How to change color of MetroTabItem - mahapps.metro

I have MetroTabControl, with items added programmatically (I'm using Prism) but I don't know how to change color of TabItem header.
How can I do that? I'm new to Mahapps.Metro, where should I start to learn in customization?

Styles - MahApps.Metro
Take a look here : Mahapps Styles
You can override the default Style of the MetroTabItem.
Here is a video of how to accomplish style inheritance in WPF.
Here is the MetroTabItem style : MetroTabItem.xaml
I would suggest you to learn how to create custom style in mahapps
(The first point).


How to change windows style with MaterialDesign in wpf

I use MaterialDesign for style controls in wpf add.
I change all controls use MaterialDesign theme. I want to change windows style(WindowTitle, close,min,max button).
How to change this?
For this purpose you need to set Window Style (Border settings) = None and need to set user controls manually and apply code as per your requirement.
Or you can built your own custom control for this.

Bootstrap css style of vertical tab control for WPF?

I'm looking for a bootstrap CSS style of a vertical tab control, like at this page:
If I'm going to do it myself, what WPF control should I begin with as the base class? (I don't think the WPF tabcontrol should be a starting point because the styles are so different)
You can re-style the TabControl and the TabItems to look like you want. It may require some effort though.
You can right-click on a TabControl in design mode in Visual Studio or in Blend and choose Edit Template->Edit a Copy to copy the default style into your XAML markup and then edit it as per your requirements. Edit Additional Templates->Edit Generated Item Container (ItemContainerStyle) will do the same thing for the TabItem container.
Also note that you can set the TabStripPlacement property of the TabControl to Left to change the position of the tabs.

Change style of Expander ToggleButton in Silverlight Toolkit?

I have an Expander in Silverlight 4 that I am trying to style. Specifically, I want to override the default look of the ToggleButton used in the Expander. How do I go about doing this? I've written some style for the Expander so far, but I can seem to find the place to override the default ToggleButton style.
This MSDN page gives a pretty complete description of what is needed to override the Expander.
If you have Expression Blend, another option is to start a new project in Blend, insert an expander on your window/usercontrol, then right-click on it and choose 'Edit Template'. Then you can change just the pieces you want. For my needs, this functionality in Blend is worth the cost of this software by itself.
You will need to replace the whole expander template since the expander stores the togglebutton templates (it has one for each direction) in its template and offers no way for you to provide your own.

WPF - TextBlock - Cannot override OnRender

I am creating a custom control by deriving TextBlock, my intention is to do some custom rendering based on some dependency properties. However the OnRender method is sealed on TextBlock. Although I can get my work done by overriding OnRenderSizeChanged, this is not correct. Any ideas on how can i do it the right way?
Thanks in advance.
In WPF you normally work with styles or Control templates to change the appearance of a control. You can download templates for all controls from Microsoft and play around with them.
Read more here:

Changing the style of a Combo-Box in WPF (in Blend preferably)

I'm having some issues trying to change the look / style of a combo box in Expression Blend / WPF. While there are tutorials out there describing setting styles for buttons, there seem to be a few wrinkles with ComboBox controls.
Can anyone offer any advice, or point me towards good tutorials that cover re-styling something more complex than a button?
The ComboBox style template has 3 parts to it.
The ContentPresenter you should have come across styling Buttons.
There is a Part_Popup that you should find easy to change properties on and style.
The last part is a ToggleButton, to style that you need to "edit a copy" again and create another new style template for the ToggleButton.
Have a look at BeaCostas SolarSytem Listbox it's a lovely piece of work.
