Unable to start Markdown interpreter in Zeppelin Notebook - apache-zeppelin

When I try to use it I get the following error:
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.zeppelin.markdown.Markdown
With install-interpreter.sh -l I do see that md is listed there. So the interpreter is properly installed. I can also select it when creating new notebook as the "default interpreter". However, when I try to evaluate any cell using %md I get his class not found exception.
For some reason the interpreter is not included in the class path ... Any suggestion?
Content of interpreter/md/zeppelin-markdown-0.7.1.jar:

Since you have the markdown interpreter install , you just need to create a new Interpreter binding for the markdown.
To create a new binding for markdown
Click the settings button
Binding Setting
Click on the interpreter menu
Interpreter menu
Click on the create buttom
Create button
Give Interpreter name as md and Interpreter group as md then save
Adding binding
Go back to the notebook and add md binding to notebook and save Adding interpreter to notebook
Now %md should start your markdown Interpreter

I noticed that they were quite a lot "zombie" Zeppelin processes running on my machine. After killing them, it seems that this problem went away.


Is this a good way to reference Thinktecture DLLs from a strongly-named .NET DLL?

I am trying to help a co-worker who wants to reference Thinktecture.IdentityModel.Client.Net45.dll from a VB.NET DLL –- call it MyVBNet.dll -- that is strongly-named. When we run an executable that references MyVBNet.dll, MyVBNet.dll’s attempt to instantiate a Thinktecture object results in the following exception:
FileLoadException was unhandled by user code
An exception of type 'System.IO.FileLoadException' occurred in MyVBNet.dll but was not handled in user code
Additional information: Could not load file or assembly 'Thinktecture.IdentityModel.Client.Net45, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies. A strongly-named assembly is required. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131044)
Here is code that I added to the constructor of an object in MyVBNet.dll to reproduce the exception above:
Dim lobjURI = New Uri("http://localhost:4200/")
Dim lobjOAuth2Client = New Thinktecture.IdentityModel.Client.OAuth2Client(lobjURI)
I tried to work around the problem as follows and afterward was able to instantiate a Thinktecture OAuth2Client object in MyVBNet.dll on a Windows 10 computer. However, I do not know whether this is a good approach.
[1] Find a Developer Command Prompt in the Start menu and do "[right click] > Run as administrator" on it.
[2] In the resulting window, if you do not already have a SNK file with a strong name key, key in something similar to the following to create an SNK file, keyPair2.snk in the example:
sn -k keyPair2.snk
[3] Copy a Thinktecture DLL to a directory, cd the Developer Command Prompt window to that directory, and key in the following, where Thinktecture.IdentityServer3.dll is an example of a Thinktecture DLL:
ildasm Thinktecture.IdentityServer3.dll /output:Thinktecture.IdentityServer3.il
move Thinktecture.IdentityServer3.dll Thinktecture.IdentityServer3.dll_Original
ilasm Thinktecture.IdentityServer3.il /dll /res:Thinktecture.IdentityServer3.res /key=keyPair2.snk
gacutil /i Thinktecture.IdentityServer3.dll
[4] In Visual Studio, remove your current references to Thinktecture DLLs and replace them by doing "[right click] > Add Reference... > Browse..." on the References node in the Solution Explorer for the assembly to which you wish to add a reference. Then select the DLL that you want under C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\assembly\GAC_MSIL.

Rundeck - Failed to read SSH Private Key stored at path - Path does not exist

I am running the Rundeck war file directly
java -jar rundeck-3.0.17-20190311.war
I get this error message when I trigger a build.
Failed to read SSH Private key stored at path:
keys/rundeck.pem: org.rundeck.storage.api.StorageException:
Path does not exist: keys/rundeck.pem
Failed: ConfigurationFailure: Failed to read SSH
Private key stored at path: keys/rundeck.pem
It makes sense that the reference in the Default Node Executor is invalid and that Rundeck cannot find the .pem file.
I've tried
referencing the full working directory (/home/user/rundeck/keys/rundeck.pem) It wants the location to start with keys/.
referencing it to its relative path (keys/rundeck.pem)
copied the keys directory to /home/user/
In desperation, I ran chmod 700 on the pem file.
Most of the questions and examples I found were on older versions of Rundeck.
I'd like to know where the .pem file must be configured and how it should be referenced. Any other information that could help me configure the SSH keys will be appreciated.
You must add the key using the GUI and use the path that you are defined in your resources.xml.
For add your key, you can follow this. Although the video is based on Rundeck 2.x it is valid for Rundeck 3.x:
Check that https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qOA-kWse22g
And for generate your resources.xml file select your new project and go to Project Settings > Edit Nodes > Click on "Configure Nodes" button (up to right) > Click on "Add Sources +" Button > Select "+ File" option > in "Format" field select "resourcexml" and fill the path in "File Path" field (put the file name at the end, usually "resources.xml"), then select "Generate", "Include Server Node" and "Writeable" checkboxes and click on "Save" button.

Getting StringIndexOutOfBoundsException when attempting to create a new Form in Codenameone

I am using Netbeans and updated to use the latest codenameone plugin. I am trying to follow the walkthrough tutorial at http://www.codenameone.com/blog/gui-builder-walkthru.html, but I keep on getting a StringIndexOutOfBoundsException when attempting to generate a new Form using the NewGuiBuilderWizardIterator. The following is the stacktrace that I'm seeing. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated!
SEVERE [com.codename1.actions.OpenGuiBuilderAction]: Relative path com\mycompany\myapp\MyApp.java
SEVERE [com.codename1.actions.OpenGuiBuilderAction]: Gui file C:\Users\joshua\Documents\NetBeansProjects\TestGui1\res\guibuilder\com\mycompany\myapp\MyApp.gui
SEVERE [com.codename1.actions.OpenGuiBuilderAction]: Props C:\Users\joshua\Documents\NetBeansProjects\TestGui1\codenameone_settings.properties
SEVERE [com.codename1.actions.OpenGuiBuilderAction]: The GUI file doesn't exist!
WARNING [org.openide.filesystems.Ordering]: Found same position 100 for both Loaders/application/res/Actions/org-openide-actions-OpenAction.shadow and Loaders/application/res/Actions/sep-1.instance
WARNING [org.netbeans.modules.java.JavaTemplateAttributesProvider]: No classpath was found for folder: C:\Users\joshua\Documents\NetBeansProjects\TestGui1#b78894d2:1aed2d64
WARNING [org.openide.WizardDescriptor]
java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: -4
at java.lang.String.substring(String.java:1919)
at com.codename1.NewGuiBuilderWizardIterator.instantiate(NewGuiBuilderWizardIterator.java:95)
at org.openide.loaders.TemplateWizard$InstantiatingIteratorBridge.instantiate(TemplateWizard.java:1046)
at org.openide.loaders.TemplateWizard.handleInstantiate(TemplateWizard.java:605)
at org.openide.loaders.TemplateWizard.instantiateNewObjects(TemplateWizard.java:439)
at org.openide.loaders.TemplateWizardIterImpl.instantiate(TemplateWizardIterImpl.java:248)
at org.openide.loaders.TemplateWizardIteratorWrapper.instantiate(TemplateWizardIteratorWrapper.java:160)
at org.openide.WizardDescriptor.callInstantiateOpen(WizardDescriptor.java:1629)
at org.openide.WizardDescriptor.callInstantiate(WizardDescriptor.java:1570)
at org.openide.WizardDescriptor.access$2300(WizardDescriptor.java:92)
[catch] at org.openide.WizardDescriptor$Listener$2$1.run(WizardDescriptor.java:2257)
at org.openide.util.RequestProcessor$Task.run(RequestProcessor.java:1423)
at org.openide.util.RequestProcessor$Processor.run(RequestProcessor.java:2033)
You need to select a package when you do this and not the top level project since the code won't recognize that situation and won't know where to place the GUI file.
Notice that since an XML GUI file is created in the background, refactoring after the fact won't work well so this isn't something we should generally fix.

How to remove a package in sublime text 2

I would like to remove and/or deactivate the Emmet package in Sublime Text 2.
Should I just remove the Emmet directory or what is the typical workflow for removal of a package?
If you installed with package control, search for "Package Control: Remove Package" in the command palette (accessed with Ctrl+Shift+P). Otherwise you can just remove the Emmet directory.
If you wish to use a custom caption to access commands, create Default.sublime-commands in your User folder. Then insert something similar to the following.
"caption": "Package Control: Uninstall Package",
"command": "remove_package"
Of course, you can customize the command and caption as you see fit.
Just wanted to add, that after you remove the package in question you might also need to check to see if it's listed in the list of packages in the following area and manually remove its listing:
Preferences>Package Settings>Package Control>Settings - User
"auto_upgrade_last_run": null,
"Package Control",
In my instance, my trial period for "Sublimerge" had run out and I would get a popup every time I would start Sublime Text 2 saying:
"The package specified, Sublimerge, is not available"
I would have to close the event window out before being able to do anything in ST2.
But in my case, even after successfully removing the package through package control, I still received a event window popup message telling me "Sublimerge" wasn't available. This didn't make any sense as I had successfully removed the package.
It wasn't until I found this "auto_upgrade_last_run" file and manually removed the "Sublimerge" entry and saved my edit, did the message go away.
go to package control by pressing Ctrl + Shift + p
type "remove package"
and type your package/plugin to uninstall and remove it
There are several answers, First IF you are using Package Control simply use Package Control's Remove Package command...
Package Control: Remove Package
If you installed the package manually, and are on a Windows machine...have no fear; Just modify the files manually.
First navigate to
C:\users\[Name]\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text [version]\
There will be 4 directories:
Installed Packages (Holds the Package Control config file, ignore)
Packages (Holds Package source)
Pristine Packages (Holds the versioning info, ignore)
Settings (Sublime Setting Info, ignore)
First open ..\Packages folder and locate the folder named the same as your package; Delete it.
Secondly, open Sublime and navigate to the Preferences > Package Settings > Package Control > Settings-user
Third, locate the line where the package name you want to "uninstall"
"All Autocomplete",
"Browser Support",
"Case Conversion",
"Format SQL",
"Github Tools",
"HTML-CSS-JS Prettify",
"Oracle PL SQL",
"Package Control",
"Placehold.it Image Tag Generator",
"Search Stack Overflow",
"Theme - Centurion",
"Zen Tabs"
NOTE Say the package you are removing is "Zen Tabs", you MUST also remove the , after "TortoiseSVN" or it will error.
Thus concludes the easiest way to remove or Install a Sublime Text Package.
Follow below steps-
Step1 - Ctrl+Shift+P
Step2 - Enter Disable Package
Step3 - enter the package name that you want to disable and press enter
Successfully removed, if not removed then restart Sublime
Simple steps for remove any package from Sublime as phpfmt, Xdebug etc..
1- Go to Sublime menu-> Preference or press Ctrl+Shift+P .
2- Choose -> Remove package option, after you choosing it will display all packge installed in your sublime, select one of them.
3. After selection it will remove, or for better you can restart your system.
Sublime Text 3
Run Sublime Text.
Select Preferences → Package Control.
Use ctrl+shift+p shortcut for (Win, Linux) or cmd+shift+p for (OS X).
Select Remove Package. Package Control: Remove Package
Start typing name of the package you want to remove and select it from the list of installed packages.
Wait for the uninstallation to complete.

msbuild copy files

I am having trouble copying files with MSbuild and the error messages I'm getting seem to contradict each other (using TFS 2008 to do the build).
I currently having the following in my build script
<Copy SourceFiles="$(WebConfig);$(DatabaseUpdate)" DestinationFolder="$(TempHoldingDir)" ContinueOnError="false" />
When I run the build I get
error MSB3023: No destination
specified for Copy. Please supply
either "DestinationFiles" or
I then change the DestinationFolder to DestinationDirectory and I got
error MSB4064: The
"DestinationDirectory" parameter is
not supported by the "Copy" task.
Verify the parameter exists on the
task, and it is a settable public
instance property. error MSB4063: The
"Copy" task could not be initialized
with its input parameters.
THese errors seem to contradict each other, what exactly am I missing here?
Restarting Visual Studio resolved this for me, so adding this as a potential solution for anyone else experiencing the same issue.
It's DestinationFolder according to Copy Task, looks like MSB3023 error text is wrong?
Its because you called your property TempHolingDir when your referred to it as TempHoldingDir.
Its all about the d.
