Theano: Restoring broadcastable settings after dense -> sparse -> dense transformation - sparse-matrix

Background: I'm working on a project that historically has relied on sparse matrices for a lot of the math, and developing a plugin to outsource some of the heavy lifting to theano. Since theano's sparse support is limited, we're building a dense version first -- but hopefully that explains why we're interested in the approach below.
The task: apply some operator to only the nonzero values of a matrix.
The following subroutine works most of the time:
import theano.sparse.basic as TSB
def _applyOpToNonzerosOfDense(self,op,expr):
sparseExpr = TSB.clean(TSB.csr_from_dense(expr))
newData = op(TSB.csm_data(sparseExpr)).flatten()
newSparse = TS.CSR(newData, \
TSB.csm_indices(sparseExpr), \
TSB.csm_indptr(sparseExpr), \
ret = TSB.dense_from_sparse(newSparse)
return ret
The problem comes when expr is not a canonical matrix tensor, but a row tensor (so, expr is 1xN and expr.broadcastable is (True, False)). When that happens, we need to be able to retain or restore the broadcast status in the returned tensor.
Some things I've tried that don't work:
dense_from_sparse doesn't support broadcastable settings
Theano 0.9 doesn't support assignment to ret.broadcastable
ret.dimshuffle( ('x',1) ) fails with "You cannot drop a non-broadcastable dimension."
ret has (ought to have) exactly the same shape as expr, so I wasn't expecting this to be hard. How do I get my broadcast settings back?

LOL, it's in the API: T.addbroadcast(x,*axes)


Statistics on subsets of a dataset

Looking for more R-ish ways of implementing a "for" loop with "subset", that will lend itself to implementation in R Markdown
I have a large dataset, that can be summarised as:
StudentID, Unit, TutorialID, SemesterID, Mark, Grade
I have written the following code, which seems to work OK. This reflects my background as an imperative programmer of long ago (and the fact that I am self-taught in R). Partly, I am curious as to how to write the "sequential application of a group of functions" to "successive subsets" in a way that is more R-ish.
ListOfUnits <- unique (Dataset$Unit)
for (val in ListOfUnits) {
EachUnit <- subset(Dataset, Unit == val)
boxplot(Mark ~ TutorialID, ylim=c(0,100), data=EachUnit,outline=TRUE,main=val)
aggregate(x= EachUnit$Mark, by = list(EachUnit$Campus), FUN=mean, na.rm=TRUE)
aggregate(x= EachUnit$Mark, by = list(EachUnit$Campus), FUN=sd, na.rm=TRUE)
if (nrow(count(EachUnit$TutorialID)) >= 2) {
# Here I have code to run an ANOVA and the Tukey HSD test for any difference
# between means among tutorial groups, culminating in$groups,ylim=c(0,100),density=400,border="black",main=val)
else {
I have also tried my hand at creating an R Markdown script to genearte a report on the multitude of units that exist. What seemed a promising approach involves knitr::knit_expand(file = "file_location" ... early efforts seemed to be good, but when I included "for" or "if" statements in either the 'parent' or 'child' file, it either generated errors or did not run as expected.
My conclusion is that the basic routine is insufficiently "R-ish", hence the question above.
But an immediate follow-on question is "how to achieve the above in R Markdown, so as to produce a report"?
Thank you
The following prototype does the job:
Unit_Statistics <- function(Unit) {
boxplot(Mark ~ Campus, ylim=c(0,100),data=Unit,outline=TRUE,main=Unit$Unit[1])
bitbucket <- Dataset %>% group_by(Unit) %>% do(Stats=Unit_Statistics(.))

Query on TFP Probabilistic Model

In the TFP tutorial, the model output is Normal distribution. I noted that the output can be replaced by an IndependentNormal layer. In my model, the y_true is binary class. Therefore, I used an IndependentBernoulli layer instead of IndependentNormal layer.
After building the model, I found that it has two output parameters. It doesn't make sense to me since Bernoulli distribution has one parameter only. Do you know what went wrong?
# Define the prior weight distribution as Normal of mean=0 and stddev=1.
# Note that, in this example, the we prior distribution is not trainable,
# as we fix its parameters.
def prior(kernel_size, bias_size, dtype=None):
n = kernel_size + bias_size
prior_model = Sequential([
lambda t: tfd.MultivariateNormalDiag(loc=tf.zeros(n), scale_diag=tf.ones(n))
return prior_model
# Define variational posterior weight distribution as multivariate Gaussian.
# Note that the learnable parameters for this distribution are the means,
# variances, and covariances.
def posterior(kernel_size, bias_size, dtype=None):
n = kernel_size + bias_size
posterior_model = Sequential([
tfpl.VariableLayer(tfpl.MultivariateNormalTriL.params_size(n), dtype=dtype),
return posterior_model
# Create a probabilistic DL model
model = Sequential([
tfpl.IndependentBernoulli(1, convert_to_tensor_fn=tfd.Bernoulli.logits)
screenshot of the results executed the codes on Google Colab
I agree the summary display is confusing but I think this is an artifact of the way tfp layers are implemented to interact with keras. During normal operation, there will only be one return value from a DistributionLambda layer. But in some contexts (that I don't fully grok) may return both a distribution and a side-result. I think the summary plumbing triggers this for some reason, so it looks like there are 2 outputs, but there will practically only be one. Try calling your model object on X_train, and you'll see you get a single distribution out (its type is actually something called TensorCoercible, which is a wrapper around a distribution that lets you pass it into tf ops that call tf.convert_to_tensor -- the resulting value for that op will be the result of calling your convert_to_tensor_fn on the enclosed distribution).
In summary, your distribution layer is fine but the summary is confusing. It could probably be fixed; I'm not keras-knowledgeable enough to opine on how hard it would be.
Side note: you can omit the event_shape=1 parameter -- the default value is (), or "scalar", which will behave the same.

How do I get a dataframe or database write from TFX BulkInferrer?

I'm very new to TFX, but have an apparently-working ML Pipeline which is to be used via BulkInferrer. That seems to produce output exclusively in Protobuf format, but since I'm running bulk inference I want to pipe the results to a database instead. (DB output seems like it should be the default for bulk inference, since both Bulk Inference & DB access take advantage of parallelization... but Protobuf is a per-record, serialized format.)
I assume I could use something like Parquet-Avro-Protobuf to do the conversion (though that's in Java and the rest of the pipeline's in Python), or I could write something myself to consume all the protobuf messages one-by-one, convert them into JSON, deserialize the JSON into a list of dicts, and load the dict into a Pandas DataFrame, or store it as a bunch of key-value pairs which I treat like a single-use DB... but that sounds like a lot of work and pain involving parallelization and optimization for a very common use case. The top-level Protobuf message definition is Tensorflow's PredictionLog.
This must be a common use case, because TensorFlowModelAnalytics functions like this one consume Pandas DataFrames. I'd rather be able to write directly to a DB (preferably Google BigQuery), or a Parquet file (since Parquet / Spark seems to parallelize better than Pandas), and again, those seem like they should be common use cases, but I haven't found any examples. Maybe I'm using the wrong search terms?
I also looked at the PredictExtractor, since "extracting predictions" sounds close to what I want... but the official documentation appears silent on how that class is supposed to be used. I thought TFTransformOutput sounded like a promising verb, but instead it's a noun.
I'm clearly missing something fundamental here. Is there a reason no one wants to store BulkInferrer results in a database? Is there a configuration option that allows me to write the results to a DB? Maybe I want to add a ParquetIO or BigQueryIO instance to the TFX pipeline? (TFX docs say it uses Beam "under the hood" but that doesn't say much about how I should use them together.) But the syntax in those documents looks sufficiently different from my TFX code that I'm not sure if they're compatible?
(Copied from the related issue for greater visibility)
After some digging, here is an alternative approach, which assumes no knowledge of the feature_spec before-hand. Do the following:
Set the BulkInferrer to write to output_examples rather than inference_result by adding a output_example_spec to the component construction.
Add a StatisticsGen and a SchemaGen component in the main pipeline right after the BulkInferrer to generate a schema for the aforementioned output_examples
Use the artifacts from SchemaGen and BulkInferrer to read the TFRecords and do whatever is neccessary.
bulk_inferrer = BulkInferrer(
output_column='output_label_column_name', )]))]
statistics = StatisticsGen(
schema = SchemaGen(
After that, one can do the following:
import tensorflow as tf
from tfx.utils import io_utils
from tensorflow_transform.tf_metadata import schema_utils
# read schema from SchemaGen
schema_path = '/path/to/schemagen/schema.pbtxt'
schema_proto = io_utils.SchemaReader().read(schema_path)
spec = schema_utils.schema_as_feature_spec(schema_proto).feature_spec
# read inferred results
data_files = ['/path/to/bulkinferrer/output_examples/examples/examples-00000-of-00001.gz']
dataset =, compression_type='GZIP')
# parse dataset with spec
def parse(raw_record):
return, spec)
dataset =
At this point, the dataset is like any other parsed dataset, so its trivial to write a CSV, or to a BigQuery table or whatever from there. It certainly helped us in ZenML with our BatchInferencePipeline.
Answering my own question here to document what we did, even though I think #Hamza Tahir's answer below is objectively better. This may provide an option for other situations where it's necessary to change the operation of an out-of-the-box TFX component. It's hacky though:
We copied and edited the file tfx/components/bulk_inferrer/, replacing this transform in the _run_model_inference() method's internal pipeline:
| 'WritePredictionLogs' >>
os.path.join(inference_result.uri, _PREDICTION_LOGS_FILE_NAME),
with this one:
| 'WritePredictionLogsBigquery' >>
(This works because when you import the BulkInferrer component, the per-node work gets farmed out to these executors running on the worker nodes, and TFX copies its own library onto those nodes. It doesn't copy everything from user-space libaries, though, which is why we couldn't just subclass BulkInferrer and import our custom version.)
We had to make sure the table at 'our_project:namespace.TableName' had a schema compatible with the model's output, but didn't have to translate that schema into JSON / AVRO.
In theory, my group would like to make a pull request with TFX built around this, but for now we're hard-coding a couple key parameters, and don't have the time to get this to a real public / production state.
I'm a little late to this party but this is some code I use for this task:
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow_serving.apis import prediction_log_pb2
import pandas as pd
def parse_prediction_logs(inference_filenames: List[Text]): -> pd.DataFrame
inference files: artifact uri)
a dataframe of userids, predictions, and features
def parse_log(pbuf):
# parse the protobuf
message = prediction_log_pb2.PredictionLog()
# my model produces scores and classes and I extract the topK classes
predictions = [x.decode() for x in (message
# here I parse the input tf.train.Example proto
inputs = tf.train.Example()
# you can pull out individual features like this
uid = inputs.features.feature["userId"].bytes_list.value[0].decode()
feature1 = [
x.decode() for x in inputs.features.feature["feature1"].bytes_list.value
feature2 = [
x.decode() for x in inputs.features.feature["feature2"].bytes_list.value
return (uid, predictions, feature1, feature2)
return pd.DataFrame(
[parse_log(x) for x in, compression_type="GZIP").as_numpy_iterator()
], columns = ["userId", "predictions", "feature1", "feature2"]

Does blockwise allow iteration over out-of-core arrays?

The blockwise docs mention that with concatenate=False:
In the case of a contraction the passed function should expect an iterable of blocks on any array that holds that index.
My question then is whether or not there is a fundamental limitation that would prohibit this "iterable of blocks" from loading the blocks one at a time rather than keeping them all in a list (i.e. in memory). Is this possible? It does not look like blockwise works this way now, but I am wondering if it could:
import dask.array as da
import operator
# Create an array and write to disk
x = da.random.random(size=(10, 6), chunks=(5, 3))
da.to_zarr(x, '/tmp/x.zarr', overwrite=True)
x = da.from_zarr('/tmp/x.zarr')
y = x.T
def fn(x, y):
print(type(x), type(x[0]))
x = np.concatenate(x, axis=1)
y = np.concatenate(y, axis=0)
return np.matmul(x, y)
da.blockwise(fn, 'ik', x, 'ij', y, 'jk', concatenate=False, dtype='float').compute(scheduler='single-threaded')
# <class 'list'> <class 'numpy.ndarray'>
Is it possible for these lists to be generators instead?
This was true very early on in Dask, but we switched to concrete lists eventually. Today a task does not start until all of its dependency tasks are available in memory.
Given the context of your question I'm guessing that you're running up against memory issues with tensordot style applications. The memory use of tensordot style applications depends heavily on chunk structure. I encourage you to look at this issue, and especially at the talk referenced in the first post:

How do I implement a controlled Rx in Cirq/Tensorflow Quantum?

I am trying to implement a controlled rotation gate in Cirq/Tensorflow Quantum.
The at states:
"Gates can be converted to a controlled version by using Gate.controlled(). In general, this returns an instance of a ControlledGate. However, for certain special cases where the controlled version of the gate is also a known gate, this returns the instance of that gate. For instance, cirq.X.controlled() returns a cirq.CNOT gate. Operations have similar functionality Operation.controlled_by(), such as cirq.X(q0).controlled_by(q1)."
I have implemented
I get the following error:
~/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/cirq/google/ in
serialize_op(self, op, msg, arg_function_language)
193 return proto_msg
194 raise ValueError('Cannot serialize op {!r} of type {}'.format(
--> 195 gate_op, gate_type))
197 def deserialize_dict(self,
ValueError: Cannot serialize op cirq.ControlledOperation(controls=(cirq.GridQubit(0, 3),), sub_operation=cirq.rx(sympy.Symbol('theta_0')).on(cirq.GridQubit(0, 0)), control_values=((1,),)) of type <class 'cirq.ops.controlled_gate.ControlledGate'>
I have the qubits and symbols initialized as:
q = cirq.GridQubit.rect(1, 4)
symbol_names = x_0, x_1, x_2, x_3, theta_0, theta_1, z_2, z_3
I do re-use the circuits with various circuits.
My question: How do I properly implement a controlled Rx in Cirq/Tensorflow Quantum?
P.S. I can't find a tag for Google Cirq
Follow up:
How does this generalize to the similar situations of Controlled Ry and controlled Rz?
For Rz I found a gate decomposition at, involving H.on(q1), CNOT(q0, q1), H.on(q2), but this is not yet an CRz with an arbitrary angle. Would I introduce the angle before the H?
For the Ry, I did not find a decomposition yet, neither the CRy.
What you have is a completely correct implementation of a controlled X rotation in Cirq. It can be used in simulation and other things like cirq.unitary without any issues.
TFQ only supports a subset of gates in Cirq. For example a cirq.ControlledGate can have an arbitrary number of control qubits, which in some cases can make it harder to decompose down to primitive gates that are compatible with NiSQ hardware platforms (This is why cirq.decompose doesn't do anything to ControlledOperations). TFQ only supports these primitive style gates , for a full list of the supported gates, you can do:
In your case it is possible to come up with a simpler implementation of this gate. First we can note that cirq.rx(some angle) is equal to cirq.X**(some angle / pi) offset by a global phase:
>>> a = cirq.rx(0.3)
>>> b = cirq.X**(0.3 / np.pi)
>>> cirq.equal_up_to_global_phase(cirq.unitary(a), cirq.unitary(b))
Lets move to using X now. Then the operation we are after is:
>>> qs = cirq.GridQubit.rect(1,2)
>>> a = (cirq.X**0.3)(qs[0]).controlled_by(qs[1])
>>> b = cirq.CNOT(qs[0], qs[1]) ** 0.3
>>> cirq.equal_up_to_global_phase(cirq.unitary(a), cirq.unitary(b))
Since cirq.CNOT is in the TFQ supported gates it should be serializable without any issues. If you want to make a symbolized version of the gate you can just replace the 0.3 with a sympy.Symbol.
Answer to follow up: If you want to do a CRz you can do the same thing you did above, swapping out the CNOT gate for the CZ gate. For CRy it's not as easy. For that I would recommend doing some combination of: cirq.Y(0) and cirq.YY(0, 1).
Edit: tfq-nightly builds and likely releases after 0.4.0 now include support for arbitrary controlled gates. So on these versions of tfq you could also do things like cirq.Y(...).controlled_by(...) to achieve the desired result now too.
