I am attempting to create a code that simulates child care center. In this center one adult can care for up to three children. This condition has to be fulfilled all the time. Adults and children are processes generated randomly and amount of children and adults is set in program arguments. Child can enter only if there is enough adults inside and adult can leave only if there is enough other adults to care for the children. If not, passive waiting should be implemented, until the condition allows child/adult to leave/enter.
#include <time.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <semaphore.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <sys/ipc.h>
#include <sys/shm.h>
void load_init_values();
void handler(int, int, char*);
pid_t adults, children;
int adult_max_t, child_max_t, adc, chc, amt, cmt, shm_a_id, shm_c_id;
int *adults_inside, *children_inside;
sem_t *adults_sem, *children_sem, *entry;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int pid=0;
adults = fork();
if (adults == 0)
for(int i=0; i<=adc-1; i++)
int adult_t = (random() % (adult_max_t + 1));
adults = fork();
// Adult process is created here
if(adults == 0)
handler(getpid(), amt, "adult");
children = fork();
if (children == 0)
for(int i=0; i<=chc-1; i++)
int child_t = (random() % (child_max_t + 1));
children = fork();
// Child process is created here
if(children == 0)
handler(getpid(), cmt, "child");
return 0;
void handler(int pid,int maxtime, char* type)
printf("%s %i%s\n",type,pid," attempting to enter...");
if(type == "child")
int child_leave_t = (random() % (maxtime + 1));
if((*adults_inside) != 0)
if(((*children_inside)+1)/(*adults_inside) <= 3)
printf("%s %i%s\n",type,pid," entered!");
printf("%s %i%s\n",type,pid," left!");
printf("%s %i%s\n",type,pid," can not enter. Waiting...");
printf("%s %i%s\n",type,pid," can not enter. Waiting...");
else if(type == "adult")
printf("%s %i%s\n",type,pid," entered.");
void load_init_values()
adults_sem = mmap(NULL, sizeof(sem_t), PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_ANONYMOUS | MAP_SHARED, 0, 0);
children_sem = mmap(NULL, sizeof(sem_t), PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_ANONYMOUS | MAP_SHARED, 0, 0);
entry = mmap(NULL, sizeof(sem_t), PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_ANONYMOUS | MAP_SHARED, 0, 0);
shm_a_id = shmget(IPC_PRIVATE, sizeof(int), IPC_CREAT | IPC_EXCL | 0666);
shm_c_id = shmget(IPC_PRIVATE, sizeof(int), IPC_CREAT | IPC_EXCL | 0666);
adults_inside = (int *) shmat(shm_a_id, NULL, 0);
children_inside = (int *) shmat(shm_c_id, NULL, 0);
This code only simulates generating of processes. There is one shared semaphore entry that allows only one process at the time to request entering. Shared memory variables adults_inside and children_inside keep track of the inner state.
My problem is basically located in handler function. After condition disallowing child to enter is triggered, I can not figure out how to implement passive wait. I was thinking about using pause() system call and store the waiting processes in queue, but is seem quite inefficient. What approach should I choose?
You will need to implement this in terms of some form of IPC. You mentioned using Linux, but I will assume POSIX-with-unnamed-semaphores (i.e. not OS X) since you aren't yet using anything Linux-specific. Others have mentioned this could be simpler if you used threads. But maybe you have some reason for using multiple processes, so I'll just assume that.
As specified, the code does not appear to allow adults to exit, which makes things a bit simpler. You already know how many children are allowed at any point in time, as that is directly proportional to the number of adults present at any given point in time.
To figure out how to solve the problem, let's consider how such a thing might be handled in real life. We can imagine that there is some kind of "gatekeeper" at the daycare. This "gatekeeper" is represented in the code by the sum of the state: the semaphore and the shared memory variables representing the number of adults and children present at any point in time. When no children are allowed to enter, the gatekeeper blocks entry and the children must form a line. I assume that the intent is that children are allowed to enter in a first-come-first-serve basis; this means you'll need to have some kind of FIFO to represent the queue. When a child leaves, the gatekeeper must be able to notify the first child in line that they are eligible to enter.
So this code is missing two things:
Some kind of FIFO representing the ordering of children waiting to enter
Some kind of notification mechanism that a child can wait for a notification on, and that the gatekeeper can trigger to "wake up" the child.
Now, the question is what data we store in this queue and how we do the notification. There are several options, but I'll discuss the two most obvious.
Making the child wait could be as simple as having the gatekeeper place the child PID at the tail of the FIFO and sending that PID SIGSTOP using kill(2). This may happen several times. Once a child leaves, the gatekeeper dequeues from the head of the FIFO and sends the pid SIGCONT.
As currently architected, the "gatekeeper" in your program is more of an abstract concept. A clearer implementation might implement a gatekeeper as a management process.
But since no such process exists, we need to imagine something like the child sees a "please wait" sign at the door and waits. The process representing the child can make itself wait by placing itself at the tail of the FIFO, and using the raise(3) library function, and sending itself SIGSTOP. Then, when any child leaves, it reads from the front of the FIFO and sends that pid SIGCONT using kill(2).
This implementation is relatively straightforward and the only additional resources required are to somehow represent the queue in shared memory.
An alternative approach would be to give each child its own file descriptor(s). This could be either a pipe(2), or a bidirectional file descriptor like a PF_LOCAL socket(2). Leaving the file descriptors in blocking mode, when a child is not allowed to enter, it puts (maybe the write-side of, if a pipe) its file descriptor at the tail of the FIFO, and blocks read(2)ing one byte from the read-side (which would be the same fd if not a pipe).
When a child exits, it pulls the entry from the front of the FIFO and write(2)s one byte to the file descriptor there. This will wake the child process that is blocked in read(2), and it will continue on its merry way into the daycare.
As previously stated, condition variables have also been suggested. I usually avoid them; they are easy to misuse, and you're already serializing the entry process.
In both the signal and the file descriptor case, a ring buffer of integers suffices -- so that's all the state you need to store in the FIFO.
The FIFO requires some careful consideration. Since multiple processes will be reading and manipulating it, it must also be in shared memory. Whether the FIFO is implemented as a ring buffer or some other way, you'll probably want to define some limits on the length of your queue. If there are too many children in line, maybe arriving children just "go home." Also, you'll need to make sure you handle the case of an empty FIFO gracefully on entry/exit, and make sure that transitioning from 1 waiter to 0 works as intended. Since you're serializing entry / exit with a semaphore, this should be straightforward.
2 semaphores precisely model the actual problem
While it is tempting to combine stats into synchronization, the minimum you need to synchronize for this child care is really only:
the number of vacancies for children are > 0 for a child to enter, otherwise they wait.
exiting adults take their 3 vacancies atomically with respect to each other or wait. (One adult refusing to take more responsibility on the way out is not explicit in your model, but prevents an exit starvation similar to writer starvation in rwlock implementations.)
But they must be mapped precisely
When semaphores hit 0 they force a wait, so to model this with the 2 semaphores you began to setup, their usage needs to match a few more specifics:
sem_init(adults_exiting_sem,1,1); /* Allow 1 adult to be decrementing */
sem_init(children_spots_sem,1,0); /* Allow no child without an adult */
Then the handler code can rely on the correct model of the semaphores to force waiting:
void handler(int pid,int maxtime, char* type)
int leave_t = (random() % (maxtime + 1));
if(type == "child")
printf("%s %i%s\n",type,pid," attempting to enter...");
printf("%s %i%s\n",type,pid," entered!");
else if(type == "adult")
/* probably an inline function */
printf("%s %i%s\n",type,pid," entered.");
printf("%s %i%s\n",type,pid," attempting to leave...");
/* adult exit funnel */
/* probably an inline function */
printf("%s %i%s\n",type,pid," left!");
And there is always more to want
Naturally, you may want to further extend the model by:
use sem_timedwait to model parents giving up on dropping off their children.
reintroducing stats either with additional synchronization or just log for post analysis.
My goal is to solve Readers Writers[1] problem but using only isolated processes. One process is for reader one for the writer, I should use named semaphores, so that it is possible to start subsequent reader and writers at any time - also I can't use shared memory - pure synchronization.
More info:
Provide implementation of 2 programs implementing a reader and
a writer, so that it is possible to dynamically start new processes while complying with the restrictions.
Pay attention to the properties of concurrent processing: safety and liveness.
Consider also whether you program is deadlock free.
EDIT: problem is separated to 3 files
File 1. Reader:
int main(){
sem_t *mutex;
sem_t *write;
int count=0;
mutex = sem_open("/mutex", O_CREAT, 0600, 1);
write = sem_open("/write", O_CREAT, 0600, 1);
if (count==1){
printf("Critical section in readers\n");
File 2. Writer
int main(){
sem_t *write;
write = sem_open("/write", O_CREAT, 0600, 1);
printf("Critical section in writer\n");
return 0;
File 3. Deleting semaphores
int main(){
printf("Semaphores deleted \n");
return 0;
when I run reader or writer with gcc -pthread file_name.c I don't
get any result, as If the code wasn't doing anything - the process is
running, the cursor is blinking but nothing happens.
[1]: READERS and WRITERS : The reading room has capacity of n
readers. Readers come to the reading room, allocate a single place, and occupy it for some time, then leave. After some time they come again and the procedure repeats. The reading room is also used by writers. However, a writer can only work when the reading room is empty, i.e. there must be no other reader nor writer. The writer occupy the room for some time, then leaves, and comes back after a while
My goal is to solve Readers Writers problem but using only isolated processes. One process is for reader one for the writer, I should use named semaphores, so that it is possible to start subsequent reader and writers at any time - also I can't use shared memory - pure synchronization.
Judging from this limited description, you can probably solve this problem by using named pipes.
I can't use shared memory
The code treats global variables counter and cnt as if they are shared between processes. They are not, each process gets a copy of those with the same value, the changes to these variables are not seen by other processes.
To use functions sem_wait and sem_post link with linker option -pthread.
You mentioned that you have to use "isolated processes", but as far as I know threads are not processes. to create a new process you have to use fork().
Differnces as mentioned here (full link with difference-table):
A process is an active program i.e. a program that is under execution.
It is more than the program code as it includes the program counter,
process stack, registers, program code etc. Compared to this, the
program code is only the text section.
A thread is a lightweight process that can be managed independently by
a scheduler. It improves the application performance using
parallelism. A thread shares information like data segment, code
segment, files etc. with its peer threads while it contains its own
registers, stack, counter etc.
in simple words - each process can have in it multiple threads ("lightweight processes").
I think you have to use fork() to create new Processes because of the word "Process" that you mentioned. also, you mentioned that you need 2 processes (one for the reader and one for the writer) so you have to fork() twice and manage these 2 processes. You can read about fork() here.
edit (semaphore implementation):
int initsem(key_t semkey, int initval)
int status = 0, semid;
union semun {/* should to be declared according to C standards */
int val;
struct semid_ds *stat;
ushort *array;
} ctl_arg;
if ((semid = semget(semkey, 1, SEMPERM | IPC_CREAT | IPC_EXCL)) == -1) {
if (errno == EEXIST)
semid = semget(semkey, 1, 0);
else { /* if created */
ctl_arg.val = initval; /* set semaphore value to the initial value*/
status = semctl(semid, 0, SETVAL, ctl_arg);
if (semid == -1 || status == -1) { /* failure */
perror("initsem failed");
else return semid;
int sem_wait(int semid)
struct sembuf p_buf;
p_buf.sem_num = 0;
p_buf.sem_op = -1;
p_buf.sem_flg = SEM_UNDO;
if (semop(semid, &p_buf, 1) == -1) {
perror("p(semid) failed");
else return 0;
int sem_post(int semid)
struct sembuf v_buf;
v_buf.sem_num = 0;
v_buf.sem_op = 1;
v_buf.sem_flg = SEM_UNDO;
if (semop(semid, &v_buf, 1) == -1) {
perror("v(semid) failed"); exit(1);
else return 0;
I would need some help with some C code.
Basically I have n processes which execute some code. Once they're almost done, I'd like the "Manager Process" (which is the main function) to send to each of the n processes an int variable, which may be different for every process.
My idea was to signal(handler_function, SIGALRM) once all processes started. When process is almost done, it uses kill(getpid(), SIGSTOP) in order to wait for the Manager Process.
After SIM_TIME seconds passed, handler_function sends int variable on a Message Queue then uses kill(process_pid, SIGCONT) in order to wake up waiting processes. Those processes, after being woken up should receive that int variable from Message Queue, print it and simply terminate, letting Manager Process take control again.
Here's some code:
* Child Process creation using fork() system call
* Parent Process allocates and initializes necessary variables in shared memory
* Child Process executes Student Process code defined in childProcess function
pid_t runChild(int index, int (*func)(int index))
pid_t pid;
pid = fork();
if (pid == -1)
printf(RED "Fork ERROR!\n" RESET);
else if (pid == 0)
int res = func(index);
return getpid();
currentStudent = createStudent(pid);
currentStudent->status = FREE;
students[index] = *currentStudent;
currentGroup = createGroup(index);
addMember(currentStudent, currentGroup);
currentGroup->closed = FALSE;
groups[index] = *currentGroup;
return pid;
Code executed by each Process
* Student Process Code
* Each Student executes this code
int childProcess(int index)
/*NOTICE: showing only relevant part of code*/
printf("Process Index %d has almost done, waiting for manager!\n", index);
kill(getpid(), SIGSTOP);
/* mex variable is already defines, it's a struct implementing Message Queue message struct*/
receiveMessage(mexId, mex, getpid());
printf(GREEN "Student %d has received variable %d\n" RESET, getpid(), mex->variable);
Handler Function:
* Handler function
* Will be launched when SIM_TIME is reached
void end_handler(int sig)
if (sig == SIGALRM)
printf(RED "Time's UP!\n" RESET);
for(int i = 0; i < POP_SIZE; i++){
mex->mtype = childPids[i];
mex->variable = generateInt(18, 30);
sendMessage(mexId, mex);
//childPids is an array containing PIDs of all previously launched processes
kill(childPids[i], SIGCONT);
I hope my code is understandable.
I have an issue though, Using provided code the entire program gets stuck at kill(getpid(), SIGSTOP) system call.
I also tried to launch ps in terminal and no active processes are detected.
I think handler_function doesn't send kill(childPids[i], SIGCONT) system call for some reason.
Any idea how to solve this problem?
Thank you
You might want to start by reading the manual page for mq_overview (man mq_overview). It provides a portable and flexible communication mechanism between processes which permits sync and async mechanisms to communicate.
In your approach, there is a general problem of “how does one process know if another is waiting”. If the process hasn’t stopped itself, the SIGCONT is ignored, and when it subsequently suspends itself, nobody will continue it.
In contrast, message-based communication between the two can be viewed as a little language. For simple exchanges (such as yours), the completeness of the grammar can be readily hand checked. For more complex ones, state machines or even nested state machines can be constructed to analyze their behaviour.
im trying to implement this:
Make a C multi-process program that does the following:
A process P generates two child processes P1 and P2. The two sons P1 and P2 perform an indeterminate cycle in which generate, each second, a random integer between 0 and 100. With each draw, the children communicate the numbers generated by the parent P process which provides for adding them, printing them on the screen and storing them in one file. Process P1 must handle the SIGINT interrupt signal. In particular, at the arrival of this signal P1 must display the warning message "P1 process busy!". The program is terminated by the parent P process when it verifies that the sum of the numbers, which it has received from the child processes, assumes the value 100.
Now, I need some help with the synchronization between childs and parent. Im trying to use semaphores but it looks like impossible. what can i use to synchronize them? signals? how?
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <semaphore.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#define READ 0
#define WRITE 1
void handler(int sig){
printf("process 1 is busy\n");
void codeprocess1(int pd[], sem_t *sem1){
int i = 0;
int numgenerated;
while( i = 0){
signal(SIGUSR1, handler);
numgenerated = rand()%101;
write(pd[WRITE], &numgenerated, sizeof(int));
void codeprocess2(int pd[], sem_t *sem2){
int i = 0;
int numgenerated;
while( i = 0){
numgenerated = rand()%101;
write(pd[WRITE], &numgenerated, sizeof(int));
int main(){
pid_t pid1, pid2;
int sum, numread1, numread2, pipe1[2], pipe2[2];
sem_t *sem2 = sem_open("semaph2", O_CREAT | O_EXCL, 1, 0);
sem_t *sem1 = sem_open("semaph1", O_CREAT | O_EXCL, 1, 0);
pid1 = fork();
case -1:
case 0:
codeprocess1(pipe1, sem1);
pid2= fork();
switch( pid2){
case -1:
case 0:
codeprocess2(pipe2, sem2);
read(pipe1[READ], &numread1, sizeof(int));
read(pipe2[READ], &numread2, sizeof(int));
sum = sum + numread1 + numread2;
printf("%d\n", sum);
kill(0, SIGKILL);
I'm reporting here the relevant part of the man page of sem_overview(7):
POSIX semaphores come in two forms: named semaphores and unnamed sema‐
Named semaphores
A named semaphore is identified by a name of the form /somename;
that is, a null-terminated string of up to NAME_MAX-4 (i.e.,
251) characters consisting of an initial slash, followed by one
or more characters, none of which are slashes. Two processes
can operate on the same named semaphore by passing the same name
to sem_open(3).
The sem_open(3) function creates a new named semaphore or opens
an existing named semaphore. After the semaphore has been
opened, it can be operated on using sem_post(3) and sem_wait(3).
When a process has finished using the semaphore, it can use
sem_close(3) to close the semaphore. When all processes have
finished using the semaphore, it can be removed from the system
using sem_unlink(3).
Unnamed semaphores (memory-based semaphores)
An unnamed semaphore does not have a name. Instead the sema‐
phore is placed in a region of memory that is shared between
multiple threads (a thread-shared semaphore) or processes (a
process-shared semaphore). A thread-shared semaphore is placed
in an area of memory shared between the threads of a process,
for example, a global variable. A process-shared semaphore must
be placed in a shared memory region (e.g., a System V shared
memory segment created using shmget(2), or a POSIX shared memory
object built created using shm_open(3)).
Before being used, an unnamed semaphore must be initialized
using sem_init(3). It can then be operated on using sem_post(3)
and sem_wait(3). When the semaphore is no longer required, and
before the memory in which it is located is deallocated, the
semaphore should be destroyed using sem_destroy(3).
You are trying to use unnamed semaphores in standard memory. But they are meant to synchronize threads only, not processes.
I suggest to use either named semaphores (that should be easier) or unnamed semaphores backed by shared memory (get it with shmget() or shm_open(), then use it with sem_init() - the parent and the forked processes must use the same shared memory segment to have access to the inter-process semaphore).
In fact, in your code sem1 and sem2, initialized in the main process, won't be propagated to the forked processes: they have independent memory regions and addresses, and cannot be shared.
After the edit, regarding the semaphores there are many problems:
the most logically wrong: you cannot pass the pointer of one process to another process: the addresses are not shared. Every process must independently open the semaphore and use it with his own handler.
while (i=0)... ouch, try compiling with -Wall.
You wasn't checking the return code of sem_open() it was failing with errno=13 (EACCESS)
You wasn't properly setting the permission of the semaphore... it's a (sort of) file. Note that once you crete it with the wrong permissions, it stays there and it won't be possible to create it again with the same name (until you reboot the system). You can see them with: ls -l /dev/shm, and eventually just remove them with rm.
You was requesting O_EXCL, that is, exclusive access to one process, that's not what you want. See man 2 open.
the name of the semaphore must begin with /, see man sem_overview
Here is the revised code, some comments in-line:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <semaphore.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <errno.h>
#define READ 0
#define WRITE 1
#define SEM1_NAME "/semaph_1a"
#define SEM2_NAME "/semaph_2a"
void handler(int sig) {
printf("process 1 is busy\n");
void codeprocess1(int pd[]) {
int i = 0;
int numgenerated;
// each process must open the handle to the same named semaphore.
// they cannot share a local memory address.
sem_t *my_sem = sem_open(SEM1_NAME, O_CREAT , 0777, 0);
if (my_sem==SEM_FAILED) {
printf("semaphore creation failed, errno=%d\n", errno);
// the seed for the two children must be different or they will be generating the same
// sequence of random numbers.
while(i == 0) {
signal(SIGUSR1, handler);
numgenerated = rand()%101;
// close(pd[READ]);
write(pd[WRITE], &numgenerated, sizeof(int));
void codeprocess2(int pd[]){
int i = 0;
int numgenerated;
sem_t *my_sem = sem_open(SEM2_NAME, O_CREAT, 0777, 0);
if (my_sem==SEM_FAILED) {
printf("semaphore creation failed, errno=%d\n", errno);
while(i == 0) {
numgenerated = rand()%101;
// close(pd[READ]);
write(pd[WRITE], &numgenerated, sizeof(int));
int main(){
pid_t pid1, pid2;
int sum, numread1, numread2, pipe1[2], pipe2[2];
// O_EXCL removed
// the mode flag must be set to 0777 for example, not "1".
// return value check added
sem_t *sem1 = sem_open(SEM1_NAME, O_CREAT , 0777, 0);
if (sem1==SEM_FAILED) {
printf("semaphore sem1 creation failed, errno=%d\n", errno);
sem_t *sem2 = sem_open(SEM2_NAME, O_CREAT, 0777, 0);
if (sem2==SEM_FAILED) {
printf("semaphore sem2 creation failed, errno=%d\n", errno);
if (pipe(pipe1) < 0 ) {
if (pipe(pipe2) < 0) {
pid1 = fork();
case -1:
case 0:
pid2= fork();
switch( pid2) {
case -1:
case 0:
// 100, not 1000
while (sum != 100) {
// all the "close()" calls are commented out
// close(pipe1[WRITE]);
read(pipe1[READ], &numread1, sizeof(int));
// close(pipe2[WRITE]);
read(pipe2[READ], &numread2, sizeof(int));
// sum must not be incremented
sum = numread1 + numread2;
printf("%d\n", sum);
kill(0, SIGKILL);
There is really a lot going on in your question.
As posted in the answer #Sigismondo, you are confusing multithreading with multiprocess programming. They have different method of communications.
To oversimplify threads share the same memory, so a thread can see for example values of global variables such as semaphores mutex and so on: if a thread modifies it, the other thread will be affected.
In multiprocessing when you fork(), a new process is generated with its own memory space. Right after the fork() variable values are almost the same (apart pid, ppid and so on) but they are in a different memory space: if you have a code block executed by only one process, modifying it will not affect the variables (the semaphores in your program) of the other process.
In your case: first of all if the children process do the same stuff (i.e. generate a random number) why do you have to different functions? Can't you do something like:
int generateRand()
n = rand() % 100 + 1; //should be random in [1, 100]
Process P1 must handle the SIGINT interrupt signal. In particular, at
the arrival of this signal P1 must display the warning message "P1
process busy!". The program is terminated by the parent P process when
it verifies that the sum of the numbers, which it has received from
the child processes, assumes the value 100.
This is really unclear, in my opinion. The parent should catch the SIGINT signal. What should the children do? From what you say it seems they shouldn't catch that signal. In this case you must take a look at signal masks: basically you have to block the signal in the parent, the call the fork()s and then put back the original mask. Now you should go deeper but somehting like this (here)
sigset_t *parent_mask, *child_mask
//get the current mask
if (int res = sigprocmask (0, NULL, child_mask)<0)
printf("some error\n");
//make the mask block the signal
if (int res = sigaddset(child_mask, SIGINT)<0)
printf("some error in sigaddset \n");
// block the signal with the new mask
if (int res = sigprocmask (SIG_SETMASK, child_mask, parent_mask)<0)
printf("some error\n");
//do your forks: children will inherit the current mask and will not catch SIGINT
//set back the original mask so the parent catches SIGINT
if (int res = sigprocmask (SIG_SETMASK, parent_mask, NULL)<0)
printf("some error\n");
This answer of mine, although for multithreading should be a little clearer.
Why are you registering the signal handler in codeprocess1(int pd[])? I don't get it at all. And why SIGUSR1?
You should do it in the parent (before or after the fork()s shouldn't change since the signal is blocked for children: it depends if you want to have the user exit the program before starting the forks() or not: in the first case register the signal handler after the fork() otherwise put it at the beginning of main(). In both case you should do:
signal(SIGINT, handler);
Now the core to your program: to communicate your program you can use pipe() in a blocking way together with file descriptors: check here.
You need two file descriptors (one per child process and close the end (read/write) not used by the process).
Consider a single child process:
int p = fork();
int fd1[2]; //file descriptor for child1
int fd2[2]; //file descriptor for child2
if (p>0)//parent
close(fd1[1]);//close writing end
int n;
read(fd1[0], &n, sizeof(n));
//you might to call the other fork here and redo the same stuff
int p2 = fork();
if (p2>0)
close(fd2[1]);//close writing end
int n2;
read(fd2[0], &n2, sizeof(n2));
sum = n2+n1
if (sum==100 && exit = 1)
kill(p, SIGKILL);
kill(p2, SIGKILL);
else if(p==0)//child
close(fd1[0]);//close read end
int rand_n = generateRand();//or whaterver the name
wrote(fd1[1], &rand_n, sizeof(rand_n));
The exit condition is both based on the value of the sum (100) and the fact that CTRL+C has been pressed. The former is obvious in the code above. For the latter you can declare a global variable (I used exit) that if 0 CTRL+C has not been pressed, if 1 it has. This value is checked in the exit condition of the code above. Your handler will be responsible to write this variable:
//global variable here
int exit = 0;
void handler(int signo)
print("Parent busy doing stuff\n");
exit =1;
Note one thing exit is written by the parent since it is written ONLY in the handler which is called only by the parent and it is read in the part of the code executed only by the parent: the the children read its value it will be always 0 for them.
Being your question too general I tried to give some hints: there might be errors in my code since I haven't tried. You should study your own. If you will provide a minimal working example I will try to help.
How to create shared memory after fork or in child process?
I want to first make a global pointer in shared memory, then in child process create multiple node dynamically and add the node to this global pointer.
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
struct shm_t {
int data;
struct shm_t *next;
void main() {
struct shm_t *shm = (struct shm_t *)mmap(NULL, sizeof(*shm), PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_ANONYMOUS | MAP_SHARED, 0, 0);
shm->data = 1;
shm->next = NULL;
int pid = fork();
if (pid == 0) {
printf("Child \n");
// How to create a shared shm_t here, and assign to *shm->next?
} else {
printf("Parent \n");
In order for two processes to share memory, they have to have something in common.
Your first allocation is shared because you allocated it with MAP_SHARED, and the child process inherited it from the parent. Once the fork already finished, there is no way for that to happen automatically (just one example: which process does the child share this with? The parent is just a random process with no special significance, as far Linux is concerned).
The way to do this properly is be sharing a file descriptor. The number of pitfalls here, however, is staggering.
Let's start with the solution first, and then understand why it won't work:
// Before the fork
int shared_fd = open("/dev/shm/somefile", O_CREAT|O_TRUNC|O_EXCL|O_RDWR, 0600);
// Check for errors
// check for errors
// Now you can fork
If you now use mmap from this file, it is possible to share it between the processes (i.e. - one process' writes will be visible to the other process).
Like I said, the number of pitfalls here is huge:
The file is created empty, and you cannot mmap past the end of a file. In order for this to work, you will need to increase the file using ftruncate. Here is a problem, though. The calls to ftruncate will need to be synchronized, or you will have the lost update problem, where both processes think they are increasing the file to the same size together.
Even after you do that, you still cannot store pointers inside the memory. The reason is that the memory is shared, in the sense that one process' writes are immediately visible to the other. There is no guarantee, however, that they will be mapped to the same addresses.
I'm not sure what you want to do here (if you want to share a linked list between two processes, you have huge synchronization issues to handle here as well). If you can provide a-priori limit on how much memory you're going to need, just pre-allocate it with the original mmap.
In all likelihood, however, what you're trying to achieve here isn't possible in the way you're trying to achieve it (not in any sane way).
I am having trouble using shared memory, semaphores and forks in Unix C. My semaphores are not posix.
I create a pointer to shared memory 2*sizeof(float).
I initialize the value of my semaphore to 2 with semctl.
I do a fork() in a for loop (i<2).
In the child processes (if fork() == 0) each child does a p operation on the semaphore (-1), writes to shared memory then does a v operation (+1) then exits. The Parent process does a p operation (-2) on the semaphore, reads the entirety of the shared memory segment(with a for loop) and does a v operation (+2). He waits on the child processes before exiting to avoid zombies.
The problem i have in output is that i get :
Parent reading 0
Parent reading 1
Parent reading 0
Parent reading 1
Child writing 0
Child writing 1
When what i should be getting is :
Child writing 0
Child writing 1
Parent reading 0
Parent reading 1
I have tried initializing my semaphore to 1 instead of 2 but that just stalls the program since the semaphore will never have a value of two and thus the parent process will never read.
If what i have understood about semaphores is correct, the fact that i initialize it to 2 means that the parent process can directly read even though none of the children have written anything. How can i resolve this problem?
EDIT: I added a simplified version of my code after request, i have removed error checking, and waiting for children to reduce length.
int shmid1 = shmget(1990, (size), IPC_CREAT | 0666 );
float * shmPt = (float*)shmat(shmid1, NULL, 0);
semun1.val = 2;
int semid = semget(1991, 1, 0666 | IPC_CREAT)
semctl(semid, 0, SETVAL, semun1 )
for ( ii = 0; ii < 2; ++ii) {
if ((p = fork()) == 0) {
int semid = semget(1991, 1, 0666);
struct sembuf p_buf;
p_buf.sem_num = 0;p_buf.sem_op = -1;p_buf.sem_flg = SEM_UNDO;
/** LOCK **/
semop(semid, &p_buf,1);
/** WRITE **/
shmPt[ii] = RandomFloat;
v_buf.sem_num = 0;v_buf.sem_op = 1;v_buf.sem_flg = SEM_UNDO;
/** UNLOCK **/
semop(semid, &v_buf,1)
else {
int semid = semget(1991, 1, 0666);
struct sembuf p_buf;
p_buf.sem_num = 0;p_buf.sem_op = -2;p_buf.sem_flg = SEM_UNDO;
/** LOCK **/
semop(semid, &p_buf,1);
/** READ **/
for(int j =0;j<2;j++) tabFloat[j] = shmPt[j];
v_buf.sem_num = 0;v_buf.sem_op = 2;v_buf.sem_flg = SEM_UNDO;
/** UNLOCK **/
semop(semid, &v_buf,1)
My ultimate goal is to have 24 children writing one by one into a shared memory segment of the same size and only when it is full, then the parent can read everything and process the information. On top of that all of this needs to be in a while loop (imagine 24 cars that keep generating random times everytime they complete a lap until the first car has finished 50 laps)
You're mis-using semaphores. The general idea is that a semaphore counts "how many entities (threads, whatever) are allowed to use this data right now". By starting the count at 2, you're saying "two threads may use this now". Semaphores do not say which entities, nor how (read vs write), only how many. For example, semaphores can to be used to count the number of retrievable items in a producer/consumer queue: the producer increments and the consumer decrements. (Of course, semaphores come in all kinds of expanded flavors; since you say these are "not POSIX", but not what they are, it's hard to generalize much more.)
One way to make this work as described—but of course, actual code tends to vary from descriptions—is to start the semaphore count at 0, fork a child, have the child write without looking at the semaphore count, fork another child, have that child also write without looking at the semaphore count, and then have the parent wait on the semaphore (P). That is, the semaphore says "none shall pass" but the children don't actually look at it. Then, the two children each do V operations (+1 in each). Once the semaphore has gone to 1, the parent starts: he can then find at least one (but perhaps only one) child-result. The parent can do another P immediately if he needs to have both results.
(More generally, though, you may want reader/writer locks or mutexes and condition variables. If you have POSIX threads, see pthread_cond_init(), pthread_cond_wait(), pthread_cond_signal(), pthread_mutex_init(), etc.)
Aha, from the comment and question-edit, I see that you're using the wretched System V shared memory and semaphore interface.
Are you really stuck with that? The POSIX thread stuff is nicer, in my opinion (and generally lighter-weight).
How do you intend to organize your shared-memory? You may get less lock-contention if each car has its own lap times region, shared only with the display thread/proc: there's one single producer (the car) and one single consumer (display thread/proc), but 24 such locks (one per car). If all cars share one shared-memory region with the display thread/proc, you need only one lock, but it's much more active. Which one is "better" depends on what you are doing.
And, if you want to wait for "some car to finish 50 laps", consider having each car have its own private (or possibly shared-with-display) counter, and one counting semaphore for "number of cars that have hit 50 laps". Each car simply counts up and upon reaching 50, increments the counting semaphore (once) too.
Final (I hope) edit: after fixing smaller problems, the last remaining one was the use of SEM_UNDO in each child process, which would do a V (of +1) to signal "data produced and all done" and then exit. SEM_UNDO records a balancing adjustment value that is applied on process exit, so the semaphore would count up, but then immediately count right back down, leaving the parent waiting for another V that would never occur.