how to use the system call dup? - c

I am trying to understand how the system call dup() works. I am asking this question because I am writing a shell in C and I need to redirect the STDOUT to a file. Is this the right way to do it?
If for example I have the following code:
remember = dup(STDOUT_FILENO);
fileDescriptor = open("file.txt",O_RDONLY);
then everything that writes to the stdout will now write to the opened file?
As soon as the following line is executed:
remember = dup(STDOUT_FILENO);
STDOUT_FILENO is removed from the table of file descriptors leaving the first spot empty. When a new file is opened, the earliest empty file descriptor will be appointed to this new opened file, so in this case 1.

Nope. You just duplicate the file descriptor for stdout.
With the code you have so far, you could now do a write to remember, and the output would go to console, too:
char str = "this now goes to console, too!";
write(remember, str, strlen(str));
If you want to redirect console output, you yet have to do this:
dup2(fileDescriptor, STDOUT_FILENO);
This will close STDOUT_FILENO (but you have a duplicate in remember to restore it, if need be) and overwrite it with fileDescriptor – and from now on, console output goes to file...
If you don't ever consider to restore outputting to console, you can ommit the first call to dup entirely...
Edit (in response to your edit):
STDOUT_FILENO is removed from the table of file descriptors leaving the first spot empty. When a new file is opened, the earliest empty file descriptor will be appointed to this new opened file, so in this case 1.
This applies for close(STDOUT_FILENO)!
So back to if not wanting to restore: You could then do, too:
fileDescriptor = open("file.txt",O_WRONLY | O_CREAT);
// fileDescriptor will be 1 now
By the way: You must open your file with write access enabled (O_WRONLY or O_RDWR), as you want to write to that file (redirect output to)!
And you need the O_CREAT flag for the case the file does not exist yet. If you do not want to clear the file, but append to, add the O_APPEND flag (see open).

No dup is used to duplicate an existing descriptor and returning a duplicate whose value is the less possible among free descriptors (some docs says ``The new descriptor returned by the call is the lowest
numbered descriptor currently not in use by the process.''), so:
fileDescriptor = open("file.txt",O_RDONLY); // get new desc.
close(STDIN_FILENO); // close 0
dup(fileDescriptor); // dup new desc to 0 (less possible free desc).
// here fileDescriptor and 0 are aliases to the same opened file
close(fileDescriptor); // free unused desc.


What are the rules of closing file descriptors after calling dup/dup2?

I feel like this is a topic I've taken for granted. In the past I literally just closed as many file descriptors "because I was told to". Most of the time this worked, but occasionally I ran into some unpredictable behaviour.
Thus, I'd like to ask - what the rule for closing file descriptors after calling dup / dup2?
Let's say I want to perform cat < in > out.
fd[IN] = open("in", O_RDONLY);
saved_stdin = dup(STDIN_FILENO);
dup2(fd[IN], STDIN_FILENO);
fd[OUT] = open("out", O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0644);
saved_stdout = dup(STDOUT_FILENO);
// Later on when I want to restore stdin and stdout
dup2(saved_stdin, STDIN_FILENO);
dup2(saved_stdout, STDINOUT_FILENO);
Is this correct or should I be closing more file descriptors?
The rule is indeed quite simple. For both dup() variants, it is true, that:
The source fd remains open and will have to be closed once it is no longer needed.
The target file descriptor,
when using dup(), is always an unused one
when using dup2(), is implicitly closed and replaced by a copy of the source fd.
The new target fd has to be closed, when it is no longer needed.
Source fd refers to the file descriptor to be duplicated, while target fd is the new file descriptor.
int new_fd = dup(source_fd);
dup2(source_fd, new_fd);
So yes, your code does the necessary closes, and no unneeded ones.
The figures is come from CSAPP System-Level:
Figure 2: Before Redirect IO
Figure 1: After Redirect IO
Notice the refcnt of fd 1 has changed to 0, after call dup2.
According to the description of close in linux manual. It said:
if the file descriptor was the last reference to a file which has been removed using unlink(2), the file is deleted.
close be used to decrease the refcnt of opened file. we use dup to create a new fd will increase the refcnt of opened file. when we call close function, it did't close the file immediately, it only decrease the reference count of file. the file will be close/delete when the refcnt is 0.
So it's really like the Reference counting for memory management.

Closing and reopening piped file descriptors for writing in c

I have a question please regarding what happens if I closed a file descriptor after writing into it ( e.g fd[1] after piping fd ), then opened it again to write. Will the data be overwritten and all the previous ones will be gone or it will keep on writing from the end point it stopped at after the first write?
I used the system call open() with the file descriptor and no other arguments.
If you close either of the file descriptors for a pipe, it can never be reopened. There is no name by which to reopen it. Even with /dev/fd file systems, once you close the file descriptor, the corresponding entry in the file system is removed — you're snookered.
Don't close a pipe if you might need to use it again.
Consider whether to make a duplicate of the pipe before closing; you can then either use the duplicate directly or duplicate the duplicate back to the original (pipe) file descriptor, but that's cheating; you didn't actually close all the references to the pipe's file descriptor. (Note that the process(es) at the other end of the pipe won't get an EOF indication because of the close — there's still an open file descriptor referring to the pipe.)

Open stdout of new process as file descriptor

Somewhere I've seen a method which lets you open the output of a program like a file. I vaguely remember that it involved opening a pseudo-filename which contains a pipe | symbol, but I was unable to find it on the internet. I think it looked something like this:
int fd = open("| some_program", O_RDONLY);
read(fd, buffer, 100); // read 100 bytes of some_program output
This would:
Start some_program as a new process
Create a new pipe attached to the stdout of some_program
Return the other end of the pipe as a file descriptor
Does this method exist somewhere (maybe only in a specific language, not C) or did I just dream it up?

How to reserve a file descriptor?

I'm writing a curses-based program. In order to make it simpler for me to find errors in this program, I would like to produce debug output. Due to the program already displaying a user interface on the terminal, I cannot put debugging output there.
Instead, I plan to write debugging output to file descriptor 3 unconditionally. You can invoke the program as program 3>/dev/ttyX with /dev/ttyX being a different teletype to see the debugging output. When file descriptor 3 is not opened, write calls fail with EBADF, which I ignore like all errors when writing debugging output.
A problem occurs when I open another file and no debugging output has been requested (i.e. file descriptor 3 has not been opened). In this case, the newly opened file might receive file descriptor 3, causing debugging output to randomly corrupt a file I just opened. This is a bad thing. How can I avoid this? Is there a portable way to mark a file descriptor as “reserved” or such?
Here are a couple of ideas I had and their problems:
I could open /dev/null or a temporary file to file descriptor 3 (e.g. by means of dup2()) before opening any other file. This works but I'm not sure if I can assume this to always succeed as opening /dev/null may not succeed.
I could test if file descriptor 3 is open and not write debugging output if it isn't. This is problematic when I'm attempting to restart the program by calling exec as a different file descriptor might have been opened (and not closed) prior to the exec call. I could intentionally close file descriptor 3 before calling exec when it has not been opened for debugging, but this feels really uggly.
Why use fd 3? Why not use fd 2 (stderr)? It already has a well-defined "I am logging of some sorts" meaning, is always (not true, but sufficiently true...) and you can redirect it before starting your binary, to get the logs where you want.
Another option would be to log messages to syslog, using the LOG_DEBUG level. This entails calling syslog() instead of a normal write function, but that's simply making the logging more explicit.
A simple way of checking if stderr has been redirected or is still pointing at the terminal is by using the isatty function (example code below):
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
int main(void) {
if (isatty(2)) {
printf("stderr is not redirected.\n");
} else {
printf("stderr seems to be redirected.\n");
In the very beginning of your program, open /dev/null and then assign it to file descriptor 3:
int fd = open ("/dev/null", O_WRONLY);
dup2(fd, 3);
This way, file descriptor 3 won't be taken.
Then, if needed, reuse dup2() to assign file descriptor 3 to your debugging output.
You claim you can't guarantee you can open /dev/null successfully, which is a little strange, but let's run with it. You should be able to use socketpair() to get a pair of FDs. You can then set the write end of the pair non-blocking, and dup2 it. You claim you are already ignoring errors on writes to this FD, so the data going in the bit-bucket won't bother you. You can of course close the other end of the socketpair.
Don't focus on a specific file descriptor value - you can't control it in a portable manner anyway. If you can control it at all. But you can use an environment variable to control debug output to a file:
int debugFD = getDebugFD();
int getDebugFD()
const char *debugFile = getenv( "DEBUG_FILE" );
if ( NULL == debugFile )
return( -1 );
int fd = open( debugFile, O_CREAT | O_APPEND | O_WRONLY, 0644 );
// error checking can be here
return( fd );
Now you can write your debug output to debugFD. I assume you know enough to make sure debugFD is visible where you need it, and also how to make sure it's initialized before trying to use it.
If you don't pass a DEBUG_FILE envval, you get an invalid file descriptor and your debug calls fail - presumably silently.

dup2 / dup - Why would I need to duplicate a file descriptor?

I'm trying to understand the use of dup2 and dup.
From the man page:
dup and dup2 create a copy of the file descriptor oldfd. After successful return of dup or dup2, the old and new descriptors may be used interchangeably. They share locks, file position pointers and flags; for example, if the file position is modified by using lseek on one of the descriptors, the position is also changed for the other.
The two descriptors do not share the close-on-exec flag, however. dup uses the lowest-numbered unused descriptor for the new descriptor.
dup2 makes newfd be the copy of oldfd, closing newfd first if necessary.
dup and dup2 return the new descriptor, or -1 if an error occurred (in which case, errno is set appropriately).
Why would I need that system call? What is the use of duplicating the file descriptor? If I have the file descriptor, why would I want to make a copy of it? I'd appreciate it if you could explain and give me an example where dup2 / dup is needed.
The dup system call duplicates an existing file descriptor, returning a new one that
refers to the same underlying I/O object.
Dup allows shells to implement commands like this:
ls existing-file non-existing-file > tmp1 2>&1
The 2>&1 tells the shell to give the command a file descriptor 2 that is a duplicate of descriptor 1. (i.e stderr & stdout point to same fd).
Now the error message for calling ls on non-existing file and the correct output of ls on existing file show up in tmp1 file.
The following example code runs the program wc with standard input connected
to the read end of a pipe.
int p[2];
char *argv[2];
argv[0] = "wc";
argv[1] = 0;
if(fork() == 0) {
close(STDIN); //CHILD CLOSING stdin
dup(p[STDIN]); // copies the fd of read end of pipe into its fd i.e 0 (STDIN)
exec("/bin/wc", argv);
} else {
write(p[STDOUT], "hello world\n", 12);
The child dups the read end onto file descriptor 0, closes the file de
scriptors in p, and execs wc. When wc reads from its standard input, it reads from the
This is how pipes are implemented using dup, well that one use of dup now you use pipe to build something else, that's the beauty of system calls,you build one thing after another using tools which are already there , these tool were inturn built using something else so on ..
At the end system calls are the most basic tools you get in kernel
Cheers :)
Another reason for duplicating a file descriptor is using it with fdopen. fclose closes the file descriptor that was passed to fdopen, so if you don't want the original file descriptor to be closed, you have to duplicate it with dup first.
dup is used to be able to redirect the output from a process.
For example, if you want to save the output from a process, you duplicate the output (fd=1), you redirect the duplicated fd to a file, then fork and execute the process, and when the process finishes, you redirect again the saved fd to output.
Some points related to dup/dup2 can be noted please
dup/dup2 - Technically the purpose is to share one File table Entry inside a single process by different handles. ( If we are forking the descriptor is duplicated by default in the child process and the file table entry is also shared).
That means we can have more than one file descriptor having possibly different attributes for one single open file table entry using dup/dup2 function.
(Though seems currently only FD_CLOEXEC flag is the only attribute for a file descriptor).
dup(fd) is equivalent to fcntl(fd, F_DUPFD, 0);
dup2(fildes, fildes2); is equivalent to
fcntl(fildes, F_DUPFD, fildes2);
Differences are (for the last)- Apart from some errno value beteen dup2 and fcntl
close followed by fcntl may raise race conditions since two function calls are involved.
Details can be checked from
An Example of use -
One interesting example while implementing job control in a shell, where the use of dup/dup2 can be seen the link below
