How to back up my.cnf file from /etc/mysql - my.cnf

I encountered same problem here
I am trying to follow the answers but I am not sure how to back up my.cnf file in /etc/mysql. Can anyone help me?

You can do sudo cp /etc/mysql/my.cnf /etc/mysql/my.cnf.bak This basically copies the file and renames it.


Download a public file in Bitrise Workflow

I have my zip uploaded on Gofile, and using the direct download link I'm trying to use CURL in my step to download it on my build.
Even if the step work, the file is not totally donwloaded as I can't unzip it..
+ curl -o
here is the command I used
I have no idea why this don't download. I also tried the "official" download step
Are you receiving the following error when trying to unzip it?
End-of-central-directory signature not found. Either this file is not
a zipfile, or it constitutes one disk of a multi-part archive. In the
latter case the central directory and zipfile comment will be found on
the last disk(s) of this archive.
This means the zip file is corrupted. I was able to reproduce it with my own file. Go file is intended to be downloaded from the website not through curl.
I would recommend using a different service like and copying the raw file link and using that in the curl command.

Run a non-executable jar from a batch file in the same directory

I want to run a non-executable jar from a batch file in the same directory.
I was using this
java -cp "%~dp0file.jar" main
But it doesn't work, what am I doing wrong here?
Refer to this link on tips to avoid an invalid path.
Next time for debugging, make sure you dont have echo off and then add a pause command to before and after where you think the problem is, see where it crashes, and whether you can pinpoint the exact line.
This link shows a few good methods to help, but in the case of your small script, and this link shows a way to get the error log of java when run from a batch-file.

Cronjob cake not found

I'm trying to get my cake shell running on a linux server and having a challenge I know little about handling.
I'm running the following test shell called "cron" to ensure I am on the right cronjob setting:
*/1 * * * * cd /usr/www/users/everest1/ads2/app/app; ../cake/console/cake cron
At first I got "permission denied", which I fixed by updating the file permissions on the cake file. Now I just get this response...
../cake/console/cake: not found
I've even SSH'd to the cake/console directory itself and typed "cake" and still get the same error.
Does anyone have any ideas on how to solve this?
P.S. I'm not use to the SSH world at all or the command line on linux. Today was the first day editing the crontab file which took some reading up on.
Have you put the path of cake in $PATH var?
Ok, I managed to make this come right...
The first step was to read Running Shells as cronjobs
Once that was created I then got an error of "bad interpreter: No such file or directory", which I tracked down to being the first line of the cake shell script which I changed from #!/bin/bash to #!/usr/local/bin/bash
This then meant the file was being processed with the correct bash.
Once that was done, it all worked smoothly.

How do I edit a file with a batch program without having the complete path?

I am trying to write a batch program to rewrite the for World of Warcraft and put in the correct realms. I ran into the problem after finishing it that some people had different directories than me(Ex:I had C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft\Data\enUS while others had F:\WoW\3.5.5a\data\enUS) I want to find a way to replace this no matter the path before data\enUS. Help?
You should find the install path by looking in the Windows Registry. As for how to do that from a batch file, see here: . Everybody who has WoW installed should have a registry value in a well-known location that points to the installation's base directory.

vim cannot connect to cscope database

I have opensuse 11.4 installed. Vim is version 7. Now I normally use it to browse the linux kernel source. So I generated the cscope database inside a directory within my home folder i.e. /home/aijazbaig1/cscope_DB/ and I got 3 files viz. cscope.out, cscope.po.out and besides the cscope.files file which contains a list of all the relevant files which I want to search.
Additionally I have added the following to my .bashrc:
export CSCOPE_DB
But when I do a :cscope show from within vim it says there are no connections. Can anyone please let me know what is going wrong.
Keen to hear from you,
This is mentioned in the comments above, but I want to make sure it's preserved in an answer.
The issue that came up for me was that vim didn't know where to look for the cscope database. When I added
cs add $CSCOPE_DB
to my .vimrc. Everything came out fine.
I figure since I've made the visit, I would try responding.
I was getting this error when searching using ctrl-space s (or any search for that matter):
E567: no cscope connections
I finally found the full solution at, Step 11.
The idea is that you create a list of source files to be included in the view of cscope, generate the cscope.out in the same location, and update the export path accordingly:
find /my/project/dir -name '*.c' -o -name '*.h' > /foo/cscope.files
cscope -R -b (this may take a while depending on the size of your source)
export CSCOPE_DB=/foo/cscope.out (put this in your .bashrc/.zshrc/other-starting-script if you don't want to repeat this every time you log into the terminal)
You need to add a "cscope connection", like this in vim:
:cscope add $PATH_TO_CSCOPE.out
See :help cs for more examples.
Here's how I explore linux kernel source using cscope:
I use vim as my editor.
While standing inside the kernel source root directory, run cscope in interactive mode while recursively going through subdirectories during search for source files:
cscope -R
When run for the first time, it will generate the database file with the name: cscope.out inside the current directory. Any subsequent runs will use the already generated database.
Search for anything or any file and open it.
Set cscope tags in vim to make the :tag and CTRL-] commands search through cscope first and then ctags' tags:
:set cscopetag
Set cscope database inside current VIM session:
:cs add cscope.out
Now you can use CTRL-] and CTRL-t as you would do in ctags to navigate around! :)
I have the same issue on my PC. For now, to solve the issue:
On terminal execute: which is cscope
Open .vimrc file to edit: set csprg=/usr/bin/cscope
I ran into a similar problem with no cscope connections on ubuntu 18.04, then I discovered my .vimrc file does not load the CSCOPE_DB variable. Looked a little around and found a solution.
You can just copy this directly in to your .vimrc file.
Part of the code loads your cscope file from your directory. The keybinds are just a nice bonus.
Hope this helps.
