Pass value from controller to factory to choose between objects - angularjs

I have a quiz-application built in AngularJS in which I would like to choose between two objects, dependent on which quiz you choose in the view. When a quiz is selected in the view a function is executed. In this process I am sending a variable to the dataservice.js file that contain the objects and in here i have an if statement that chooses the right object depending in the input from the controller.
How do i use the quiz-variable outside of the changeState function? I want to use it to choose between the two quiz objects.
function activateQuiz(){
quizMetrics.changeState("quiz", true);
function activateQuiz_2(){
quizMetrics.changeState("quiz", true);
* Declaring a factory service as part of the existing turtleFacts Module.
.factory("DataService", DataService);
* Actual definition of the function used for this factory
function DataService(){
* dataObj is used to simulate getting the data from a backend server
* The object will hold data which will then be returned to the other
* factory declared in js/factory/quiz.js which has this factory
* as a dependency
var dataObj = {
startQuiz: startQuiz,
quizQuestions: quizQuestions,
correctAnswers: correctAnswers
var dataObj_2 = {
startQuiz: startQuiz,
quizQuestions: quizQuestions_2,
correctAnswers: correctAnswers_2
var quiz;
function startQuiz(metric, state){
if(metric === "quiz_1"){
quiz = "quiz1"
}else if(metric === "quiz_2"){
quiz = "quiz2"
return false;
if (quiz = "quiz1") { // here i want to use the the quiz variable from the changeState function.
return dataObj;
} else if (quiz = "quiz2") {
return dataObj_2;

You could have something like this:
* Declaring a factory service as part of the existing turtleFacts Module.
.factory("DataService", DataService);
* Actual definition of the function used for this factory
function DataService(){
* dataObj is used to simulate getting the data from a backend server
* The object will hold data which will then be returned to the other
* factory declared in js/factory/quiz.js which has this factory
* as a dependency
var dataObj = {
changeState: changeState,
quizQuestions: quizQuestions,
correctAnswers: correctAnswers
var dataObj_2 = {
changeState: changeState,
quizQuestions: quizQuestions_2,
correctAnswers: correctAnswers_2
var quiz;
function changeState(metric, state){
if(metric === "quiz_1"){
quiz = "quiz1"
}else if(metric === "quiz_2"){
quiz = "quiz2"
return false;
if (quiz == "quiz1") { // here i want to use the the quiz variable from the changeState function.
return dataObj;
} else if (quiz == "quiz2") {
return dataObj_2;
And from your controller, you can get the data as:
$scope.quiz = DataService. changeState(metric, state);


Singleton JS Object in Angular Service

I am trying to add methods to an Object's protoype, which will be used in a singleton service and will be initiated only once when the service is created.
.factory('stepsService', stepsService);
stepsService.$inject = [];
/* #ngInject */
function stepsService() {
var steps = new Steps(1,3);
function Steps(current_step, total_steps) {
this.c_step = current_step;
this.t_step = total_steps;
Steps.prototype = {
addSteps: function (num) {
this.c_step += num;
setLastStep: function () {
this.lastStep = this.c_step = this.t_step;
var service = {
steps: steps
return service;
My problem is that although the object is created and initiated successfully, the methods are not there.
What is missing?
As mentioned in the comments, var steps = new Steps(1,3); should be after Steps.prototype = {....}

Is [] parameter in the AngularJS module definition compulsory?

In definition of AngularJS module, [] is a parameter for other depended module on this module.
var app = angular.module('myApp',[]);
app.controller("myCtrl", function($scope) {
$scope.firstName = "John";
$scope.lastName = "Doe";
My Question is,
Is this parameter [] necessary, because the the following link or example they didn't mentioned [] parameter, but in above example(w3schooles), if we remove '[]' parameter then code will not give correct output see it?
Please see the this link openstack, they are not using [] parameter
var module = angular.module('hz.dashboard.launch-instance');
* #ngdoc service
* #name launchInstanceModel
* #description
* This is the M part in MVC design pattern for launch instance
* wizard workflow. It is responsible for providing data to the
* view of each step in launch instance workflow and collecting
* user's input from view for creation of new instance. It is
* also the center point of communication between launch instance
* UI and services API.
module.factory('launchInstanceModel', ['$q',
function ($q,
serviceCatalog) {
var initPromise,
// Constants (const in ES6)
var NON_BOOTABLE_IMAGE_TYPES = ['aki', 'ari'],
SOURCE_TYPE_VOLUME_SNAPSHOT = 'volume_snapshot';
* #ngdoc model api object
var model = {
initializing: false,
initialized: false,
* #name newInstanceSpec
* #description
* A dictionary like object containing specification collected from user's
* input. Its required properties include:
* #property {String} name: The new server name.
* #property {String} source_type: The type of source
* Valid options: (image | snapshot | volume | volume_snapshot)
* #property {String} source_id: The ID of the image / volume to use.
* #property {String} flavor_id: The ID of the flavor to use.
* Other parameters are accepted as per the underlying novaclient:
* -
* But may be required additional values as per nova:
* -
* The JS code only needs to set the values below as they are made.
* The createInstance function will map them appropriately.
// see initializeNewInstanceSpec
newInstanceSpec: {},
* cloud service properties, they should be READ-ONLY to all UI controllers
availabilityZones: [],
flavors: [],
allowedBootSources: [],
images: [],
allowCreateVolumeFromImage: false,
arePortProfilesSupported: false,
imageSnapshots: [],
keypairs: [],
metadataDefs: {
flavor: null,
image: null,
volume: null
networks: [],
neutronEnabled: false,
novaLimits: {},
profiles: [],
securityGroups: [],
volumeBootable: false,
volumes: [],
volumeSnapshots: [],
* api methods for UI controllers
initialize: initialize,
createInstance: createInstance
// Local function.
function initializeNewInstanceSpec(){
model.newInstanceSpec = {
availability_zone: null,
admin_pass: null,
config_drive: false,
user_data: '', // REQUIRED Server Key. Null allowed.
disk_config: 'AUTO',
flavor: null, // REQUIRED
instance_count: 1,
key_pair: [], // REQUIRED Server Key
name: null, // REQUIRED
networks: [],
profile: {},
security_groups: [], // REQUIRED Server Key. May be empty.
source_type: null, // REQUIRED for JS logic (image | snapshot | volume | volume_snapshot)
source: [],
vol_create: false, // REQUIRED for JS logic
vol_device_name: 'vda', // May be null
vol_delete_on_terminate: false,
vol_size: 1
* #ngdoc method
* #name launchInstanceModel.initialize
* #returns {promise}
* #description
* Send request to get all data to initialize the model.
function initialize(deep) {
var deferred, promise;
// Each time opening launch instance wizard, we need to do this, or
// we can call the whole methods `reset` instead of `initialize`.
if (model.initializing) {
promise = initPromise;
} else if (model.initialized && !deep) {
deferred = $q.defer();
promise = deferred.promise;
} else {
model.initializing = true;
model.allowedBootSources.length = 0;
promise = $q.all([
novaAPI.getAvailabilityZones().then(onGetAvailabilityZones, noop),
novaAPI.getFlavors(true, true).then(onGetFlavors, noop),
novaAPI.getKeypairs().then(onGetKeypairs, noop),
novaAPI.getLimits().then(onGetNovaLimits, noop),
securityGroup.query().then(onGetSecurityGroups, noop),
serviceCatalog.ifTypeEnabled('network').then(getNetworks, noop),
serviceCatalog.ifTypeEnabled('volume').then(getVolumes, noop)
function() {
model.initializing = false;
model.initialized = true;
// This provides supplemental data non-critical to launching
// an instance. Therefore we load it only if the critical data
// all loads successfully.
function () {
model.initializing = false;
model.initialized = false;
return promise;
* #ngdoc method
* #name launchInstanceModel.createInstance
* #returns {promise}
* #description
* Send request for creating server.
function createInstance() {
var finalSpec = angular.copy(model.newInstanceSpec);
return novaAPI.createServer(finalSpec);
function cleanNullProperties(finalSpec){
// Initially clean fields that don't have any value.
for (var key in finalSpec) {
if (finalSpec.hasOwnProperty(key) && finalSpec[key] === null) {
delete finalSpec[key];
// Local
function onGetAvailabilityZones(data) {
model.availabilityZones.length = 0;
.filter(function (zone) {
return zone.zoneState && zone.zoneState.available;
.map(function (zone) {
return zone.zoneName;
if(model.availabilityZones.length > 0) {
model.newInstanceSpec.availability_zone = model.availabilityZones[0];
// Flavors
function onGetFlavors(data) {
model.flavors.length = 0;
function setFinalSpecFlavor(finalSpec) {
if ( finalSpec.flavor ) {
finalSpec.flavor_id =;
} else {
delete finalSpec.flavor_id;
delete finalSpec.flavor;
// Keypairs
function onGetKeypairs(data) {
model.keypairs, (e) { =;
return e.keypair;
function setFinalSpecKeyPairs(finalSpec) {
// Nova only wants the key name. It is a required field, even if None.
if(!finalSpec.key_name && finalSpec.key_pair.length === 1){
finalSpec.key_name = finalSpec.key_pair[0].name;
} else if (!finalSpec.key_name) {
finalSpec.key_name = null;
delete finalSpec.key_pair;
// Security Groups
function onGetSecurityGroups(data) {
model.securityGroups.length = 0;
// set initial default
if (model.newInstanceSpec.security_groups.length === 0 &&
model.securityGroups.length > 0) {
model.securityGroups.forEach(function (securityGroup) {
if ( === 'default') {
function setFinalSpecSecurityGroups(finalSpec) {
// pull out the ids from the security groups objects
var security_group_ids = [];
if(model.neutronEnabled) {
} else {
finalSpec.security_groups = security_group_ids;
// Networks
function getNetworks() {
return neutronAPI.getNetworks().then(onGetNetworks, noop);
function onGetNetworks(data) {
model.neutronEnabled = true;
model.networks.length = 0;
function setFinalSpecNetworks(finalSpec) {
finalSpec.nics = [];
finalSpec.networks.forEach(function (network) {
"v4-fixed-ip": ""
delete finalSpec.networks;
// Boot Source
function getImages(){
return glanceAPI.getImages({status:'active'}).then(onGetImages);
function isBootableImageType(image){
// This is a blacklist of images that can not be booted.
// If the image container type is in the blacklist
// The evaluation will result in a 0 or greater index.
return NON_BOOTABLE_IMAGE_TYPES.indexOf(image.container_format) < 0;
function onGetImages(data) {
model.images.length = 0;
push.apply(model.images, (image) {
return isBootableImageType(image) &&
(! || !== 'snapshot');
addAllowedBootSource(model.images, SOURCE_TYPE_IMAGE, gettext('Image'));
model.imageSnapshots.length = 0;
push.apply(model.imageSnapshots, (image) {
return isBootableImageType(image) &&
( && === 'snapshot');
addAllowedBootSource(model.imageSnapshots, SOURCE_TYPE_SNAPSHOT, gettext('Instance Snapshot'));
function getVolumes(){
var volumePromises = [];
// Need to check if Volume service is enabled before getting volumes
model.volumeBootable = true;
addAllowedBootSource(model.volumes, SOURCE_TYPE_VOLUME, gettext('Volume'));
addAllowedBootSource(model.volumeSnapshots, SOURCE_TYPE_VOLUME_SNAPSHOT, gettext('Volume Snapshot'));
volumePromises.push(cinderAPI.getVolumes({ status: 'available', bootable: 1 }).then(onGetVolumes));
volumePromises.push(cinderAPI.getVolumeSnapshots({ status: 'available' }).then(onGetVolumeSnapshots));
// Can only boot image to volume if the Nova extension is enabled.
.then(function(){ model.allowCreateVolumeFromImage = true; });
return $q.all(volumePromises);
function onGetVolumes(data) {
model.volumes.length = 0;
function onGetVolumeSnapshots(data) {
model.volumeSnapshots.length = 0;
function addAllowedBootSource(rawTypes, type, label) {
if (rawTypes && rawTypes.length > 0) {
type: type,
label: label
function setFinalSpecBootsource(finalSpec) {
finalSpec.source_id = finalSpec.source && finalSpec.source[0] && finalSpec.source[0].id;
delete finalSpec.source;
switch (finalSpec.source_type.type) {
setFinalSpecBootFromVolumeDevice(finalSpec, 'vol');
setFinalSpecBootFromVolumeDevice(finalSpec, 'snap');
// error condition
console.log("Unknown source type: " + finalSpec.source_type);
// The following are all fields gathered into simple fields by
// steps so that the view can simply bind to simple model attributes
// that are then transformed a single time to Nova's expectation
// at launch time.
delete finalSpec.source_type;
delete finalSpec.vol_create;
delete finalSpec.vol_device_name;
delete finalSpec.vol_delete_on_terminate;
delete finalSpec.vol_size;
function setFinalSpecBootImageToVolume(finalSpec){
if(finalSpec.vol_create) {
// Specify null to get Autoselection (not empty string)
var device_name = finalSpec.vol_device_name ? finalSpec.vol_device_name : null;
finalSpec.block_device_mapping_v2 = [];
'device_name': device_name,
'source_type': SOURCE_TYPE_IMAGE,
'destination_type': SOURCE_TYPE_VOLUME,
'delete_on_termination': finalSpec.vol_delete_on_terminate ? 1 : 0,
'uuid': finalSpec.source_id,
'boot_index': '0',
'volume_size': finalSpec.vol_size
function setFinalSpecBootFromVolumeDevice(finalSpec, sourceType) {
finalSpec.block_device_mapping = {};
finalSpec.block_device_mapping[finalSpec.vol_device_name] = [
(finalSpec.vol_delete_on_terminate ? 1 : 0)
// Source ID must be empty for API
finalSpec.source_id = '';
// Nova Limits
function onGetNovaLimits(data) {
// Metadata Definitions
* Metadata definitions provide supplemental information in detail
* rows and should not slow down any of the other load processes.
* All code should be written to treat metadata definitions as
* optional, because they are never guaranteed to exist.
function getMetadataDefinitions() {
// Metadata definitions often apply to multiple
// resource types. It is optimal to make a single
// request for all desired resource types.
var resourceTypes = {
flavor: 'OS::Nova::Flavor',
image: 'OS::Glance::Image',
volume: 'OS::Cinder::Volumes'
angular.forEach(resourceTypes, function (resourceType, key) {
'resource_type': resourceType
}, true)
.then(function (data) {
var namespaces =;
// This will ensure that the metaDefs model object remains
// unchanged until metadefs are fully loaded. Otherwise,
// partial results are loaded and can result in some odd
// display behavior.
if(namespaces.length) {
model.metadataDefs[key] = namespaces;
return model;
The array or [] parameter is needed to specify dependent modules when you declare your own module, so this should only happen once per module.
The second notation, without the parameter is just retrieving the module so you can attach controllers/services/filters/... to it.
Use the array notation for the declaration of your module, use the single parameter notation if you want to add something to it.
For example:
in app.module.js
//You want to make use of the ngRoute module,
//so you have to specify a dependency on it
angular.module('app', ['ngRoute']);
You will only specify the dependencies on your module once, when you declare it.
in main.controller.js
//You want to add a controller to your module, so you want to retrieve your module
angular.module('app').controller('mainCtrl', mainCtrl);
function mainCtrl() { };
Now angular will try to find a module by that name instead of creating one, when it doesn't find one, you'll get some errors, which explains your original question.
You will typically do this every time you want to add something to your module.
Note that you could also achieve this by storing your module in a global variable when you create it and then access the module by that variable when you want to add things to it, however as you probably know, creating global variables is a bad practice.
Facing an error with angular is a bliss because it provides the link to description of the error in the console.
From an example page like that...
When defining a module with no module dependencies, the array of dependencies should be defined and empty.
var myApp = angular.module('myApp', []);
To retrieve a reference to the same module for further configuration, call angular.module without the array argument.
var myApp = angular.module('myApp');

Angular - Organise controller, factory and "class"

I would like to understand how to have a nice organisation in my angular project.
[see code below]
Does it makes sense to have the getFireList function into the Factory ? Or should i put it into the controller ?
Does the "class" Fire makes sense ? Should i remove it ? Should i move it to the controller ? Should i move it the the factory ?
If you see anything wrong in this code i'm really interested to learn more.
For now, i've got this :
A class "Fire" to create new object of type Fire.
function Fire (p_power) {
// ATTRIBUTES = null;
this.power = p_power;
this.position = {
x: null,
y: null
// id
this.getId = function() {
this.setId = function(p_id) { = p_id;
// power
this.getPower = function() {
return this.power;
this.setPower = function(p_power) {
this.power = p_power;
// position
this.getPosition = function() {
return this.position;
this.setPosition = function(p_position) {
this.position = p_position;
this.increasePower = function(p_plus) {
this.power += p_plus;
this.decreasePower = function(p_minus) {
this.power -= p_minus;
A controller
simuApp.controller('FireController', function($scope, FireFactory) {
// ...
And a factory
simuApp.factory('FireFactory', function() {
return {
fire_list: [],
getFireList : function() {
return $http.get(site_url+'fire/fireList').
function(success) {
var data =;
var fires = [];
var fire_tmp;
for (i=0 ; i<data.length ; i++) {
fire_tmp = new Fire( data[i].power );
fire_tmp.setId( data[i].idFire );
fires.push( fire_tmp );
fire_list = fires;
return fire_list;
}, function(err) {
// ...
Thanks for your help.
First, let's get the terminology right. .factory is a method to register a function that generates an instance of the service - hence "factory". What it generates, though, is a singleton service instance.
So, the service you create would be more properly named as FireSvc (as opposed to FireFactory), whereas the function that creates it could have the word "factory" in it (although, in the case below, that function name is not really needed - it could just be an anonymous function):
.factory("FireSvc", function FireSvcFactory(){
It is a good practice to use a Service to abstract away any domain/business logic from the controller. Keep the controller thin, responsible only to define the ViewModel, and react to events by changing the ViewModel or invoking functions on the Model.
So, having FireSvc.getFireList() makes sense.
Now, whether the list is a collection of plain objects, or instances of Fire is completely independent of Angular and is entirely up to you. In any case, it is too broad of a topic to discuss in a SO answer.

How do I create a custom object class that's available to my methods in AngularJS

I'm a huge fan of angular but it's got some tricky concepts with extremely nuanced differences between them and this is one of them.
I just want to create an class that I can use to create custom objects in my Angular controllers and factories. It surely shouldn't be that hard but I can't figure out how to do it. I want to have a custom, ResultSet class which I can instantiate to create instances of ResultSet. However for the life of me I can't figure out the correct syntax of factory v. service to use.
This is all I want:
ResultSet = function(dataSet){
this.filter = function(){
# filters and returns dataSet
# ...
and then I want to be able instantiate an instance of ResultSet inside a controller etc:
MyApp.controller('pageCtrl', ['ResultSet', (ResultSet) ->
# ...
rs =
How can I create a service that allows me to create instances of my custom object?
It seems more correct to use an Angular Service rather than a Factory since a service returns an instance of an object (which is exactly what I want). But I can't figure out how to do this...
How would I use a service to declare my custom ResultSet class and then how would I instantiate an instance from it?
Maybe you were looking for something like this:
.factory('User', function (Organisation) {
* Constructor, with class name
function User(firstName, lastName, role, organisation) {
// Public properties, assigned to the instance ('this')
this.firstName = firstName;
this.lastName = lastName;
this.role = role;
this.organisation = organisation;
* Public method, assigned to prototype
User.prototype.getFullName = function () {
return this.firstName + ' ' + this.lastName;
* Private property
var possibleRoles = ['admin', 'editor', 'guest'];
* Private function
function checkRole(role) {
return possibleRoles.indexOf(role) !== -1;
* Static property
* Using copy to prevent modifications to private property
User.possibleRoles = angular.copy(possibleRoles);
* Static method, assigned to class
* Instance ('this') is not available in static context
*/ = function (data) {
if (!checkRole(data.role)) {
return new User(
data.role, // another model
* Return the constructor function
return User;
From this post by Gert Hengeveld.
myApp.factory('ResulSet', function() {
function ResultSetInstance(dataSet) {
this.filter = function(){
// ...
return {
createNew: function(dataSet) {
return new ResultSetInstance(dataSet);
and then
myApp.controller('pageCtrl', function(ResultSet) {
var someData = ...;
var rs = ResultSet.createNew(someData);
Edit (from the question asker)
On experimenting with this further I found that you didn't even need to have the createNew method.
myApp.factory('ResultSetClass', function() {
ResultSetClass = function(dataSet) {
this.filter = function(){
// ...
return ResultSetClass
works just fine and then you can call new ResultSetClass(args).
Note for those using Coffeescript
Coffeescript will return the last variable or method in your class instance so if you are using coffeescript (as a general rule), it's imperative to return this at the end of the class definition
myApp.factory 'ResultSetClass', () ->
ResultSetClass = (dataset) ->
this.filter = () ->
# do some stuff
return this
return ResultSetClass
If you don't return this explicitly then you'll find that when you call
myApp.factory 'ResultSetClass', () ->
ResultSetClass = (dataset) ->
this.filter = () ->
# do some stuff
then you'll simply be left with the last thing the coffeescript returns which is the filter method.
I recently has do do something like that because I wanted to implement a factory of class instance, and being able to configurate my instances and benefit from Angular Dependency injection. I ended up with something like that
// Implem
export class XAPIService {
private path: string;
/* this DO NOT use angular injection, this is done in the factory below */
private seed: XAPISeed,
private $http: ng.IHttpService,
private slugService: SlugService
) {
const PATH_MAP: Map<Y, Z> = new Map([
['x', id => `/x/${id}`],
['y', id => `/y/${id}`],
this.path = PATH_MAP.get(this.seed.type)(;
list() {
/* implem that use configured path */
return this.slugService
.from(this.path + `/x`)
.then(url => this.$http.get<IX>(url))
.then(response =>
export type IXAPIFactory = (s: XAPISeed) => XAPIService;
export function XAPIFactory(
$http: ng.IHttpService,
myService: SlugService
) {
return (seed: XAPISeed) =>
new XAPIService(seed, $http, myService);
// angular
angular.module('xxx', [])
.factory('xAPIFactory', XAPIFactory)
// usage in code
export class XsController implements ng.IComponentController {
/* #ngInject */
private xAPIFactory: IXAPIFactory,
) {}
$onInit() {
this.xService = this.xAPIFactory({ id: 'aaabbbaaabbb', type: 'y' });
return this.xService.list()
.then(xs => {
this.xs = xs;

Trying to not use watchers in my controllers

So, i'm trying to not use watcher in my controller, but, how could i get a value when it changes?
here is my Controller(MyController) using a listener from my Service:
* #param Int index
myService.listener.setDrawAttentionIndex = function (idTask) {
if (lodash.isNumber(idTask) && !lodash.isNaN(idTask)) {
if ($scope.task.idFromTask === idTask) {
$scope.goal.selectedDrawAttention = true;
} else {
$scope.goal.selectedDrawAttention = false;
and here is my Service:
* #param Int index
this.setDrawAttention = function (idTask) {
if (lodash.isNumber(idTask) && !lodash.isNaN(idTask)) {
drawAttentionIndex = idTask;
and my possible watcher:
$scope.$watch('myService.getDrawAttention()', function (index) {
if (lodash.isNumber(index) && !lodash.isNaN(index)) {
if ($scope.task.idFromTask === index) {
$scope.goal.selectedDrawAttention = true;
} else {
$scope.goal.selectedDrawAttention = false;
What's better to use? I don't want use watcher in my controller because it's difficult to test, but, i don't know how i could get the value when it changes... It's a good idea to put a listener from my Service, like i did above? And what happens with my $scope variable inside my service listener?
