how to push data in inside array mongodb? - arrays

i am trying to push array in document array my collection is
"_id": "58eed81af6f8e3788de703f9",
"first_name": "abc",
"vehicles": {
"exhibit": "18",
"title": "Motor Velicle Information for Donald French",
"details": [
"year": "",
"make_model": "",
"registered_owner": "",
"license_number": "",
"date_of_purchase": "",
"purchase_price": ""
so what i want is to push data in details for that i had try like this
and for this i create one schema i don't know is right or not
var licSchema = new SimpleSchema({
optional: false,
"vehicles.details.year": {
type: String,
label: "year",
optional: true,
"vehicles.details.make_model": {
type: String,
label: "make_model",
optional: true,
where is my fault please give me solution .
Error Uncaught Error: After filtering out keys not in the schema, your modifier is now empty

You can try this. AddToSet should be the right way.
const schema = new SimpleSchema({
"vehicles.details.$.year": {
type: String,
label: "year",
optional: true,
"vehicles.details.$.make_model": {
type: String,
label: "make_model",
optional: true,
"vehicles.details": data


Matching and update complex data mongodb object inside array inside object inside array inside object working with complex data

I hava a mongo object that's looking like this
username: "user1",
id: "1",
Notifications: {
history: {
Messages: [Object],
Collections: [{
Post: "text here",
likes: [{
likedID: 8997,
like: false
likedID: 988890,
like: false
Comment: "text here",
likes: [{
likedID: 6898554,
like: false
likedID: 333554321,
like: false
username: "user2",
id: "2",
Notifications: {
history: {
Messages: [Object],
Collections: [{
Post: "text here",
likes: [{
likedID: 1245,
like: false
likedID: 5675,
like: false
i need to find and updata the value of like inside the object where likedID is 1245
How can i do that in mongodb
Here's what i have tried
"Notifications..history.Collections": {
"$all": [{
"$elemMatch": {
likes: {
"$all": [{
"$elemMatch": {
likedID: 1245
}, {
"$set": {
"Notifications.history.Collections.$.likes": {
like: true
I searched a lot but i can't find the solution and it's really complicated so how can i perform this task
Since you are querying across two arrays, you need the positional filter operator and arrayFilter option. You also need something to identify the "parent" of the like, here I use Post - but probably you want something like postID.
You can read more here:
{"Notifications.history.Collections.Post": "text here"},
$set: {
"Notifications.history.Collections.$.likes.$[like].liked": false
{ arrayFilters: [{ "like.likedID": 1245 }] }

Aggregation to filter reference in MongoDB

I'm trying to make an aggregate work with mongoose but I'm having a problem, I'm getting this result:
_id: new ObjectId("630bb658370cc689973c5bb4"),
isRead: true,
user: new ObjectId("630273bbe0f3f82d85b149bd"),
globalRef: new ObjectId("630bb649370cc689973c5b62"),
_id: new ObjectId("630bb649370cc689973c5b62"),
isRead: false,
_id: new ObjectId("6306bcf16fa60080148fefb6"),
isRead: false,
_id: new ObjectId("630273bbe0f3f82d85b149bd"),
isRead: false,
user: new ObjectId("630273bbe0f3f82d85b149bd")
_id: new ObjectId("6306bcf16fa60080148fefb7"),
isRead: true,
user: new ObjectId("630273bbe0f3f82d85b149bd")
We can see that the first element has a reference (globalRef) to the second,
I would like to remove elements if another one exists with the latter as a reference, is this possible with $match? $group? $project? $filter?
Desired result:
_id: new ObjectId("630bb658370cc689973c5bb4"),
isRead: true,
user: new ObjectId("630273bbe0f3f82d85b149bd"),
globalRef: new ObjectId("630bb649370cc689973c5b62"),
_id: new ObjectId("6306bcf16fa60080148fefb6"),
isRead: false,
_id: new ObjectId("630273bbe0f3f82d85b149bd"),
isRead: false,
user: new ObjectId("630273bbe0f3f82d85b149bd")
_id: new ObjectId("6306bcf16fa60080148fefb7"),
isRead: true,
user: new ObjectId("630273bbe0f3f82d85b149bd")
Thanks for your help
you can do a self-lookup _id with globalRef (make index on globalRef to be fast)
after join, keep document if results is empty(no match found)
unset to remove the results field
{"from": "coll",
"localField": "_id",
"foreignField": "globalRef",
"as": "results"}},
{"$match": {"$expr": {"$eq": ["$results", []]}}},
{"$unset": ["results"]}])

How can I combine the results of 3 queries in MongoDB?

I made the following filter in hopes that I would be combining the results from all 3 $and arrays but it is only matching one of those blocks.
How can I combine the results of what would be returned from each $and array if conditions are met. Hopefully that's clear. I don't know what to call the $and array.
const filter = {
$or: [
$and: [
{ category: req.query.category },
{ tags: req.query.subCategory },
{contentType: req.query.contentType},
req.query.searchTerm !== ""
? {
name: {
$regex: "(?i)" + req.query.searchTerm + "(?-i)",
$options: "i",
: {},
$and: [
{ category: req.query.category },
{ tags: req.query.subCategory },
{contentType: req.query.contentType},
req.query.searchTerm !== ""
? {
description: {
$regex: "(?i)" + req.query.searchTerm + "(?-i)",
$options: "i",
: {},
$and: [
{ category: req.query.category },
{ tags: req.query.subCategory },
{contentType: req.query.contentType},
req.query.searchTerm !== ""
? {
tags: {
$regex: "(?i)" + req.query.searchTerm + "(?-i)",
$options: "i",
: {},
await Content.paginate(filter, options, (err, result) => {
if (err) {
} else {
EDIT: Below is an example of two entries that would be found in the database. The way it should work is it should use category, subCategory, and contentType to filter out the entries in the database so that what I have now are only the entries which have the same category, subCategory, and contentType as specified in req.query, I'll call this the firstFilterResult. From there, I am trying to search within firstFilterResult to see if I have entries that have name, tag, or description matches. So basically catgeory, subCategory and contentType are just used to narrow down the results so that I can find matches for name, tag, and description. My code above doesn't do exactly this but this is the idea behind it and I thought that what I have would do similar, but I guess I'm wrong.
contents: [
tags: [
_id: '1d13ff7m6db4d5417cd608f4',
description: 'In here I will begin to talk about...',
content_id: '5dbcb998ad4144390c244093',
contentType: 'quiz',
date: '2019-06-03T04:00:00.000Z',
category: 'food',
image: 'https://IMAGE.PNG',
__v: 0
tags: [
_id: '7d1b940b1c9d44000025db8c',
description: 'This is another description',
content_id: '5f1b963d1c9d44000055db8d',
contentType: 'tool',
date: '2019-06-03T04:00:00.000Z',
category: 'money',
image: 'https://IMAGE.PNG',
__v: 0
I finally got it to work with this
const catFilter =
req.query.category !== "" ? { category: req.query.category } : {};
const subCatFilter =
req.query.subCategory !== "" ? { tags: req.query.subCategory } : {};
const typeFilter =
req.query.contentType !== ""
? { contentType: req.query.contentType }
: {};
const filter = {
$and: [
$or: [
name: {
$regex: req.query.searchTerm,
$options: "i",
description: {
$regex: req.query.searchTerm,
$options: "i",
tags: {
$regex: req.query.searchTerm,
$options: "i",
Since each element of the $or contains the same 3 checks with a single one that varies, these can be separated out, and the $or is then only needed if a search term is specified.
Passing options:"i" makes the entire regex match case insensitive, so it is not necessary to surround the search string with (?i) and (?-i)
The following should build the filter that you are attempting, without using empty objects:
// base query that checks the common fields
var filter = {
category: req.query.category,
tags: req.query.subCategory,
contentType: req.query.contentType
// if a search term is provided, add in the additional critera
if (req.query.searchTerm !== "") {
var regex = {
$regex: req.query.searchTerm,
filter['$or'] = [
{ name: regex },
{ description: regex },
{ tags: regex }
If this doesn't obtain the results you're after, please edit the question and add in some sample documents so we can see the problem.

MongoDb unable to populate user

Hi I am trying to populate user into another schema called feedbackschema.
Feedback schema
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const {
} = mongoose;
// Create Schema
const FeedbackSchema = new Schema({
user: {
type: Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: 'users',
pro: {
type: String,
required: true,
con: {
type: String,
required: true,
comments: {
type: String,
required: true,
rating: {
type: String,
required: true,
// Create model
const feedback = mongoose.model('feedbacks', FeedbackSchema);
module.exports = feedback;
User Schema
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const {
} = mongoose;
// Create Schema
const UserSchema = new Schema({
name: {
type: String,
required: true,
email: {
type: String,
required: true,
unique: true,
lowercase: true,
password: {
type: String,
required: true,
isAdmin: {
type: Boolean,
required: true,
default: false,
// Create a model
const user = mongoose.model('users', UserSchema);
// Export the model
module.exports = user;
and here is my controller where I am trying to populate the user
getAllFeedbacks: async (req, res) => {
const errors = {};
try {
const feedbacks = await Feedback.find().populate('user');
return res.json(feedbacks);
} catch (err) {
errors.noFeedbacks = 'Please try again';
return res.status(404).json(errors);
Json I am receiving through postman is this
"_id": "5b3adf88f3c4cd836bdc2eda",
"pro": "knfklngfdklgnfdgknkln",
"con": "Sales executive updates",
"comments": "This is a another funfact for me is me too",
"rating": "8",
"__v": 0
It is supposed to show user key but somehow its not working. I checked the current user data is already there but for some reason its not pushing the user info feedback object.
FeedBack collection
"_id": {
"$oid": "5b3adf88f3c4cd836bdc2eda"
"pro": "knfklngfdklgnfdgknkln",
"con": "Sales executive updates",
"comments": "This is a another funfact for me is me too",
"rating": "8",
"__v": 0
User Collection
"_id": {
"$oid": "5b37e456565971258da97d5e"
"isAdmin": false,
"name": "montygoldy",
"email": "",
"password": "$2a$10$zWbxV0Q3VPUxRC6lzJyPBec3P/8zYBaSCTJ2n88Uru3zzFlicR2rq",
"__v": 0

Update nested subdocuments in MongoDB with arrayFilters

I need to modify a document inside an array that is inside another array.
I know MongoDB doesn't support multiple '$' to iterate on multiple arrays at the same time, but they introduced arrayFilters for that.
MongoDB's sample code:
db.coll.update({}, {$set: {“a.$[i].c.$[j].d”: 2}}, {arrayFilters: [{“i.b”: 0}, {“j.d”: 0}]})
Input: {a: [{b: 0, c: [{d: 0}, {d: 1}]}, {b: 1, c: [{d: 0}, {d: 1}]}]}
Output: {a: [{b: 0, c: [{d: 2}, {d: 1}]}, {b: 1, c: [{d: 0}, {d: 1}]}]}
Here's how the documents are set:
"_id" : ObjectId("5a05a8b7e0ce3444f8ec5bd7"),
"name" : "support",
"contactTypes" : {
"nonWorkingHours" : [],
"workingHours" : []
"workingDays" : [],
"people" : [
"enabled" : true,
"level" : "1",
"name" : "Someone",
"_id" : ObjectId("5a05a8c3e0ce3444f8ec5bd8"),
"contacts" : [
"_id" : ObjectId("5a05a8dee0ce3444f8ec5bda"),
"retries" : "1",
"priority" : "1",
"type" : "email",
"data" : ""
"__v" : 0
Here's the schema:
const ContactSchema = new Schema({
data: String,
type: String,
priority: String,
retries: String
const PersonSchema = new Schema({
name: String,
level: String,
priority: String,
enabled: Boolean,
contacts: [ContactSchema]
const GroupSchema = new Schema({
name: String,
people: [PersonSchema],
workingHours: { start: String, end: String },
workingDays: [Number],
contactTypes: { workingHours: [String], nonWorkingHours: [String] }
I need to update a contact. This is what I tried using arrayFilters:
{'$set': {'people.$[i].contacts.$[j].data': 'new data'}},
{arrayFilters: [
{'i._id': mongoose.Types.ObjectId(req.params.personId)},
{'j._id': mongoose.Types.ObjectId(req.params.contactId)}]},
function(err, doc) {
if (err) {
The document is never updated and I get this response:
"ok": 0,
"n": 0,
"nModified": 0
What am I doing wrong?
So the arrayFilters option with positional filtered $[<identifier>] does actually work properly with the development release series since MongoDB 3.5.12 and also in the current release candidates for the MongoDB 3.6 series, where this will actually be officially released. The only problem is of course is that the "drivers" in use have not actually caught up to this yet.
Re-iterating the same content I have already placed on Updating a Nested Array with MongoDB:
NOTE Somewhat ironically, since this is specified in the "options" argument for .update() and like methods, the syntax is generally compatible with all recent release driver versions.
However this is not true of the mongo shell, since the way the method is implemented there ( "ironically for backward compatibility" ) the arrayFilters argument is not recognized and removed by an internal method that parses the options in order to deliver "backward compatibility" with prior MongoDB server versions and a "legacy" .update() API call syntax.
So if you want to use the command in the mongo shell or other "shell based" products ( notably Robo 3T ) you need a latest version from either the development branch or production release as of 3.6 or greater.
All this means is that the current "driver" implementation of .update() actually "removes" the necessary arguments with the definition of arrayFilters. For NodeJS this will be addressed in the 3.x release series of the driver, and of course "mongoose" will then likely take some time after that release to implement it's own dependencies on the updated driver, which would then no longer "strip" such actions.
You can however still run this on a supported server instance, by dropping back to the basic "update command" syntax usage, since this bypassed the implemented driver method:
const mongoose = require('mongoose'),
Schema = mongoose.Schema,
ObjectId = mongoose.Types.ObjectId;
mongoose.Promise = global.Promise;
const uri = 'mongodb://localhost/test',
options = { useMongoClient: true };
const contactSchema = new Schema({
data: String,
type: String,
priority: String,
retries: String
const personSchema = new Schema({
name: String,
level: String,
priority: String,
enabled: Boolean,
contacts: [contactSchema]
const groupSchema = new Schema({
name: String,
people: [personSchema],
workingHours: { start: String, end: String },
workingDays: { type: [Number], default: undefined },
contactTypes: {
workingHours: { type: [String], default: undefined },
contactTypes: { type: [String], default: undefined }
const Group = mongoose.model('Group', groupSchema);
function log(data) {
console.log(JSON.stringify(data, undefined, 2))
(async function() {
try {
const conn = await mongoose.connect(uri,options);
// Clean data
await Promise.all(
Object.entries(conn.models).map(([k,m]) => m.remove() )
// Create sample
await Group.create({
name: "support",
people: [
"_id": ObjectId("5a05a8c3e0ce3444f8ec5bd8"),
"enabled": true,
"level": "1",
"name": "Someone",
"contacts": [
"type": "email",
"data": ""
"_id": ObjectId("5a05a8dee0ce3444f8ec5bda"),
"retries": "1",
"priority": "1",
"type": "email",
"data": ""
let result = await conn.db.command({
"updates": [
"q": {},
"u": { "$set": { "people.$[i].contacts.$[j].data": "new data" } },
"multi": true,
"arrayFilters": [
{ "i._id": ObjectId("5a05a8c3e0ce3444f8ec5bd8") },
{ "j._id": ObjectId("5a05a8dee0ce3444f8ec5bda") }
let group = await Group.findOne();
} catch(e) {
} finally {
Since that sends the "command" directly through to the server, we see the expected update does in fact take place:
Mongoose: groups.remove({}, {})
Mongoose: groups.insert({ name: 'support', _id: ObjectId("5a06557fb568aa0ad793c5e4"), people: [ { _id: ObjectId("5a05a8c3e0ce3444f8ec5bd8"), enabled: true, level: '1', name: 'Someone', contacts: [ { type: 'email', data: '', _id: ObjectId("5a06557fb568aa0ad793c5e5") }, { _id: ObjectId("5a05a8dee0ce3444f8ec5bda"), retries: '1', priority: '1', type: 'email', data: '' } ] } ], __v: 0 })
{ n: 1,
nModified: 1,
{ ts: Timestamp { _bsontype: 'Timestamp', low_: 3, high_: 1510364543 },
t: 24 },
electionId: 7fffffff0000000000000018,
ok: 1,
operationTime: Timestamp { _bsontype: 'Timestamp', low_: 3, high_: 1510364543 },
{ clusterTime: Timestamp { _bsontype: 'Timestamp', low_: 3, high_: 1510364543 },
signature: { hash: [Object], keyId: 0 } } }
Mongoose: groups.findOne({}, { fields: {} })
"_id": "5a06557fb568aa0ad793c5e4",
"name": "support",
"__v": 0,
"people": [
"_id": "5a05a8c3e0ce3444f8ec5bd8",
"enabled": true,
"level": "1",
"name": "Someone",
"contacts": [
"type": "email",
"data": "",
"_id": "5a06557fb568aa0ad793c5e5"
"_id": "5a05a8dee0ce3444f8ec5bda",
"retries": "1",
"priority": "1",
"type": "email",
"data": "new data" // <-- updated here
So right "now"[1] the drivers available "off the shelf" don't actually implement .update() or it's other implementing counterparts in a way that is compatible with actually passing through the necessary arrayFilters argument. So if you are "playing with" a development series or release candiate server, then you really should be prepared to be working with the "bleeding edge" and unreleased drivers as well.
But you can actually do this as demonstrated in any driver, in the correct form where the command being issued is not going to be altered.
[1] As of writing on November 11th 2017 there is no "official" release of MongoDB or the supported drivers that actually implement this. Production usage should be based on official releases of the server and supported drivers only.
I had a similar use case. But my second level nested array doesn't have a key. While most examples out there showcase an example with arrays having a key like this:
"id": 1,
"items": [
"name": "Product 1",
"colors": ["yellow", "blue", "black"]
My use case is like this, without the key:
"colors": [
I managed to use the arrayfilters by ommiting the label of the first level of the array nest. Example document:
"steps": [
"actionType": "dispatch",
"payload": {
"vehicle": {
"name": "Livestock Truck",
"type": "road",
"thirdParty": true
"actionType": "dispatch",
"payload": {
"vehicle": {
"name": "Airplane",
"type": "air",
"thirdParty": true
"actionType": "store",
"payload": {
"company": "Company A",
"is_supplier": false
"actionType": "sell",
"payload": {
"reseller": "Company B",
"is_supplier": false
In my case, I want to:
Find all documents that have any steps with payload.vehicle.thirdParty=true and actionType=dispatch
Update the actions set payload.vehicle.thirdParty=true only for the actions that have actionType=dispatch.
My first approach was withour arrayfilters. But it would create the property payload.vehicle.thirdParty=true inside the steps with actionType store and sell.
The final query that updated the properties only inside the steps with actionType=dispatch:
Mongo Shell:
{"steps": {"$elemMatch": {"$elemMatch": {"payload.vehicle.thirdParty": true, "actionType": "dispatch"}}}},
{"$set": {"steps.$[].$[i].payload.vehicle.thirdParty": false}},
{"arrayFilters": [ { "i.actionType": "dispatch" } ], multi: true}
query = {
"steps": {"$elemMatch": {"$elemMatch": {"payload.vehicle.thirdParty": True, "actionType": "dispatch"}}}
update_statement = {
"$set": {
"steps.$[].$[i].payload.vehicle.thirdParty": False
array_filters = [
{ "i.actionType": "dispatch" }
NOTE that I'm omitting the label on the first array at the update statement steps.$[].$[i].payload.vehicle.thirdParty. Most examples out there will use both labels because their objects have a key for the array. I took me some time to figure that out.
