Update excel sheet through parsing data from angular - angularjs

I have a question.
I am fetching some data from a website now what I want to do is to write that data in excel through angular and export it, now again when I want more data the file should be updated.
is there any library does that?

I did same thing in my project, but you have to pass your data or file from angular to server side (.Net )and then using any library, you can write in excel easily.


SAP PowerDesigner Data API

I am want to create CDM in powerdesigner using import functionality. I have explored the option of importing excel but this requires user to refresh the imported excel in case of any changes.
What I want is to call an API, which will provide json/xml data, from powerdesigner, either desktop or web application, to generate CDM . Is this option available in powerdesigner? if yes, then how can I do it?
There is quite usable Java API which you can use basically to do anything can be done manually in PD. So you can process almost any input/ouput file to create various diagram.

How to export List/Collection of data tables to csv in AngularJS

I am getting list of data tables returned by Web API call and I want that list of data tables to be exported to csv file using AngularJS where each sheet in csv contains data for each table in list of data tables.
It should happen on a button click.
CSV does not support multiple sheets concept. You can create multiple CSV files for each table. Here is a directive for the same. http://ngmodules.org/modules/ng-csv
If you want to export in same sheet, you might want to do it on server side "export to excel". In case of Java, Apache POI is a good option to use. https://poi.apache.org/spreadsheet/examples.html

Angular UI-grid how to get file size using csv import feature?

I'm using angular ui-grid to create a table. I have enabled the csv import feature, and this is working and is populating the table for me. Here is the issue I'm having:
Before I populate the table with the data, I want to verify that the csv file size being imported is less than a certain size (say 10MB). Is it possible to get this information from the api that ui-grid provides? I have searched the docs and can't find any reference to this.
According their APIs you cannot do this.But you can request this feature from them.
Here is the csv.js where you can request that feature.
This is the Ui Grid importer api GridOptions.But unfortunately there is no file size detection option there.

Import data from a CSV file from Angular

I want to import data from a csv file and insert them in MongoDB. So firstly I get the data from the csv file and I display my data in the console using AngularJS.
Now I want to pass my data (from AngularJS) to a play controller where I want to parse data and then insert it in my database.
So I defined this route:
POST /input/:data controllers.InputController.showinput(data)
Where data is the data that I get from AngularJS and InputController is my controller.
I am currently blocked, I don't know if I'm on the right track or not and also there is any example to parse my data in controller?
Instead of getting data from csv file, you can first insert csv file in mongoDB by using the monngoImport command. Then you can access data from csv file using angularjs.

AngularJs bootstrap and charts

I am working on a project that involves building a line chart. I am getting the data from a mysql DB. I want to know how its possible to use AngularJs and some bootstrap templates to accomplish this. I would very much appreciate it if there is a step by step way of explaining.
thank you in advance
Try using AngularJS service to read the data from your Back end server via HTTP REST API or url that returns json.
Then use nvd3-angular-directive library to show the chart e.g https://cmaurer.github.io/angularjs-nvd3-directives/line.chart.html
