React Native Camera - reactjs

Hey there!
So, I'm testing React-Native and this problem have come up, and not sure what it wants.
I have upgraded it, and also download latest versions.
This is the error:
npm WARN react-native-camera#0.6.0 requires a peer of react#>=15.4.0
but none was installed.
It won't allow me to download it running the following command
npm install react-native-camera --save
Thanks for your time.

Hey i had the same problem with react native camera
First make sure the version is up to date.Either latest or next. Unless update it
npm install npm#latest -g
Then reinstall camera again(No need to uninstall anything, because it is not installed yet)
Here is the same issue that i opened in github now Closed because it solved the problem :)
i'm sure you got this error when you start to run
npm install react-native-camera# --save
command right ? so it failed and never installed so,
what you have to do is run command
npm install npm#latest -g
then run
npm install react-native-camera# --save
back again


error opening web version react native in VS

I write in terminal npm start and after that I choose to run in web version. And i get this error
I tried to fix this problem like that "npm install react-native-web" But it didn't work
It looks like you're trying to use web support but don't have the required dependencies installed.
Please install react-native-web#~0.18.7, react-dom#18.0.0,
#expo/webpack-config#^0.17.0 by running:
npx expo install react-native-web#~0.18.7 react-dom#18.0.0
If you're not using web, please ensure you remove the "web" string
from the platforms array in the project Expo config.
try this command: expo start --web
Installing both with legacy peer deps worked for me
npm i react-native-web --legacy-peer-deps
npm i react-dom --legacy-peer-deps
Install using this command:
Open Visual Studio Code terminal in the folder to install
npx expo install react-native-web#~0.18.7
npm install #expo/webpack-config#^0.17.0
npm install react-dom#18.0
Run this app with npm start

How to install react on an existing react project using VSC but with a fresh OS installed?

When I started the project a while back from scratch all packaged installed successfully worked on the project for a while I used:
npm create-react-app my-app
I re-installed my OS which is Windows 10 now. How can I start the same project again with out over-writing or changing anything from my project?
I tried
npm start
npm install --save-dev react-scripts
got the same error back :
npm : The term 'npm' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program.
I hope you first install node.js(npm package) & also JDK on your new OS. After that install react-native-cli globally. npm install -g react-native-cli .
After successful installation, you can create your new app. npx react-native init SampleApp.
I found a solution:
First I installed Node manually from the windows installer
Then I ran:
npm install react
in the VSC terminal.
It took a little longer than usual for it to load up the page, but it did eventually. I'm not quite sure if there are any bugs my way, but at least got it to start. I will edit the answer, if possible, with updates if there is any problem that shows up. If you do this, make sure to....

`npm list`, it doesn't show `create-react-app`

a quick and probably a silly question but really couldn't find the answer. So ok, I have already installed \[create-react-app\] via npm, but when i use npm list, it doesn't show me that, why? what would be the command-line that shows everything that I have used npm to install?
Did you use the save option when you installed?
npm install create-react-app --save
It's possible that you npm installed it somewhere different than where you are calling npm list. In that case try:
npm list -g
Depending on user you may have to sudo those commands on Linux.

ERROR in Cannot find module 'node-sass'

Config: macOS High Sierra, version 10.13.2, node:v8.1.2 npm:5.0.3
When I run npm start in my angularjs project I get this error:
ERROR in Cannot find module 'node-sass'
After this I run:
npm i node-sass
Now I get this error:
gyp: No Xcode or CLT version detected!
gyp ERR! configure error
gyp ERR! stack Error: `gyp` failed with exit code: 1
Why won't npm install node-sass? How can I install node-sass?
Here's the solution:
sudo npm install --save-dev --unsafe-perm node-sass
Edited to explain the options (from comments):
--save-dev is used so that your app is able to find the module in local node_modules. --save-dev adds package to devDependencies in package.json. --unsafe--perm is used to run install scripts as root. To avoid sudo, use nvm instead. --unsafe--perm is really not needed as sudo is already mentioned. So the command basically air tights the script to install node-sass at any cost.
This error is for node-sass is not present ... to solve this just you want to run following command
npm install node-sass
According to node-sass github page, supported node.js version vary release by release.
Check the version of node you are running.
node -v
-> v12.0.0
you need node-sass v4.12+. so you can
npm install node-sass#4.12.0
or if 4.12.0 is the latest
npm install node-sass#latest
(npm install node-sass will install the latest version in many cases, but remember that it does not always install the latest(in this example 4.12.0) if dependency in package.json is written like ^3.0.0, ~4.11.0)
What's the difference between tilde(~) and caret(^) in package.json?
Lastly, using sudo with npm is not a good practice. Please refer to this article.
Doing npm uninstall node-sass and then npm i node-sass did not work for me.
Solution worked for me is npm install --save-dev node-sass.
Happy Coding..
npm rebuild node-sass --force
and it'll work fine.
It worked for me...
sudo npm rebuild node-sass --force
node-sass is not being installed and it can be one of many reasons
You have not installed it
npm install node-sass --save-dev
You are having a permissions error
sudo npm install --save-dev --unsafe-perm node-sass
You had a memory issue because it tried to make it (build from c code in your platform),this applies to some platforms and node versions
node --max_old_space_size=8000 $(which npm) install node-sass --save-dev
Your node and npm versions are not compatible,which most probably generated a failure in the build process,
In this case use n or nvm to make sure you have the same version in the new and original environment, the one where it did work, as this is usually by using different versions in different environments
This is what worked for me. I first uninstall node-sass. Then install it back.
npm uninstall node-sass
npm install --save-dev node-sass
It failed for me because I was using the latest version of node (12.7.0) I then had to explicitly install the latest version of node-sass with:
npm install node-sass#4.12.0
I have fix this problem without installing node-sass by this command:
npm install node-sass#4.12.0 --no-save --unsafe-perm
One of the cases is the post-install process fails. Right after node-sass is installed, the post-install script will be executed. It requires Python and a C++ builder for that process.
The log 'gyp: No Xcode or CLT version detected!' maybe because it couldn't find any C++ builder. So try installing Python and any C++ builder then put their directories in environment variables so that npm can find them. (I come from Windows)
I checked the Node version in my local machine, which is v10.11.0.
Then when I checked my development machine, where the error occurred, it had Node version V.10.8.0.
Upgrading Node to v10.11.0 in my development machine fixed the issue.
Hope this helps.
In my case I had to also had to perform:
npm install sass-loader
To fix the problem
There is an issue with downloading npm dependencies due to network which you have. try to download the npm dependencies in open network . you won't get any issue. i am also faced this similar issue and resolved finally.
use below commands: npm install (it will download all depedencies)
npm start to start the angular application
npm install node-sass will do the job in most of the cases, as it will add missing sass npm dependency module doesn't exist or it will overwrite previous crashed version.
For Mac Users use sudo in front of above commands.
On Windows machines npm rebuild node-sass --force may not work for some users because it's essentially saying, "please force npm to rebuild the sass node module for me". It will not work because that module doesn't exist.
Whenever you did npm install to the initial installation, the sass module did not get installed, which is why this problem occurs.
My problem was that a webfilter didn't allow me to download the node-sass package, when I executed the command
npm i
After the installation of the Windows Build Tools
npm i -g windows-build-tools
it build node-sass on it's own and now I can use it.
PS: I also installed Python 2.7.17 before, but I don't think that helped.
Try sudo npm install node-sass#4.12.0 if your node version is 12.
you must install node-sass in dev section of package.json
npm install --unsafe-perm node-sass --save-dev
If you run
npm install node-sass
and it still doesn't work remember to change permission to folder
I have also been facing this error. None of the above methods work for me. Please follow this as it worked for me.
For Installing node-sass in Ubuntu 16 via npm :-
You can install with npm 5.2.0 Version
If you are using nvm :-
nvm install 8.2.1
nvm use 8.2.1
npm install node-sass
If you are using npm separately then upgrade or downgrade npm version to 5.2.0
npm install node-sass
I ran into this error while I was using Microsoft Visual Studio Code's integrated git terminal. For some weird reason VS code was not allowing me to install 'node-sass'. Then I used 'Git Bash' (which was installed with git) and ran the following command:
npm install node-sass
It worked for me. I don't know why & how it worked. If anyone has any explanation please let me know.
You should try to check the log generated by npm install.
I have faced the same issues, and I found the error that python2 is not found in the path (environment variable).
After installing Python, everything worked fine.
I had a similar issue when I tried to run a project.
First i uninstalled the current version
npm uninstall node-sass
Then i reinstalled to the latest version with
npm install node-sass
Upgrading to latest version of nodeJS solved my problem
npm install --save-dev --unsafe-perm node-sass
This will do magic, you can use it with sudo
I had the same error when installing dependencies in Angular. I've tried aforementioned techniques but none of them worked until I've deleted package-lock.json which was previously created when running Node v11.
Now I'm using Node v12 so this is how I got resolved.
I repeat if you have package-lock.json delete it, file and then install dependencies.
Exactly same issue i was also facing and i tried all above answers but could not resolve, Below is the command which fixed my problem.
npm install sass-loader sass webpack --save-dev
I've fixed this problem by installing v10.16.10 node version.
I met same issue installing node-sass when I am on Node 12.9.0
Once switching to Node 10.19.0, the issue is gone.
There seems to be an issue with the version "node-sass": "4.5.3", try updating to the latest version. Such as you could try adding ^ "node-sass": "^4.5.3" for the latest version

Error: Cannot find module '#ionic/app-scripts'

I'm new to Ionic. I was following the Ionic documentation "get started", created a project sample named "super". The problem is that when I run the command line ionic serve in the project directory, it threw an error Error: Cannot find module '#ionic/app-scripts'
Try installing app-script from npm
npm i #ionic/app-scripts
To get the latest #ionic/app-scripts, run the following command:
npm install #ionic/app-scripts#latest --save-dev
app-scripts currently compatible with node 6 and 7.
İf you installed node 8, then please uninstall and install node 6 stable version.
This solved error and now i can use ionic 3, angular 4 .
Take care!
do not downgrade the node version, update the version of "app-scripts":
To get the latest #ionic/app-scripts, please run:
npm install #ionic/app-scripts#latest --save-dev
I was facing same issue, here is what I did-
Removed node_modules from directory (Manually).
open project dir
run this command-
npm install
That fixed those errors for me.
See here.
I had this issue , i solved it by deleting node_modules/ folder and ran the command npm installnow my app works
I tried every non-downgrade solution mentioned in this thread, in all kinds of ways and none of them worked. With nothing left to lose, I went down the downgrade route (I used sudo apt-get purge --auto-remove nodejs to remove previous 8.x version and then installed the last stable ver on the 6.x branch using the nodesource ppa).
Still got the same errors trying to run in the original project folders, but then I created a new project and ionic serve worked just fine in that space.
FWIW, I did not need to run npm update or npm i #ionic/app-scripts afterwards, but I did find it necessary to adopt the habit of running commands with sudo in front (or you sudo -s into root account).
I ran into the same issue and i had problems fixing it. However i update my app scripts npm install -g #ionic/app-scripts#latest --save-dev to the latest version and my problem was solved
npm install -g #ionic/app-scripts#latest --save-dev
Error: app-script not found/ app-script not installed/ app-script module is not found
Try this work for me, Your also:
- npm cache clean --force
- npm install #ionic/app-scripts#latest --save-dev
- npm install -g #angular/cli
I had the issue, solved by execute cnpm i #ionic/app-scripts.
Just open a new terminal window/session. I could not figure it out, but it's probably related to env.
None of the options worked for me.
But I could make it work by updating node with
npm update
After this, the problem was solved and the application started.
Good Luck.
I had the same problem and here is what worked for me
I was trying to run the program using VSCode terminal, Instead I used the windows cmd and it ran perfectly. I think the error is in VSCode terminal, it cannot identify the app-scripts module inside the project. Maybe it will be fixed in a later update.
Delete node_modules and package-lock.json
rm -rf node_modules package-lock.json
npm install
After half a day trying to solve this
And after:
python version error
node-sass misconfiguration error
I did the following
Remove node-modules folder
Run "npm audit fix --force"
Downgrade webpack installation "npm uninstall webpack && install webpack#3.12.0"
The last one because ionic build was giving me an error on that package after the audit
In my case, I need to set NODE_ENV to production then it installs successfully
set NODE_ENV=production
npm install #ionic/app-scripts#latest --save-dev
You must create the project as administrator if you have mac or linux uses sudo, if you have windows run the console as administrator and create the project
My issue was solved after run this script:
npm i #ionic/app-scripts
