Putting React components into a Jekyll site - reactjs

I have two things:
a React app running locally (using npm run start)
a Jekyll site hosted on github pages
How do I put my React app onto my Jekyll site?

#streetturtle means just copy all the generated files on your ...my-react-app/build/ folder after executing the command npm build, and place them into the branch of your username.github.io where your GitHub Pages site is currently being built, without using Jekyll to generate a static site, at all!
Instruction for creating GitHub Pages.


Fetching in reactjs doesn't work after deploying in github pages

So I have a reactjs app publish in github pages, is this one https://bernardoolisan.github.io/PyOcr/
The problem is that the app fetch data, but when I deploy it on github pages it give this error:
And it was working:(
And now my page doesn't work too, it was working but right now is blank i dont know why
I guess you are deploying the react project the wrong way to hosting providers such as github or netlify . First you must build your react project and then only push the files inside the build folder to hosting provider . Github pages can only serve static html css js files so it can only serve the build folder of your react project .
To build a react app you can run npm run build and a build folder will be generated . Then you can push the files inside of the build folder to github repository and enable github pages for it .
I was having a similar issue, and I too though gh-pages can't fetch data. But what I did was I added cors to my server. I allowed cross-origin requests. Now it retrieves data from my server on heroku.

I am trying to deploying my static react app on github pages but i'm getting white screen

After taking a look at console, i got this
Loading failed for the <script> with source “https://abhishek-098.github.io/TourSpot%20/static/js/2.1f6fc1d5.chunk.js”.
Loading failed for the <script> with source “https://abhishek-098.github.io/TourSpot%20/static/js/main.3961266e.chunk.js”.
Link to my Repo : https://github.com/Abhishek-098/TourSpot
For deploying a Single-Page Application (React, Vue) to GitHub Pages, you should know that it is necessary that you do a production build. This can be accomplished by doing npm run build or yarn build depending on the package manager you are using. This command will generate a ./dist or ./build folder that will contain your react app in pure HTML, CSS, and JS.
For GitHub pages, there are some configurations you should do. First of all, the index.html from your production build (from the dist, build folder) should be in the root folder, which means, you should be able to see it when you open the repo (not inside the build folder). If GitHub pages do not detect any index.html in the root of the repo, it will display a 404 page.
Now, since you do not want the production build files messing around with your React project, it is recommended that you create a different branch for your GitHub pages deploy.
So, ideally, you would have two branches: master and gh-pages, the first one containing your React project and the second one containing only your dist folder but in the root of the project.
Here is an example of the structure of a Repo that it's deployed using GitHub pages.
You can see both branches and the deployment link works perfectly fine.
To configure the branch that is being deployed to GitHub pages, go to settings and select the branch where you have your production build.
All the information was taken for the following link:
I hope you found it useful!
#Rodrigo Ramirez does explain how its done, but leaves out some important information provided in the docs he linked (https://create-react-app.dev/docs/deployment/#github-pages). Maybe the've been updated since but I would recommend following those steps in the doc. They give step by step instructions that are very easy to follow.
I tried following #Rodrigo Ramirez answer, as well as, countless other things on the internet and nothing worked and it was all very complicated. The doc provided here gets it all done for you very easily.

Can I embed or serve a built React app within another React-Router app?

I have a personal website/portfolio built with ReactJS and React-Router. I want to be able to serve separately developed and built ReactJS apps as my coding demos from within my personal website (rather than provide an external link). I have used Create-React-App to bootstrap the original website app.
I have tried placing the built files (index.html and *.js files) in the public folder, which is copied to the /build folder when the app is built. However, these files are not being served.
Interestingly it was working with the React development server, but stopped working after building and serving with the npm 'serve' module.
eg. I have copied the built demo app to
and this gets copied when building the main website app as
Accessing my-domain-name.com/demo-builds/[app-name] or my-domain-name.com/demo-builds/[app-name]/index.html results in error.
Is this an issue with my overall methodology of trying to serve separate built apps within a react-router app?
Is there an accepted way to serve built React apps within a React app?

how to update a custom GitHub Pages with create-react-app as root

Hello I have read many docs online on connecting gh-pages with create-react-app. But most guides either assume that one does not already have a github pages set up, and that the react app is to be hosted as a directory (ie. username.github.io/react-app) instead of the homepage/root (username.github.io). I am hoping someone can help me out:
I have an existing repo for a github pages custom domain. It is currently hosting an older site I built with gulp and static html/css/js, and a CNAME file for custom url.
I built a new website redesign with create-react-app in a separate repo (It uses react-router for multiple pages).
I want to overwrite the contents of my old github pages site with my new create-react-app website as the root homepage.
Is this possible? If so, what is the best way to achieve this? Thanks
In the existing Github Pages app, remove the CNAME and/or delete master branch. Deleting master branch will remove the site, while deleting CNAME will clear up the custom domain back to default [username].github.io.
In create-react-app, add CNAME to /public folder.
In create-react-app, add line "homepage":"./" to package.json.
In create-react-app, run npm run build then run gh-pages -d build build process, then run npm run deploy

How to deploy create react app on my website?

So I have a website and I want to deploy some of my projects on my portfolio website like mywebsite.com/first-project.html
I already ran npm run build so I have a build version with the static files and I put it on my website but the react index.html isn't return anything the div id of root is empty.
I have seen tutorial of deploying them through surge and github pages. I don't want to do that, I want it on my own website. How can I achieve this?
Edit:- I forgot to mention the projects I created are through the npm create-react-app method and I have run the static build through serve -s build on my local computer. I just want to do the same on my website.
Edit2:- In the future if I am creating a react based website with the intention of hosting on my own domain, what kind of groundwork should I lay to make it easier? Any node packages or routing or set up? Also would you recommend create-react-app for this purpose if not what method would you recommend?
