally and stop if I want to filter out the message, so reply is not sent. MAIN_ENDPOINT is a direct:main endpoint I defined to include normal business logic.
from("activemq:queue:myqueue" + "?replyToSameDestinationAllowed=true")
.log(LoggingLevel.INFO, "Correlation id is: ${header.JMSCorrelationID}; will ignore if not null")
.when(simple("${header.JMSCorrelationID} == null"))
Note that this message is also consumed and not in the queue anymore. If you want to preserve the message in the queue(not consuming it), you may just stop() or just filter() so the callback(sending reply which is the original message) works, putting the message back to the queue.
Using only filter() would be much simpler:
from("activemq:queue:myqueue" + "?replyToSameDestinationAllowed=true")
.log(LoggingLevel.INFO, "Correlation id is: ${header.JMSCorrelationID}; will ignore if not null")
.filter(simple("${header.JMSCorrelationID} == null"))
