How to clear the component stored redux state in componentWillUnmount? - reactjs

We are storing the data for the particular component in the redux
store by using creatStore() and where combining all the component's
state by using combineReducers().Now Once we came out of the page we
need to clear the state stored using redux. This is not the dublicate
question as written in
How should I clear state in componentWillUnmount?
because in this question they want to clear the state of the page that
they save by using this.state{}.In our scenario we have to clean from
global state (redux-stored-state) for the particular component.We want
a global solution so that we can apply to all our component.Please
assist me.

You could dispatch a reset action in componentWillUnmount which would be handled by a corresponding reducer. The reducer would clear the redux state.
To make it global, you might create a higher-order component that would add dispatching of the reset action to the component it's applied to. And you could have one reducer for the whole app to handle reset actions.

you need to import actions of component global store:
import {
} from "../points-of-sale/actions";
I use #Container decorator,
props: state => ({
error: state.product.error,
product: state.product.product,
fetched: state.product.fetched,
locale: state.i18n.locale,
countries: state.pointsOfSale.countries,
resellers: state.pointsOfSale.resellers,
availableCountries: state.pointsOfSale.availableCountries,
selectedCountry: state.pointsOfSale.selectedCountry,
selectedResellerType: state.pointsOfSale.selectedResellerType,
selectedResellers: state.pointsOfSale.selectedResellers,
menuFixed: state.layout.menuFixed
actions: {
here imports actions or stores for another components...
and later only you need use de action to call the apropiate reducer
async componentDidMount() {
if (
!this.props.product ||
this.props.product.slug != this.props.params.product
) {
await this.props.fetchProduct(this.props.params.product);
if (!this.props.countries.fetched) {
await this.props.fetchCountries();
if (!this.props.resellers.fetched) {
await this.props.fetchResellers();
and if dou you want clean when the component is unmount you can call to global action that change state of anyone of your components
async componentWillUnmount() {
console.log("componente se esta desmontando");
await this.props.setErrorDefaultValue();


React Redux and Fetch

I have React app with Redux that has following structure:
In component A an ComponentDidMount, a fetch is called and data is return async-ly. Reducer is then called to add data to the store.
Component B then accesses the store to access data added by A to the store.
Predictably Component B accesses the data before Component A had a change to write data to the store (because data is coming from aync fetch).
what is a proper way to design such interaction?
Do I need use
approach similar to
react redux with asynchronous fetch
? Note that in Reducer I just store data returned async-ly by
Component A, unlike in the link
Set a default state to your componentB for it to load while awaiting results from your fetch.
In your fetch action, assuming you use redux-thunk:
let fetchData = () => async dispatch => {
let res = await fetchFromDataSource();
payload: res
Your component B should be linked up to the store. Upon dispatch update, it should trigger your componentB to reload via ComponentDidUpdate.
I like the pattern of creating an initial state for the object in the reducer, so that any component accessing it gets that initial state first, and can later update based on a post-fetch state.
const initState = {
// Initial state of object
export default function xReducer(state=initState, action) {
switch (action.type) {
return {
// state override
return state;

Redux Watch not responding to changes in redux store

I am trying to monitor the change in a redux store attribute by subscribing to the change using redux watch. For one attribute it works fine. For another, I am making an API request in the reducer (can't make async requests in the actions).
I have verified that the redux state does indeed get updated by creating a button to display the new information.
However, my component isn't actually subscribing to the change.
Does anyone know why this is?
import watch from 'redux-watch';
import {store} from '../index.js';
class ListResults extends Component {
constructor() {
this.state = {
profiles: [],
componentDidMount() {
let w = watch(store.getState, 'searchResults');
store.subscribe(w((newVal, oldVal, objectPath) => {
// not getting called
console.log("Successfully got new searchResults")
render() {
function mapStateToProps(state) {
return {
searchResults: state.searchResults,
export default connect(mapStateToProps)(ListResults);
Redux reducers must be pure functions!
... making an API request in the reducer (can't make async requests in the actions).
sounds very much like a incorrect reducer implementation.
In order to make async requests with redux you should look into redux middleware, like redux-thunk, redux-observables or redux-saga

componentWillReceiveProps not called after redux dispatch

I'm building a react native app and using redux to handle the state. I am running into a situation where one of my containers is not updating immediately when the redux state is changed.
class ContainerClass extends Component<Props, State> {
componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps: Object) {
console.log('WILL RECEIVE PROPS:', nextProps);
render() {
const { data } = this.props;
return <SubComponent data={data} />
const mapStateToProps = (state) => ({
export default connect(mapStateToProps)(ContainerClass);
export default function reducer(state = initalState, action) => {
switch(action.type) {
case getType(actions.actionOne):
console.log('SETTING THE STATE');
return { ...state, data: action.payload };
In a different random component, I am dispatching a call with the actionOne action, which I confirm prints out the relevant console.log. However, the console.log in the componentWillReceiveProps in the container is not printed.
The component that dispatches the call is a modal that has appeared over the Container, and closes automatically after the call is dispatched and the state is updated. What is weird is that although the Container isn't updated immediately, if I navigate to a different page and then back to the Container page, the state is in fact updated.
EDIT: Initial state is:
const initialState: Store = {
data: []
And the way I dispatch is in a different component which gets called as a new modal (using react-native-navigation) from Container:
fnc() {
Where setData and data are the redux dispatch action and the part of the store respectively that is passed in on props from the Container (which has setData and data through mapStateToProps shown above and a mapDispatchToProps which I didn't show).
I solved my problem by updating from react-native v0.56 to v0.57. Apparently there was a problem with react-redux v6 working properly in the react-native v0.56 environment.
Assuming you're using a recent version of React, componentWillReceiveProps is actually deprecated:
Using this lifecycle method often leads to bugs and inconsistencies
You can't really rely on that lifecycle hook in a number of situations. You may want to look at a slightly different approach with componentDidUpdate instead.
I think more important is to get the value after changing in state of redux rather than in which lifecycle you are getting the value . so for getting the value you can use subscribe method of redux in componentDidMount
store.subscribe( ()=> {
var updatedStoreState = store.getState();
I believe that getDerivedStateForProps would solve your problem.
static getDerivedStateFromProps(nextProps, prevState) {
if( !== {
//Do something
} else {
//Do something else
You would check the state from the redux against the state from your component and then act accordingly.
Also, some info from the documentation that you might consider before using this method:
1. getDerivedStateFromProps is invoked right before calling the render method, both on the initial mount and on subsequent updates.
2. This method exists for rare use cases where the state depends on changes in props over time.
3. If you need to perform a side effect (for example, data fetching or an animation) in response to a change in props, use componentDidUpdate lifecycle instead.
You can read more at:

Redux pass up/refresh state from current page

I have a react app (repo) that I want to use redux to store the state universally, so the root app can access it.
For example: one page has a GET API call that populates the page. That works fine and all, but I'm confused as to how to do a couple things.
How can I use variables in the redux action, to give the action say the ID of the model and have it return the model (API returns json).
How can I then pass that state up so that a higher ordered component (such as the base App.js) can access the state, so that I can use variables from the current page in the navigation.
What/when is the best way/time to update the redux state so that the changes reflect across anywhere using the redux state?
Specifically (in this project): If you are on localhost/spells/X with X being the model ID, how can I pass the state up from that page's container component (in this case LayoutSpellView) up to MaterialUIApp
|--LayoutSpellView (pass state up to MaterialUiApp)
With Redux you don't pass the state up or down. You update the global state with your action creators and reducers. Wherever you need to reach the state you connect your components to the state and use it. You have a store and it includes a global state. That global state may contain multiple different states.
You can use payload or any other name, variable with your action creator. In your reducer you can get those with action.payload,, etc.
As I explained in the first paragraph, you update your state whenever you need. After that you connect any component to your state wherever you need.
There is no best time or best way to do that. This is up to your code and app logic.
Of course there are some best practices but we can't talk about them so broad. After you are getting involved with Redux you will see some of them around. For example I said "we don't pass up or down the state with Redux". This is true but sometimes to avoid so many connects around components we use container apps, connect that app to store (you reach state via store actually) and then pass the related state parts to the related components.
I recommend Redux's own documentation as starting point:
To help you see the data flow, here's a sketch of how everything ties together. In my example code below, this is the data flow:
Clicking the "Load Comments" button dispatches a thunk with the parameter userId. (A thunk is an async action.)
The thunk uses the userId to make its async call, and then dispatches an action setComments(comments) with the received comments as its payload.
The Comments reducer catches that action and updates the Redux state with the comments array.
The Container to updates comments in mapStateToProps
The Component receives the updated comments, and displays them in the <ul>
// actions.js
export const SET_COMMENTS = "MyApp/setComments";
export const setComments = comments => ({
payload: comments
// thunks.js
import { setComments } from './actions';
export const getCommentsAsync = id => dispatch => {
return axios
.then(comments => dispatch(setComments(comments)));
// reducer.js
import { SET_COMMENTS } from './actions';
const initialState = {
comments: []
export const reducer = (state = initialState, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
const comments = action.payload;
return {
return state;
// components.js
export default function CommentsList({ comments, loadComments, userId }) {
return (
{ => <li key={}>{comment.body}</li>)}
<button onClick={() => loadComments(userId)}>Load Comments</button>
// containers.js
import { connect } from "react-redux";
import { getCommentsAsync } from "./thunks";
import CommentsList from "./components";
mapStateToProps = state => ({
comments: state.comments,
mapDispatchToProps = {
loadComments: getCommentsAsync
export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(CommentsList);

When to use Dispatcher in React Application

I am facing some issue while using Dispatcher in ReactJS. So, I try to remove this dispatcher from the store and still store works well. Store properly hold my data and change event works well.
Now I am bit confusing to use dispatcher in our application.
Here is the code
MenuList is my component in which I call MenuStore.getMenuFromAPI() and after I also added onChange event of MenuStore.
class MenuList extends React.Component{
this.state = {open:false, menuList:"",numbering:-1}
var that = this;
MenuStore.on("change", ()=> {
const { classes } = this.props;
return (
<div>My MEnu</div>
class MenuStore extends EventEmitter {
constructor() {
super(); = null;
var that = this;
type: "POST",
url: LinkConstants.GETMENU,
headers: {
'Accept': 'application/json',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
data: "",
dataType :"json",
success: function(response) { =response;
error: function(xhr, status, err) {
// handleAction(action) {
// switch (action.type) {
// case ActionTypes.MENU: {
// this.getMenuFromAPI();
// break;
// }
// }
// }
const menuStore = new MenuStore;
export default menuStore;
As you can see I commented out Dispatcher.register line and handleAction function.
Above code works properly fine but I wanted to know why to use Dispatcher over here ?
If I want to just store my data in the MenuStore and get it back from MenuStore on any of the component in the application. So it is necessary to use dispatchers and action or to just work with stores only.
Please clarify my doubts with proper example or case scenario (if possible) when to use dispatchers and action or when to work with stores only.
In your example your are not using Redux at all, you've just created a class that is used as a simple storage for the fetched data but your are not using any of Redux capabilities.
Redux is all about one store which is just a plain object which represents your application state tree. In order to change this state you dispatch actions. Actions are just simple objects which describe what happened. Each action has a type field which describes the action. Actions are treated by reducers which are functions that gets the current state and the dispatched action and decide on the next state of the application. This is Redux in few sentences.
Redux store has a method named dispatch which is used to dispatch actions. As mentioned in Redux documentation, this is the only way to trigger a state change.
Lets say we have a TODO list application. Our store may be represented as an array of strings (todo items).
To add a new item to the list we will define a simple action:
const addItemAction = (item = '') => ({
type: 'ADD_ITEM',
data: item,
Dispatching this action can be done from within one of your component's methods which will be attached to some keyboard/mouse event:
class TodoList extends React.Component {
// addNewItem is called with a value from a text field
addNewItem(item) {
As I mentioned above, state is changed by a reducer function. The reducer decides if to change the state and how to change it. If dispatched action shouldn't change the state it can just return the received state:
function todoReducer(state = [], action) {
switch(action.type) {
case 'ADD_ITEM':
return [...state,];
return state;
Reducer is passed to createStore method:
import { createStore } from 'redux'
const store = createStore(todoReducer);
In the TodoList component you can subscribe to the store using store.subscribe method which accepts a callback function that will be called each time the store state changes. When detecting a change you can call setState of your component to set the list on the component state and to cause the component to rerender:
class TodoList extends React.Component {
componentDidMount() {
this.storeSubscription = store.subscribe((state) => {
// For the example I'm just setting the state (list of todos)
// without checking if it changed or not
todos: state,
render() {
return => <div>{todo}</div>);
This is an almost complete example of using Redux. We used action to describe an event in our application, we used the store's dispatch method to dispatch the action to the store, Redux will invoke the reducer when it gets new actions, the reducer computes the new state and our component detects the change by using the store's subscribe method.
There are more things to consider and to take care of in a more complex application. You will probably have a more complex state tree so you will need additional reducers to take care of computing the state. Additionally in some step you would need to consider working with some helpers to reduce overhead of subscribing to state change and detecting changes.
In a more complex application you would probably connect your component to the store by a binding library such as react-redux so your component will receive the relevant parts of the store by props which will save the overhead of subscribing to the store changes and deciding on when to rerender the component.
I would recommend watching "Getting started with Redux" by Dan Abramov to get some more understanding of what is Redux and how to work with it.
Getting started with Redux
