execute ssis package for another server, didn't see any files - file

I have SSIS package and on VISUAL STUDIO working good, for another server pre production also, but when i use production server and try loading xls files nothing do, didn't see any files. I hv the same permission both server sql so i Somebody can help me? I will be maximum enjoye if somebody will react!

Thank you very much for the suggestions!
My package imports xls files into a database on sql server
In the package I have a foreich loop cointainer and in the directory I use the variable " input folder path" .In the expression on my menager connection i have variable "Full Path" (with file name)
On preproduction server, the package is great and loads xls files. On production server no. And i have comunicat :"For each file enumerator, no files were found that matched the file pattern or the specified directory was empty."
I set delay validation (connection manager, task) is true, When i deploy on server my project again, the message "another user uses files" Nobody use this folder. only me.
I Use the mapped path // ​​fileserv / clientspath.filename.
I do not know what else i can write about this will be help self ..


SSIS and configuration files

I have an SSIS package that uses a configuration file which only contains the InitalCatalog and ServerName for an SQL Server database connection. If the configuration file is missing, the SSIS package produces a warning that the file is missing but carries on executing.
If the database connection manager in the package is configured with a different Server Name (ServerName in the configuration file) and Database Name (InitialCatalog in the configuration file), the package will run and use the "wrong" database, i.e. the one in the package's connection manager, not the one in the configuration file.
I have got round this by writing a Script task that checks for the existence of the configuration file and executes the line Dts.Events.FireError(0, "Script task", "Missing Configuration File", String.Empty, 0); if the file is missing. This results in an error being returned to the package and it terminates.
Surely, an SSIS package should terminate if it can't find its configuration file?
Apart from my workaround above, is there any other way to force a package to error and exit if it can't find its configuration file?

SSIS deployed package fails to map drive tag to network shared folder

Modifying this post as a friend has helped me figure it out.
The culprit was that SQL was not able to map drive tag to network shared folder, so the deployed SSIS package was not able to write. The execution report showed all green and success, so I was confused as a beginner. See also the comments below.
Backup original post below:
SSIS package text file write works in visual studio not when deployed on sql server
I have narrowed down the issue to the text file writing action in script task (C#), the experiment simply writes the current time stamp into a text file.
It works in Visual Studio 2015, both with (F5) and without (Cntl+F5) Debugger. The project is in package deployment mode. When deployed to a database server of SQL Server 2016 and manually trigger execute with Administrator login, the writing action never happens although execution report shows all success, and Windows system log shows no clue to me either.
I am a beginner on SSIS and hints and tips will be highly appreciated.
Yes, SSIS doesn't like mapping shared folder to a letter drive. Thanks #Nick.McDermaid .
Never use mapped drives. Use UNC instead i.e. \server\share\folder –
Nick.McDermaid Nov 8 '18 at 23:40

SSIS File System task didn't copy files from the source server location when scheduled

I'm new to SSIS and stuck with a problem and hope some of them would have already gone through any of this.
Copying files from a remote server to a local machine folder using File System task and For each loop container.
The job executes i.e. files are getting copied successfully when I execute from the SSIS designer but when deployed the project on the SQL server instance it isn't copying any files in fact the target folder is totally empty.
I'm not understanding this strange behavior. Any inputs would be of great help!
Santosh G.
The For each loop will not error out if it doesn't find any files.
The SQL Agent account may not have access to read the directory contents.
Check is your path a variable - is it being set by a config or /SET statement?
Can you log the path before starting the for loop?
Can you copy a dummy file and see can SSIS see this file?
How are you running the job - cmd_exec() can give spurious results with file I/O tasks
The issue was related to the user authorizarions of the SQL Server agent service.
When I execute the job from SQL Server it uses agent service and for that agent service you need to assign a service user who has access rights to the desired file path.

After Deployment SQL Server does not allow folder / file creation within SSIS Script Task

I designed a SSIS package that ensures .CSV file generation into a destination folder using a Script Task component. Everything is ok when I run from the Visual Studio solution but the problems starts to appear right after deployment in SQL Server. The Script Task shows success but no file is generated. If someone please can provide help.
Thanks a lot in advance.
Are you running it through a SQL job? This might be because the SQL Agent account (or whatever account you're running with) might not have Read/Write permissions on that particular directory.

Import DAT Files into Sql Server 2008

I Recently received a DAT file containing a SQL database, i would like to restore the database into my server for testing purposes, i tried to add it with the Task->Restore->Database but it didn't come up as a valid file when browsing for the DAT file, then if i select it with the "all files" option it will tell me that the file format is invalid. Does anyone know how to load those kinds of files into SQL Server 2008?
Actually this was the issue. the DAT was a normal .Bak, but the file became corrupted while uploading\downloading from an FTP server... Weird
Just had this exact error and found a much simpler fix.
Change the extension to .txt from .dat and then import the file via the import wizard built into SQL Server or via SSIS. To my understanding the solution in your link should only be necessary for .bak files.
