primeng datatable hangs for just 2000 records - primeng

I am using primeng datatable with angular 4. It is working properly for static data but when i am trying to bind data from server it has almost 10000 records and datatable fails to load. Even if i cut down it to 2000 records which has only one field "name" it still fails to load.
I don't know if it is not providing support for just 1000's of records?


Changing a Dataset for a visual in AWS Quick Sight

I am new to Quicksight and trying to change the dataset for a cloned visual.
I have created one analysis in AWS Quicksight which contains 6 different datasets from the same Datasource. See below:
There are two tabs (report 1 / report 2) in the analysis. I have cloned the below visual with Dataset: "Arora Waterfalls Website..." from Report 2 to Report 1.
But when I try to change the dataset from "Arora Waterfalls Website..." to "Arora All Webinar..." for the cloned visual in Report 1, the visual gets unselected and when I click on it shows the same dataset again: "Arora - Waterfalls Website...":
To conclude, is there any way that we can change the dataset for a cloned visual in QuickSight?
You cannot change a dataset for a visual after it has been added to the Analysis.
You will need to select the dataset you want to use, add a new visual and rebuild the chart as required.
A second suggestion: looking at your data sets, you seem to be pulling in different views/tables into multiple different datasets from one data source. If possible I recommend combining the different tables into one dataset, joining them together during ingestion. This will give you more flexibility duplicating views. Working with multiple datasets has number of limitations. This will help avoid the problem you are having trying to duplicate a visual.

Excel like copy paste feature for adding data into grid using react and grid library

I am creating a kind of excel online application using react in frontend, Java in backend and Postgres database.I am using a library called ag-grid (community edition).
Now one of the feature i need is to copy and paste data in to rows
just as we do in excel.
The grid is going to be linked with the Postgres, all the data in the table in the DB is displayed into the grid and any change made into the grid will be reflected to the DB and vice-versa.
The specific need is, i need copy and paste feature, i need to paste the data which is, say copied from other excel in to my application. I should be able to create blank rows and i should be able to paste the data into those rows, if the blanks rows are less then it rows should get automatically added(as in excel) as soon as data (say multiple rows data) is pasted into a one or more rows.And when i choose to save the my application then data of grid should be saved to DB.
Is it possible to create this feature using ag-grid community ?
Is there any other library which is recommended for this purpose ?
If there is any resource or documentation available for this feature
then please point me.
Just in case if anyone stumbles upon this problem, I've found a solution from some another website. It uses processDataFromClipboard event of Ag Grid for a custom solution.
The ag-grid community edition does not support CRUD operations with a server side model - the enterprise edition does:
If you insist on using ag-grid community you will need to handle the editing/grid changes yourself, which should not be too hard. A good starting point would be the cell editing page:
In particular, you will need to listen to the cellValueChanged or rowValueChenged event:
The event params will provide you with the following properties:
which you can use to generate the update call.

ExtJS4 : Rowediting

Currently I have some columns in my Grid, which are given a value on the server. (update_datetime for instance).
When I update a row on the client, the columns which are assigned a value on the server are not updated (they remain as is).
Is there a way (which does not require a reload of the entire store) to incorporate the changes ?
The result from the server does give back all the latest column details.
--I'm a bit new to extjs, so I think it's a pretty basic question.
You will need to sync the store with server with StoreWriter.
This link might be useful to you -
Updating database with Ext Store Writer - ExtJS 4.2

Extjs gridpanel performance issue with local data

I am working on a grid that users may load xml file and do editing via grid panel. It works well with around 200 rows. However some users may want to load 50000 records at a time.
When I try to load a file with 10k records, firefox crashes and chrome waits too much. After some debugging I realized that rendering the data to panel requires too much time. for every new row I need to refresh the grid which requires too much time again.
One important point is, the xml file never comes to the serverside, we read it with extjs and load to the grid.
Is is possible to load whole data to store but request a certain amount of data to render the panel view?
I tried inifinite grid but cannot make it work since my data source is a string. What do you offer to manage 50k data.
I've had a similar issue with ExtJS in the past while trying to load very large grids. Let me just say at the outset that it's certainly not their fault - 50,000+ records is just way too much data. To get around this problem I resorted to using paging.
Have a look at their documentation for a paging toolbar.
Here is an example.
My only other suggestion would be to use an infinite grid, but write a file conversion wrapper over your XML data to convert it to JSON.

Using pagination techniques with DataGridView

I have a dataGridView and a REST web service that I use to get records from a database - these are formed as objects and bound to the dataGridView.
They are not as closely bound to a database as is traditional with SQL Server etc, (bear in mind I can't utilise the full functionality of a dataGridView with all of Microsoft's products as is the usual case with databinding, due to it being a REST web service done in Java etc).
I have also enabled a paging mechanism on my web service to get 100 records at a time e.g.
What I want to do is automatically ping the web service for another 100 records when the user scrolls the scrollbar to the bottom of the dataGridView. It then adds these records to the dataGridView - which now shows 200 records, and so on.
Is there a way to do this reasonably simply? Is my idea sound? One thing I was stuck on was trying to understand a way to know when the user has scrolled to the bottom of the dataGridView .
What you want is basically 'Lazy load with infinite scrolling'.
Here is a pretty good article on this:
Plus you might want to check out SlickGrid.
