Using multiple main files in VS2017 - c

I've downloaded VS2017 Community Edition and I'm working through "Programming in C" by Stephen G. Kochan.
I'd like to store all the examples in one project (possibly 1 project per chapter), however I've come across the error about multiple "main" files in one project. Before telling me I can't have multiple main's in a project, could you suggest the best way to organise these small C programs in VS2017.
I love the fact that I don't have to use a terminal compiler and would like to use VS2017 to work my way through the book.
Any suggestions?

A typical case of "assignments" in a course. In that case you can create one module (c file) for each assignment and call the current assignment from your main. Now you have all assignments in a single project, so you can easily look them up. Assignments completed you can comment-out.

I don't think you really want them all in one project. I think you want them all in one Solution, with each example in its own Project. That way you can switch between projects in the IDE and build/run/debug whichever one you are working on at the time.
Add a new project to your solution by right-clicking the solution in Solution Explorer and selecting Add->New Project from the menu.
Set the active project by right-clicking the project in Solution Explorer and choose "Set as startup project" from the menu.
This allows you to build each example on its own, or build all of them at once. Each project is self-contained and generates its own executable, and you can navigate around from one project to another inside the IDE.

You can compile and run your C files individually from command line.
This is not ideal when using an IDE.
Your other option is to use add_executable command in cmake
Adds an executable target called to be built from the source
files listed in the command invocation. The corresponds to the
logical target name and must be globally unique within a project. The
actual file name of the executable built is constructed based on
conventions of the native platform (such as .exe or just


Use of custom make in eclipse IDE for C project

I already have a makefile project in C. There are multiple makefiles that are used through the command line to help automate the build process as multiple folders are available in the project.
How can the same makefiles be used in my Eclipse project for building / compiling the code?
Create a "Makefile project with existing code". Its project tree will include all the makefiles, given that they have common names.
Then use the view "Build targets" (menu "Windows" > "Show Views" > "Other") to create build targets in the respective directories. Please read its documentation to make the most of it. It is generally a good idea to read at least some of the introducing articles of the built-in help (menu "Help" > "Help Contents").
You might want to visit the project's or the general preferences for the build tool. For example, I like to unset "Stop on first build error" to get the make option -k.
I use this regularly, and it works really perfectly.
Note 1: If you deselect the standard make tool when you create a new target, you can even change the build command. On Windows you can even enter the name of a batch file, or any other tool. These build targets are really versatile.
Note 2: This Tutorial: Makefile Projects with Eclipse shows some of this in a nutshell.

how do you create a .c file in Visual Studio 2017 Professional

I am extremely new to programming and have found that a good majority of my mentors use Visual Studio to code in C.
I would like to get an early start using SAMS C Programming.
Can anyone please tell me how to create a .c file in VS 2017? I am only able to create a .cpp file at this time.
What you most likely actually want to do is create a project. Go to File-> New-> Project. Most likely, the first programs you will write are console applications (meaning they appear on that screen that resembles an old computer monitor, or what some computer screens look like when booting). If you want to create a console application, go from Project to Visual C++-> Windows Desktop-> Windows Console Application. Ignore any additional pop-up windows and just keep clicking continue. A file called main.cpp will automatically be generated. This is the file you will want to use for your code examples (but DO NOT DELETE the #include "stdafx.h" line, even if your example code does not have it).
Visual Studio compiles both .c and .cpp files as C++ by default. C++ has nearly everything that C has, but may take longer to compile when dealing with huge projects. If you want to use strictly C with no C++, then go to Project (a separate project tab on the same toolbar as the file tab -- it isn't within the file tab)-> ProjectName(Your Project Name) Properties-> Configuration Properties-> C/C++-> Advanced and select "Compile As". You should see a square with a upside-down "^" in it. Click that and select "Compile as C Code (/TC)". The "/TC" is just what you would type in if you were using command-line arguments instead of the convenient window that appears for you to modify everything. Finally, rename main.cpp to main.c.
Since you're learning C, I would also like to mention that I started making a C tutorial on my web site (and if anybody else also happens to see this post and the tutorial, criticize the tutorial as harshly as you can in the comments below).
Click on File, Choose Project --> Visual C++ --> Windows Desktop and under Windows desktop Choose Windows desktop wizard and give project name in the bottom then click on OK. a pop of Windows Desktop Project will come, check empty project and uncheck all options.then click on OK after that in the right side along with your project name more options will come..right lick on source file-> add -> new items -> choose c++ plus file but in bottom give file with extension .c..and you are done .enjoy coding
If you are truly interested in learning to program in C, then leave the VS Code IDE for later and learn to Build C/C++ code on the command line. VS provides a reasonably good compiler (cl.exe) and pre-configured command line (command prompt) windows to build both 32 and 64 bit applications.
The benefit to using the command line is learning what the compiler options are and what they actually do. Simply open a VS command line window and type cl /help. The compiler will list all options along with a short description. There are a great number of resource for command line building that can be accessed through the link above.
A second benefit is you can rapidly compile all your beginning C examples without worrying about projects, etc.. Just cl /nologo /Wall /Ox /Foname.o /Fename.exe /Tc name.c and you are done. (you will want to suppress unneeded warning with individual /wdXXXX options where XXXX is the warning to suppress) 50 Times faster than using the IDE.
Once you are proficient in using the command line, you will have a much easier time transitioning to the IDE -- because you can properly configure the IDE with the appropriate options for your build and you will know what the IDE is doing under the hood (or should be doing under the hood)

Using Eclipse for C/C++ development without changing existing project directory structure

I have mostly used kate, vim etc to code and just pure console and gdb (rarely) to test. I want to start using eclipse, mainly for ease of looking up stuff, and hopefully (while not super important,) run the GUI debugger.
However, I don't want eclipse to touch my real project folders (it should change the code, obviously, but don't want it to create any configuration folders etc). Is that possible? I was thinking to create a workspace on a different folder, and add sources from my project path. But this seem to be complicated without any experience with eclipse when handling Makefiles etc!
Anyone has done something similar? any guidelines?
Yes, this is fairly straightforward. Instead of creating a standard C Project that creates and manages makefiles for you, use the "Makefile Project with Existing Code" instead.
If you don't want the .cproject, .project, etc files intermixed, create the CDT project in an empty directory and use Linked Files and Folders to pull in what you do want in the project.
If you do try to do a Build within Eclipse it will do "make all", but if you don't have a Makefile you get this (same for clean):
make all
make: *** No rule to make target `all'. Stop.
What I have done is for projects that don't have a make equivalent (like CPython extension) is to write a trivial Makefile that delegates all and clean targets to my real tool.
Once you have the project created, you will need to configure it to get all the goodness of CDT. The CDT Indexer and Scanner needs to know about your compiler settings (includes and defines really). There are two ways of delivering that information:
Run a verbose build (i.e. with gcc command line arguments echoed) from within Eclipse (e.g. use trivial Makefile described above). CDT will parse that output and automatically pick up compiler options used.
There are a number of ways that CDT can learn about what your settings are, to configure how they are picked up, head to project properties -> C/C++ General -> Preprocessor Include Paths, Macros etc. and adjust the sources in the Providers tab:
In the project properties, edit the C/C++ General -> Paths and Symbols properties. You may have to do this if CDT cannot determine all your settings in Step 1 too. This is a screenshot of some of those settings:

What is a good way to build a lot of small tools in Visual Studio?

Suppose you have some source code that comes from the unix world. This source consists of a few files which will create a library and a lot of small .c files (say 20 or so) that are compiled into command-line tools, each with their own main() function, that will use the library.
On unixy systems you can use a makefile to do this easily but the most naive transformation to the windows / Visual Studio world involves making a separate project for each tool which, although it works, is a lot of work to set up and synchronize and more difficult to navigate at both the filesystem and project/solution level. I've thought about using different configurations where all but one .c file are excluded from the build but that would make building all the tools at once impossible.
Is there a nice way of building all the tools from a single "thing" (project, msbuild file, etc.)?
I'm really not interested in using cygwin's gcc/mingw or NAnt. I'd like to stick with the standard Windows toolchain as much as possible.
You don't HAVE to use visual studio to compile code. You can make your own batch file or Powershell script that simply calls the compiler on your source, just like a makefile.
So I've been looking into this for a while now and the solutions all leave much to be desired.
You can...
Create a lot of small projects by hand.
Use MSBuild and deal with its steep learning curve.
Use a build tool that does not integrate well with Visual Studio, like GNU make.
You can't even make a project template like you can with .NET projects! Well, you can make a wizard if you want to wade through the docs on doing that I suppose. Personally, I have decided to go with the "many small projects" solution and just deal with it. It turns out it can be less horrible than I had thought, though it still sucks. Here's what I did in Visual Studio 2008:
Create your first Win32 command line tool project, get all your settings down for all platforms and make sure it works under all circumstances. This is going to be your "template" so you don't want to edit it after you've made 20 copies.
(optional) I set up my paths in the visual studio project files so that everything is built in the project directory, then I have a post-build step copy just the dll/exe/pdb files I need to $(SolutionDir)$(OutDir). That way you can jump into a single directory to test all your tools and/or wrap them up for a binary distribution. VS2008 seems to be insane and drops output folders all over the place, with the default locations of Win32 and x64 output differing. Spending a few minutes to ensure that all platforms are consistent will pay off later.
Clean up your template. Get rid of any user settings files and compiler output.
Copy and paste your project as many times as you need. One project per tool.
Rename each copied project folder and project file to a new tool name. Open up the project file in a text editor like Notepad++. If you have a simple, 1-file project you'll need to change the project name at two places at the beginning of the file and the source code file name(s) at the end of the file. You shouldn't need to touch the configuration stuff in the middle.
You will also need to change the GUID for the project. Pop open guidgen.exe (in the SDK bin directory) and use the last radio button setting. Copy and paste a new GUID into each project file at the top. If you have dependencies, there will be one or more GUIDs at the bottom of the file near the source code. Do NOT change them as they are the GUIDs from the dependencies and have to match!
Go into Visual Studio, open up your main solution and add your tool projects.
Go into the configuration manager and make sure that everything is correct for all supported platforms, then test your build.
It's not beautiful, but it works and it's very much worth the setup time to be able to control your builds from the GUI. Hopefully VS2010 will be better about this, but I'm not too hopeful. It looks like MS is giving a lot more love to the .NET community than the C/C++ community these days.
If you have a makefile you can use a 'makefile' project in Visual Studio (which in misnamed - it simply allows you to specify custom build/debug commands), and use it to invoke GNU make.
You will need to change the makefile to use the VC++ command line tools instead of cc or gcc or whatever it uses, but often these are specified by macros at the top of the makefile.
If the makefile uses other Unix specific commands (such as rm), you may need to make modifications, or create bath files to map commands to Windows equivalents. Another option is to install any necessary tools from GNUWin32 to make it work.
If the build is very complex or involves configure scripts, then you have a harder task. You could generate the makefile from a configure script using MSYS/MinGW, and then modify it as above to make it work with VC++.
Makefile projects will not be as tightly integrated in Visual Studio however. All the build management is down to you and the makefile.
If you're really using Visual Studio, I would suggest creating a project for each tool, and adding these projects to a single solution. From Visual Studio, it's easy to build a complete solution all at once, and MSBuild knows how to build .sln files as well.
msbuild myslnfile.sln
or even:
... will build your solution.

Eclipse: choosing a default debugger for all new C projects

Whenever I start a new project, I have to go through setting up the debugger with Eclipse time and time again before I can use it. Isn't there a default setting for all new C projects I can change?
I'm not sure exactly what you mean by "setting up the debugger" (perhaps you can clarify), but under "Preferences -> Run/Debug -> Launching -> Default Launchers" you should be able to select your preferred launcher for different kind of launch modes. This can also be selected individually for each launch configuration.
Typically it is up to the toolchain and/or project to determine which debugger/launcher is suitable to use for that specific project, but I know there is a bug in CDT which prevents toolchains from properly specifying the default launcher to use.
I only use Eclipse for Java, so I can't give you an authoritative answer. But since no one else seems to be answering:
Java projects have a (more or less) hidden file in the project directory called .project and another one called .settings . I'm not sure if this would apply to the C environment as well, but it seems likely. You may want to look at the set of such "hidden" files for a well set up project and a virginal project side by side to find out which settings make the difference.
Given that information, you may be able to simply edit (perhaps with some assistance from a script you can write yourself) the file(s) in question to do the configuration textually without a lot of mouse clicking.
