Best practice for dynamic routing (react router v4) needed? - reactjs

With React Router V4 being out only for a little while and there being no clear documentation on dynamic routing [akin to transtionsTo(...) in V3] I feel like a simple answer to this question could benefit many. So here we go.
Lets assume the following theoretical scenario: one has a component Container, which includes two other components (Selection and Display). Now in terms of functionality:
Container holds a state, which can be changed by Selection, Display shows data based on said state.
Now how would one go about changing the URL as well as the state triggered by a change in state via react router?
For a more concrete example please see (React Router V4 - Page does not rerender on changed Route). However, I felt the need to generalize and shorten the question to get anywhere.

Courtesy to [Tharaka Wijebandara] the solution to this problem is:
Have the Container component provide the Selection component with a callback function that has to do at least the following on Container:
props.history.push(Selection coming from Selection);
Please find below an example of the Container (called Geoselector) component, passing the setLocation callback down to the Selection (called Geosuggest) component.
class Geoselector extends Component {
constructor (props) {
this.setLocation = this.setLocation.bind(this);
//Sets location in case of a reload instead of entering via landing
if (!Session.get('selectedLocation')) {
let myRe = new RegExp('/location/(.*)');
let locationFromPath = myRe.exec(this.props.location.pathname)[1];
setLocation(value) {
const newLocation = value.label;
if (Session.get('selectedLocation') != newLocation) {
render () {
return (
placeholder="Please select a location ..."


React Context always returns EMPTY

I have a Search parent component and a SideBar child component, I am trying to get context in SideBar, but everytime it returns empty.
I followed the tutorial exactly like:
but it never worked, anyone know what I did wrong?
Here is the codesandbox link to the project:
I wrote that article.
To solve your specific problem:
When using the HOC withStore you're injecting the prop store into the wrapped component: <WrappedComponent store={context}.
The value of the prop store is an object that contains 3 functions: get, set, and remove.
So, instead of printing it, you should use it. For example"currentAlbums") or"currentAlbums", [album1, album2]).
This example is forked by your code:
Don't rewrite the article code, but use the library: which is already packed, tested, and has more features.
An event better solution is to use this library: That is the new version of the one in that article.
This is an example of a sidebar that updates another component content:
Be careful when using react context API
Using the React Context API to manage the global state of an application has some performance issues, because each time the context changes, every child component is updated.
So, I don't recommend using it for large projects.
The library has this issue.
The library does not.
You pass the store as a prop, so to access it, you need in your SideBar.
Create a wrapping App component around Search and Sidebar:
const App = props => (
<Search />
<SideBar />
export default createStore(App);
Now you can manipulate state with set and get that you have available in child components Search and Sidebar.
In Search component you can have something like:
componentDidMount() {"showModal", this.state.showModal);
also wrapped with withStore(Search) ofc.
and in SideBar you can now call:
render() {
return (
{"Sidebar: ---> " +
and you will get the output.

declaring jsx element as a global variable

Hello is there a way to declare react component globally so that when I render the same component the values are persisted, I am aware the redux or some other state management lib can be used, but for the time being I want to use this option cuz I'm in the middle of the project. For example
constructor() {
this.accountInfoJSX = <AccountInformation ref={(sender) => {
this.accountInformationMod = sender;
}} />;
I can try to save the element in the global variable but each time when the render is called it initializes a new instance.
yes sure. i have this method. I have 2 buttons on screen based on which i render different components. User can made some changes on each component, so i am trying to to use same component so that the changes made in component are persisted. i have tried returning this.accountInfoJSX as well as this.accountInformationMod not its not working. On former it re render the new component and values are lost and on latter it show nothing on screen.
get getCurrentScreen() {
if (this.state.selectedScreen == Screens.accountInformation) {
return this.accountInformationMod;
} else if (this.state.selectedScreen == Screens.myInformation) {
return <MyInformation />;

In componentDidUpdate refs is undefined

I want to use Chart.js on my website. As you can see title, I'm using React.js. To use Chart.js, I need the canvas and context like this:
let context = document.getElementById('canvas').getContext('2d');
let chart = new Chart(context, ...);
so I design the component like this:
export function updateChart() {
let context = this.refs.chart.getContext('2d');
let chart = new Chart(context ,... );
export default class GraphChart extends React.Component {
constructor() {
updateChart = updateChart.bind(this);
componentDidMount() {
render() {
return <canvas ref="chart" className="chart"></canvas>;
as you can see, I exported two things, update chart function and GraphChart class. Both will using in parent component like this:
import { updateChart } from './GraphChart';
import GraphChart from './GraphChart';
class Graph extends React.Component {
someKindOfAction() {
// update chart from here!
render() {
return (
<SomeOtherComponents />
<GraphChart />
then Parent class using exported updateChart function to update chart directly. It was working, but only first time. After unmount and mount the GraphChart component, it's refs are just empty.
Why refs is empty? And If I did wrong way, how can I get canvas context for initialize Chart.js?
Object refs is undefined, because this is not what you think it is. Try logging it.
The function you’re exporting is not bound to this of your component. Or perhaps it is, but to the last created instance of your component. You can never be sure that’s the mounted instance. And even if you are, you can not use multiple instances at the same time. So, I would dismiss this approach entirely.
Other than that, providing the function to alter some component’s state is exactly the opposite of what’s React is trying to accomplish. The very basic idea is that the component should know to render itself given some properties.
The problem you are trying to solve lies in the nature of Canvas API, which is procedural. Your goal is to bridge the gap between declarative (React) and procedural (Canvas) code.
There are some libraries which do exactly that. Have you tried react-chartjs?
Anyways, if you’re wondering how the hell should you implement it the “React way”, the key is to declare properties your component handles (not necessarily, but preferably), and then to use component lifecycle methods (e.g. componentWillReceiveProps and others) to detect when properties change and act accordingly (perform changes to the canvas).
Hope this helps! Good luck!

React with REST API - State or GET on mount?

We're currently building a React-Redux frontend with a REST API backend powered by Node. I'm unsure about whether to use a Redux or a simple call to the API on mounting the component.
The component is a simple list of profiles which are going to be displayed throughout (but not constantly) the site.
Sorry for asking this. Maybe there's something to read through available?
I would advice you to take a look at two things:
1) The first React tutorial on Facebook is very underrated:
It exposes a very clear way to think about how to think about the tree structure of your views.
2) From there, move to reading about Containers and Components:
This post explains that React components too often do two things: act as renderers and as controllers (taking on both the V and the C on MVC).
Now, what your React view needs is a controller. Fetching it whenever you mount the component overlaps two different concerns: how to display the information and how to fetch it.
You could do it with a single, bigger React component that manages the complete state of your application:
class MyApp extends React.Component {
componentDidMount() {
fetch('/profiles').then(res => res.json().then(::this.setState))
render() {
if (this.state) {
return <ProfileList profiles={this.state} />
} else {
return <span>Loading...</span>
That would be your "Container". Your "Component" is a pure representation of the list of profiles, that needs not care about how that information was retrieved:
class ProfileList extends React.Component {
render() {
return <ul>
profile => <li key={}>{}</li>
Redux is just another way of doing this that enables better reuse of information, and makes that same information available to different components (hiding the instance of the "store" as a mixin). That MyApp class on top of your structure serves a similar function to the Provider class in redux: allowing child components to access information needed to display themselves.

React Router "Link to" does not load new data when called from inside the same component

I am building an app with the following details
it is universal javascript
node js
When routing with the Link tag from component to component it works perfectly. It calls the data that the component requires and renders the page. But when I click on a Link that uses the same component as the current one all I see is the url change.
Things I have tried to get this to work.
Attempt 1
So far I have tried the steps in this question but the solution wont work for me. This was the code I implemented
componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
if (nextProps.article.get('id') !== this.props.article.get('id')) {
console.log('i got trigggerd YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS');
But the variable nextProps is always the same as the current props.
Attempt 2
I decided to call the same code I use in componentWillMount but that didn't work either.
componentWillMount() {
let { category, slug } = this.props.params;
this.props.loadArticleState({ category, slug });
It just creates an infinite loop when I put this into componentWillReceiveProps.
I belief the problem is clicking the link never calls the data associated with it. Since the data is loaded with
static fetchData({ store, params }) {
let { category, slug } = params;
return store.dispatch(loadArticleState({ category, slug }));
Any help is appreciated.
Solution I Used
I created a function to test if the previous data is the same as the changed data.
compareParams(prevProps, props) {
if (!prevProps || typeof prevProps.params !== typeof props.params) {
return false;
return, prevProps.params);
So this tests
are there any previous props?
and then if the props are equal to the previous props?
then return false if there are if this is the case
if not then we see compare props and previous props parameters
In ComponentDidUpdate
In the compoonentDidUpdate we use this function to determine if the data should be updated
componentDidUpdate(prevProps) {
if (this.compareParams(prevProps, this.props)) {
This code updates the body of a page that uses the same react component if it receives new data.
maybe you can try use onChange event on Route component, check Route API and then signal to child component that refresh is needed...
