How to debug a Fatal Signal 6 crash on Android Studio for Native C Code? - c

I am working to find a crash that happens in Native C in our Android Studio.
We know where that the error originates from a library in Native C. Most probably from a Garbage handler.
We have tried to Release the variables in different ways with no success yet. The strange part the code works fine for Android 5.0 and up. 
I also googled for how to debug NDK in Android studio by adding
Enable app debugging in your AndroidManifest.xml file by including an <application> element that sets the android:debuggable attribute to true.
and adding a log:
__android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_VERBOSE, APPNAME, "The value R %f G %f B %f , H %f S %f V %f ", rgbData[0], rgbData[1], rgbData[2], rgbData[3], rgbData[4], rgbData[5]);
However, the monitor still doesn't print anything. Below the piece of code and the crash log.
Any help would be highly appreciated.
#include <jni.h>
//#include <android/log.h>
#define APPNAME "handroid"
#define MAX(a,b) \
({ __typeof__ (a) _a = (a); \
__typeof__ (b) _b = (b); \
_a > _b ? _a : _b; })
#define MIN(a,b) \
({ __typeof__ (a) _a = (a); \
__typeof__ (b) _b = (b); \
_a < _b ? _a : _b; })
double* rgbData;
int rgbDataSize = 0;
Java_handroid_classes_Camera_YUVtoRBGHSV(JNIEnv * env, jobject obj, jdoubleArray rgb_hsv, jbyteArray yuv420sp, jint width, jint height)
int sz;
int i;
int j;
int Y;
int Cr = 0;
int Cb = 0;
int pixPtr = 0;
int jDiv2 = 0;
int R = 0;
int G = 0;
int B = 0;
double tR = 0;
double tG = 0;
double tB = 0;
int cOff;
int w = width;
int h = height;
sz = w * h;
int pixel;
int uvp;
int y1192;
int y;
int v;
int u;
int yp;
//for hsv
double min, max, delta, hsv_h, hsv_s, hsv_v;
jboolean isCopy;
jbyte* yuv = (*env)->GetByteArrayElements(env, yuv420sp, &isCopy);
if(rgbDataSize < sz) {
double tmp[6];
rgbData = &tmp[0];
rgbDataSize = sz;
//Calculate pixel colors
for (j = 0, yp = 0; j < h; j++) {
uvp = sz + (j >> 1) * w, u = 0, v = 0;
for (i = 0; i < w; i++, yp++) {
y = (0xff & yuv[yp]) - 16;
if (y < 0) y = 0;
if ((i & 1) == 0) {
v = (0xff & yuv[uvp++]) - 128;
u = (0xff & yuv[uvp++]) - 128;
y1192 = 1192 * y;
R = (y1192 + 1634 * v);
G = (y1192 - 833 * v - 400 * u);
B = (y1192 + 2066 * u);
if (R < 0) R = 0;
else if (R > 262143) R = 262143;
if (G < 0) G = 0;
else if (G > 262143) G = 262143;
if (B < 0) B = 0;
else if (B > 262143) B = 262143;
pixel = 0xff000000 | ((R << 6) & 0xff0000) | ((G >> 2) & 0xff00) | ((B >> 10) & 0xff);
tR += (pixel >> 16) & 0xff;
tG += (pixel >> 8) & 0xff;
tB += (pixel >> 0) & 0xff;
//Create RGB sum (average pixel)
rgbData[0] = (double)(tR/255/sz);
rgbData[1] = (double)(tG/255/sz);
rgbData[2] = (double)(tB/255/sz);
//Calculate HSV
min = MIN(rgbData[0], MIN(rgbData[1], rgbData[2]));
max = MAX(rgbData[0], MAX(rgbData[1], rgbData[2]));
hsv_v = max;
delta = max - min;
if( max != 0 ){
hsv_s = delta / max;
if( rgbData[0] == max )
hsv_h = ( rgbData[1] - rgbData[2] ) / delta;
else if( rgbData[1] == max )
hsv_h *= 60;
if( hsv_h < 0 )
hsv_h += 360;
rgbData[3] = hsv_h;
rgbData[4] = hsv_s;
rgbData[5] = hsv_v;
}else {
// r = g = b = 0
hsv_s = 0;
hsv_h = -1;
rgbData[3] = hsv_h;
rgbData[4] = hsv_s;
rgbData[5] = hsv_v;
//Log the data in Android
//__android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_VERBOSE, APPNAME, "The value R %f G %f B %f , H %f S %f V %f ", rgbData[0], rgbData[1], rgbData[2], rgbData[3], rgbData[4], rgbData[5]);
//Set RGB
(*env)->SetDoubleArrayRegion(env, rgb_hsv, 0, 1, ( jdouble * ) &rgbData[0] );
(*env)->SetDoubleArrayRegion(env, rgb_hsv, 1, 1, ( jdouble * ) &rgbData[1] );
(*env)->SetDoubleArrayRegion(env, rgb_hsv, 2, 1, ( jdouble * ) &rgbData[2] );
//Set HSV
(*env)->SetDoubleArrayRegion(env, rgb_hsv, 3, 1, ( jdouble * ) &rgbData[3] );
(*env)->SetDoubleArrayRegion(env, rgb_hsv, 4, 1, ( jdouble * ) &rgbData[4] );
(*env)->SetDoubleArrayRegion(env, rgb_hsv, 5, 1, ( jdouble * ) &rgbData[5] );
//Release the array data
//(*env)->ReleaseByteArrayElements(env, yuv420sp, yuv, JNI_ABORT);
(*env)->ReleaseByteArrayElements(env, yuv420sp, yuv, 0);
//(*env)->ReleaseDoubleArrayElements(env, yuv420sp, yuv,rgbData,min,max,0);
Crash log
04-03 15:30:27.687 5547-5547/com.hlib E/dalvikvm: VM aborting
04-03 15:30:27.687 5547-5547/com.hlib A/libc: Fatal signal 6 (SIGABRT) at 0x000015ab (code=-6), thread 5547 (it.hlib)

I am not familiar with Native C under android, but I will try :)
The macros MIN & MAX look very peculiar, not sure about the syntax "({ instr })", would it be valuated to the last instruction ? why not use a more conventional definition "MAX(a, b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))" ? It would incur 3 evaluations instead of 2 ; but in any case, the MIN & MAX are used in the code in a nested manner, in this case it might be more efficient to use plain functions.
rgbData is initialized with a stack variable tmp[6] that will be destroyed after the end of the if block,
if(rgbDataSize < sz) {
double tmp[6];
rgbData = &tmp[0];
rgbDataSize = sz;
the result of
jbyte* yuv = (*env)->GetByteArrayElements(env, yuv420sp, &isCopy);
should be checked wether it is null, does it return an array of at least (w*h + w * (h/2) + w) bytes ? accessed through:
v = (0xff & yuv[uvp++]) - 128;
u = (0xff & yuv[uvp++]) - 128;
Are the "width" and "height" parameters correct with regards to the size of the bitmap "yuv" ?
the block
if( max != 0 ){
will divide by "delta", which might be 0.
does the next block need "{ }" to include both instructions ?
hsv_h *= 60;
it seems that the 6 function calls could be replaced with only 1 call
<= (*env)->SetDoubleArrayRegion(env, rgb_hsv, 0, 1, ( jdouble * ) &rgbData[0] );
=> (*env)->SetDoubleArrayRegion(env, rgb_hsv, 0, 6, ( jdouble * ) &rgbData[0] );
That's what I could find out with a brief look.


Peculiar problem regarding convolution in PPM format

After debugging, trying different image softwares (xdg, gimp) I persist to have a bug which throws me off completely.
Problem is about convolution in PPM format, for images different in aspect ratio, I'm using 1500x1000px image, where mask of {0,0,0, 0,1,0, 0,0,0} works just fine (it's just copying image), however for mask where first or last row is different than 0 eg. {0,1,0, 0,0,0, 0,0,0} image is moved by 1/3 of its size rightwards. I find it peculiar, because as far as I know, I do not have an overflow or any pointer arithmetic that might cause this problem.
I've narrowed it down to the kernel of convolution. Afaik I do not have any problems saving, reading image, after running i_convolution it just moves image by predefined value?.
void i_convolution(unsigned int **in, unsigned int ***out,
int y_max, int x_max, int kernel_size)
int kernel_sum = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < kernel_size; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < kernel_size; j++)
kernel_sum += kernel[i * kernel_size + j];
printf("kernel sum = %d\n", kernel_sum);
for (int i = 1; i < y_max - 1; i++)
for (int j = 1; j < x_max - 1; j++)
int r = 0;
int g = 0;
int b = 0;
for (int y_conv = -1; y_conv <= 1; y_conv++)
for (int x_conv = -1; x_conv <= 1; x_conv++)
int y_index = i + y_conv;
int x_index = j + x_conv;
unsigned char rval = (unsigned char)(in[y_index][x_index] & 0xff);
unsigned char gval = (unsigned char)((in[y_index][x_index] & 0xff00) >> 8);
unsigned char bval = (unsigned char)((in[y_index][x_index] & 0xff0000) >> 16);
int kernel_val = kernel[(y_conv + 1)*kernel_size + (x_conv + 1)];
r += (int)(rval * kernel_val);
g += (int)(gval * kernel_val);
b += (int)(bval * kernel_val);
r /= kernel_sum;//median filtration
g /= kernel_sum;//median filtration
b /= kernel_sum;//median filtration
// b = abs(b);
if (r > 255) r = 255;
else if(r < 0) r = 0;
if (g > 255) g = 255;
else if(g < 0) g = 0;
if (b > 255) b = 255;
else if(b < 0) b = 0;
unsigned int val;
val = 0;
val |= b & 0xff;
val <<= 8;
val |= g & 0xff;
val <<= 8;
val |= r & 0xff;
(*out)[i][j] = val;
let's take kernel {0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0,
result are like this, with left being original, right after convolution
I will be thankful for any help.
Best regards.
I mark it as solved, because there was a problem with me misinterpreting PPM format height and width, which caused this behaviour, swapping y with x (and allocating memory as such) solves it!

256-bit integer to string [duplicate]

I'm trying to convert a 128-bit unsigned integer stored as an array of 4 unsigned ints to the decimal string representation in C:
unsigned int src[] = { 0x12345678, 0x90abcdef, 0xfedcba90, 0x8765421 };
printf("%s", some_func(src)); // gives "53072739890371098123344"
(The input and output examples above are completely fictional; I have no idea what that input would produce.)
If I was going to hex, binary or octal, this would be a simple matter of masks and bit shifts to peel of the least significant characters. However, it seems to me that I need to do base-10 division. Unfortunately, I can't remember how to do that across multiple ints, and the system I'm using doesn't support data types larger than 32-bits, so using a 128-bit type is not possible. Using a different language is also out, and I'd rather avoid a big number library just for this one operation.
Division is not necessary:
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
typedef unsigned long uint32;
/* N[0] - contains least significant bits, N[3] - most significant */
char* Bin128ToDec(const uint32 N[4])
// log10(x) = log2(x) / log2(10) ~= log2(x) / 3.322
static char s[128 / 3 + 1 + 1];
uint32 n[4];
char* p = s;
int i;
memset(s, '0', sizeof(s) - 1);
s[sizeof(s) - 1] = '\0';
memcpy(n, N, sizeof(n));
for (i = 0; i < 128; i++)
int j, carry;
carry = (n[3] >= 0x80000000);
// Shift n[] left, doubling it
n[3] = ((n[3] << 1) & 0xFFFFFFFF) + (n[2] >= 0x80000000);
n[2] = ((n[2] << 1) & 0xFFFFFFFF) + (n[1] >= 0x80000000);
n[1] = ((n[1] << 1) & 0xFFFFFFFF) + (n[0] >= 0x80000000);
n[0] = ((n[0] << 1) & 0xFFFFFFFF);
// Add s[] to itself in decimal, doubling it
for (j = sizeof(s) - 2; j >= 0; j--)
s[j] += s[j] - '0' + carry;
carry = (s[j] > '9');
if (carry)
s[j] -= 10;
while ((p[0] == '0') && (p < &s[sizeof(s) - 2]))
return p;
int main(void)
static const uint32 testData[][4] =
{ 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ 1048576, 0, 0, 0 },
{ 0xFFFFFFFF, 0, 0, 0 },
{ 0, 1, 0, 0 },
{ 0x12345678, 0x90abcdef, 0xfedcba90, 0x8765421 }
printf("%s\n", Bin128ToDec(testData[0]));
printf("%s\n", Bin128ToDec(testData[1]));
printf("%s\n", Bin128ToDec(testData[2]));
printf("%s\n", Bin128ToDec(testData[3]));
printf("%s\n", Bin128ToDec(testData[4]));
return 0;
Straightforward division base 2^32, prints decimal digits in reverse order, uses 64-bit arithmetic, complexity O(n) where n is the number of decimal digits in the representation:
#include <stdio.h>
unsigned int a [] = { 0x12345678, 0x12345678, 0x12345678, 0x12345678 };
/* 24197857161011715162171839636988778104 */
main ()
unsigned long long d, r;
r = a [0];
d = r / 10;
r = ((r - d * 10) << 32) + a [1];
a [0] = d;
d = r / 10;
r = ((r - d * 10) << 32) + a [2];
a [1] = d;
d = r / 10;
r = ((r - d * 10) << 32) + a [3];
a [2] = d;
d = r / 10;
r = r - d * 10;
a [3] = d;
printf ("%d\n", (unsigned int) r);
while (a[0] || a[1] || a[2] || a[3]);
return 0;
EDIT: Corrected the loop so it displays a 0 if the array a contains only zeros.
Also, the array is read left to right, a[0] is most-significant, a[3] is least significant digits.
A slow but simple approach is to just printing digits from most significant to least significant using subtraction. Basically you need a function for checking if x >= y and another for computing x -= y when that is the case.
Then you can start counting how many times you can subtract 10^38 (and this will be most significant digit), then how many times you can subtract 10^37 ... down to how many times you can subtract 1.
The following is a full implementation of this approach:
#include <stdio.h>
typedef unsigned ui128[4];
int ge128(ui128 a, ui128 b)
int i = 3;
while (i >= 0 && a[i] == b[i])
return i < 0 ? 1 : a[i] >= b[i];
void sub128(ui128 a, ui128 b)
int i = 0;
int borrow = 0;
while (i < 4)
int next_borrow = (borrow && a[i] <= b[i]) || (!borrow && a[i] < b[i]);
a[i] -= b[i] + borrow;
borrow = next_borrow;
i += 1;
ui128 deci128[] = {{1u,0u,0u,0u},
void print128(ui128 x)
int i = 38;
int z = 0;
while (i >= 0)
int c = 0;
while (ge128(x, deci128[i]))
c++; sub128(x, deci128[i]);
if (i==0 || z || c > 0)
z = 1; putchar('0' + c);
int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
ui128 test = { 0x12345678, 0x90abcdef, 0xfedcba90, 0x8765421 };
return 0;
That number in the problem text in decimal becomes
and Python agrees this is the correct value (this of course doesn't mean the code is correct!!! ;-) )
Same thing, but with 32-bit integer arithmetic:
#include <stdio.h>
unsigned short a [] = {
0x0876, 0x5421,
0xfedc, 0xba90,
0x90ab, 0xcdef,
0x1234, 0x5678
main ()
unsigned int d, r;
r = a [0];
d = r / 10;
r = ((r - d * 10) << 16) + a [1];
a [0] = d;
d = r / 10;
r = ((r - d * 10) << 16) + a [2];
a [1] = d;
d = r / 10;
r = ((r - d * 10) << 16) + a [3];
a [2] = d;
d = r / 10;
r = ((r - d * 10) << 16) + a [4];
a [3] = d;
d = r / 10;
r = ((r - d * 10) << 16) + a [5];
a [4] = d;
d = r / 10;
r = ((r - d * 10) << 16) + a [6];
a [5] = d;
d = r / 10;
r = ((r - d * 10) << 16) + a [7];
a [6] = d;
d = r / 10;
r = r - d * 10;
a [7] = d;
printf ("%d\n", r);
while (a[0] || a[1] || a[2] || a[3] || a [4] || a [5] || a[6] || a[7]);
return 0;
You actually don't need to implement long division. You need to implement multiplication by a power of two, and addition. You have four uint_32. First convert each of them to a string. Multiply them by (2^32)^3, (2^32)^2, (2^32)^1, and (2^32)^0 respectively, then add them together. You don't need to do the base conversion, you just need to handle putting the four pieces together. You'll obviously need to make sure the strings can handle a number up to UINT_32_MAX*(2^32)^3.
Supposing you have a fast 32-bit multiplication and division the result can be computed 4 digits at a time by implementing a bigint division/modulo 10000 and then using (s)printf for output of digit groups.
This approach is also trivial to extend to higher (or even variable) precision...
#include <stdio.h>
typedef unsigned long bigint[4];
void print_bigint(bigint src)
unsigned long int x[8]; // expanded version (16 bit per element)
int result[12]; // 4 digits per element
int done = 0; // did we finish?
int i = 0; // digit group counter
/* expand to 16-bit per element */
x[0] = src[0] & 65535;
x[1] = src[0] >> 16;
x[2] = src[1] & 65535;
x[3] = src[1] >> 16;
x[4] = src[2] & 65535;
x[5] = src[2] >> 16;
x[6] = src[3] & 65535;
x[7] = src[3] >> 16;
while (!done)
done = 1;
unsigned long carry = 0;
int j;
for (j=7; j>=0; j--)
unsigned long d = (carry << 16) + x[j];
x[j] = d / 10000;
carry = d - x[j] * 10000;
if (x[j]) done = 0;
result[i++] = carry;
printf ("%i", result[--i]);
while (i > 0)
printf("%04i", result[--i]);
int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
bigint tests[] = { { 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ 0xFFFFFFFFUL, 0, 0, 0 },
{ 0, 1, 0, 0 },
{ 0x12345678UL, 0x90abcdefUL, 0xfedcba90UL, 0x8765421UL } };
int i;
for (i=0; i<4; i++)
return 0;
#Alexey Frunze's method is easy but it's very slow. You should use #chill's 32-bit integer method above. Another easy method without any multiplication or division is double dabble. This may work slower than chill's algorithm but much faster than Alexey's one. After running you'll have a packed BCD of the decimal number
On github is an open source project (c++) which provides a class for a datatype uint265_t and uint128_t.
No, I' not affiliated with that project, but I was using it for such a purpose, but I guess it could be usefull for others as well.

YUV420 to RGB color conversion Error

I am converting an image in YUV420 format to RGB image in opencv but im getting an Orange colored image after conversion. I used following code to do that. Is there any problem in my code ??
int step = origImage->widthStep;
uchar *data = (uchar *)origImage->imageData;
int size = origImage->width * origImage->height;
IplImage* img1 = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(origImage), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3);
for (int i = 0; i<origImage->height; i++)
for (int j=0; j<origImage->width; j++)
float Y = data[i*step + j];
float U = data[ (int)(size + (i/2)*(step/2) + j/2) ];
float V = data[ (int)(size*1.25 + (i/2)*(step/2) + j/2)];
float R = Y + (int)(1.772f*V);
float G = Y - (int)(0.344f*V + 0.714f*U);
float B = Y + (int)(1.402f*U);
if (R < 0){ R = 0; } if (G < 0){ G = 0; } if (B < 0){ B = 0; }
if (R > 255 ){ R = 255; } if (G > 255) { G = 255; } if (B > 255) { B = 255; }
cvSet2D(img1, i, j,cvScalar(B,G,R));
origImage -> YUV image,
img1 -> RGB image,
Is there any opencv function which can convert a pixel in YUV420 format to corresponding RGB pixel ? (not entire image)
I got answer by modifying the formula for calculating R G B values,
This code is working fine
int step = origImage->widthStep;
uchar *data = (uchar *)origImage->imageData;
int size = origImage->width * origImage->height;
IplImage* img1 = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(origImage), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3);
for (int i = 0; i<origImage->height; i++)
for (int j=0; j<origImage->width; j++)
float Y = data[i*step + j];
float U = data[ (int)(size + (i/2)*(step/2) + j/2) ];
float V = data[ (int)(size*1.25 + (i/2)*(step/2) + j/2)];
float R = Y + 1.402 * (V - 128);
float G = Y - 0.344 * (U - 128) - 0.714 * (V - 128);
float B = Y + 1.772 * (U - 128);
if (R < 0){ R = 0; } if (G < 0){ G = 0; } if (B < 0){ B = 0; }
if (R > 255 ){ R = 255; } if (G > 255) { G = 255; } if (B > 255) { B = 255; }
cvSet2D(img1, i, j,cvScalar(B,G,R));
the 1st problem is using the outdated c-api (it's dead & gone. please use c++ instead).
the 2nd problem is writing your own (slow and error prone) pixel loops
why not use :
cvtColor(crs,dst, CV_YUV2BGR); // or CV_YUV2BGR_I420
instead ?

Processing interleaved samples

There is a code that accepts samples. They were originally mono, I interleaved them to stereo on generation. Now they are filtered with the following function, but I don't know hot to properly iterate by left and right channels now, since it was designed for mono samples.
int32 *in is the buffer that is now stereo. int32 *out is the filtered buffer for final output.
#define SQ2NCOEFFS 1024
mrindex = (SQ2NCOEFFS + 1) << 16;
mrratio = (PAL ? (int64)(PAL_CPU * 65536) : (int64)(NTSC_CPU * 65536)) / rate;
int32 count = 0;
for (x = mrindex; x < max; x += mrratio) {
int32 acc = 0, acc2 = 0;
unsigned int c;
int32 *S, *D;
for (c = SQ2NCOEFFS, S = &in[(x >> 16) - SQ2NCOEFFS], D = sq2coeffs; c; c--, D++) {
acc += (S[c] * *D) >> 6;
acc2 += (S[1+c] * *D) >> 6;
acc = ((int64)acc * (65536 - (x & 65535)) + (int64)acc2 * (x & 65535)) >> (16 + 11);
*out = acc;

How to convert a 128-bit integer to a decimal ascii string in C?

I'm trying to convert a 128-bit unsigned integer stored as an array of 4 unsigned ints to the decimal string representation in C:
unsigned int src[] = { 0x12345678, 0x90abcdef, 0xfedcba90, 0x8765421 };
printf("%s", some_func(src)); // gives "53072739890371098123344"
(The input and output examples above are completely fictional; I have no idea what that input would produce.)
If I was going to hex, binary or octal, this would be a simple matter of masks and bit shifts to peel of the least significant characters. However, it seems to me that I need to do base-10 division. Unfortunately, I can't remember how to do that across multiple ints, and the system I'm using doesn't support data types larger than 32-bits, so using a 128-bit type is not possible. Using a different language is also out, and I'd rather avoid a big number library just for this one operation.
Division is not necessary:
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
typedef unsigned long uint32;
/* N[0] - contains least significant bits, N[3] - most significant */
char* Bin128ToDec(const uint32 N[4])
// log10(x) = log2(x) / log2(10) ~= log2(x) / 3.322
static char s[128 / 3 + 1 + 1];
uint32 n[4];
char* p = s;
int i;
memset(s, '0', sizeof(s) - 1);
s[sizeof(s) - 1] = '\0';
memcpy(n, N, sizeof(n));
for (i = 0; i < 128; i++)
int j, carry;
carry = (n[3] >= 0x80000000);
// Shift n[] left, doubling it
n[3] = ((n[3] << 1) & 0xFFFFFFFF) + (n[2] >= 0x80000000);
n[2] = ((n[2] << 1) & 0xFFFFFFFF) + (n[1] >= 0x80000000);
n[1] = ((n[1] << 1) & 0xFFFFFFFF) + (n[0] >= 0x80000000);
n[0] = ((n[0] << 1) & 0xFFFFFFFF);
// Add s[] to itself in decimal, doubling it
for (j = sizeof(s) - 2; j >= 0; j--)
s[j] += s[j] - '0' + carry;
carry = (s[j] > '9');
if (carry)
s[j] -= 10;
while ((p[0] == '0') && (p < &s[sizeof(s) - 2]))
return p;
int main(void)
static const uint32 testData[][4] =
{ 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ 1048576, 0, 0, 0 },
{ 0xFFFFFFFF, 0, 0, 0 },
{ 0, 1, 0, 0 },
{ 0x12345678, 0x90abcdef, 0xfedcba90, 0x8765421 }
printf("%s\n", Bin128ToDec(testData[0]));
printf("%s\n", Bin128ToDec(testData[1]));
printf("%s\n", Bin128ToDec(testData[2]));
printf("%s\n", Bin128ToDec(testData[3]));
printf("%s\n", Bin128ToDec(testData[4]));
return 0;
Straightforward division base 2^32, prints decimal digits in reverse order, uses 64-bit arithmetic, complexity O(n) where n is the number of decimal digits in the representation:
#include <stdio.h>
unsigned int a [] = { 0x12345678, 0x12345678, 0x12345678, 0x12345678 };
/* 24197857161011715162171839636988778104 */
main ()
unsigned long long d, r;
r = a [0];
d = r / 10;
r = ((r - d * 10) << 32) + a [1];
a [0] = d;
d = r / 10;
r = ((r - d * 10) << 32) + a [2];
a [1] = d;
d = r / 10;
r = ((r - d * 10) << 32) + a [3];
a [2] = d;
d = r / 10;
r = r - d * 10;
a [3] = d;
printf ("%d\n", (unsigned int) r);
while (a[0] || a[1] || a[2] || a[3]);
return 0;
EDIT: Corrected the loop so it displays a 0 if the array a contains only zeros.
Also, the array is read left to right, a[0] is most-significant, a[3] is least significant digits.
A slow but simple approach is to just printing digits from most significant to least significant using subtraction. Basically you need a function for checking if x >= y and another for computing x -= y when that is the case.
Then you can start counting how many times you can subtract 10^38 (and this will be most significant digit), then how many times you can subtract 10^37 ... down to how many times you can subtract 1.
The following is a full implementation of this approach:
#include <stdio.h>
typedef unsigned ui128[4];
int ge128(ui128 a, ui128 b)
int i = 3;
while (i >= 0 && a[i] == b[i])
return i < 0 ? 1 : a[i] >= b[i];
void sub128(ui128 a, ui128 b)
int i = 0;
int borrow = 0;
while (i < 4)
int next_borrow = (borrow && a[i] <= b[i]) || (!borrow && a[i] < b[i]);
a[i] -= b[i] + borrow;
borrow = next_borrow;
i += 1;
ui128 deci128[] = {{1u,0u,0u,0u},
void print128(ui128 x)
int i = 38;
int z = 0;
while (i >= 0)
int c = 0;
while (ge128(x, deci128[i]))
c++; sub128(x, deci128[i]);
if (i==0 || z || c > 0)
z = 1; putchar('0' + c);
int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
ui128 test = { 0x12345678, 0x90abcdef, 0xfedcba90, 0x8765421 };
return 0;
That number in the problem text in decimal becomes
and Python agrees this is the correct value (this of course doesn't mean the code is correct!!! ;-) )
Same thing, but with 32-bit integer arithmetic:
#include <stdio.h>
unsigned short a [] = {
0x0876, 0x5421,
0xfedc, 0xba90,
0x90ab, 0xcdef,
0x1234, 0x5678
main ()
unsigned int d, r;
r = a [0];
d = r / 10;
r = ((r - d * 10) << 16) + a [1];
a [0] = d;
d = r / 10;
r = ((r - d * 10) << 16) + a [2];
a [1] = d;
d = r / 10;
r = ((r - d * 10) << 16) + a [3];
a [2] = d;
d = r / 10;
r = ((r - d * 10) << 16) + a [4];
a [3] = d;
d = r / 10;
r = ((r - d * 10) << 16) + a [5];
a [4] = d;
d = r / 10;
r = ((r - d * 10) << 16) + a [6];
a [5] = d;
d = r / 10;
r = ((r - d * 10) << 16) + a [7];
a [6] = d;
d = r / 10;
r = r - d * 10;
a [7] = d;
printf ("%d\n", r);
while (a[0] || a[1] || a[2] || a[3] || a [4] || a [5] || a[6] || a[7]);
return 0;
You actually don't need to implement long division. You need to implement multiplication by a power of two, and addition. You have four uint_32. First convert each of them to a string. Multiply them by (2^32)^3, (2^32)^2, (2^32)^1, and (2^32)^0 respectively, then add them together. You don't need to do the base conversion, you just need to handle putting the four pieces together. You'll obviously need to make sure the strings can handle a number up to UINT_32_MAX*(2^32)^3.
Supposing you have a fast 32-bit multiplication and division the result can be computed 4 digits at a time by implementing a bigint division/modulo 10000 and then using (s)printf for output of digit groups.
This approach is also trivial to extend to higher (or even variable) precision...
#include <stdio.h>
typedef unsigned long bigint[4];
void print_bigint(bigint src)
unsigned long int x[8]; // expanded version (16 bit per element)
int result[12]; // 4 digits per element
int done = 0; // did we finish?
int i = 0; // digit group counter
/* expand to 16-bit per element */
x[0] = src[0] & 65535;
x[1] = src[0] >> 16;
x[2] = src[1] & 65535;
x[3] = src[1] >> 16;
x[4] = src[2] & 65535;
x[5] = src[2] >> 16;
x[6] = src[3] & 65535;
x[7] = src[3] >> 16;
while (!done)
done = 1;
unsigned long carry = 0;
int j;
for (j=7; j>=0; j--)
unsigned long d = (carry << 16) + x[j];
x[j] = d / 10000;
carry = d - x[j] * 10000;
if (x[j]) done = 0;
result[i++] = carry;
printf ("%i", result[--i]);
while (i > 0)
printf("%04i", result[--i]);
int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
bigint tests[] = { { 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ 0xFFFFFFFFUL, 0, 0, 0 },
{ 0, 1, 0, 0 },
{ 0x12345678UL, 0x90abcdefUL, 0xfedcba90UL, 0x8765421UL } };
int i;
for (i=0; i<4; i++)
return 0;
#Alexey Frunze's method is easy but it's very slow. You should use #chill's 32-bit integer method above. Another easy method without any multiplication or division is double dabble. This may work slower than chill's algorithm but much faster than Alexey's one. After running you'll have a packed BCD of the decimal number
On github is an open source project (c++) which provides a class for a datatype uint265_t and uint128_t.
No, I' not affiliated with that project, but I was using it for such a purpose, but I guess it could be usefull for others as well.
