How to customize eclipse clean project function? - c

I have a C project on Eclipse. After a successful build, I carry (cut and paste) the intermediary files (generated makefiles, object files and etc) to a specified folder by a post-build script.
When I press clean project button, the compiler does nothing normally. This is ok but my problem is how can I clean the content of my specified folder? Is there anything to be modified in order to customize clean command? Can I trigger a script when I press this button? Any other solutions exist?

Open your .cproject in text editor. Search for cleanCommand=. Once found, edit the command in quotes.


Where is this file?

Please help find these file.
All instructions have this:
Add this line to your ios/Podfile file, then run pod install.
Add the following lines to android/settings.gradle:
where is this File?
According to Google, The Podfile is located in the root of the Pods project. An easy way to open it is via "Open Quickly" (Shift Cmd O) typing Podfile. If it's been added to the project, you can just click on it. Otherwise, open it using the File menu or drag its icon on top of Xcode's

Ionic build iOS deletes changes

I have a file here:
I make a change to the file using Xcode. Then I click save changes and exit Xcode. If I immediately re-enter Xcode, I can see my change is there.
Then I do the following:
myNameMBP:Desktop myName$ pwd
myNameMBP:Desktop myName$ ls
myNameMBP:Desktop myName$ cd KMtoMiles/
myNameMBP:KMtoMiles myName$ ionic build ios
Now when I open Xcode and go to app.js, my changes are no longer there.
I have had issues with permissions. I ended up just making it wide open and doing chmod -R 777 KMtoMiles and it appears the permissions may be changing when I do a build.
Has anyone experienced this too?
Ionic build iOS project automatically from the existing source, so If you need to modify any f your files go to the source and modify files there then build iOS you will get the files changed within Xcode.
-- EDIT --
So you need to edit the source files first before building your project, don't edit files directly on xcode as ionic build ios command will ignore your edits and replace files with the source files.

Eclipse Project Settings Not Transferring to New Project

I have the source from an Eclipse project, and I need to import all of the build settings as well as the source into a new project so I can make some changes. The trouble is, when I go to build the project, Eclipse is calling the internal builder and NOT calling the Makefile from the previous project (which I have imported). The makefile contains some values in #define statements that need to be passed in on the command line.
When I go to change these options in Eclipse (by right clicking on the project and going down to "Properties" and then examining the "C/C++ Build" tab) they are grayed out!
If someone could help me out I'd greatly appreciate it.
Thanks all!
There is a folder called ".settings" under your project, copy this (and everything under it) to your new project, this is where all of the settings are stored. To see the folder, you may need to use the view menu (upside down triangle) in the Package or Project Explorer and remove the filter on the ".resources". For Package Explorer select the "Filters", in Project Explorer use "Customize View"

Converting a non-GUI Makefile (make) project to KDevelop

I have a rather simple C project I compile with make that I would like to run and debug in KDevelop, but I can't get this to work. I have installed cmake and tried both to import an existing project and start a new (which insists on creating a main.ccp file), but no matter what I do all the menu options to run the program are greyed out.
How can I move this project to KDevelop?
Hiya, once you have created the new project by importing the custom makefile,
go to the Run Menu, Launch Configurations, then select the Global tag, then press the green plus sign +.
This will create a new launch configuration that you need to fill out with all of the correct executable paths and arguments and whatnot.
Once these are set, then the execute/debug options will ungrey out.
I had to figure this out today, was not obvious at all.

VB6 Will not Create EXE file - But it use to?

I am trying to compile a VB6 project. On the File Menu it use to display MAKE PROJ1.EXE. Now it displays MAKE PROJ1. (note EXE is missing) The program runs fine in the IDE. I can start with full compile. I can even create a set up disk from the packaging and deployment wizard. I have a sucessful install, but the package will not run. There is no exe file. Other vb project compile just fine. Can anyone lend a hand????
That's weird
Open up the .VBP project file using Notepad and verify the following entry is correct
Try this:
Right-click on VB6 toolbar
Make some change
Make ... .exe
After that, it should work.
