Access file sharing - database

I have a nicely designed access database, complete with layed out forms and macros behind many buttons that filter through search boxes and do many other functions.
My problem is that I am sending this database to multiple people who want to add new records, however when they give me back their edited database (now with new records", i cant import them, because another person who has also handed me their edited version of the database needs their records added and access doesnt allow me to import these records because unique ID's have been created by both people and clash when i try to import them both in.
I have tried some websites that claim to import my database and allow cloud editing, however i lose all the functionality and layout of my forms / macros as the websites dont support it.
What would be the best solution so that i can get multiple people adding new records at the same time? Are there any websites that offer this? Or is there a way inside access to reassign the Unique ID's if they are already in the system?

Set the field size of your AutoNumber ID fields to Replication ID instead of Long Integer. It is extremely unlikely that two users will create records with the same ID.

Split the database into frontend and backend parts. Backend sits on server and frontend links to backend. Each user runs their own copy of frontend. However, if your users do not have access to same network, you are in a pickle. Have you looked into Sharepoint and Azure?
I have designed a db for users that did not have connection to our network. These were construction site field offices. The main office had the master database. Field offices were given an Access file where they entered records during life of the project and at the end they sent in the file and code in the master imported records. Since all data was new there was no concern for conflicting updates. Simplest way I found to accomplish was to not use Autonumber primary key.
I do have another db that required merging data from multiple Access files and those files did use Autonumber primary key. The import code was more complicated.


Multiple vs single database

We are developing a new version of our web application.
We have multiple clients (500+), each client has its own database with its own data: users, products...
In the new version, all clients are going to share some data, for example, users are going to be in the platform but each client will be able to access to their users only, but instead of having the users for each client we want to have all the users in a centralize table.
Other things such as products, orders...are going to belong to each client.
Each client will have a copy of the web app installed in their domain.
Our app is an ASP MVC Entity Framework Code First, using SQL Server.
Our question is:
Option A: One database per client containing their tables (products, orders...) and one common database to store the users and other common data.
Option B: One big database containing all and add a ClientId to certain tables so the clients only see their data.
With Option A we have several databases, we can have 100.000 orders in a table and it is easy to retrieve that data. On the other hand we have to deal with cross database queries and having 2 Data Context. This is the prolem, beacuse we need to retrieve user data for most of the queries, that means access to both databases, the client specific and the common one.
With option B we just have to deal with 1 context and the queries are much more simple. The main concern for this approach is we could have some tables with more than 10.000 records per year, per client. So in 10 years, with 500 clients, we could have a table with 50 millions records and this could affect performance.
Thanks for your advices.
The thing here is not a question abou single vs multiple database because we have one more thing in the game, all clients need to access a common database.
Let's say we have decided to go for a single database for all our clients. So we will have multiple domains, each one with our application running, but we need each of them getting only their data.
How can we do this? Adding a ClientId to each table and filtering the data with a parameter "clientId" in the web.config of each site?
My personal preference would be for option A, and the primary reason would be for security. You basically have only a couple of points of failure for leaking one client's data to another.
You could look to put a service on top of the common data and cache frequent requests for user data to handle that side of things.
Option A would be the recommended approach as that will allow all different clients to query on their own selected transactional records and without any performance issues because of the requests from other clients.
Also, the option A would allow the entities based customization (if required in future) which would prove to be a challenge with option B. Multi-tenant based architecture is the recommendation.
The below mentioned resource can help you with some more options/possibilities.

Standard practice/API for sharing database data without giving direct database access

We would like to give some of our customers the option to read data from our central database. The data is live and new records are being added every few seconds. Our database is MySQL running on Amazon RDS.
I was wondering what is the common practice for doing so.
One option would be to give them select right from specific tables, in that case they would be able to access other customers' data as well.
I have tried searching for database, interface, and API key words and some other key words, but I couldn't find a good answer.
Use REST for exposing specific tables to do CRUD operations. You can control the access on it too.

Collect data from 80 users, hiding other user's data

My wife works for a medium sized retail chain. Managers from each of the 80 outlets have to fill in one row of performance info for each of their staff (900 in all), but aren't allowed to see the data of other stores' staff.
My wife currently manages this with lots of spreadsheets, because each month the executive change what they want to collect, and their IT team don't have the resources to update their SAS system. She has to manually compile all the data into 1 spreadsheet for analysis which is time consuming and error prone. She's recently gone from having to do this for 20 outlets to 80 outlets and thinks she must be an easier way.
Is there a simple form based system, that can leverage what is already installed (microsoft office and lotus but not MSAccess), or can be run from a network drive. Cloud apps are banned. Excel's security is all wrong. Can word form templates append to a shared data source? Any ideas?
You could have a single table with all the data, then create 'shadowtables' on this table for each individual store.
in MySQL this would probably be either a 'partition table' (I've never used this so not sure how it works) or the use of temp tables.
You would then need to implement a method whereby when a user logs in at a given location (IP address) a trigger would create the temp table, then populate it with the relevent data for the store at that IP address.
An alternative (probably easier too) would be to have a specied table for each store, then grant users specific priveleges on each table you create. Again you'll need trigers to either populate a single 'master table' with info as it is updated, or you will just send a
select * from outlet1, outlet2... outlet80
again you may decide to create a temp table from the above select, and implement a custom script to create it only when required.
In fact that is probably how I would do it.
Then in you web interface have a button to create the temp table, and display it to the current user (provided they have the required priveleges to view all the tables of course).
I don't know for certain if Lotus is able to implement this, I don't know about its 'database' solution. I know that to do something similar in Access isn't that hard, the only downside would be needing to handle user identification (which Access doesn't do natively), again I don't know about Lotus.
In my experience the 'flat file database systems' don't generally handle user permisions in a native fashion, it is put onto the interface development to hand this.
I'm not sure how helpful the answer is, but it may take you a little way to a solution (even if you end up going for a server/client dbms system)
You can use Lotus for this. A simple start for you:
Create a database with one form and one view
On the form add whatever fields you want but also add a computed-when-composed multi-value field of type "Readers" with formula:
"[Admin]" : #Name( [CANONICALIZE];#userName)
With the exception of those with an Admin role (e.g., your wife), the view will display to each user only the records that the user created. The users will have to create one record per row.
Alternatively you could create an agent in the database that reads the data from an Excel file and builds the documents (records) with the READERS field's value computed as the documents are created.
If that's the route you want to take post a reply here and I'll post some code to (i) prompt a user to select an excel file, (ii) read the excel file data into lotus notes, (iii) implement a READERS field to see that documents are kept confidential between the creator and the Admin role people.
Hope that helps.

Dynamic web form targetting user specified database fields

I have an issue where I'm creating a greenfield web application using ASP.NET MVC to replace a lengthy paper form that manually gets (mostly) entered into an existing SQL Server 2005 database. So the front end is the new part, but I'm working against an existing moderately normalized schema. I can easily add new tables, views, etc. to the schema, but modifying tables is going to be near impossible. There's currently at least 2 existing applications (that I'm aware of) that reference this schema and I've stumbled upon at least a dozen "SELECT * FROM..." statements in each. They exist both in code and in views/triggers/stored procs/etc. That's why modifying existing table schemas is a no-go.
All that being said, the form targets different fields in multiple tables in database. It also has to be dynamic enough to allow the end users to add new questions targeting fields. The end users have a rough idea of the existing database schema so they're savvy enough to know how to pick out tables/fields to be targeted.
I'm have a really rough idea of how I could tackle this, but it seems like complete overkill and will be difficult to write up. I'm hoping somebody might have a simple(r) way of handling this sort of project that I haven't thought of.
If users know DB schema maybe you should go with Dynamic Data project and just create a web app front end of that DB to them. So you would only make the model they need and do the application that will display data from those tables with insert/edit capabilities.
But it's completely different story if they have some additional functionality to it.

How can I lock down my MS-SQL DB from my users and yet still access it through ODBC?

I've got an ms-access application that's accessing and ms-sql db through an ODBC connection. I'm trying to force my users to update the data only through the application portion, but I don't care if they read the data directly or through their own custom ms-access db (they use it for creating ad hoc reports).
What I'm looking for is a way to make the data only editable if they are using the compiled .mde file I distribute to them. I know I can make the data read only for the general population, and editable for select users.
Is there a way I can get ms-sql to make the data editable only if they are accessing it through the my canned mde?
Thought, is there a way to get ms-access to log into the database as a different user (or change the login once connected)?
Yes, it's using forms. What I'm looking to do is just have it switch users once when I have my launchpad/mainmenu form pop up.
That is indeed the direction I'm headed. What I haven't determined was how to go about switching to that second ID. I'm not so worried about the password being sniffed, the users are all internal, and on an internal LAN. If they can sniff that password, they can certainly sniff the one for my privileged ID.
#no one in general,
Right now its security by obscurity. I've given the uses a special .mdb for doing reporting that will let them read data, but not update it. They don't know about relinking to the tables through the ODBC connection. A slightly more ms-access/DB literate user could by pass what I've done in seconds - and there a few who imagine themselves to be DBA, so they will figure it out eventually.
There is a way to do this that is effective with internal users, but can be hacked. You create two IDs for each user. One is a reporting ID that has read-only access. This is they ID that the user knows about: Fred / mypassword
The second is an ID that can do updates. That id is Fred_app / mypassword_mangled. They log on to your app with Fred. When your application accesses data, it uses the application id.
This can be sniffed, but for many applications it is sufficient.
Does you app allow for linked table updates or does it go through forms? Sounds like your idea of using a centralized user with distinct roles is the way to go. Yes, you could change users but I that may introduce more coding and once you start adding more and more code other solutions (stored procedures, etc) may sound more inviting.
