Iterative Hash Set up - arrays

I have the following array...
my #array=("100 2", "300 1", "200 3");
From this array I want to iteratively construct a hash.
Current Script:
my %hash;
foreach (#array) {
my #split = (split /\s+/, $_);
%hash = ("$split[0]", "$split[1]");
Current Output:
$VAR1 = {
'200' => '3'
This is not what I want. My goal is...
Goal Output:
$VAR1 = {
'100' => '2'
'300' => '1'
'200' => '3'
What do I need to do?
I am using: Perl 5, Version 18

Assigning to a hash—something you are doing each pass of the loop—replaces its contents. Replace
%hash = ("$split[0]", "$split[1]");
$hash{$split[0]} = $split[1];
Alternatively, replace everything with
my %hash = map { split } #array;


Convert an array of strings into a array of arrays of strings

My goal is to convert this
my #array=("red", "blue", "green", ["purple", "orange"]);
into this
my #array = ( ["red"], ["blue"], ["green"], ["purple", "orange"]);
Current test code:
my #array = ("red", "blue", "green", ["purple", "orange"] );
foreach $item ( #array ) {
#if this was Python, it would be as simple as:
# if is not instance(item, array):
# # item wasn't a list
# item = [item]
if(ref($item) ne 'ARRAY'){
#It's an array reference...
#you can read it with $item->[1]
#or dereference it uisng #newarray = #{$item}
#print "We've got an array!!\n";
print $item, "\n";
# keep a copy of our string
$temp = $item;
# re-use the variable but convert to an empty list
#item = ();
# add the temp-copy as first list item
#item[0] = $temp;
# print each list item (should be just one item)
print "$_\n" for $item;
#not an array in any way...
print "ALREADY an array!!\n";
# EXPECTED my #array=(["red"], ["blue"], ["green"], ["purple", "orange"]);
print #array , "\n";
foreach $item (#array){
if(ref($item) ne 'ARRAY'){
#say for $item;
print "didn't convert properly to array\n";
The comment about python maps pretty directly to perl.
my #array = ("red", "blue", "green", ["purple", "orange"] );
foreach $item ( #array ) {
#if this was Python, it would be as simple as:
# if is not instance(item, array):
# # item wasn't a list
# item = [item]
if (ref $item ne 'ARRAY') {
$item = [ $item ];
though using map as in Borodin's answer would be more natural.
I'm wondering why you want to do this, but it's
#array = map { ref ? $_ : [ $_ ] } #array
And please don't call arrays #array; that's what the # is for.
Your comment is ridiculous
#if this was Python, it would be as simple as:
# if is not instance(item, array):
# # item wasn't a list
# item = [item]
If you were familiar with Perl then you wouldn't need to ask the question. You must be aware that there is no one-to-one translation from Python to Perl. Python is much less expressive than either Perl or C, but I can't imagine you demanding a simple conversion to C.
Please get over your bigotry.
If you push the values to a new array, you don't need to do more than evaluate whether or not $item is an arrayref:
#! perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
my #array=("red", "blue", "green", ["purple", "orange"]);
my #new_array;
foreach my $item (#array) {
if ( ref($item) eq 'ARRAY' ) {
push #new_array, $item;
else {
push #new_array, [$item];
print Dumper \#new_array;
Output from Dumper:
$VAR1 = [
After a long day of learning more Perl than I ever thought/wanted to learn... here's what I think is a workable solution:
#! perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
my %the_dict = (duts =>
{dut_a => {UDF => 'hamnet'},
dut_b => {UDF => [ '1', '2', '3', ]},
dut_c => {UDF => [ 'Z' ], }});
print Dumper \%the_dict;
foreach my $dut (keys %{$the_dict{duts}}) {
# convert the dut's UDF value to an array if it wasn't already
if ( 'ARRAY' ne ref $the_dict{duts}->{$dut}{UDF} ) {
$the_dict{duts}->{$dut}{UDF} = [ $the_dict{duts}->{$dut}{UDF} ];
# now append a new value to the array
push(#{$the_dict{duts}{$dut}{UDF}}, 'works');
print Dumper \%the_dict;
when run we see these print-outs:
$VAR1 = {
'duts' => {
'dut_a' => {
'UDF' => 'hamnet'
'dut_c' => {
'UDF' => [
'dut_b' => {
'UDF' => [
$VAR1 = {
'duts' => {
'dut_a' => {
'UDF' => [
'dut_c' => {
'UDF' => [
'dut_b' => {
'UDF' => [

Store excel data in an array of hashes

My table structure is :
Name Address
Deepti 1325
Cizwan 324
rikita 567
I have to make array like [{Name->deepti,Address->1325},{Name->Cizwan,Address->324},{Name->Rikita,Address->567}]
The table is in excel data, so multiple rows are there.
Thanks in Advance. I have tried something but not able to proceed.
for my $row_num (2..($max_rows))
if(exists $workbook->{'cell'}[1][1])
#insert values in the hash
$id1 = $workbook->{'cell'}[1][1];
my $val1 = $workbook->{'cell'}[1][$row_num];
#push values in hash
push (#{$hash1{$id1}},$val1);
if(exists $workbook->{'cell'}[2][1])
#insert values in the hash
$id2 = $workbook->{'cell'}[2][1];
my $val1 = $workbook->{'cell'}[2][$row_num];
#push values in hash
push (#{$hash2{$id2}},$val1);
print Dumper \%hash1;
print Dumper \%hash2;
So with your structure, you're looking like an array of anonymous hashes is what you want.
This is simpler than you might think:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
my #rows;
chomp ( my #header = split ' ', <DATA> );
while ( <DATA> ) {
my %row;
#row{#header} = split;
push #rows, \%row;
print Dumper \#rows;
Name Address
Deepti 1325
Cizwan 324
rikita 567
This outputs:
$VAR1 = [
'Address' => '1325',
'Name' => 'Deepti'
'Name' => 'Cizwan',
'Address' => '324'
'Address' => '567',
'Name' => 'rikita'
But fitting it into your code - you might want to:
push ( #rows, { Name => $id2, Address => $val } );
This works because putting values in {} like that causes it to return an anonymous hash, which you can then insert into the array.

Assign arrays to hash subkeys

Given an array of keys and an array of values, I can create a hash with these keys and values using #hash{#keys} = #vals.
However, I would like to do this for subkeys of a hash. This does not work: $h{"key"}{#subkeys} = #vals.
$ perl -MData::Dumper -le '
#subkeys=(qw(one two));
#vals=(1, 2);
$hash{"key"}{#subkeys} = #vals;
for (qw(subkeys vals)) {
print "$_ :\n", Dumper(\#{$_})
print "hash: \n", Dumper(\%hash);'
What I get is:
subkeys :
$VAR1 = [
vals :
$VAR1 = [
$VAR1 = {
'key' => {
'2' => 2
If this is possible, what would be the correct syntax to get the following Dumper result:
$VAR1 = {
'key' => {
'one' => 1,
'two' => 2
It does work when using a temporary hash:
perl -MData::Dumper -le '#subkeys=(qw(one two)); #vals=(1, 2); #tmp{#subkeys}=#vals; $hash{"key"}={%tmp}; print Dumper(\%hash)'
But I suspect I'm just missing the correct syntax to get it without the %tmp hash.
You need to close the hashref part in a #{} slice "cast".
#{$hash{"key"}}{#subkeys} = #vals;

Perl multi hash from list

I have a list with some values which are connected. I need to create a hashmap with keys and values from the list and merge together. But i don't really know how to do it.
my #in =(
Expected output:
"{ $env => { $ver => [ $file1, $file2, ... ] } }"
I've tried these:
my #sack_files = (
my $sack_tree = {};
my %hash=();
for( my $i=0; $i<scalar #sack_files; $i++){
my #array = split(/[\/]+/,$sack_files[$i]);
for(my $i=0;$i<(scalar #array)-1;$i++){
my $first = $array[$i];
my $second = $array[$i+1];
# merge
use Data::Dumper;
my #sack_files = (
my $sack_tree = {};
my %hash=();
for( my $i=0; $i<scalar #sack_files; $i++){
my #array = split(/[\/]+/,$sack_files[$i]);
In the second case I get an error because when the loop variable i=1 ,the key/values already exists so maybe i have to check the previously added key/values. But I don't really know how.
I would really appreciate any ideas.
Just use push to add new members to an existing array in a hash of hashes. You have to dereference the array reference with #{ ... }.
use warnings;
use strict;
use Data::Dumper;
my #sack_files = qw( mgenv/1_2_3/parent.dx_environment
my %hash;
for my $sack_file (#sack_files) {
my ($env, $ver, $file) = split m{/}, $sack_file, 3;
push #{ $hash{$env}{$ver} }, $file;
print Dumper \%hash;
$VAR1 = {
'mgenv' => {
'1_2_3' => [
'4_5_6' => [
'u5env' => {
'4_5_6' => [
'1_2_3' => [

Sorting Hash of Hashes by value

I have the following data structure
my %HoH = {
'foo1' => {
'bam' => 1,
'zip' => 0,
'foo2' => {
'bam' => 0,
'zip' => 1,
'boo' => 1
I would like to sort KEY1 (foo1 or foo2) by the VALUE stored in 'zip' in order from greatest to least.
Here's how I'm doing it.
use strict; use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
my #sorted;
foreach my $KEY1 (keys %HoH) {
# sort KEY1 by the value 'zip' maps to in descending order
#sorted = sort {$HoH{$KEY1}{'zip'}{$b} <=>
$HoH{$KEY1}{'zip'}{$a}} keys %HoH;
print Dumper(\#sorted);
I'm getting an weird warning: Reference found where even-sized list expected at line 6.
Also print Dumper(\#sorted); is printing
$VAR1 = [
When it should be printing
$VAR1 = [
['foo2', 'foo1']
Since foo2 has 1 zip and foo1 has 0 zip.
%HoH is declared as a hash, but is defined as a hashreference. Use parentheses (...) instead of braces {...}.
You don't need to loop through the hash to sort it. Sort will take care of that.
if you sort {...} keys %HoH, then the special variables $a and $b represent the keys of %HoH as it performs the sort.
$a and $b are in reverse order because your expected result is in decreasing order. (Update: Oh I just noticed that you had that in the first place.)
The zip value in the nested hash is $HoH{$KEY}{'zip'}, which is what you should sort by.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
my %HoH = (
'foo1' => {
'bam' => 1,
'zip' => 0,
'foo2' => {
'bam' => 0,
'zip' => 1,
'boo' => 1
my #sorted = sort {$HoH{$b}{'zip'} <=> $HoH{$a}{'zip'}} keys %HoH;
print Dumper \#sorted;
Note that the result of this code will give you an array:
$VAR1 = [
... not a nested array:
$VAR1 = [
['foo2', 'foo1']
