Fuzzy Logic Lookup - How to use calculated columns - sql-server

We're starting to implement Unicode as we've added some international customers. There are some issues comparing character data in SSIS because of capitals, accents, and other data problems.
I've thought that the Fuzzy logic lookup could be a good solution. However, when testing this solution out, I realized that in a lot of our existing code we limit what data to process, and send in those values by parameters.
I've noticed that in the Fuzzy Lookup, I can specify the name of the table, but I can't make changes like remove a % from a field and turn it into a decimal. Any ideas how we can setup the lookup with calculated fields?

Create a view in your database with the proper transformation your require using a sql query.


What is the best solution to store a volunteers availability data in access 2016 [duplicate]

Imagine a web form with a set of check boxes (any or all of them can be selected). I chose to save them in a comma separated list of values stored in one column of the database table.
Now, I know that the correct solution would be to create a second table and properly normalize the database. It was quicker to implement the easy solution, and I wanted to have a proof-of-concept of that application quickly and without having to spend too much time on it.
I thought the saved time and simpler code was worth it in my situation, is this a defensible design choice, or should I have normalized it from the start?
Some more context, this is a small internal application that essentially replaces an Excel file that was stored on a shared folder. I'm also asking because I'm thinking about cleaning up the program and make it more maintainable. There are some things in there I'm not entirely happy with, one of them is the topic of this question.
In addition to violating First Normal Form because of the repeating group of values stored in a single column, comma-separated lists have a lot of other more practical problems:
Can’t ensure that each value is the right data type: no way to prevent 1,2,3,banana,5
Can’t use foreign key constraints to link values to a lookup table; no way to enforce referential integrity.
Can’t enforce uniqueness: no way to prevent 1,2,3,3,3,5
Can’t delete a value from the list without fetching the whole list.
Can't store a list longer than what fits in the string column.
Hard to search for all entities with a given value in the list; you have to use an inefficient table-scan. May have to resort to regular expressions, for example in MySQL:
idlist REGEXP '[[:<:]]2[[:>:]]' or in MySQL 8.0: idlist REGEXP '\\b2\\b'
Hard to count elements in the list, or do other aggregate queries.
Hard to join the values to the lookup table they reference.
Hard to fetch the list in sorted order.
Hard to choose a separator that is guaranteed not to appear in the values
To solve these problems, you have to write tons of application code, reinventing functionality that the RDBMS already provides much more efficiently.
Comma-separated lists are wrong enough that I made this the first chapter in my book: SQL Antipatterns, Volume 1: Avoiding the Pitfalls of Database Programming.
There are times when you need to employ denormalization, but as #OMG Ponies mentions, these are exception cases. Any non-relational “optimization” benefits one type of query at the expense of other uses of the data, so be sure you know which of your queries need to be treated so specially that they deserve denormalization.
"One reason was laziness".
This rings alarm bells. The only reason you should do something like this is that you know how to do it "the right way" but you have come to the conclusion that there is a tangible reason not to do it that way.
Having said this: if the data you are choosing to store this way is data that you will never need to query by, then there may be a case for storing it in the way you have chosen.
(Some users would dispute the statement in my previous paragraph, saying that "you can never know what requirements will be added in the future". These users are either misguided or stating a religious conviction. Sometimes it is advantageous to work to the requirements you have before you.)
There are numerous questions on SO asking:
how to get a count of specific values from the comma separated list
how to get records that have only the same 2/3/etc specific value from that comma separated list
Another problem with the comma separated list is ensuring the values are consistent - storing text means the possibility of typos...
These are all symptoms of denormalized data, and highlight why you should always model for normalized data. Denormalization can be a query optimization, to be applied when the need actually presents itself.
In general anything can be defensible if it meets the requirements of your project. This doesn't mean that people will agree with or want to defend your decision...
In general, storing data in this way is suboptimal (e.g. harder to do efficient queries) and may cause maintenance issues if you modify the items in your form. Perhaps you could have found a middle ground and used an integer representing a set of bit flags instead?
Yes, I would say that it really is that bad. It's a defensible choice, but that doesn't make it correct or good.
It breaks first normal form.
A second criticism is that putting raw input results directly into a database, without any validation or binding at all, leaves you open to SQL injection attacks.
What you're calling laziness and lack of SQL knowledge is the stuff that neophytes are made of. I'd recommend taking the time to do it properly and view it as an opportunity to learn.
Or leave it as it is and learn the painful lesson of a SQL injection attack.
I needed a multi-value column, it could be implemented as an xml field
It could be converted to a comma delimited as necessary
querying an XML list in sql server using Xquery.
By being an xml field, some of the concerns can be addressed.
With CSV: Can't ensure that each value is the right data type: no way to prevent 1,2,3,banana,5
With XML: values in a tag can be forced to be the correct type
With CSV: Can't use foreign key constraints to link values to a lookup table; no way to enforce referential integrity.
With XML: still an issue
With CSV: Can't enforce uniqueness: no way to prevent 1,2,3,3,3,5
With XML: still an issue
With CSV: Can't delete a value from the list without fetching the whole list.
With XML: single items can be removed
With CSV: Hard to search for all entities with a given value in the list; you have to use an inefficient table-scan.
With XML: xml field can be indexed
With CSV: Hard to count elements in the list, or do other aggregate queries.**
With XML: not particularly hard
With CSV: Hard to join the values to the lookup table they reference.**
With XML: not particularly hard
With CSV: Hard to fetch the list in sorted order.
With XML: not particularly hard
With CSV: Storing integers as strings takes about twice as much space as storing binary integers.
With XML: storage is even worse than a csv
With CSV: Plus a lot of comma characters.
With XML: tags are used instead of commas
In short, using XML gets around some of the issues with delimited list AND can be converted to a delimited list as needed
Yes, it is that bad. My view is that if you don't like using relational databases then look for an alternative that suits you better, there are lots of interesting "NOSQL" projects out there with some really advanced features.
Well I've been using a key/value pair tab separated list in a NTEXT column in SQL Server for more than 4 years now and it works. You do lose the flexibility of making queries but on the other hand, if you have a library that persists/derpersists the key value pair then it's not a that bad idea.
I would probably take the middle ground: make each field in the CSV into a separate column in the database, but not worry much about normalization (at least for now). At some point, normalization might become interesting, but with all the data shoved into a single column you're gaining virtually no benefit from using a database at all. You need to separate the data into logical fields/columns/whatever you want to call them before you can manipulate it meaningfully at all.
If you have a fixed number of boolean fields, you could use a INT(1) NOT NULL (or BIT NOT NULL if it exists) or CHAR (0) (nullable) for each. You could also use a SET (I forget the exact syntax).

To use or not to use computed columns for performance and maintainability

I have a table where am storing a startingDate in a DateTime column.
Once i have the startingDate value, am supposed to calculate the
number_of_months and
all from the startingDate to the current date.
If you are going to use these values in two or more places in the application and you do care much about the applications response time, would you rather make the calculations in a view or create computed columns for each so you can query the table directly?
Computed columns are easy to maintain and provide an ideal solution to your problem – I have used such a solution recently. However, be aware the values are calculated when requested (when they are SELECTed), not when the row is INSERTed into the table – so performance might still be an issue. This might be acceptable if you can off-load work from the application server to the database server. Views also don’t exist until they are requested (unless they are materialised) so, again, there will be an overhead at runtime, but, again it’s on the database server, not the application server.
Like nearly everything: It depends.
As #RedX suggest it probably not much of a performance difference either way, so it becomes a question of how will use them. To me this is more of a feel thing.
Using them more than once doesn't wouldn't necessary drive me immediately to either a view or computed columns. If I only use them in a few places or low volume code paths I might calc them in-line in those places or use a CTE. But if the are in wide spread or heavy use I would agree with a view or computed column.
You would also want them in a view or cc if you want them available via ORM tools.
Am I using those "computed columns" individual in places or am I using them in sets? If using them in sets I probably want a view of the table that shows included them all.
When i need them do I usually want them associated with data from a particular other table? If so that would suggest a view.
Am I basing updates on the original table of those computed values? If so then I want computed columns to avoid joining the view in these case.
Calculated columns may seem an easy solution at first, but I have seen companies have trouble with them because when they try to do ETL with CDC for real-time Change Data Capture with tools like Attunity it will not recognize the calculated columns since the values are not there permanently. So there are some issues. Also if the columns will be retrieve many, many times by users, you will save time in the long run by putting that logic in the ETL tool or procedure and write it once to the database instead of calculating it many times for each request.

Django startswith unicode

Is it possible to get Author.objects.filter(surname__istartswith='Z') return results that also start with 'Ž', 'Ź' etc.?
The only solution that comes into my mind is to flatten surname with unicode transliteration and save it as surname_flat in db. Then Author.objects.filter(surname_flat__istartswith='Z') would work, but it requires database migration.
I'm using postgres.
The django-unaccent library has been written to provide the functionality you require.
By doing this however you are making your solution database-dependent, which may be an issue if you decide to move database engines in future.
Your solution to add an additional calculated column is the one that I would use, as this keeps your code db-independent. You can also index your column more effectively. Because the django-unaccent library uses a database-function-based search, it will do a column scan of your data every time you use it.

Creating an efficient search capability using SQL Server (and/or coldfusion)

I am trying to visualize how to create a search for an application that we are building. I would like a suggestion on how to approach 'searching' through large sets of data.
For instance, this particular search would be on a 750k record minimum table, of product sku's, sizing, material type, create date, etc;
Is anyone aware of a 'plugin' solution for Coldfusion to do this? I envision a google like single entry search where a customer can type in the part number, or the sizing, etc, and get hits on any or all relevant results.
Currently if I run a 'LIKE' comparison query, it seems to take ages (ok a few seconds, but still), and it is too long. At times making a user sit there and wait up to 10 seconds for queries & page loads.
Or are there any SQL formulas to help accomplish this? I want to use a proven method to search the data, not just a simple SQL like or = comparison operation.
So this is a multi-approach question, should I attack this at the SQL level (as it ultimately looks to be) or is there a plug in/module for ColdFusion that I can grab that will give me speedy, advanced search capability.
You could try indexing your db records with a Verity (or Solr, if CF9) search.
I'm not sure it would be faster, and whether even trying it would be worthwhile would depend a lot on how often you update the records you need to search. If you update them rarely, you could do an Verity Index update whenever you update them. If you update the records constantly, that's going to be a drag on the webserver, and certainly mitigate any possible gains in search speed.
I've never indexed a database via Verity, but I've indexed large collections of PDFs, Word Docs, etc, and I recall the search being pretty fast. I don't know if it will help your current situation, but it might be worth further research.
If your slowdown is specifically the search of textual fields (as I surmise from your mentioning of LIKE), the best solution is building an index table (not to be confiused with DB table indexes that are also part of the answer).
Build an index table mapping the unique ID of your records from main table to a set of words (1 word per row) of the textual field. If it matters, add the field of origin as a 3rd column in the index table, and if you want "relevance" features you may want to consider word count.
Populate the index table with either a trigger (using splitting) or from your app - the latter might be better, simply call a stored proc with both the actual data to insert/update and the list of words already split up.
This will immediately drastically speed up textual search as it will no longer do "LIKE", AND will be able to use indexes on index table (no pun intended) without interfering with indexing on SKU and the like on the main table.
Also, ensure that all the relevant fields are indexed fully - not necessarily in the same compund index (SKU, sizing etc...), and any field that is searched as a range field (sizing or date) is a good candidate for a clustered index (as long as the records are inserted in approximate order of that field's increase or you don't care about insert/update speed as much).
For anything mode detailed, you will need to post your table structure, existing indexes, the queries that are slow and the query plans you have now for those slow queries.
Another item is to enure that as little of the fields are textual as possible, especially ones that are "decodable" - your comment mentioned "is it boxed" in the text fields set. If so, I assume the values are "yes"/"no" or some other very limited data set. If so, simply store a numeric code for valid values and do en/de-coding in your app, and search by the numeric code. Not a tremendous speed improvement but still an improvement.
I've done this using SQL's full text indexes. This will require very application changes and no changes to the database schema except for the addition of the full text index.
First, add the Full Text index to the table. Include in the full text index all of the columns the search should perform against. I'd also recommend having the index auto update; this shouldn't be a problem unless your SQL Server is already being highly taxed.
Second, to do the actual search, you need to convert your query to use a full text search. The first step is to convert the search string into a full text search string. I do this by splitting the search string into words (using the Split method) and then building a search string formatted as:
"Word1*" AND "Word2*" AND "Word3*"
The double-quotes are critical; they tell the full text index where the words begin and end.
Next, to actually execute the full text search, use the ContainsTable command in your query:
from containstable(Bugs, *, '"Word1*" AND "Word2*" AND "Word3*"')
This will return two columns:
Key - The column identified as the primary key of the full text search
Rank - A relative rank of the match (1 - 1000 with a higher ranking meaning a better match).
I've used approaches similar to this many times and I've had good luck with it.
If you want a truly plug-in solution then you should just go with Google itself. It sounds like your doing some kind of e-commerce or commercial site (given the use of the term 'SKU'), So you probably have a catalog of some kind with product pages. If you have consistent markup then you can configure a google appliance or service to do exactly what you want. It will send a bot in to index your pages and find your fields. No SQl, little coding, it will not be dependent on your database, or even coldfusion. It will also be quite fast and familiar to customers.
I was able to do this with a coldfusion site in about 6 hours, done! The only thing to watch out for is that google's index is limited to what the bot can see, so if you have a situation where you want to limit access based on a users role or permissions or group, then it may not be the solution for you (although you can configure a permission service for Google to check with)
Because SQL Server is where your data is that is where your search performance is going to be a possible issue. Make sure you have indexes on the columns you are searching on and if using a like you can't use and index if you do this SELECT * FROM TABLEX WHERE last_name LIKE '%FR%'
But it can use an index if you do it like this SELECT * FROM TABLEX WHERE last_name LIKE 'FR%'. The key here is to allow as many of the first characters to not be wild cards.
Here is a link to a site with some general tips. https://web.archive.org/web/1/http://blogs.techrepublic%2ecom%2ecom/datacenter/?p=173

Is it possible to perform T-SQL fuzzy lookup without SSIS?

SSIS 2005/2008 does fuzzy lookups and groupings. Is there a feature that does the same in T-SQL?
Fuzzy lookup uses a q-gram approach, by breaking strings up into tiny sub-strings and indexing them. You can then then search input by breaking it up into equally sized strings. You can inspect the format of their index and write a CLR function to use the same style of index but you might be talking about a fair chunk of work.
It is actually quite interesting how they did it, very simple yet provides very robust matching and is very configurable.
From that I recall of the index when I last looked at it, each q-gram or substring is stored in a row in an table (the index). That row contains an nvarchar column (among other values) that is used as binary data and contains references to the rows that match.
There is also an open feedback suggestion on Microsoft Connect for this feature.
SQL Server has a SOUNDEX() function:
FROM Customers
WHERE SOUNDEX(Lastname) = SOUNDEX('Stonehouse')
AND SOUNDEX(Firstname) = SOUNDEX('Scott')
Full Text Search is a great fuzzy tool. Brief primer here
On March 5 2009 I will have an article posted on www.sqlservercentral.com with a sample of Jaro-Winkler TSQL
