Extra Padding while sending a ethernet packet? - c

I was writing a code to send a packet to the other mac Address. I ma using a struct to create a packet as mentioned below:
typedef struct vlink_prm_in_s
vlink_header_t header;
uint32_t address;
uint16_t length;
and when I want to send a packet I do following steps:
vlink_prm_in_t g_pkt;
g_pkt.header.verCmd = 0x43;
g_pkt.header.reverseVerCmd = ~(g_pkt.header.verCmd);
g_pkt.address = 0x11111111;
g_pkt.length = 0x2222;
memcpy(sendbuf+headerLen, &g_pkt, sizeof(g_pkt));
printf("%x\n", sendbuf[headerLen+4] );
payloadLen = sizeof(g_pkt);
sendbuf[headerLen+payloadLen] = 0xA5;
when I send the packet I get the following packet when I track it in WireShark:
aa bb cc dd ee 66 98 ee cb 03 be 1d ea e8 43 bc 00 00 11 11 11 11 22 22 00 00 a5
I don't know where do I get those extra zeros(highlighted) from ? Thanks.

After looking on internet more I found out that struct should be purely increasing or decreasing order (or all the variables should be same size). This way you can remove the extra zeros. So I did as follows:
typedef struct vlink_prm_in_s
vlink_header_t header;
uint16_t address1;
uint16_t address2;
uint16_t length;
This fixed my problem.


ESP32 - Extract Manufacturer Specific Data from advertisement

TL;DR: One ESP32 broadcasts via BLE (already working), another ESP32 listens. I am unable to parse the received advertisements correctly, i.e. can't extract the manufacturer specific data!
Goal: One ESP32 (call A) broadcasts an advertisement containing manufacturer specific data (MSD), which is received by another ESP32 (call B) who prints that data to the console.
I am using the new RISC-V based ESP32C3 which supports Bluetooth 5.0, though everything I do is based on Bluetooth 4.2.
Where I am:
A can broadcast a valid advertisement (checked with an Ubertooth/Wireshark)
B receives something from A, though the packet only very loosely corresponds to the (correct) packet received by the Ubertooth.
Structs used to set up A:
// Struct defining advertising parameters
static esp_ble_adv_params_t ble_adv_params = {
.adv_int_min = 0x0800,
.adv_int_max = 0x0900,
.own_addr_type = BLE_ADDR_TYPE_PUBLIC,
.channel_map = ADV_CHNL_ALL,
Struct used to define the payload of the advertisement:
esp_ble_adv_data_t ble_adv_data =
.set_scan_rsp = false,
.include_name = true, // "Name" refers to the name passed as an argument within "esp_ble_gap_set_device_name()"
.include_txpower = false,
.min_interval = 0xffff, // Not sure what those are for, as the chosen advertisement packets are non-connectable...
.max_interval = 0xFFFF,
.appearance = 64, // 64 is appearance ID of phone. Only to maybe be able to find it on my Galaxy phone
.manufacturer_len = ble_adv_payload_len,
.p_manufacturer_data = (uint8_t *) ble_adv_payload, // Currently just some human-readable string used for debugging
.service_data_len = 0,
.p_service_data = NULL,
.service_uuid_len = 0,
.p_service_uuid = NULL,
.flag = 0
As the Ubertooth receives correct packets sent by A, I reckon A has been set up correctly.
Struct used to define scanning behavior of B:
// Struct defining scanning parameters
static esp_ble_scan_params_t ble_scan_params = {
.scan_type = BLE_SCAN_TYPE_PASSIVE, // Don't send scan requests upon receiving an advertisement
.own_addr_type = BLE_ADDR_TYPE_PUBLIC, // Use (static) public address, makes debugging easier
.scan_filter_policy = BLE_SCAN_FILTER_ALLOW_ONLY_WLST, // Consider all advertisements
.scan_interval = 0x50, // Time between each scan window begin
.scan_window = 0x30, // Length of scan window
.scan_duplicate = BLE_SCAN_DUPLICATE_DISABLE // Filters out duplicate advertisements, e.g. if an advertisement received k times, it is only reported once
The majority of the remaining code is just boilerplate, the only really relevant part is the callback function of B, which gets called whenever a GAP-Event occurs (GAP-Events can be found in esp_gap_ble_api.h, beginning on line 138).
B's callback function:
void esp_ble_callback_fun(esp_gap_ble_cb_event_t event, esp_ble_gap_cb_param_t *param)
// Do a case split on the different events. For now, only "ESP_GAP_BLE_SCAN_RESULT_EVT" is of interest
switch (event) {
if ((param->scan_rst).search_evt != ESP_GAP_SEARCH_INQ_RES_EVT) {
"B: Callback function received a non-\"ESP_GAP_SEARCH_INQ_RES_EVT\" event!\n");
// Copy the parameter UNION
esp_ble_gap_cb_param_t scan_result = *param;
// Create a POINTER to the "bda" entry, which is accessed by interpreting the scan_result UNION as a scan_rst STRUCT
// Note that "esp_bd_addr_t" is a typedef for a uint8_t array!
esp_bd_addr_t *ble_adv_addr = &scan_result.scan_rst.bda;
printf("\n-------------------------\nMessage: \n");
uint8_t adv_data_len = scan_result.scan_rst.adv_data_len;
uint8_t *adv_data = scan_result.scan_rst.ble_adv;
printf("Message length: %i\n", adv_data_len);
printf("Message body:\n"); // NOT SO SURE ABOUT THIS!
for(int i = 0; i < adv_data_len; ++i)
printf("%X", adv_data[i]);
break; // #suppress("No break at end of case")
Sample output:
Serial output by B:
Message length: 22
Message body:
Packet as received in Wireshark:
Frame 78135: 61 bytes on wire (488 bits), 61 bytes captured (488 bits) on interface /tmp/pipe, id 0
PPI version 0, 24 bytes
Version: 0
Flags: 0x00
.... ...0 = Alignment: Not aligned
0000 000. = Reserved: 0x00
Header length: 24
DLT: 251
Reserved: 36750c0000620900e05b56b811051000
Bluetooth Low Energy Link Layer
Access Address: 0x8e89bed6
Packet Header: 0x1c22 (PDU Type: ADV_NONCONN_IND, ChSel: #2, TxAdd: Public)
.... 0010 = PDU Type: ADV_NONCONN_IND (0x2)
...0 .... = RFU: 0
..1. .... = Channel Selection Algorithm: #2
.0.. .... = Tx Address: Public
0... .... = Reserved: False
Length: 28
Advertising Address: Espressi_43:3e:d6 (7c:df:a1:43:3e:d6)
Advertising Data
Appearance: Generic Phone
Device Name: ALICE
Manufacturer Specific
Slave Connection Interval Range: 81918.8 - 81918.8 msec
Connection Interval Min: 65535 (81918.8 msec)
Connection Interval Max: 65535 (81918.8 msec)
CRC: 0x905934
0000 00 00 18 00 fb 00 00 00 36 75 0c 00 00 62 09 00 ........6u...b..
0010 e0 5b 56 b8 11 05 10 00 d6 be 89 8e 22 1c d6 3e .[V........."..>
0020 43 a1 df 7c 03 19 40 00 06 09 41 4c 49 43 45 04 C..|..#...ALICE.
0030 ff 48 65 79 05 12 ff ff ff ff 09 9a 2c .Hey........,
For a packet without MSD, I computed the longest common subsequence between the binary representation of a packet received by B (i.e. content of adv_data) and the packet received by the Ubertooth. They only had 46 bits in common, a weird number for sure!
My questions:
Am I right in assuming that adv_data, i.e. scan_result.scan_rst.ble_adv holds the raw BLE packet? The definition of ble_adv (esp_gap_ble_api.h, line 936) is incredibly confusing IMO, as it is called "Received EIR" despite EIRs only being introduced in Bluetooth 5.0...
How can I extract the MSD from a received BLE advertisement?
EIR was introduced a long time ago and was present in Bluetooth 4.0.
You should use %02X when printing hex strings since that will include leading zeros.
ble_adv contains only the EIR content, not the whole packet.
EIR uses length, type, value encoding. Your manufacturing data is encoded like this:
4 (length)
0xff (manufacturer data)
Hey (content)
Note that the two bytes of the manufacturer data content should be a Bluetooth SIG registered company id.

How properly place received data to structure (C)? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to use structure with dynamically changing size of data?
(3 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
Question only for C. Vectors, lists and C++ do not solving.
I have buffer with received data:
(from there and further U8 is uin8_t (unsigned char) and so on)
Data is packetized (it always has info about start, end and len).
Examples of data (hex):
(1 packet)
24 0C 00 02 00 00 00 11 AA 0D 78 C8
(2 packet)
24 0F 00 02 00 00 00 14 D0 07 00 00 0D 7D 53
'24' - start of packet
2 bytes of full packet len (bold)
4 bytes - special ID (here is 02 00 00 00)
1 byte commad
DATA block (makred as bold)
'0D' - end of packet
last 2 bytes - CRC
I want to use structures to work with this data.
Here is what I did:
typedef __packed struct FM_Packet_s
U8 head;
U16 len;
U32 uid;
U8 cmd;
U8 data;
U8 end;
U16 crc;
} FM_Packet_t, *FM_Packet_p;
U8 RX_buff[255];
FM_Packet_t *pFM_Packet = (FM_Packet_t *) &RX_buf;
// check received CRC
if(pFM_Packet->uid == ID_NUMBER)
if(pFM_Packet->cmd == NEEDED_COMMAND)
// command received, make actions
if (pFM_Packet->data == SPECIAL_DATA)
// do stuff
Everything was good until I received 2nd packet, which have more than 1 byte in DATA field. Now data is blended
Of course, field "data" may have different length, not only as showed in this two packets.
How can I handle (place into structures correctly) received data?
U8 data;
needs to be a pointer to a buffer that's the right size to hold your data, not an unsigned integer.
You would need to allocate the buffer to be whatever size you need, before loading the data, then point the pointer to it.
You could also just make your packet buffer a lot larger and use U16 len;to figure out where the data stops.
You can use the "unwarranted chumminess of C" http://computer-programming-forum.com/47-c-language/6c323b3186a9a335.htm
typedef __packed struct FM_Packet_s
U8 head;
U16 len;
U32 uid;
U8 cmd;
U8 data[1];
} FM_Packet_t, *FM_Packet_p;
It uses a flexible array - the [1] is just to keep the compiler quiet. On the nit-picking compilers, you may get warnings about array sizes. If we assign pFM_Packet->len to len,
The size of the array is len - 11
The end is at &pFM_Packet->data[len - 11]
The CRC is at &pFM_Packet->data[len - 10]
If you are using gcc, you can use the gcc extension which allows declaration of
U8 data[0];
This is illegal in most compilers but gcc allows it.

Breaking down raw byte string with particular structure gives wrong data

I am working with one ZigBee module based on 32-bit ARM Cortex-M3. But my question is not related to ZigBee protocol itself. I have access to the source code of application layer only which should be enough for my purposes. Lower layer (APS) passes data to application layer within APSDE-DATA.indication primitive to the following application function:
void zbpro_dataRcvdHandler(zbpro_dataInd_t *data)
/* Output of raw bytes string for further investigation.
* Real length is unknown, 50 is approximation.
DEBUG_PRINT(DBG_APP,"Raw data: \n");
for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++){
DEBUG_PRINT(DBG_APP,"%02x ",*((uint8_t*)data+i));
/* Output of APSDE-DATA.indication primitive field by field */
DEBUG_PRINT(DBG_APP,"Field by field: \n");
DEBUG_PRINT(DBG_APP,"Destination address: ");
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
DEBUG_PRINT(DBG_APP,"%02x ",*((uint8_t*)data->dstAddress.ieeeAddr[i]));
DEBUG_PRINT(DBG_APP,"Destination address mode: 0x%02x\r\n",*((uint8_t*)data->dstAddrMode));
DEBUG_PRINT(DBG_APP,"Destination endpoint: 0x%02x\r\n",*((uint8_t*)data->dstEndPoint));
DEBUG_PRINT(DBG_APP,"Source address mode: 0x%02x\r\n",*((uint8_t*)data->dstAddrMode));
DEBUG_PRINT(DBG_APP,"Source address: ");
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
DEBUG_PRINT(DBG_APP,"%02x ",*((uint8_t*)data->srcAddress.ieeeAddr[i]));
DEBUG_PRINT(DBG_APP,"Source endpoint: 0x%02x\r\n",*((uint8_t*)data->srcEndPoint));
DEBUG_PRINT(DBG_APP,"Profile Id: 0x%04x\r\n",*((uint16_t*)data->profileId));
DEBUG_PRINT(DBG_APP,"Cluster Id: 0x%04x\r\n",*((uint16_t*)data->clusterId));
DEBUG_PRINT(DBG_APP,"Message length: 0x%02x\r\n",*((uint8_t*)data->messageLength));
DEBUG_PRINT(DBG_APP,"Flags: 0x%02x\r\n",*((uint8_t*)data->flags));
DEBUG_PRINT(DBG_APP,"Security status: 0x%02x\r\n",*((uint8_t*)data->securityStatus));
DEBUG_PRINT(DBG_APP,"Link quality: 0x%02x\r\n",*((uint8_t*)data->linkQuality));
DEBUG_PRINT(DBG_APP,"Source MAC Address: 0x%04x\r\n",*((uint16_t*)data->messageLength));
for (int i = 0; i < 13; i++){
DEBUG_PRINT(DBG_APP,"%02x ",*((uint8_t*)data->messageContents+i));
bufm_deallocateBuffer((uint8_t *)data, CORE_MEM);
APSDE-DATA.indication primitive is implemented by following structures:
* #brief type definition for address (union of short address and extended address)
typedef union zbpro_address_tag {
uint16_t shortAddr;
uint8_t ieeeAddr[8];
} zbpro_address_t;
* #brief apsde data indication structure
PACKED struct zbpro_dataInd_tag {
zbpro_address_t dstAddress;
uint8_t dstAddrMode;
uint8_t dstEndPoint;
uint8_t srcAddrMode;
zbpro_address_t srcAddress;
uint8_t srcEndPoint;
uint16_t profileId;
uint16_t clusterId;
uint8_t messageLength;
uint8_t flags; /* bit0: broadcast or not; bit1: need aps ack or not; bit2: nwk key used; bit3: aps link key used */
uint8_t securityStatus; /* not-used, reserved for future */
uint8_t linkQuality;
uint16_t src_mac_addr;
uint8_t messageContents[1];
typedef PACKED struct zbpro_dataInd_tag zbpro_dataInd_t;
As a result I receive next:
Raw data:
00 00 00 72 4c 19 40 00 02 e8 03 c2 30 02 fe ff 83 0a 00 e8 05 c1 11 00 11 08 58 40 72 4c ae 53 4d 3f 63 9f d8 51 da ca 87 a9 0b b3 7b 04 68 ca 87 a9
Field by field:
Destination address: 00 00 00 28 fa 44 34 00
Destination address mode: 0x12
Destination endpoint: 0xc2
Source address mode: 0x12
Source address: 13 01 12 07 02 bd 02 00
Source endpoint: 0xc2
Profile Id: 0xc940
Cluster Id: 0x90a0
Message length: 0x00
Flags: 0x00
Security status: 0x04
Link quality: 0x34
Source MAC Address: 0x90a0
Message: ae 53 4d 3f 63 9f d8 51 da ca 87 a9 0b
From this output I can see that while raw string has some expected values, dispatched fields are totally different. What is the reason of this behavior and how to fix it? Is it somehow related to ARM architecture or wrong type casting?
I don't have access to implementation of DEBUG_PRINT, but we can assume that it works properly.
There's no need to dereference in your DEBUG_PRINT statements, for example
DEBUG_PRINT(DBG_APP,"%02x ",*((uint8_t*)data->dstAddress.ieeeAddr[i]));
should be simply
DEBUG_PRINT(DBG_APP,"%02x ", data->dstAddress.ieeeAddr[i]);
so on and so forth...
Consider this code:
DEBUG_PRINT(DBG_APP,"%02x ",*((uint8_t*)data->dstAddress.ieeeAddr[i]));
Array subscripting and direct and indirect member access have higher precedence than does casting, so the third argument is equivalent to
*( (uint8_t*) (data->dstAddress.ieeeAddr[i]) )
But data->dstAddress.ieeeAddr[i] is not a pointer, it is an uint8_t. C permits you to convert it to a pointer by casting, but the result is not a pointer to the value, but rather a pointer interpretation of the value. Dereferencing it produces undefined behavior.
Similar applies to your other DEBUG_PRINT() calls.

Extracting data from struct sk_buff

I'm attempting to extract data from a struct sk_buff, but have not received the output I am expecting. The frame in question is 34 bytes; a 14-byte Ethernet header wrapped around an 8-byte (experimental protocol) header:
struct monitoring_hdr {
u8 version;
u8 type;
u8 reserved;
u8 haddr_len;
u32 clock;
} __packed;
After this header, there are two, variable-length hardware addresses (their lengths are dictated by the haddr_len field above). In the example here, they are both 6 bytes long.
The following code extracts the header (the struct) correctly, but not the two MAC addresses that follow.
Sender side:
skb = alloc_skb(mtu, GFP_ATOMIC);
if (unlikely(!skb))
skb_reserve(skb, ll_hlen);
nwp = (struct monitoring_hdr *)skb_put(skb, hdr_len);
/* ... Set up fields in struct monitoring_hdr ... */
memcpy(skb_put(skb, dev->addr_len), src, dev->addr_len);
memcpy(skb_put(skb, dev->addr_len), dst, dev->addr_len);
Receiver side:
nwp = (struct monitoring_hdr *)skb_network_header(skb);
src = skb_pull(skb, nwp->haddr_len);
dst = skb_pull(skb, nwp->haddr_len);
Expected output:
I used tcpdump to capture the packet in question on the wire, and saw this (it was actually padded to 60 bytes by the sender's NIC, which I've omitted):
0000 | 00 90 f5 c6 44 5b 00 0e c6 89 04 2f c0 df 01 03
0010 | 00 06 d0 ba 8c 88 00 0e c6 89 04 2f 00 90 f5 c6
0020 | 44 5b
The first 14 bytes is the Ethernet header. The following 8 bytes (starting with 01 and ending with 88) should be the bytes put into the struct monitoring_hdr, which executes correctly. Then, I am expecting the following MAC addresses to be found:
src = 00 0e c6 89 04 2f
dst = 00 90 f5 c6 44 5b
Actual output:
However, the data that I receive is shifted two bytes to the left:
src = 8c 88 00 0e c6 89
dst = 04 2f 00 90 f5 c6
Can anyone see a logical flaw in above code? Or is there a better way to do this? I've also tried skb_pull in place of skb_network_header on the receiving side, but that resulted in a kernel panic.
Thanks in advance for any help.
The pointer to the first byte of the data in the sk_buff was not being pointed to by src as it should have been. I ended up using the following:
nwp = (struct monitoring_hdr *)skb_network_header(skb);
skb_pull(skb, offsetof(struct monitoring_hdr, haddrs_begin));
src = skb->data;
dst = skb_pull(skb, nwp->haddr_len);
Looking at the skbuff.h header, the functions you are using look like this:
static inline void skb_reset_network_header(struct sk_buff *skb)
skb->network_header = skb->data - skb->head;
static inline unsigned char *skb_network_header(const struct sk_buff *skb)
return skb->head + skb->network_header;
extern unsigned char *skb_pull(struct sk_buff *skb, unsigned int len);
static inline unsigned char *__skb_pull(struct sk_buff *skb, unsigned int len)
skb->len -= len;
BUG_ON(skb->len < skb->data_len);
return skb->data += len;
So first, I would try printing out skb->data and skb->head to make sure they are referencing the parts of the packet you expect them to. Since you are using a custom protocol here, perhaps there is a bug in the header processing code which is causing skb->data to be set incorrectly.
Also, looking at the definitions of sky_network_header and skb_pull makes me think perhaps you are using them incorrectly. Shouldn't the first 6-byte addr be at the location pointed to be the return value of skb_network_header()? It looks like that function adds the length of the header block to the head of the buffer, which should result in a pointer to your first data value.
Similarly, it looks like skb_pull() adds the length of the field you pass in and returns the pointer to the next byte. So you probably want something more like this:
src = skb_network_header(skb);
dst = skb_pull(skb, nwp->haddr_len);
I hope that helps. I'm sorry that this is not an exact answer.

c get data from BMP

I find myself writing a simple program to extract data from a bmp file. I just got started and I am at one of those WTF moments.
When I run the program and supply this image: http://www.hack4fun.org/h4f/sites/default/files/bindump/lena.bmp
I get the output:
type: 19778
size: 12
res1: 0
res2: 54
offset: 2621440
The actual image size is 786,486 bytes. Why is my code reporting 12 bytes?
The header format specified in,
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BMP_file_format matches my BMP_FILE_HEADER structure. So why is it getting filled with wrong information?
The image file doesn't appear to be corrupt and other images are giving equally wrong outputs. What am I missing?
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef struct {
unsigned short type;
unsigned int size;
unsigned short res1;
unsigned short res2;
unsigned int offset;
int main (int args, char ** argv) {
char *file_name = argv[1];
FILE *fp = fopen(file_name, "rb");
BMP_FILE_HEADER file_header;
fread(&file_header, sizeof(BMP_FILE_HEADER), 1, fp);
if (file_header.type != 'MB') {
printf("ERROR: not a .bmp");
return 1;
printf("type: %i\nsize: %i\nres1: %i\nres2: %i\noffset: %i\n", file_header.type, file_header.size, file_header.res1, file_header.res2, file_header.offset);
return 0;
Here the header in hex:
0000000 42 4d 36 00 0c 00 00 00 00 00 36 00 00 00 28 00
0000020 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 02 00 00 01 00 18 00 00 00
The length field is the bytes 36 00 0c 00`, which is in intel order; handled as a 32-bit value, it is 0x000c0036 or decimal 786,486 (which matches the saved file size).
Probably your C compiler is aligning each field to a 32-bit boundary. Enable a pack structure option, pragma, or directive.
There are two mistakes I could find in your code.
First mistake: You have to pack the structure to 1, so every type size is exactly the size its meant to be, so the compiler doesn't align it for example in 4 bytes alignment. So in your code, short, instead of being 2 bytes, it was 4 bytes. The trick for this, is using a compiler directive for packing the nearest struct:
#pragma pack(1)
typedef struct {
unsigned short type;
unsigned int size;
unsigned short res1;
unsigned short res2;
unsigned int offset;
Now it should be aligned properly.
The other mistake is in here:
if (file_header.type != 'MB')
You are trying to check a short type, which is 2 bytes, with a char type (using ''), which is 1 byte. Probably the compiler is giving you a warning about that, it's canonical that single quotes contain just 1 character with 1-byte size.
To get this around, you can divide this 2 bytes into 2 1-byte characters, which are known (M and B), and put them together into a word. For example:
if (file_header.type != (('M' << 8) | 'B'))
If you see this expression, this will happen:
'M' (which is 0x4D in ASCII) shifted 8 bits to the left, will result in 0x4D00, now you can just add or or the next character to the right zeroes: 0x4D00 | 0x42 = 0x4D42 (where 0x42 is 'B' in ASCII). Thinking like this, you could just write:
if (file_header.type != 0x4D42)
Then your code should work.
