materialize Dropdwon in Angular js after ajax call - angularjs

I have a master page and child page in MVC
All Js files are included in master page.Now in child page I have two dropdowns which gets bind with ajax returned data.
I can see data are being populated in select options but materialize css not created.
<select data-ng-init="getAllItems()" ng-model="Item[0]" ng-options="Item['title'] for Item in Items track by Item['id']">
$scope.getAllItems = function () {
var result = ItemsFactory();
result.then(function (result) {
if (result.success) {
$scope.Items= (;
I have used
in a js file that is included on master page at the end,
So my thinking is the JS where I am using $('select').material_select() gets loaded before dropdown populations, but I have included it at the end,
I Manage to get it worked
$scope.getAllItems = function () {
var result = ItemsFactory();
result.then(function (result) {
if (result.success) {
$scope.Items= (;
$scope.$apply($scope.getAllItems ());
but on console I am getting error
any suggestion.

So, you have two ways:
1) It is put your select initialization in then fuction. Not the good way
$scope.getAllItems = function () {
var result = ItemsFactory();
result.then(function (result) {
if (result.success) {
$scope.Items= (;
2) Make a directive that wraps .material_select(). Better way
.directive('materialSelect', [function(){
return {
restrict: 'E',
scope: {
items: '='
link: function(scope, elem attrs) {
<material-select items="items"></material-select>
$scope.getAllItems = function () {
var result = ItemsFactory();
result.then(function (result) {
if (result.success) {
$scope.Items= (;
$scope.getAllItems ();


Error: [$compile:multidir] Multiple directives [ngSwitchWhen, ngInclude] asking for transclusion

I need a solution for preloading data with ng-include like in this blog post preloading-data-before-executing-nginclude-in-angularjs described.
It seems that this solution works prity well, but the author works with angular version 1.0.7.
Im using version 1.2.1 and have also tried version 1.7.9 and the result is the error message.
Error: [$compile:multidir] Multiple directives [ngSwitchWhen, ngInclude] asking for transclusion on: <div ng-switch-when="one" bn-preload="oneData" bn-include-log="" ng-include=" 'one.htm' ">
How can i fix it with the newer version, or is there a better solution?
In my project, i receive data by reqest and the ng-include should be waiting till the request ends and the data to show are available.
My HTML code is like this
<div ng-init="validityList = validities.UploadList;" bn-preload="validities" ng-include="'/validity/list'"></div>
And the error in my project is
Multiple directives [ngInclude, bnPreload] asking for transclusion on
The solution Lemmy suggestet is not working for me, because bn-preload and ng-include need to be on the same element.
I don't know what you mean by "bn-preload html".
This is what i have done so far in angular.
const BaseApp = angular.module('BaseApp')
.factory('preloader', function ($q, $interval) {
this.load = function (target) {
const deferred = $q.defer();
const loadData = $interval(function () {
if ($q[target].length > 0) {
}, 100);
return (deferred.promise);
.directive('bnPreload', function (preloader) {
function compile(templateElement, templateAttribute, transclude) {
function link($scope, element, attributes) {
let injectedElement = null;
let isDestroyed = false;
function (preloadedData) {
if (isDestroyed) {
transclude($scope, function (copy) {
element.after(injectedElement = copy);
function () {
isDestroyed = true;
return (link);
return ({
compile: compile,
priority: 250,
terminal: true,
transclude: 'element'
.controller('validity', function ($scope, $http) {
method: 'POST',
url: '/validity/getall'
.then(function (response) {
$scope.validities =;
Most of the code is equal to the example from the link above.

AngularJS hide div after delay

While creating my app in AngularJS (awesome framework!) I stuck in one task: how to show and hide hidden div (ng-show) after some action.
Detailed description: using AngularUI $modal service I'm asking if user wants to perform action, if yes, I run service to POST request via $http to send which item I want to delete. After it finished I want to show hidden div with information, that process has accomplished successfully. I created a simple service with $timeout to set div's ng-show and hide after some time but it doesn't update variable assigned to ng-show directive. Here is some code:
Controller for listing and deleting items
$scope.deleteSuccessInfo = false; //variable attached to div ng-show
$scope.deleteCluster = function(modalType, clusterToDelete) {
.then(function(confirmed) {
if(!confirmed) {
.then(function(value) {
//my attempt to show and hide div with ng-show
$scope.deleteSuccessInfo = showAlertSrvc(4000);
}, function(reason) {
console.log('Error 2', reason);
}, function() {'Modal dismissed at: ' + new Date());
function updateView(item) {
return $scope.listItems.items.splice(item, 1);
Part of service for deleting item
function performDelete(itemToDelete) {
var deferred = $q.defer(),
path = globals.itemsListAPI + '/' + itemToDelete.itemId;
.then(function() {
console.log('Item removed successfully');
deferred.resolve({finishedDeleting: true});
}, function(reason) {
console.log('error ', reason);
return deferred.promise;
return {
performDelete: performDelete
Simple service with $timeout to change Boolean value after some time
.service('showAlertSrvc', ['$timeout', function($timeout) {
return function(delay) {
$timeout(function() {
return false;
}, delay);
return true;
I tried $scope.$watch('deleteSuccessInfo', function(a, b) {...}) with no effect. How to apply false after some delay? Or maybe You would achieve this in other way?
Thank You in advance for any help!
Change the implementation of the showAlertSrvc service, like this:
.service('showAlertSrvc', ['$timeout', function($timeout) {
return function(delay) {
var result = {hidden:true};
$timeout(function() {
}, delay);
return result;
And then change thes 2 lines:
The declaration of deleteSuccessInfo should be like this:
$scope.deleteSuccessInfo = {};
And then do this:
$scope.deleteSuccessInfo = showAlertSrvc(4000);
And finally in your view do this "ng-show=!deleteSuccessInfo.hidden"

Load Angular Directive Template Async

I want to be able to load the directive's template from a promise. e.g.
template: templateRepo.get('myTemplate')
templateRepo.get returns a promise, that when resolved has the content of the template in a string.
Any ideas?
You could load your html inside your directive apply it to your element and compile.
.directive('myDirective', function ($compile) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
//Some arbitrary promise.
}, function(error){
This is really interesting question with several answers of different complexity. As others have already suggested, you can put loading image inside directive and when template is loaded it'll be replaced.
Seeing as you want more generic loading indicator solution that should be suitable for other things, I propose to:
Create generic service to control indicator with.
Manually load template inside link function, show indicator on request send and hide on response.
Here's very simplified example you can start with:
<button ng-click="more()">more</button>
<div test="item" ng-repeat="item in items"></div>
.throbber {
position: absolute;
top: calc(50% - 16px);
left: calc(50% - 16px);
.module("app", [])
.run(function ($rootScope) {
$rootScope.items = ["One", "Two"];
$rootScope.more = function () {
.factory("throbber", function () {
var visible = false;
var throbber = document.createElement("img");
throbber.src = "";
function show () {
function hide () {
return {
show: show,
hide: hide
.directive("test", function ($templateCache, $timeout, $compile, $q, throbber) {
var template = "<div>{{text}}</div>";
var templateUrl = "templateUrl";
return {
link: function (scope, el, attr) {
var tmpl = $templateCache.get(templateUrl);
if (!tmpl) {;
tmpl = $timeout(function () {
return template;
}, 1000);
$q.when(tmpl).then(function (value) {
$templateCache.put(templateUrl, value);
scope: {
text: "=test"
JSBin example.
In live code you'll have to replace $timeout with $http.get(templateUrl), I've used the former to illustrate async loading.
How template loading works in my example:
Check if there's our template in $templateCache.
If no, fetch it from URL and show indicator.
Manually put template inside element and [$compile][2] it.
Hide indicator.
If you wonder what $templateCache is, read the docs. AngularJS uses it with templateUrl by default, so I did the same.
Template loading can probably be moved to decorator, but I lack relevant experience here. This would separate concerns even further, since directives don't need to know about indicator, and get rid of boilerplate code.
I've also added ng-repeat and run stuff to demonstrate that template doesn't trigger indicator if it was already loaded.
What I would do is to add an ng-include in my directive to selectively load what I need
Check this demo from angular page. It may help:
* async load template
* eg :
* <div class="ui-header">
* {{}}
* <ng-transclude></ng-transclude>
* </div>
Spa.Service.factory("RequireTpl", [
) {
function getTemplate(tplName) {
var name = TplConfig[tplName];
var tpl = "";
if(!name) {
return $q.reject(tpl);
} else {
tpl = $templateCache.get(name) || "";
if(!!tpl) {
return $q.resolve(tpl);
return new $q(function(resolve, reject) {
url : "/template/",
action : "components",
responseType : "text",
components : name
}).success(function(tpl) {
$templateCache.put(name, tpl);
}).error(function() {
return getTemplate;
* usage:
* <component template="table" data="info">
* <span>{{}}{{name}}</span>
* </component>
Spa.Directive.directive("component", [
) {
var directive = {
restrict : 'E',
scope : {
data : '='
transclude : true,
link: function ($scope, element, attrs, $controller, $transclude) {
var linkFn = $compile(element.contents());
var tpl = attrs.template || "";
.then(function(rs) {
var tplElem = angular.element(rs);
$transclude(function(clone, transcludedScope) {
if(clone.length) {
} else {
}, null, "");
.catch(function() {
console.log("%c component tpl isn't exist : " + tpl, "color:red")
return directive;

AngularJS - bind to directive resize

How can i be notified when a directive is resized?
i have tried
element[0].onresize = function() {
console.log(element[0].offsetWidth + " " + element[0].offsetHeight);
but its not calling the function
(function() {
'use strict';
// Define the directive on the module.
// Inject the dependencies.
// Point to the directive definition function.
angular.module('app').directive('nvLayout', ['$window', '$compile', layoutDirective]);
function layoutDirective($window, $compile) {
// Usage:
// Creates:
var directive = {
link: link,
restrict: 'EA',
scope: {
layoutEntries: "=",
selected: "&onSelected"
template: "<div></div>",
controller: controller
return directive;
function link(scope, element, attrs) {
var elementCol = [];
var onSelectedHandler = scope.selected();
element.on("resize", function () {
scope.$on("$destroy", function () {
$(window).off("resize", $scope.sizeNotifier);
scope.sizeNotifier = function() {
alert("windows is being resized...");
scope.onselected = function(id) {
scope.$watch(function () {
return scope.layoutEntries.length;
function (value) {
//layout was changed
function activateLayout(layoutEntries) {
for (var i = 0; i < layoutEntries.length; i++) {
if (elementCol[layoutEntries[i].id]) {
var div = "<nv-single-layout-entry id=slot" + layoutEntries[i].id + " on-selected='onselected' style=\"position:absolute;";
div = div + "top:" + layoutEntries[i] + "%;";
div = div + "left:" + layoutEntries[i].position.left + "%;";
div = div + "height:" + layoutEntries[i].size.height + "%;";
div = div + "width:" + layoutEntries[i].size.width + "%;";
div = div + "\"></nv-single-layout-entry>";
var el = $compile(div)(scope);
elementCol[layoutEntries[i].id] = 1;
function controller($scope, $element) {
Use scope.$watch with a custom watch function:
function () {
return [element[0].offsetWidth, element[0].offsetHeight].join('x');
function (value) {
console.log('directive got resized:', value.split('x'));
You would typically want to watch the element's offsetWidth and offsetHeight properties. With more recent versions of AngularJS, you can use $scope.$watchGroup in your link function:
app.directive('myDirective', [function() {
function link($scope, element) {
var container = element[0];
function() { return container.offsetWidth; },
function() { return container.offsetHeight; }
], function(values) {
// Handle resize event ...
// Return directive definition ...
However, you may find that updates are quite slow when watching the element properties directly in this manner.
To make your directive more responsive, you could moderate the refresh rate by using $interval. Here's an example of a reusable service for watching element sizes at a configurable millisecond rate:
app.factory('sizeWatcher', ['$interval', function($interval) {
return function (element, rate) {
var self = this;
(self.update = function() { self.dimensions = [element.offsetWidth, element.offsetHeight]; })();
self.monitor = $interval(self.update, rate); = [function() { return self.dimensions[0]; }, function() { return self.dimensions[1]; }];
self.cancel = function() { $interval.cancel(self.monitor); };
A directive using such a service would look something like this:
app.directive('myDirective', ['sizeWatcher', function(sizeWatcher) {
function link($scope, element) {
var container = element[0],
watcher = new sizeWatcher(container, 200);
$scope.$watchGroup(, function(values) {
// Handle resize event ...
$scope.$on('$destroy', watcher.cancel);
// Return directive definition ...
Note the call to watcher.cancel() in the $scope.$destroy event handler; this ensures that the $interval instance is destroyed when no longer required.
A JSFiddle example can be found here.
Here a sample code of what you need to do:
APP.directive('nvLayout', function ($window) {
return {
template: "<div></div>",
restrict: 'EA',
link: function postLink(scope, element, attrs) {
scope.onResizeFunction = function() {
scope.windowHeight = $window.innerHeight;
scope.windowWidth = $window.innerWidth;
// Call to the function when the page is first loaded
angular.element($window).bind('resize', function() {
The only way you would be able to detect size/position changes on an element using $watch is if you constantly updated your scope using something like $interval or $timeout. While possible, it can become an expensive operation, and really slow your app down.
One way you could detect a change on an element is by calling
var previousPosition = element[0].getBoundingClientRect();
function onFrame() {
var currentPosition = element[0].getBoundingClientRect();
if (!angular.equals(previousPosition, currentPosition)) {
previousPosition = currentPosition;
function resiszeNotifier() {
// Notify...
Here's a Plunk demonstrating this. As long as you're moving the box around, it will stay red.
A slight variation on Eliel's answer worked for me. In the directive.js:
$scope.onResizeFunction = function() {
// Call to the function when the page is first loaded
angular.element($(window)).bind('resize', function() {
I call
from within my app.js. The directive's d3 chart now resizes to fill the container.
Here is my take on this directive (using Webpack as bundler):
module.exports = (ngModule) ->
ngModule.directive 'onResize', ['Callback', (Callback) ->
restrict: 'A'
onResize: '#'
onResizeDebounce: '#'
link: (scope, element) ->
container = element[0]
eventName = scope.onResize || 'onResize'
delay = scope.onResizeDebounce || 1000
scope.$watchGroup [
-> container.offsetWidth ,
-> container.offsetHeight
], _.debounce (values) ->
Callback.event(eventName, values)
, delay

Angular ui-router's ui-sref created dynamically in a directive?

I am working on a line of business application that is using Angular to create a SPA around a Node.js api server. I decided on using ui-router cause of the state-machine and their intuitive way of embedding urls but I chanced upon a slight challenge when creating dynamic URLs within a directive.
I am using jQuery Datatables for my data grid as a directive but any action links generated using 'fnRender' don't seem to compile the 'ui-sref' to their respective 'href'links. The directive code is as follows:
app.directive('datatable', function ($http) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
link: function ($scope, $elem, attrs) {
var responsiveHelper;
var breakpointDefinition = {
tablet: 1024,
phone : 480
var options = {
bDeferRender: true,
sPaginationType: "full_numbers",
oLanguage: {
sEmptyTable: "No records returned",
sSearch: "<span>Search:</span> ",
sInfo: "Showing <span>_START_</span> to <span>_END_</span> of <span>_TOTAL_</span> entries",
sLengthMenu: "_MENU_ <span>entries per page</span>",
sProcessing: "Loading..."
sDom: "lfrtip",
oColVis: {
buttonText: "Change columns <i class='icon-angle-down'></i>"
oTableTools: {
sSwfPath: "js/plugins/datatable/swf/copy_csv_xls_pdf.swf"
bAutoWidth : false,
fnPreDrawCallback: function () {
if (!responsiveHelper) {
responsiveHelper = new ResponsiveDatatablesHelper($elem, breakpointDefinition);
fnRowCallback : function (nRow, aData, iDisplayIndex, iDisplayIndexFull) {
fnDrawCallback : function (oSettings) {
if (typeof $scope.dtOptions !== 'undefined') {
angular.extend(options, $scope.dtOptions);
if (attrs['dtoptions'] === undefined) {
for (property in attrs) {
switch (property) {
case 'sajaxsource':
options['sAjaxSource'] = attrs[property];
case 'sajaxdataprop':
options['sAjaxDataProp'] = attrs[property];
} else {
angular.extend(options, $scope[attrs['dtoptions']]);
if (typeof options['sAjaxSource'] === 'undefined') {
throw "Ajax Source not defined! Use sajaxsource='/api/v1/*'";
if (typeof options['fnServerData'] === 'undefined') {
options['fnServerData'] = function (sSource, aoData, resultCb) {
$http.get(sSource, aoData).then(function (result) {
options.aoColumnDefs = [];
$elem.find('thead th').each(function() {
var colattr = angular.element(this).data();
if (colattr.mdata) {
if (colattr.mdata.indexOf("()") > 1) {
var fn = $scope[colattr.mdata.substring(0, colattr.mdata.length - 2)];
if (typeof fn === 'function') {
mData: fn,
sClass: colattr.sclass,
aTargets: [colattr.atargets]
} else {
throw "mData function does not exist in $scope.";
} else {
mData: colattr.mdata,
sClass: colattr.sclass,
bVisible: colattr.bvisible,
aTargets: [colattr.atargets]
} else {
if (colattr.fnrender.indexOf("()") > 1) {
var fn = $scope[colattr.fnrender.substring(0, colattr.fnrender.length - 2)];
if (typeof fn === 'function') {
fnRender: fn,
sClass: colattr.sclass,
aTargets: [colattr.atargets]
} else {
throw "fnRender function does not exist in $scope.";
} else {
fnRender: function (oObj) {
return "<a tooltip class='btn' title='View' ui-sref=\""+colattr.tag+".show({slug:\'"+oObj.aData._id+"\'})\"><center class=\"icon-search\"></center></a>";
sClass: colattr.sclass,
bVisible: colattr.bvisible,
aTargets: [colattr.atargets]
$(".dataTables_length select").wrap("<div class='input-mini'></div>").chosen({disable_search_threshold: 9999999 });
It runs with out complications and even generates the following anchor tag:
<a ui-sref="{slug:'527a44c02aa9ce3a1c3fbc17'})"></a>
However, ui-router doesn't compile it to a respective state url. What could be the issue? Is there some configuration I may have missed?
Are you using any other directives or expressions within your data table? I'm guessing those wouldn't work either, because it looks like Angular never gets the opportunity to compile any of the HTML you're generating.
This has nothing to do with uiSref and everything to do with writing directives correctly. In terms of best practices, this directive has way too much code. You should look at decomposing it into multiple nested directives and straight HTML. I'd suggest spending some time learning about transclusion and doing nested directives with directive controllers.
Leaving aside best practice, I just encountered and resolved this issue myself. Because DataTables is modifying the DOM outside of Angular's event loop, the ui-sref attributes don't get compiled. It's a simple fix: you need to call $compile on each row as it's created.
Here's my (much simpler) directive:
function datatable($compile) {
return {
restrict: "A",
link: (scope, elem, attrs) => {
scope.options.createdRow = function (row) {
var api = elem.DataTable(scope.options);
var handleUpdates = function (newData) {
var data = newData || null;
if (data) {
scope.$watch("", handleUpdates, true);
scope: { options: "=" }
