how to mark cell when the row data is changing on ssrs - sql-server

I have a SSRS report.
I have an order columns.
I want to mark both rows where order is changing in yellow
How to do like this?

Give this a try. Make a Parent Group on your STR_ORDER_ID. Don't create a header and remove the column only (after you create the group). The only issue here is that you'll get the coloring on the first and last row of the report.
=IIF(RowNumber("GroupName") = CountRows("GroupName"), "LightBlue",
IIF(RowNumber("GroupName") = 1, "LightBlue","Silver"))


Merge duplicate rows where fields are different

These are my query results:
But I want to merge the MemberName column when the member is the same. But the values in the other columns still need to display separately. How can I make my report use the following format?
Create a Group for SIno at the lowest level, if you don't have one already. Suppress the header and footer of this group.
Then add this formula to the suppression logic for SIno, Member Name, and Sanity Code:
{SIno} = PREVIOUS({SIno})
After discussing your needs in the comments, I recommend the following: Set your report such that it doesn't have any borders, and instead have the background color alternate between white and gray. Group based on SIno if you haven't already, and set the background color to:
IF GROUPNUMBER MOD 2 = 0 THEN crWhite else crSilver
I do this all the time with my reports. It looks professional, and the customers understand it:

Add new lines if necessary at the bottom of a tablix control using SSRS

I'm using SSRS to build reports. The design is being done using VS2015 and the database server is SQl Server2014.
Here is my issue:
The report I'm building uses a tablix control to display records hold in a dataset. There will be only a max of 5 lines displayed in the tablix. However if the dataset has 3 records in it I would like to add 2 blank lines in the bottom of the tablix in order to always display 5 lines.
I could this at a database level by adding blank records but I would like to do it at a report level using properties/ expressions of the tablix control.
Any help?
You will have to add 5 blank rows in the tablix outside the details group, since you won't know how many rows are supposed to be in the dataset initially. You will then want to change the Visibility property of each blank row to an expression. The first row will have an expression that looks at the count of the dataset and if its = 1, then False. That code looks like =IIF(CountRows() = 1, False, True). You will put that as the expression in each of the blank rows, but increasing the number for the subsequent row.

How to create vertical tablix in sql server reporting services?

Hi to all i will try to tell you what i tried to do with an example. I have table as shown below;
#|a |b |c |
I want to create dynamic tablix for each row like below;
nth tablix.
I defined a dataset for a tablix. i defined the column names as row names(in the example they are a, b, c). and i can get the cell values by defining an expression like =First(Fields!x1.Value, "dsDetails") for each row. But i can not figure out how to generate dynamic tablix for remaining rows. I need suggestion to continue.
For others searching this kind of issue, there is a solution.You can create a tablix with two columns. First column will have the label you want to report and second column will have the information. The information can be displayed by inserting placeholders. An example table have been inserted below.
If you inserted the table into a list. The report will be displayed for each row number.
PS: I fould this information on the internet. Therefore credits will go the the related person. This is just for the answer to be viewed here.
Another option is to use List control with Rectangle inside placing all columns of your dataset as separate textboxes inside that rectangle as it's shown in this video:
Using Lists in SSRS

How can I get SSRS to create subheadings?

The Problem
I'm building an SSRS report which requires regular group headings on certain rows. The data returned from the database query includes a column with a bit flag indicating which rows need to be treated as group subheadings.
Here's a snippet of the source data:
Note the IsGroupHeading column, where the flag is set to 1 on the first row ("0401").
I want to produce output which looks like this Excel mockup:
So every time the report encounters a row where IsGroupHeading equals 1, it generates a bold group heading row followed by a row with column headings.
What's Happening
I've tried creating a row group in SSRS with the expression =Fields!IsGroupHeading.Value = 1 but I get unexpected results: (1) Only the first group heading is treated specially, and (2) the group heading row is repeated underneath the heading. The result looks like this:
Notice that the "0401" row is repeated under the group heading. In addition, only the first group heading ever gets this special treatment. The report simply ignores subsequent group headings and renders them as normal data rows.
The Question
I've spent hours trying to get this right and this is the closest I've been able to get it and my googling on row groups turns up pages mostly about creating subtotals, so I'm throwing this one out to the community hoping some SSRS experts can help me with this.
I'm going to assume that you're doing this in SQL and that all tariff numbers start with the group header tariff number (in this case, 0401).
Let's say your SQL currently looks like this:
SELECT TariffNumber, RowDescription, TariffRate, IsGroupHeading
FROM Tariffs
What we want to do is join this table on itself to give the group TariffNumber and RowDescription columns on each row to enable us to group on it. We also want to exclude the GroupHeader Tariff from the Details rows. So we get something like this:
SELECT TariffGroup.TariffNumber AS GroupNumber, TariffGroup.RowDescription AS GroupDescription,
TariffDetail.TariffNumber, TariffDetail.RowDescription, TariffDetail.TariffRate
FROM Tariffs AS TariffDetail
INNER JOIN Tariffs AS TariffGroup ON TariffGroup.TariffNumber = Left(TariffDetail.TariffNumber, CharIndex(TariffDetail.TariffNumber, '.')-1) AND TariffDetail.IsGroupHeader = 0
Now you just need to group on GroupNumber and you're done.

SSRS Count Rows of Previous Group (Table in Matrix)

Using the sample below, I am looking for a way how to count the number of rows in the table in the previous group. My report is setup using a Matrix and a table ("Tablix3") in the data region of the matrix.
The column groupings are called "DayOfTheWeek" and "AMPM".
In the area with the blue box around it, I need the PM group to count the number of rows in "Tablix3" for the AM group on that day, which is 2. When the value is greater than 1 I will use expressions to alter the background colour accordingly as the bottom right pink background shouldn't be there.
I am using SSRS 2008.
Unfortunately, no. You have to do it in the query.
