Angular Dart with Polymer and Service-Worker incompatibilty - angularjs

I'm currently trying to build a web app compatible with the Google Progressive Web Apps specs. To do this i use Angular with Dart and Polymer based Webcomponents instead of the Angular components. So far everything works as expected. To make the app offline capable utilizing the Service-Worker API i use the following dart lib:
Using either Polymer or Service-Worker works fine but combining booth just exits with an error on app startup.
This is my AppComponent startup routine:
// ... other imports
import 'package:service_worker/window.dart' as sw; // <-- import alone causes the error
Future main() async {
await initPolymer(); // <-- causes the error in combination with the import above
if (sw.isNotSupported) {
print('ServiceWorkers are not supported.');
//... initializing service worker
The error occurs even if i'm not initializing the Service-Worker, importing the Service-Worker module is enough to cause the error.
Building the app works without any errors.
I'm new to Dart and the Polymer and Angular eco systems and the error message i get is not very helpful to me:
Uncaught Error: NoSuchMethodError: method not found: js_helper.dart:1742 'h' (J.Q(...).h is not a function)
at Object.J.H (
at Isolate.e.(anonymous function) (
at Object.yK (
at yM.a (
at yM.dart.yM.$2 (
at y9.dart.y9.$1 (
at (
at xk.$0 (
Can you give me a hint what could cause the error and how to fix it? I would very much like to use the Polymer components instead of the plain Angular components but i need the Service-Worker for offline caching support.

This looks like an issue caused by incompatibility between dart:js (the old style, used by the original polymer package) and package:js (the new style, used by all new packages, including package:service_worker).
You might want to have a look at the polymerize project, which brings Polymer via the new-style interop. Then you'll have no conflict.


REACTJS.NET SSR - Object doesn't support property or method 'forwardRef'

I am trying to render my REACT components via SSR with REACTJS.NET in ASP.NET project.
In the JS file for SSR, I'm importing SimpleBar component from simplebar-react package.
This is causing the error TypeError: Object doesn't support property or method 'forwardRef'.
I currently have 2 JS files, one for server and one for client. In the JS for server I am removing the adding of event listeners and similar. However, I can't get away from importing at least the npm package in both JS files.
Any idea on how I can avoid such error?
I am using Webpack + REACTJS.NET version 3.2.0.
So, after trying a lot of things, this is the best solution I came across.
Before I begin, I am aware that conditional imports is being introduced in ECMA but it isn't working for me, or at least, they way I have the project setup.
Basically, my solution is resolved by mixing ES6 with CommonJS and with help of Webpack and babel.
In Webpack I am creating a plugin:
And in code, when I want to import the Simplebar react component, I do the following in the constructor:
And then, whenever I want to use my imported component, I do the following:
This was the best way I found in order to render with SSR. I think it's okay since the content between server and client side are the same.
Does anyone know a better solution? Or do you have concerns?

How to webpack a node_module for use in both React and ReactNative

I'm building out a library that will be used by both a React Native project and a React project as a node_module hosted on my github.
This is proving quite daunting- and based on how ugly my code has become, I feel I must be doing something wrong.
Here's the presenting problem, the most recent issue:
Failed to compile.
./node_modules/plenti-api/src/services/AccountService.ts 11:10
Module parse failed: Unexpected token (11:10)
You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type, currently no loaders are configured to process this file. See
| export default class AccountService {
> private client: IClient
| constructor(client: IClient) {
| this.client = client
This is occurring when trying to build the React project via npm start. The project successfully builds and runs on the React Native side of things.
what do I need to put in my .tsconfig / .webpack.config.js / somethingelse in order to allow for these typescript structures to exist in my library and be imported correctly into my web project?
Thanks to #Mike in the comments, figured out it's because node needs to be written in vanilla javascript and therefore node_modules need to be built so that can be imported by pure javascript.
This article was very helpful in achieving that task.

Using node library on isomorphic React / Redux / Webpack

I am working on an isomorphic react project and am attempting to use the Stripe node SDK (vs their REST API) within a Redux module. When Webpack builds the project I get the error: Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve module 'child_process'. I know this is a node only module, so I cannot use it on the browser (I only want Stripe API calls to originate on the server-side), I just don't know how to ensure that the Stripe node_module is not packaged in to the browser app.js file.
While I am importing the stripe module in the redux module, on the JSX side, I am only importing the IStripe interface from the stripe.model and the getPlansList dispatcher from my stripe redux module.
So my question is how does one use node-only modules within an isomorphic React project? Do I need to run a separate server-only node process that handles my Stripe calls? Or is it possible to contain this functionality within my isomorphic app?
Look at the issue, you should not run stripe-node in browser.
You can setup alias in webpack config:
resolve: {
alias: {
'stripe': './src/stripe-browser'
If you don't need to use Stripe in browser, you can just create an empty file stripe-browser as a stub for API.
If you are going to use API in browser, you have to create an adapter to Stripe.js client-side library.

Angular2 (Typescript) with STS

How to make Angular2 code written in typescript run in spring-tool-suite?
I can run the Angular 2 code written in javascript in spring-tool-suite, but in case of typescript, I am facing a lot of problems in the form of:
1. NOT FOUND errors
I am attaching a screen shot for the error
The errors you are getting (404 on javascript files) points that the backend (web server) is not configured correctly.
Potential Fix
Give webpack a go so that you only need to load a single bundle.js instead of having to over configure a web server backend.

Use AngularJS (Angular1) module from Angular2 project

Just started a demo Angular2 project (no previous experience with Angular1/AngularJS. Have followed and extended from the online quickstart and tutorials, and all was fine. However I'm at the point where I would like to use some components from a library which is designed for AngularJS, and having no end of problems!
Most of the information available about AngularJS/Angular2 compatibility assumes that you have an AngularJS project that you're adding Angular2 components to - not the other way around - so what I'm hoping to do may not even be possible. What I've tried so far involves a simple stripped-back project based on the Angular2 quickstart, with a single Angular2 component that loads into the index.html. I'd then like to integrate components from the existing library (AngularJS-based) into this.
I've tried using UpgradeAdapter.upgradeNg1Component to create components from the library and add them directly into my Angular2 component
I've tried installing angularjs through npm, importing it in a script tag into my index.html and then using a combination of UpgradeAdapter.downgradeNg2Component and UpgradeAdapter.bootstrap to load my Angular2 as a downgraded module
Neither of these seem to work - the component fails to show, and the browser console tells me I've got an Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token <
Evaluating http://localhost:3000/angular2/upgrade
Error loading http://localhost:3000/app/main.js
My best guess at the moment is that this is actually an unsupported scenario, and I need to have a 'proper' AngularJS app in order to use the UpgradeAdapter functionality from Angular2. Can anyone confirm this? Or is there something stupid I'm missing here?
Here is a working plunkr describing how to mix Angular1 and Angular2 elements:
An important point is to bootstrap your main component on the UpgradeAdapter. This way all elements are available in providers (services / factories) and in directives (components / directives):
upgrade.bootstrap(document.body, ['heroApp']);
These two answers could help you:
angular 1.x and angular2 together
How to inject upgraded Angular 1 service/factory to Angular 2 component in ES5?
So the major problem in this case turned out to be the fact that it appears that the upgrade components aren't included as part of the basic angular 2 bundle. After adding:
<script src="node_modules/angular2/bundles/upgrade.min.js"></script>
to my index.html file the error I was seeing disappeared.
Thanks to the answer here for pointing me in the right direction!
