Can I speed up this function? [closed] - c

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I'm trying to write John Conway's Game of Life in C, but I'm having trouble adding living cells to the board. The function I wrote to handle it is extremely slow.
Thought process: I want to add n living cells to the board randomly, so while cells left to set alive, get a random (x, y) pair, and if it's dead, make it living. That way I can guarantee n cells become alive.
Is my understanding of the problem incorrect, or am I just being inefficient? Why is it so slow, and how can I make it faster?
void add_cells( int board[BOARD_WIDTH][BOARD_HEIGHT], int n )
// Randomly set n dead cells to live state.
while ( n )
int randX = rand() % BOARD_WIDTH;
int randY = rand() % BOARD_HEIGHT;
if( board[randX][randY] == 0 )
board[randX][randY] = 1;

If let's say 70% of cells are alive, then it means that your program will have to find an other cell 7 times out of 10, which makes unecessary repetitions.
You could pop the selected cell out from a "remaining cells" array when you set it alive, and select your cell randomly in this array. I suggest to use a dynamicaly resizable container so you don't have to manipulate your entire "remaining cells" array each time you pop out a cell. This should help save you more time.

There are several issues that might explain some slowness in your problem:
Is the board initialized to 0 before calling add_cells()? If the board has random contents, finding dead cells might take an arbitrary long time, or potentially take forever if fewer than n cells are dead.
Are you sure the board is correctly defined? The 2D array seems more natural with y being the first dimension and x the second: using int board[BOARD_HEIGHT][BOARD_WIDTH] and swapping the index values for randX and randY.
Testing for (n > 0) would protect against an infinite loop if add_cells() is ever called with a negative n.
If n is large, finding dead cells can take a long time as shooting at random has a small chance of hitting one.
If n is larger than BOARD_WIDTH * BOARD_HEIGHT or if there are fewer than n dead cells, the loop will iterate forever.
If n is large or if the board has only a few dead cells, it would be more efficient to enumerate the dead cells and chose the target cells at random from the dead cells only. The drawback is such a method would be slower if n is small and the board has many dead cells.
The time complexity for n small compared to the number of dead cells is O(n), which is hard to beat and should be very fast on current hardware, but it tends towards O(n * BOARD_WIDTH * BOARD_HEIGHT) if n is large or close to the number of dead cells, which is much less efficient, and the function never finishes if n is greater than the number of dead cells.
If the board is known to be empty when add_cells() is called, if n is larger than BOARD_WIDTH * BOARD_HEIGHT / 2, it would be more efficient to set all cells alive and chose n cells to kill.
If the board is not necessarily empty, passing this function the number of live cells would help decide which approach is better and if there are at least n dead cells without the need for a lengthy loop to enumerate the dead cells.

If your board is contiguous in memory, you don't have to call rand() twice. You can just use rand() % (BOARD_WIDTH * BOARD_HEIGHT).
void add_cells(uint8_t board[BOARD_WIDTH][BOARD_HEIGHT], int n)
std::mt19937 eng;
uniform_int_distribution<int> dist(0, BOARD_WIDTH * BOARD_HEIGHT - 1);
int index = dist(eng);
uint8_t* cell = (uint8_t*)board + index;
if(*cell == 0)
*cell = 1;

The modulo function is pretty slow, try (float)rand()/RAND_MAX*BOARD_WIDTH + 0.5
You can also use a faster rand, see here


How to solve a runtime error happening when I use a big size of static array

my development environment : visual studio
Now, I have to create a input file and print random numbers from 1 to 500000 without duplicating in the file. First, I considered that if I use a big size of local array, problems related to heap may happen. So, I tried to declare as a static array. Then, in main function, I put random numbers without overlapping in the array and wrote the numbers in input file accessing array elements. However, runtime errors(the continuous blinking of the cursor in the console window) continue to occur.
The source code is as follows.
#define SIZE 500000
int sort[500000];
int main()
FILE* input = NULL;
input = fopen("input.txt", "w");
if (sort != NULL)
for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)
sort[i] = (rand() % SIZE) + 1;
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
if (sort[i] == sort[j])
for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)
fprintf(input, "%d ", sort[i]);
return 0;
When I tried to reduce the array size from 1 to 5000, it has been implemented. So, Carefully, I think it's a memory out phenomenon. Finally, I'd appreciate it if you could comment on how to solve this problem.
“First, I considered that if I use a big size of local array, problems related to heap may happen.”
That does not make any sense. Automatic local objects generally come from the stack, not the heap. (Also, “heap” is the wrong word; a heap is a particular kind of data structure, but the malloc family of routines may use other data structures for managing memory. This can be referred to simply as dynamically allocated memory or allocated memory.)
However, runtime errors(the continuous blinking of the cursor in the console window)…
Continuous blinking of the cursor is normal operation, not a run-time error. Perhaps you are trying to say your program continues executing without ever stopping.
#define SIZE 500000<br>
sort[i] = (rand() % SIZE) + 1;
The C standard only requires rand to generate numbers from 0 to 32767. Some implementations may provide more. However, if your implementation does not generate numbers up to 499,999, then it will never generate the numbers required to fill the array using this method.
Also, using % to reduce the rand result skews the distribution. For example, if we were reducing modulo 30,000, and rand generated numbers from 0 to 44,999, then rand() % 30000 would generate the numbers from 0 to 14,999 each two times out of every 45,000 and the numbers from 15,000 to 29,999 each one time out of every 45,000.
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
So this algorithm attempts to find new numbers by rejecting those that duplicate previous numbers. When working on the last of n numbers, the average number of tries is n, if the selection of random numbers is uniform. When working on the second-to-last number, the average is n/2. When working on the third-to-last, the average is n/3. So the average number of tries for all the numbers is n + n/2 + n/3 + n/4 + n/5 + … 1.
For 5000 elements, this sum is around 45,472.5. For 500,000 elements, it is around 6,849,790. So your program will average around 150 times the number of tries with 500,000 elements than with 5,000. However, each try also takes longer: For the first try, you check against zero prior elements for duplicates. For the second, you check against one prior element. For try n, you check against n−1 elements. So, for the last of 500,000 elements, you check against 499,999 elements, and, on average, you have to repeat this 500,000 times. So the last try takes around 500,000•499,999 = 249,999,500,000 units of work.
Refining this estimate, for each selection i, a successful attempt that gets completely through the loop of checking requires checking against all i−1 prior numbers. An unsuccessful attempt will average going halfway through the prior numbers. So, for selection i, there is one successful check of i−1 numbers and, on average, n/(n+1−i) unsuccessful checks of an average of (i−1)/2 numbers.
For 5,000 numbers, the average number of checks will be around 107,455,347. For 500,000 numbers, the average will be around 1,649,951,055,183. Thus, your program with 500,000 numbers takes more than 15,000 times as long than with 5,000 numbers.
When I tried to reduce the array size from 1 to 5000, it has been implemented.
I think you mean that with an array size of 5,000, the program completes execution in a short amount of time?
So, Carefully, I think it's a memory out phenomenon.
No, there is no memory issue here. Modern general-purpose computer systems easily handle static arrays of 500,000 int.
Finally, I'd appreciate it if you could comment on how to solve this problem.
Use a Fischer-Yates shuffle: Fill the array A with integers from 1 to SIZE. Set a counter, say d to the number of selections completed so far, initially zero. Then pick a random number r from 1 to SIZE-d. Move the number in that position of the array to the front by swapping A[r] with A[d]. Then increment d. Repeat until d reaches SIZE-1.
This will swap a random element of the initial array into A[0], then a random element from those remaining into A[1], then a random element from those remaining into A[2], and so on. (We stop when d reaches SIZE-1 rather than when it reaches SIZE because, once d reaches SIZE-1, there is only one more selection to make, but there is also only one number left, and it is already in the last position in the array.)

Making a character array rotate its cells left/right n times

I'm totally new here but I heard a lot about this site and now that I've been accepted for a 7 months software development 'bootcamp' I'm sharpening my C knowledge for an upcoming test.
I've been assigned a question on a test that I've passed already, but I did not finish that question and it bothers me quite a lot.
The question was a task to write a program in C that moves a character (char) array's cells by 1 to the left (it doesn't quite matter in which direction for me, but the question specified left). And I also took upon myself NOT to use a temporary array/stack or any other structure to hold the entire array data during execution.
So a 'string' or array of chars containing '0' '1' '2' 'A' 'B' 'C' will become
'1' '2' 'A' 'B' 'C' '0' after using the function once.
Writing this was no problem, I believe I ended up with something similar to:
void ArrayCharMoveLeft(char arr[], int arrsize, int times) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i <= arrsize ; i++) {
ArraySwap2CellsChar(arr, i, i+1);
As you can see the function is somewhat modular since it allows to input how many times the cells need to move or shift to the left. I did not implement it, but that was the idea.
As far as I know there are 3 ways to make this:
Loop ArrayCharMoveLeft times times. This feels instinctively inefficient.
Use recursion in ArrayCharMoveLeft. This should resemble the first solution, but I'm not 100% sure on how to implement this.
This is the way I'm trying to figure out: No loop within loop, no recursion, no temporary array, the program will know how to move the cells x times to the left/right without any issues.
The problem is that after swapping say N times of cells in the array, the remaining array size - times are sometimes not organized. For example:
Using ArrayCharMoveLeft with 3 as times with our given array mentioned above will yield
ABC021 instead of the expected value of ABC012.
I've run the following function for this:
int i;
char* lastcell;
if (!(times % arrsize))
printf("Nothing to move!\n");
times = times % arrsize;
// Input checking. in case user inputs multiples of the array size, auto reduce to array size reminder
for (i = 0; i < arrsize-times; i++) {
printf("I = %d ", i);
PrintArray(arr, arrsize);
ArraySwap2CellsChar(arr, i, i+times);
As you can see the for runs from 0 to array size - times. If this function is used, say with an array containing 14 chars. Then using times = 5 will make the for run from 0 to 9, so cells 10 - 14 are NOT in order (but the rest are).
The worst thing about this is that the remaining cells always maintain the sequence, but at different position. Meaning instead of 0123 they could be 3012 or 2301... etc.
I've run different arrays on different times values and didn't find a particular pattern such as "if remaining cells = 3 then use ArrayCharMoveLeft on remaining cells with times = 1).
It always seem to be 1 out of 2 options: the remaining cells are in order, or shifted with different values. It seems to be something similar to this:
times shift+direction to allign
1 0
2 0
3 0
4 1R
5 3R
6 5R
7 3R
8 1R
the numbers change with different times and arrays. Anyone got an idea for this?
even if you use recursion or loops within loops, I'd like to hear a possible solution. Only firm rule for this is not to use a temporary array.
Thanks in advance!
If irrespective of efficiency or simplicity for the purpose of studying you want to use only exchanges of two array elements with ArraySwap2CellsChar, you can keep your loop with some adjustment. As you noted, the given for (i = 0; i < arrsize-times; i++) loop leaves the last times elements out of place. In order to correctly place all elements, the loop condition has to be i < arrsize-1 (one less suffices because if every element but the last is correct, the last one must be right, too). Of course when i runs nearly up to arrsize, i+times can't be kept as the other swap index; instead, the correct index j of the element which is to be put at index i has to be computed. This computation turns out somewhat tricky, due to the element having been swapped already from its original place. Here's a modified variant of your loop:
for (i = 0; i < arrsize-1; i++)
printf("i = %d ", i);
int j = i+times;
while (arrsize <= j) j %= arrsize, j += (i-j+times-1)/times*times;
printf("j = %d ", j);
PrintArray(arr, arrsize);
ArraySwap2CellsChar(arr, i, j);
Use standard library functions memcpy, memmove, etc as they are very optimized for your platform.
Use the correct type for sizes - size_t not int
char *ArrayCharMoveLeft(char *arr, const size_t arrsize, size_t ntimes)
ntimes %= arrsize;
char temp[ntimes];
memcpy(temp, arr, ntimes);
memmove(arr, arr + ntimes, arrsize - ntimes);
memcpy(arr + arrsize - ntimes, temp, ntimes);
return arr;
But you want it without the temporary array (more memory efficient, very bad performance-wise):
char *ArrayCharMoveLeft(char *arr, size_t arrsize, size_t ntimes)
ntimes %= arrsize;
char temp = arr[0];
memmove(arr, arr + 1, arrsize - 1);
arr[arrsize -1] = temp;
return arr;
Disclaimer: I'm not sure if it's common to share a full working code here or not, since this is literally my first question asked here, so I'll refrain from doing so assuming the idea is answering specific questions, and not providing an example solution for grabs (which might defeat the purpose of studying and exploring C). This argument is backed by the fact that this specific task is derived from a programing test used by a programing course and it's purpose is to filter out applicants who aren't fit for intense 7 months training in software development. If you still wish to see my code, message me privately.
So, with a great amount of help from #Armali I'm happy to announce the question is answered! Together we came up with a function that takes an array of characters in C (string), and without using any previously written libraries (such as strings.h), or even a temporary array, it rotates all the cells in the array N times to the left.
Example: using ArrayCharMoveLeft() on the following array with N = 5:
Original array: 0123456789ABCDEF
Updated array: 56789ABCDEF01234
As you can see the first cell (0) is now the sixth cell (5), the 2nd cell is the 7th cell and so on. So each cell was moved to the left 5 times. The first 5 cells 'overflow' to the end of the array and now appear as the Last 5 cells, while maintaining their order.
The function works with various array lengths and N values.
This is not any sort of achievement, but rather an attempt to execute the task with as little variables as possible (only 4 ints, besides the char array, also counting the sub function used to swap the cells).
It was achieved using a nested loop so by no means its efficient runtime-wise, just memory wise, while still being self-coded functions, with no external libraries used (except stdio.h).
Refer to Armali's posted solution, it should get you the answer for this question.

Optimising C for performance vs memory optimisation using multidimensional arrays

I am struggling to decide between two optimisations for building a numerical solver for the poisson equation.
Essentially, I have a two dimensional array, of which I require n doubles in the first row, n/2 in the second n/4 in the third and so on...
Now my difficulty is deciding whether or not to use a contiguous 2d array grid[m][n], which for a large n would have many unused zeroes but would probably reduce the chance of a cache miss. The other, and more memory efficient method, would be to dynamically allocate an array of pointers to arrays of decreasing size. This is considerably more efficient in terms of memory storage but would it potentially hinder performance?
I don't think I clearly understand the trade-offs in this situation. Could anybody help?
For reference, I made a nice plot of the memory requirements in each case:
There is no hard and fast answer to this one. If your algorithm needs more memory than you expect to be given then you need to find one which is possibly slower but fits within your constraints.
Beyond that, the only option is to implement both and then compare their performance. If saving memory results in a 10% slowdown is that acceptable for your use? If the version using more memory is 50% faster but only runs on the biggest computers will it be used? These are the questions that we have to grapple with in Computer Science. But you can only look at them once you have numbers. Otherwise you are just guessing and a fair amount of the time our intuition when it comes to optimizations are not correct.
Build a custom array that will follow the rules you have set.
The implementation will use a simple 1d contiguous array. You will need a function that will return the start of array given the row. Something like this:
int* Get( int* array , int n , int row ) //might contain logical errors
int pos = 0 ;
while( row-- )
pos += n ;
n /= 2 ;
return array + pos ;
Where n is the same n you described and is rounded down on every iteration.
You will have to call this function only once per entire row.
This function will never take more that O(log n) time, but if you want you can replace it with a single expression:
You could use a single array and just calculate your offset yourself
size_t get_offset(int n, int row, int column) {
size_t offset = column;
while (row--) {
offset += n;
n << 1;
return offset;
double * array = calloc(sizeof(double), get_offset(n, 64, 0));
access via
array[get_offset(column, row)]

Best (fastest) way to find the number most frequently entered in C?

Well, I think the title basically explains my doubt. I will have n numbers to read, this n numbers go from 1 to x, where x is at most 105. What is the fastest (less possible time to run it) way to find out which number were inserted more times? That knowing that the number that appears most times appears more than half of the times.
What I've tried so far:
//for (1<=x<=10⁵)
int v[100000+1];
//multiple instances , ends when n = 0
while (scanf("%d", &n)&&n>0) {
for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
scanf("%d", &x);
if (v[x]>n/2)
printf("%d\n", x);
Zero-filling a array of x positions and increasing the position vector[x] and at the same time verifying if vector[x] is greater than n/2 it's not fast enough.
Any idea might help, thank you.
Observation: No need to care about amount of memory used.
The trivial solution of keeping a counter array is O(n) and you obviously can't get better than that. The fight is then about the constants and this is where a lot of details will play the game, including exactly what are the values of n and x, what kind of processor, what kind of architecture and so on.
On the other side this seems really the "knockout" problem, but that algorithm will need two passes over the data and an extra conditional, thus in practical terms in the computers I know it will be most probably slower than the array of counters solutions for a lot of n and x values.
The good point of the knockout solution is that you don't need to put a limit x on the values and you don't need any extra memory.
If you know already that there is a value with the absolute majority (and you simply need to find what is this value) then this could make it (but there are two conditionals in the inner loop):
initialize count = 0
loop over all elements
if count is 0 then set champion = element and count = 1
else if element != champion decrement count
else increment count
at the end of the loop your champion will be the value with the absolute majority of elements, if such a value is present.
But as said before I'd expect a trivial
for (int i=0,n=size; i<n; i++) {
if (++count[x[i]] > half) return x[i];
to be faster.
After your edit seems you're really looking for the knockout algorithm, but caring about speed that's probably still the wrong question with modern computers (100000 elements is nothing even for a nail-sized single chip today).
I think you can create a max heap for the count of number you read,and use heap sort to find all the count which greater than n/2

Efficient Implementation of Fitness-Proportionate "Roulette" Selection

I am currently writing a keyboard layout optimization algorithm in C (such as the one designed by Peter Klausler) and I want to implement a fitness-proportionate selection as described here (PDF Link):
With roulette selection you select
members of the population based on a
roullete wheel model. Make a pie
chart, where the area of a member’s
slice to the whole circle is the ratio
of the members fitness to the total
population. As you can see if a point
on the circumfrence of the circle is
picked at random those population
members with higher fitness will have a
higher probability of being picked.
This ensures natural selection takes
The problem is, I don't see how to implement it efficiently. I've thought of two methods: one is unreliable, and the other is slow.
First, the slow one:
For a keyboard pool of length N, create an array of length N where each element of the array actually contains two elements, a minimum and a maximum value. Each keyboard has a corresponding minimum and maximum value, and the range is based on the fitness of the keyboard. For example, if keyboard zero has a fitness of 10, keyboard one has a fitness of 20, and keyboard two has a fitness of 25, it would look like this:
array[0][0] = 0; // minimum
array[0][1] = 9; // maximum
array[1][0] = 10;
array[1][1] = 30;
array[2][0] = 31;
array[2][1] = 55;
(In this case a lower fitness is better, since it means less effort is required.)
Then generate a random number. For whichever range that number falls into, the corresponding keyboard is "killed" and replaced with the offspring of a different keyboard. Repeat this as many times as desired.
The problem with this is that it is very slow. It takes O(N^2) operations to finish.
Next the fast one:
First figure out what the lowest and highest fitnesses for the keyboards are. Then generate a random number between (lowest fitness) and (highest fitness) and kill all keyboards with a fitness higher than the generated number. This is efficient, but it's not guaranteed to only kill half the keyboards. It also has somewhat different mechanics from a "roulette wheel" selection, so it may not even be applicable.
So the question is, what is an efficient implementation?
There is a somewhat efficient algorithm on page 36 of this book (Link), but the problem is, it's only efficient if you do the roulette selection only one or a few times. Is there any efficient way to do many roulette selections in parallel?
For one thing, it sounds like you are talking about unfitness scores if you want to "kill off" your selection (which is likely to be a keyboard with high score).
I see no need to maintain two arrays. I think the simplest way is to maintain a single array of scores, which you then iterate through to make a choice:
/* These will need to be populated at the outset */
int scores[100];
int totalScore;
for (gen = 0; gen < nGenerations; ++gen) {
/* Perform a selection and update */
int r = rand() % totalScore; /* HACK: using % introduces bias */
int t = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
t += scores[i];
if (r < t) {
/* Bingo! */
totalScore -= scores[i];
keyboards[i] = generate_new_keyboard_somehow();
scores[i] = score_keyboard(keyboards[i]);
totalScore += scores[i]; /* Now totalScore is correct again */
Each selection/update takes O(n) time for n keyboards.
