MagickSetImageGravity is not working - c

I'm trying to recode below command into C. Everything seems to be fine except gravity. I don't know why it's not working. My original image is 2000x834. I also attached the original image and it's result of both images.
1. convert single_color.png -quiet single_color.png +repage -gravity center -background none -extent 4000x834 single_colorM.png
Below is C code.
MagickWand *wand;
MagickReadImage(wand, "single_color.png");
PixelWand *PW1;
PW1 = NewPixelWand();
// For 1st Command
MagickSetImageGravity(wand, CenterGravity);
MagickSetImageBackgroundColor(wand, PW1);
MagickExtentImage(wand,pwidth, pheight,0,0);
Original Image
Command Modified Image
C Program Modified Image
But if I pass X and Y parameters to MagickExtentImage(wand,pwidth, pheight,0,0); then I can able to adjust it's gravity.

This question was also posted to the ImageMagick User Forum.
See the answer at


OpenGL Black Screen and Gamma Correction after update to MacOs Mojave 10.14?

I accidentally updated my Mac, and OpenGL is now deprecated in the latest MacOS Mojave. I'm using OpenGL + GLUT (I know this is old, but I just need a simple program) and run on terminal (not using Xcode). With the same program that has been working perfectly in Sierra, I got so many OpenGL deprecated warnings in Mojave and managed to suppress all the warning using -Wno-deprecated-declarations , but now I only get black screen.
I read a lot of same issues with black screen on OpenGL after Mojave update, like Black screen on OpenGL , and Mac Mojave + opengl
Ask Question. But as of now, none of them have accepted answer and the provided answers don't work on me.
This is my main loop :
Code :
static void mainLoop(void)
{ glClearColor(0,0,0,0);
argDrawMode2D(vp); //draw to the screen
char string[256];
sprintf(string, "Some strings", string1 );
argDrawStringsByIdealPos( string, 10.0, 25.0 );
argSwapBuffers(); //clear the buffer
I have 2 questions :
Do you have any suggestion how to solve the black screen problem ? What I have tried but still got black screen :
Change glFlush() into glutSwapBuffers() to flush without a call
| GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT) (this one causing even more warning). Also I tried to set the color into glClearColor(255,255,255,0) (white), but after clear color buffer, only black screen. So the glClear isn't working.
Try to resize the window using reshape.
Update Xcode compiler for terminal to the latest version (Beta)
I'm using Gamma Correction from OpenGL with with glEnable(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_SRGB), and after Mojave I'm facing this
"Assertion failed: (value >= 0.0f && value <= 1.0f), function
Does the openGL gamma correction doesn't work anymore ?
Any Suggestion ?
Step 3 above : Try to resize the window using reshape.
This one seems to work a little bit after I changed into full screen, following this Mojave 'hack' from The University of Bath, to resize your window to other dimension than the initial size. It failed when I set to another size (smaller/bigger), but when I set into fullscreen using glutFullScreen(); , my screen is rendered, as of now the frame transition is not smooth and I'm still working on it.
Also, I set my fps into 60fps and print them out. And after this hack I got random fps from 100-200 fps here, despite my Mac refresh rate only 90Hz. It is because the resize command, when I commented out the resize command I got black screen but the printed fps in terminal is correct (around 60fps). I realize this hack is also not reliable in the future. So, still need suggestion here, or other solution rather than resize.
I tried to changed my whole project using GLFW. Still the same black screen issue even with GLFW. Therefore this is not API issue.
Tried to clean uninstall XCode 10 (which comes with Mojave update). Then install XCode 9.41 (Sierra) and Command Tools 9.41 as well. As of now, the GLFW works, and the GLUT still doesn't work.

OpenMAX, Raspberry PI: Get Video Dimensions of H264

is there any way to get the video dimensions of a H264 video on the raspberry pi using OpenMAX directly without having to use ffmpeg or something else? All the pi examples appear to have hardcoded values for that.
Yes, this is possible by querying the OMX_PARAM_PORTDEFINITIONTYPE structure of the decoder output port. You have to use something along these lines:
portdef.nVersion.nVersion = OMX_VERSION;
portdef.nPortIndex = 131;
OMX_GetParameter(ILC_GET_HANDLE(video_decode), OMX_IndexParamPortDefinitionType, portdef);
printf("Width: %d, Height: %d\n",, portdef.format.nFrameHeight);
Please note that this will only give you correct values after the OMX_EventPortSettingsChanged event has fired (which happens after processing the first buffer). Otherwise, this values can and probably will be wrong.

arDetectMarker + pixel format + segmentation fault

I am trying to use the arDetectMarker function from arToolKit to detect markers in an image. I read the image from disk in the following way:
cv::Mat image;
cv::Mat temp;
image = cv::imread(path, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR);
cv::cvtColor(image, temp, CV_RGB2BGR);
and converted to ARUint8* format using:
dataPtr = (ARUint8 *) ((IplImage) temp).imageData;
I am sure that the data is correctly converted to dataPtr since I saved the image to check. Unfortunately, when I call arDetectMarker, a "segmentation fault" happens and I don't know the reason (I think it is due to the pixel format). I've read in the documentation:
and it says that the format is in general ABGR. But I am using Ubuntu 14.04 and I think that I have v4l drivers, although I am not sure since I am not working with videos. I tried to convert the image loaded to ABGR or BGRA, but I am not sure if I did it correctly, or if this is really a requirement.
Also, I did the calibration procedure before.
Anybody can help me?

dm365 mpeg4 encoder P-Frames

I am implementing the operation of encoding video with TI DM365 mpeg4 encoder and containerizing it with ffmpeg mp4 container using a dummy FMP4 codec to produce headers and footers. While the container is proven to be working correctly using similar Intel based mpeg4 encoder, the dm365 gives a mosaic result if P frames are used at all. Using only I frames works, but I would like to minimize amount of data stored.
The example of the result can be viewed here. Settings are 1-Iframe, 9-Pframes
TI developers didn't answer my question regarding this in 2 days, so I am trying to get help here.
This may help, a TI data sheet on the various settings/parameters and their effect. Apologies if it is telling you stuff you already know...
TI Data Sheet spraba9.pdf

What is causing the scaleX method of Imager class to fail?

This is a cross post from Perl Monks and Mahalo answers, where I have not received a satisfactory response yet. Thanks for your time and spirit:
Why do I get this error message from perl:
Can't call method "scaleY" on an undefined value at C:/strawberry/perl +/site/lib/ Image/ line 137?
I am getting the error in the title when calling the Image::Seek module from my script. My script is basically a rehash of the module's suggested code.
Here's the error again:
Can't call method "scaleY" on an undefined value at C:/strawberry/perl +/site/lib/ Image/ line 137.
Here's my code:
use Imager;
use Image::Seek qw(loaddb add_image query_id savedb);
my $img = Imager->new("photo-1.jpg")
or die Imager->errstr;
# my $img = Imager->new();
# $img->open(file => "photo-1.jpg")or die Imager->errstr;
add_image($img, 1);
Here's the section of the Image::Seek module causing the issue:
sub add_image_imager {
my ($img, $id) = #_;
my ($reds, $blues, $greens);
require Imager;
my $thumb = $img->scaleX(pixels => 128)->scaleY(pixels => 128);
for my $y (0..127) {
my #cols = $thumb->getscanline(y => $y);
for (#cols) {
my ($r, $g, $b) = $_->rgba;
$reds .= chr($r); $blues .= chr($b); $greens .= chr($g);
addImage($id, $reds, $greens, $blues); }
Line 137 is:
my $thumb = $img->scaleX(pixels => 128)->scaleY(pixels => 128);
If I remove
->scaleY(pixels => 128)
then line 129:
my #cols = $thumb->getscanline(y => $y);
gives me essentially the same error.
At this point I'm just trying to add one image to the database. There is an image in the directory where I'm running the script to add the image, named "photo-216.jpg". If I change the name to "photo-1.jpg" or "photo-0.jpg" and change the corresponding "add_image" and "query_id" to respectively 1 or 0, it's the same result.
I do have a database that is 385 KB big that comes from running below, but it is filled with null characters. I renamed this "haar.db". This is the database that gives me the error. If I recreate the haar.db file as an empty one, then the script hangs and after a couple of minutes, it give this different message:
"This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way. Please contact the application's support team for more information."
If there is no "haar.db" the file still gives me the error in this post's title and unlike running, gives me no database named "haar.db".
By the way I get multiple examples of this post's title error also when trying to run this database filling script:, which I was alluding to before. I obviously removed the .txt extension before trying it. The script is from this Japanese site:
If I run in a directory of 2423 scanned collectible postage stamps images, I get 362 instances of the error. The 2423 stamps is the number I have after removing the "small" thumbnail versions which I orignally thought might be causing the issue.
Could it be, that some of the images are less than 128 pixels and that is the issue? However if this is true why does the database get filled with null characters?...Unless they are not really null even though the editor I'm using, Notebook++, says they are.
Also note my images are of stamps which are only sometimes perfect squares. Otherwise, sometimes they are "landscape" sometimes "portrait". Maybe the issue is when the "landscape" scaled images get an X axis of 128 pixels and then their Y axis ends up less or much less. Could this be?
Thanks much
Update: Answer completely re-organized.
Image::Seek is not checking if
scaleX returned error. In your case, for some images, scaleX is failing.
You seem to know for which images scaleX is failing. So, leave your current
code aside, and put together a short test script:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Imager;
die "Specify image file name\n" unless #ARGV;
my ($imgfile) = #ARGV;
my $img = Imager->new;
$img->read( file => $imgfile )
or die "Cannot read '$imgfile': ", $img->errstr;
my $x_scaled = $img->scaleX( pixels => 128 )
or die 'scaleX failed: ', $img->errstr;
my $thumb = $x_scaled->scaleY( pixels => 128 )
or die 'scaleY failed: ', $x_scaled->errstr;
Running this test script, you got the error message:
Cannot read 'photo-1.jpg': format 'jpeg' not supported - formats bmp,
ico, pnm, raw, sgi, tga available for reading
indicating the underlying problem: When you installed Imager via Strawberry
Perl's cpan, the libraries for png, jpg etc were not installed. One
solution is to build those libraries with the gcc compiler provided with
Strawberry Perl.
First, you will need zlib.
C:\Temp\zlib-1.2.3> copy win32\Makefile.gcc Makefile
Set prefix = /strawberry/c/local in the Makefile. Compile. You may have to
manually copy the files zlib.h and zconf.h to
C:\strawberry\c\local\include and zlib1.dll, libz.a and libzdll.a to
C:\strawberry\c\local\lib (I don't know because I do not use Strawberry Perl very often and my Strawberry environment is very neglected.)
Then, get libpng. I used the source archive without config script.
C:\Temp\libpng-1.2.38> copy scripts\makefile.mingw Makefile
C:\Temp\libpng-1.2.38> make prefix=/strawberry/c/local ZLIBLIB=/strawberry/c/local/lib ZLIBINC=/strawberry/c/local/include
This built the PNG library. Again, you may have to manually copy the .dll,
.a and .h files to the appropriate directories. I did because of my less
than perfect Strawberry environment.
Finally, get the JPEG library.
C:\Temp\jpeg-7> copy Makefile.ansi Makefile
Make sure to edit this file and set CC=gcc. Customize jconfig.h according
to the instructions in jconfig.txt. I used as a basis.
You might also want to set
SYSDEPMEM= jmemansi.o
in Makefile, and
#define DEFAULT_MAX_MEM 4*1024*1024
in jconfig.h. After running make, again copy the files as needed (and as explained by install.txt).
Once the libraries are installed, you can
C:\Temp> SET IM_INCPATH=C:\strawberry\c\local\include
C:\Temp> SET IM_LIBPATH=C:\strawberry\c\local\lib
C:\Temp> cpan
cpan> force install Imager
which yields:
gif: includes not found - libraries not found
ungif: includes not found - libraries not found
jpeg: includes found - libraries found
png: includes found - libraries found
tiff: includes not found - libraries not found
freetype2: includes not found - libraries not found
freetype2: not available
T1-fonts: includes not found - libraries not found
TT-fonts: includes not found - libraries not found
w32: includes found - libraries found
If all of this is too much work, it is ... sigh I just realized the
binaries are available at GnuWin32.
