Tests and SSIS packages on different solution do - sql-server

I have some tests in one solution which run some SSIS packages from another solution. I use Visual Studio 2015. SSIS packages are made using SQL Server 2012. The problem is that when I run SSIS package from it's solution (on my machine) then everything works fine but when I try to run the same package via tests from another solution I get the message:
to run ssis package outside of sql server data tools you must install Derived Column of Integration Service or higher
The tests works fine in TeamCity on server. I cannot run them because of that message only locally.
Can anybody help me with this?


Package in Sql Server agent job fails while in Integration Services Catalogs succeeds

I'm facing some weird problem. I have a package which I made in SSIS, the package executes successfully from SSIS.
Deployed the solution into Integration Services Catalogs, Validated and executed the package successfully too, but when I create a new job in the SQL server agent and trying to start this package I keep getting the same error
ORA 12154: TNS: could not resolve the connect...
BTW This connection manager works well in other jobs that I execute.
Any help would be appreciated.
P.S the error IMG
You need to run the package as 32-bit since the Oracle driver you've installed is in 32-bit. Go to edit package step and simply check the Run as 32-bit checkbox.

SSIS - The script task ... use version 15.0 script that is not supported in this release of Integrated service

Hi I'm looking for some guidance.
I've developed an SSIS project with a couple of script tasks and script components using visual studio 2015 for targeted version 2016.
I have two environment server A and server B both have SSIS 2016 SP1 installed on it.
I have done a project deployed of the packages to Sever A and tested the packages everything executed perfectly.
However when I deployed the packages in SSIS_DB from Server A to Server B I get these errors in my execution report.
The component metadata for "script component, clsid { }" could not be upgraded to the newer version of the component. The PerformUpgrade method failed
There was an exception while loading Script Task from XML: System.Exception: The Script Task "" uses version 15.0 script that is not supported in this release of Integration Services. To run the package, use the Script Task to create a new VSTA script. In most cases, scripts are converted automatically to use a supported version, when you open a SQL Server Integration Services package in %SQL_PRODUCT_SHORT_NAME% Integration Services.
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Tasks.ScriptTask.ScriptTask.LoadFromXML(XmlElement elemProj, IDTSInfoEvents events)
The interesting part is if I deploy my packages directly from visual studio to Server B the packages executes correctly with no issue.
So there seems to be inconsistencies between server A and Server B.
A small background to this is that when both servers were built Server A had Microsoft SQL Server 2016 (SP1-GDR) and Server Microsoft SQL Server 2016 (RTM)
but they both now have Microsoft SQL Server 2016 (SP1-GDR) after Server B was updated.
I'm not sure how the upgrade was done by my suspicion is that the SSIS on server are different but I can't seem to prove it.
when I check the version they both seem to return same or similar meta data
The right answer is here: https://andyleonard.blog/2017/09/ssis-version-15-0-script-error/
In my case the problem was the setting at the project level “TargetServerLevel” set to “SQL Server 2017”. The correct value must be “SQL Server 2016”. Once the value is changed and the project redeployed errors desappear.
I believe one of developers in my team used VS 2017 when added the project. All other tasks and components, excep script, were fine even with incorrect server version and the problem appeared only when I had to use script tasks and components.
To fix the problem open project parameters => Configuration Properties => TargetServerVersion
Select “SQL Server 2016”, then deploy to the server.
This was caused by SSMS. I don’t know what’s going on under the hood but During the deployment I was using SSMS 2017 which seems to be upgrading script components in my packages. I changed to use SSMS 2016 and this issue disappeared
Just summarizing some things because there are some reasons for facing this problem:
Your are deploying a package with Target Version Definition for another SQL Server
You are deploying a package which contains a script task with not same SSMS version as SQL Server Version
If your package doesn't contain a script task for example, then any version of SSMS can deploy the package to any version of SQL Server via SSISDB catalog. Not sure why is this happening. Seems that you can deploy and execute packages while making sure that the package target version is supported from SQL Version, but also if you have a ScriptTask inside you need to be super careful and make sure also that the integration services version of SSMS is the same with SQL Server version.
I will open a question to Microsoft just to be sure why the script task has this treatment. Maybe is because the script task is Framework dependent.

Error running the SSIS package out side the Development studio

I am learning to work with the SSIS packages.
I have made an SSIS package to work with the delta data(changed data since last run).
But i am having troubles running the package outside the development enviroment
I have tried to runt it with DTEXECUI.EXE utilty but it gives me the following error.
I have also tried to run it from a stored procedure by enabling the xp_cmdshell but i still get some error like this.
Please help, i am also trying to Google my way through.
It's clear from the error messages To run a ssis package outside of sql server data tools you must...
SSIS 2012 components have to be installed on your server to resolve the issue.
As per this post:
What you need are the base SQL Server binaries which are installed
with the DB engine. So you need a SQL Server Instance of some flavour
to have dtexec running. Whether it's the DB Engine or the SSIS service
installed but disabled.
Running packages in BIDS is a special case. Run the package on the
same PC as BIDS via dtexec and it will fail unless you have installed
server components (= a SQL Server Instance)

Can I deploy & Use SSIS SQL server DTS DLL's onto a machine that does not have SQL server 2008 installed?

I've developed some SSIS packages that I want to load up and execute in C# code. The C# code is deployed on our application machine.
I've referenced the SQLServer.ManagedDTS DLL in my C# project.
I tried gac'ing that DLL on our staging application box, which incidentally also seemed to require gac'ing the SQLServer.DTSRuntimeWrap DLL as well.
The code to execute the package is like so
Runtime.Package package = new Runtime.Application().LoadPackage(ssisPackageFilePath, null);
package.Variables["FilePath"].Value = sourceFilePath;
//Excute Package to insert data from source csv file into a SQL table
Runtime.DTSExecResult results = package.Execute();
When I try to run the process I get the following error
An Integration Services class cannot be found.
Make sure that Integration Services is correctly installed on the computer that is running the application.
Also, make sure that the 64-bit version of Integration Services is installed if you are running a 64-bit application
I figured I should be able to simply gac (Install) the one DLL I used to develop the code that executes an SSIS dtsx package file.
I developed the package in a Visual studio 2008 BIDS project which results in a dtsx file.
I referenced the SqlServer.ManagedDTS DLL in a visual studio 2010 project to execute the dtsx file from code.
Tested and debugged locally with success.
What do I need to do to setup my application box in order for my code to be able to execute an SSIS package?
I'm hoping I'm not limited to only being able to execute packages from code on a box that has an instance of SQL server or IntegrationServices installed; which may mean the need for another license.
Do I need to install Integration Services on my app box?
Yes, you need to install Integration Services to run the package on a server. Just deploying DLLs into GAC won't help in executing a package.
Here is the MSDN link that describes about Running an SSIS Package Programmatically on a Remote Computer.
You need to have at least one server with Integration Services installed to be able to do what the MSDN article describes.

How do I reference SSIS on a build machine without installing SQL Server 2008 Client Tools?

I need to build SSIS packages on a build machine, and do not want the overhead of installing SQL Server Management Studio on this machine. A SQL Server 2008 SDK would be ideal, but I could not find where to download it.
The dlls I require are (for example):
I could attempt to copy them to the build machine individually, but I would rather just use an SDK if possible.
Where can I get the SDK, or alternatively, what suggestions are there?
You could probably manually copy things about and register then in the GAC, but the client tools are hardly huge, and don't take long to install, so I don't see why they are much of an overhead?
As far as I know there's no other way to get those assemblies.
I think he is trying to accomplish SSIS packages as part of the automated continuous build process. The way i did it was to have an express edition of SQL Server and SSIS on the build machine, use BIDS helper to script the cmd line file for deploying the packages and use NANT to use this script. Hope this helped.
I don't know about SQL 2008 but SQL 2005 SSIS packages are developed in Visual Studio.
When you run install for client tools, it's an option to add the stuff to VS.NET, "Client tools" as such can be deselected (end edit)
SSMS can be used to manage them and administer.
What other editor did you want to use...?
