Empty GUID error when using Azure AD consent flow - azure-active-directory

I'm currently trying to integrate with Azure AD using the admin consent flow.
I've set up an app in our domain, set a few permissions on it and am then navigating to the following link:
(Some of the values here have been swapped out for "example" values)
When I navigate there I get asked to sign in, which I do using a different test domain into which I want to import the app.
After signing in I'm shown a list of all the permissions that the app needs (which appear to be correct), I click accept but then I get the following error:
AADSTS90002: Requested tenant identifier '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' is not valid. Tenant identifiers may not be an empty GUID.
I'm not sure where this empty GUID is coming from and after some searching I can't find any reference to what might be causing it.

Daniel Camargo's comment above seems to have done the trick.
When I navigated to the login.microsoftonline.com link I was logging in with the user that created the domain.
If I log in with a test admin user that I created it works as I'd want.

I am not convinced that we had exactly the same problem, given that my case was involving a Cordova application, but I will share my scenario anyway:
I created a trial account for my proof of concept and for that I used my personal Microsoft account that I will call mypersonalaccount#outlook.com.
Thus, mypersonalaccount#outlook.com is now part of 2 directories: the outlook.com and my recently created mypersonalaccount.onmicrosoft.com.
When I was trying to authenticate in my Oauth2 application using mypersonalaccount#outlook.com I got that error. My humble guess is that the error is related to some sort of collision between the 2 accounts.
I later created a user1#mypersonalaccount.onmicrosoft.com and a guest account using my gmail account. Everything worked fine with these ones.

Was having the same problem, and the same after 1 week of work by the azure team, was solved.
My problem was being trying to log in to VSTS with AAD accounts.


Azure B2C - Can't get a B2C user flow to work with another Azure AD instance as a custom identity provider

I have set up a B2C instance OK and managed to get a basic Blazor (server) app working with it a using the Microsoft Identity Platform (using AD groups for permissions - it was a hassle but works).
However, I'm trying to use an external Azure AD as a custom identity provider in the user flow, so that I am not just restricted to just email/id/social accounts, but can have guest accounts from other directories use the app without having to manage their sign-in's. To do that I performed a web app registration in the AD tenant that I wanted to use to authenticate those accounts against (as suggested in a couple of tutorials).
The application I registered in the external AD has a Redirect URI in the format "https://{My B2C Directory Name}.b2clogin.com/{My B2C Directory Name}.onmicrosoft.com/oauth2/authresp", which matches the name of my B2C instance, and I have added the client id and secret generated from that app registration and put the details into the custom identity provider I have created for the sign-in flow, as per the instructions here (including the mappings etc.):
I also found a slightly older tutorial here, which is pretty similar (different mappings) that I've tried to follow (and adapt the bits that are out-of-date).
However when I run the user flow I get "AADSTS900971: No reply address provided." - this happens even when I run the flow directly from the User Flows tab in B2C with a 'Reply URL' explicitly set to "http://jwt.ms" (just to capture the token contents).
I'm confused about the reply URL being missing because they exist in both registered apps. Also, it's not saying they're mismatched, just that one isn't set at all (but appears to be).
It feels like I'm missing something simple - does anyone have any idea what that might be?
Ok so I did a couple of things to resolve this:
Re-registered the application in the AD I want to authenticate with (following this tutorial again: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory-b2c/identity-provider-azure-ad-single-tenant?pivots=b2c-user-flow)
I was careful to ensure that the redirect URI in the format:
https://{B2C Instance Name}.b2clogin.com/{B2C Instance Name}.onmicrosoft.com/oauth2/authresp
was all lower case.
I also had to change from just a 'sign-in' user flow to the 'sign-up, sign-in' one, and then applied the custom identity provider to that flow. Apparently you need that even for users from another AD to be able to complete their invite process (otherwise you just end up with a user doesn't exist error - even if you've invited/added them to the B2C users list).
I also elected to 'Grant admin consent for Default directory' under the API Permissions tab for the application being registered in the external AD (to be used for the custom identity provider).
The flow seems to work now. The only thing that would be useful would be to have an invite only sign-up, sign-in flow so that you could invite specific people without breaking the invite process.
If anyone knows how to do that please do post something.

Issue with accessing reports in Microsoft Graph API - Please double-check the tenant ID and try again

When using the graph explorer I am able to get results from some of the API's. However not able to get when requesting for reports
For Example, this works perfectly fine;
However, calling the below report related request results in an error "We do not recognize this tenant ID ... Please double-check the tenant ID and try again." I am facing this issue for any such call for reports.
Is there some issue with App Registration which is causing this? The error message for checking the TenantID is totally misleading as the token is same in both the cases and I am not doing anything different between the two calls. Would appreciate any guidance.
Try checking these.
Try the request after giving some time like 48 hrs approximately as
it might take a little time for the tenant id to propagate across all
the instances and reflect in Microsoft graph api.
Check if you have given valid tenant ID
check tenant expiration (as admin account)
Else check if required permissions are set.
Reports.Read.All permission is needed to call this API.Refer Microsoft
Graph permissions
Please add the Delegated permisson /the Application permission and test it again. See Microsoft Graph v1.0 | Microsoft Docs
If that’s done already check if admin consent is provided .
( Reports.Read.All permission allows an app to read all service
usage reports without a signed-in user. Make sure to check if you
granted the permission(by clicking Grant Permissions from admin
See reports-permissions
Similar thread
This error may occur when the usage report is not ready .Because if
the tenant is new , it might take sometime( upto 48 hours) for
the report service to pick it up and start generating reports.
You must be able to test it manually from O365 Admin
Portal.Portal.office.com -> Admin Tab -> Show all -> Reports ->
Other wise , you may contact support to raise a request.

Azure B2C Issues and Questions

I've been working with the Azure B2C for a couple of days now and have a few issues and questions:
Url that it creates to redirect for login is formed incorrectly. It contains a question mark twice - after the url, and again after the profile name. This causes a 404 not found error every time you login, log out, etc. For example, the URL it tries to redirect to for login looks like this: https://login.microsoftonline.com/samlmanbc.onmicrosoft.com/oauth2/v2.0/authorize?p=b2c_1_firstdemoprofile?client_id=08fcblahblah. You'll notice a second question mark after the profile name, and that's what breaks it.
If I fix that and try and log in, it doesn't recognize the username / password of my account that's a global admin. It DOES recognize the username / password of a new user I created locally in the directory.
In the OnRedirectToIdentityProvider method, when the request type is authentication, the AuthenticationResponseChallenge is null, which makes this call fail:
OpenIdConnectConfiguration config = await mgr.GetConfigurationByPolicyAsync(CancellationToken.None, notification.OwinContext.Authentication.AuthenticationResponseChallenge.Properties.Dictionary[Startup.PolicyKey]);
I worked around this by using the static string SignInPolicyId for the second parameter. That works fine when an account already exists, but if it doesn't then Azure fails at login and says an account doesn't exist for the user. So what is the right value to use there, and/or how does one initialize it so it isn't null?
The type of a claim that was added to a profile is preceded with "extension_"; is that always going to be true or just for now? For example, I added a property called "favoriteTeam", but the claim type for it is "extension_favoriteTeam".
When you use FaceBook as an identity provider, is there any way to pass along the Facebook access token claim (http://www.facebook.com/claims/AccessToken)? This was useful when using ACS with Facebook because your app can then use that token to make additional calls to Facebook to get data from it.
In relation to issue 1 - I updated my reference Microsoft.IdentityModel.Protocol.Extensions to v1.0.2.206221351 and it started working. I made some updates to other references before this, so if the first one doesn't work, try updating more assemblies from nuget.
This is as expected. A page that signs in "local account" users will not sign in your work or school account (in this case, the global admin user).
Always going to be true. We will be cleaning up the Admin UX to make this more clear.
This is on our roadmap. No ETA as yet.

Azure AD | Conflict when logged in with another Azure Account

I have a Asp.net MVC application that uses Azure AD and OpenID Connect OWIN middlewares to handle authentication. Everything works fine except for one thing : if a user is already logged-in on another Microsoft Application lets say a Office 365 account or maybe a live mail account, when trying to login it recives a page saying that it is not allowed to log into my app, which is correct, but some how I need to catch that situation in my code to allow the user to sign in with a different account. Is there a way of doing that? This is by design? I mean : the user have to log in only with a live/azure account at the time ? I couldn't find any documentation about this.
As of today there is typically one user at a time, but we will soon support for you a way to select a specific user instead of automatically signing you in with the most recent one.
One way you can work around this today is by injecting the parameter "prompt=login" in your sign in requests. You can do that in the RedirectToIdentityProvider notifications, similarly to what is showin in http://www.cloudidentity.com/blog/2014/11/17/skipping-the-home-realm-discovery-page-in-azure-ad/ for domain_hint. This will cause the sign in experience to always start with a fresh prompt even if the user is already signed in. The draw back is that you'll never get SSO this way. Hopefully our account switiching feature will become available soon, keep an eye on http://blogs.technet.com/b/ad/ for announcements

apex how to login to another application from link in one application?

I have two applications in my workspace, APP 1 and APP 2.
In my case, user will log in to APP 1. from there, i put a menu(or a link) to APP 2. however APP 2 requires authentication. So it will take me to a login page. i would like to eliminate that and get the current user's credentials on APP 1 and login to APP 2.
i'm looking for a simple straightforward method (but need to consider security) to login to APP 2.
what i could think of is apex_collection..i could store credentials n use it to create a login process for APP 2. however apex_collection is session based. eventhough i've set session for APP 2, it still wont read values from my apex_collection.
Does anyone have a suggestion or a solution?
All you need to do is use the same authentication scheme in both applications and set the cookie name attribute to the same value in both authentication schemes like this:
APEX will then use the same session across the two applications and the user will not have to log in again when they navigate from one to the other, provided of course that you pass the SESSION_ID in the URL.
A Few Comments on Default APEX Workspace Authentication Security
It may also be helpful to expand on an explanation of why the solution posted by #TonyAndrews works.
For any Apex Apps within the same workspace, if they use the default "APEX Application Authentication" method, they will consult the same authentication user list... so USER1 and its password is a valid login for any of the "neighboring" applications...
This may be a concern if you are hosting different clients or users that should not be intermingling with the other applications. You can also define user GROUPS in the same place as you set up each workspace user. Each application can have its own security filter that permits access by membership of BOTH user/password authentication AND membership in the appropriate access group.
Sharing workspaces may also be a problem because of the unique user name restriction of a single workspace. You can get around that by:
Defining different name-spaces for each application:
Email addresses are good: "someuser#sampledomain.com"
An app id prefix such as: SHOP_EDNA, SHOP_GARRETT, TC_KAREN, TC_MARLOWE, MY_BORIS etc.
Different name styles: first name only, first name + last initial, etc.
To keep things simple, you can always just spin up a brand new workspace: a warning however is that common user names like `ADMIN` are NOT the same between separate workspaces. There shouldn't be much concern however because apps or workspace users may have the same or different schema access privileges to the database back end.
A Word of Caution to Administrators and Developers:
When you go live with an application or multiple applications on a user-facing system, keep in mind the deployment destination (i.e., the workspace) and what else is sharing that workspace. There are some real situations where apps are not intended to be shared or accessed by other "inside" users. Be sure to read up and understand the security constraints and methods of using Default Apex Authentication security so that it's more than luck that protects your own production/live deployed applications.
I do have the similar requirement, linking from one application page to another.
Tried the above mentioned solution, but still asking to login to second application. My Apex ver is 5.0.3 and trying in same workspace.
Created new authentication schemes for each app with same cookie name and set them as current authentication. Scheme type are Application express accounts.
Setting the link as below from first app page to second.
Could anyone provide a solution, please?
Just an update on this.
I am currently using v21.2 and this is how I do it:
In both applications, go to Shared Components > Authentication Schemes > (Select your Auth Scheme);
Scroll down to Session Sharing and select 'Workspace Sharing';
In one of the applications (source), create a link (as a Navigation Bar List entry, for example) like f?p=173:1:&SESSION., where 173 is the target application ID and 1 is the target page.
After some research, I've found out that this feature (Session Sharing Type) is available since v18 of APEX.
