Echo exact string from .bat file to another .bat file - batch-file

please be gentle...
I am trying to create a .bat script to create another .bat script using variables set in the first script.
All of my other 'echo's' have outputted in the correct format to SS_Update.bat. But I am struggling with a few lines that fail to copy across correctly. In "Setup New SS.bat" I have... (out of context)
echo for /r %Tempfolder% %%%a in (*.zip) do set sszip=%%%~nxa >> %USERPROFILE%\Documents\%Site%\SS_Update.bat
echo for /r %Tempfolder% %%%a in (*.zip) do set tempfile=%%%~dpnxa >> %USERPROFILE%\Documents\%Site%\SS_Update.bat
echo for /f %%%i in (%currentss%) do set date1=%%%~ti >> %USERPROFILE%\Documents\%Site%\SS_Update.bat
echo for /f %%%i in (%extractedss%) do set date2=%%%~ti >> %USERPROFILE%\Documents\%Site%\SS_Update.bat
echo for /f %%%i in ('DIR /B /O:D %currentss% %extractedss%') do echo Current SS is older than the Extracted SS or missing... >> %USERPROFILE%\Documents\%Site%\SS_Update.bat
The results in "SS_Update.bat" are...
for /r C:\Users\Pelican\Documents\Temp %%~nxa
for /r C:\Users\Pelican\Documents\Temp %%~dpnxa
for /f %currentss%~ti
for /f %extractedss%~ti
for /f %D ') do echo Current SS is older than the Extracted SS or missing...
I understand that I need to escape some special characters i.e I wanted %% so I used %%%. I have tried all the combinations I can think of using examples from Escape Characters but I keep getting far from what I am after.
Any help would be appreciated!

You can ease the task by prepending the lines with a var which includes the echo and redirection, so the code looks normal aside from necessary doubling % and escaping <>|&.
Set _=^>^> "%USERPROFILE%\Documents\%Site%\SS_Update.bat" Echo
%_% for /r %Tempfolder% %%%%a in (*.zip) do set sszip=%%%%~nxa
%_% for /r %Tempfolder% %%%%a in (*.zip) do set tempfile=%%%%~dpnxa
%_% for /f %%%%i in (%currentss%) do set date1=%%%%~ti
%_% for /f %%%%i in (%extractedss%) do set date2=%%%%~ti
%_% for /f %%%%i in ('DIR /B /O:D %currentss% %extractedss%') do echo Current SS is older than the Extracted SS or missing...

I would prefer to enclose the commands within a single redirect. (the only issue is in escaping the internal closing parentheses using the standard circumflex character). To escape a single percent character you use another percent character, so for two to be echoed you'll need four.
>>"%USERPROFILE%\Documents\%Site%\SS_Update.bat" (
ECHO FOR /R "%Tempfolder%" %%%%A IN (*.zip^) DO SET "sszip=%%%%~nxA"
ECHO FOR /R "%Tempfolder%" %%%%A IN (*.zip^) DO SET "tempfile=%%%%~dpnxA"
ECHO FOR /F %%%%I IN (%currentss%^) DO SET "date1=%%%%~tI"
ECHO FOR /F %%%%I IN (%extractedss%^) DO SET "date2=%%%%~tI"
ECHO FOR /F %%%%I IN ('DIR/B/OD %currentss% %extractedss%'^) DO (
ECHO ECHO Current SS is older than the Extracted SS or missing...^)


Write variable in quotes to output file

(for %%f in (%zipfiles%) do (
<nul set /p ="%%f",
certutil -hashfile "%%f" SHA256|find /v ":" || echo empty file
))> "C:\Location\Report\ListOfFiles.csv"
the "%%f" does not work, neither %%"f" nor "/p =%%f",
What I want is the filename in quotes:
SETLOCAL EnableExtensions
set "zipfiles=*.zip"
(for %%f in (%zipfiles%) do (
<nul set /p =""%%f","
certutil -hashfile "%%f" SHA256|find /v ":" || echo empty file
Here in <nul set /p =""%%f",":
outer double quotes used to escape the comma as well as inner double quotes so that
inner double quotes and the comma are copied to the output stream.
set "zipfiles=file*"
(for %%f in (%zipfiles%) do (
if %%~zf==0 (echo "%%~ff",empty file
) else for /f "delims=" %%a in ('certutil -hashfile "%%f" SHA256^|find /v ":"') do echo "%%~ff",%%a
))> "u:\ListOfFiles.csv"
Simple enough - no tricks. I tried with files named filename* on my machine. Simply use %%~zf for zero-length files to produce that name and otherwise select only the non-:-containing lines for certutil output to build the other lines; ^ used to escape the pipe so the certutil output is filtered.
destination filename also changed to suit my system.

Variable not Echoing in For Loop

I am trying to get the file names using a batch file from a folder but it just doesn't work.
I followed guidelines from here but for some reason this isn't returning anything at all when it should!
FOR /F "tokens=*" %%G IN ('dir /b C:\Users\Desktop\UPD\*.txt') DO SET result=%%G
I also tried:
FOR /F "tokens=*" %%G IN (dir /b C:\Users\Desktop\UPD\*.txt') DO SET _result=%%~G
echo %_result% >> %~dp0Outputfile.txt
What I get is:
ECHO is on.
Here is what I did so far now:
IF EXIST C:\Users\Nathanael\Desktop\UPD\*.txt (
echo file found >> %~dp0Outputfile.txt
chDIR C:\Users\Nathanael\Desktop\UPD\
dir *.txt /b >> %~dp0Outputfile.txt
FOR /F "tokens=*" %%G IN ('dir /b C:\Users\Nathanael\Desktop\UPD\*.txt') DO SET result=%%G
echo %result% >> %~dp0Outputfile.txt
The output is:
file found
ECHO is on.
If the for /f returns multiple files the last one will overwrite the previous in the set
The way cmd.exe parses (code blocks) requires delayed expansion when a var is set and used inside the same code block as is the case with your if exist
So either avoid the code block with reversed logic
IF NOT EXIST "C:\Users\Nathanael\Desktop\UPD\*.txt" Goto :Eof or other label
Or (always indent code blocks to better keep track) :
Setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
IF EXIST "C:\Users\Nathanael\Desktop\UPD\*.txt" (
echo file found >> %~dp0Outputfile.txt
chDIR "C:\Users\Nathanael\Desktop\UPD\"
dir "*.txt" /b >> %~dp0Outputfile.txt
FOR /F "tokens=*" %%G IN ('dir /b C:\Users\Nathanael\Desktop\UPD\*.txt') DO SET result=%%G
echo(!result! >> %~dp0Outputfile.txt
It's a good habit to always enclose pathes in double quotes
to avoid echo is off messages use an other command separator than a space if the var is possibly empty (I used a ( here
FOR /F "tokens=*" %%G IN ('dir /b C:\Users\Desktop\UPD*.txt') DO SET result=%%G
Make sure that the path is correct (for example, perhaps it should be c:\Users\YourName\Desktop\UPD*.txt where YourName is the user name)?

Batch file to rename text files within directory with text from within text file at specific line except if line blank

#Echo off&SetLocal EnableExtensions EnableDelayedExpansion
cd "C:\Documents and Settings\John\Desktop\New\Interest\f2"
Pushd "C:\Documents and Settings\John\Desktop\New\Interest\f2"
Set Line#=26
Set /A LOfs=24 -1, Len=34 - LOfs
For %%A in (*.txt) do For /F "tokens=1* delims=:" %%B in (
'Findstr /N ".*" "%%A" ^|Findstr "^%Line#%:"'
) do if %errorlevel% == 0 Set "Line=%%C"&Ren "%%~fA" "!Line:~%LOfs%,%Len%! - %%A!""
In the above I am trying to change the filename of files in a directory with text in it at a certain position.
If line 26 is blank do nothing and do not change filename.
I have gone wrong somewhere and am going round in circles.
Can anyone help?
Thank you.
You don't state how your script fails, but I can see some potential problems. I also see possible simplifications.
You certainly don't need both CD and PUSHD
I got rid of the numeric variables and included the number literals in the actual code. You can revert back to variables if you want.
You don't need the outer FOR loop. FINDSTR can search multiple files when using wildcards in the file name, and then it will include the filename, followed by : in the output. So if you add the /N option, output will have the form filename:line#:text. You can then adjust the 2nd FINDSTR to return only the correct line numbers.
It is not enough to ignore blank lines. Your rename only works if there is at least one valid file name character after the 23rd character. Filenames cannot include :, *, ?, /, \, <, >, or |. (I may have missed some). I adjusted the FOR /F delims and the FINDSTR search to compensate.
FOR variable expansion like %%A will corrupt values if they contain ! and delayed expansion is enabled. ! is a valid character in file names. So the delayed expansion must be toggled on and off within the loop.
I believe the following will do what you want. The code below will simply echo the rename commands. Remove the ECHO before the ren once it gives the correct results.
#echo off
setlocal disableDelayedExpansion
pushd "C:\Documents and Settings\John\Desktop\New\Interest\f2"
for /f "tokens=1,3 delims=:*?\/<>|" %%A in (
'findstr /n "^" "*.txt" ^| findstr "^[^:]*:26:.......................[^:*?\\/<>|]"'
) do (
set "old=%%A"
set "line=%%B"
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
ECHO ren "!old!" "!line:~23,11! - !old!"
An slightly different method to Daves:
#Echo Off
Set "SrcDir=%UserProfile%\Desktop\New\Interest\f2"
Set "Mask=*.txt"
Set "Line#=26"
Set "LOfs=23"
Set "Len=11"
If /I Not "%CD%"=="%SrcDir%" Pushd "%SrcDir%"2>Nul&&(Set _=T)||Exit/B
For /F "Tokens=1-2* Delims=:" %%A In ('FindStr/N "^" "%Mask%" 2^>Nul'
) Do If "%%B"=="%Line#%" If Not "%%~C"=="" (Set "Line=%%C"
SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
If Not "!Line:~%LOfs%,%Len%!"=="" (
If Not Exist "!Line:~%LOfs%,%Len%! - %%A" (
Ren "%%A" "!Line:~%LOfs%,%Len%! - %%A"))
If "_"=="T" PopD
This method don't require findstr.exe nor toggle setlocal/endlocal, so it should run faster. Also, it avoids to re-process any already renamed file changing the plain for %%A by a for /F combined with dir command.
#Echo off
SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
cd "C:\Documents and Settings\John\Desktop\New\Interest\f2"
Set /A Line#=26, LOfs=24 -1, Len=34 - LOfs
For /F "delims=" %%A in ('dir /A-D /B *.txt') do (
rem Read the desired line from this file
(for /L %%i in (1,1,%Line#%) do set "Line=" & set /P "Line=") < "%%A"
if defined Line ECHO Ren "%%~fA" "!Line:~%LOfs%,%Len%! - %%A"
Note also that when this Batch file ends the current directory is automatically recovered to the current one when setlocal command was executed, so pushd/popd commands are not needed either.

Issue with environment variable in batch script

So, I have probably a simple question but I cannot seem to find an easy answer.
Issue: I have a file that contains a set of lines such as:
and so forth...
What I am trying to do is echo the actual file path to a second file such that the resulting output would be something like:
and so forth...
The actual source file could have other variables such as %programfiles% but all of them have a resulting actual path.
I am currently using a for /f loop but when I echo the variable, I just get the environment variable returned rather than the actual path to the file.
Is there a solution out there for batch scripting?
The actual script is below. Note I am all for making this more efficient as time to get the information is important.
#echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
reg.exe query "HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services" >> registry_hklm_installed_services_tmp.txt 2>nul
reg.exe query "HKLM\System\ControlSet001\Services" >> registry_hklm_installed_services_tmp.txt 2>nul
reg.exe query "HKLM\System\ControlSet002\Services" >> %temp_outpath%\registry_hklm_installed_services_tmp.txt 2>nul
reg.exe query "HKLM\System\ControlSet002\Services" >> registry_hklm_installed_services_tmp.txt 2>nul
for /f "delims=?" %%a in (registry_hklm_installed_services_tmp.txt) do (
set regkey=%%a
call :getvalue
goto :parsereg
reg.exe query "!regkey!\Parameters" /v ServiceDll > nul 2>&1 && goto regkeyexist
goto :eof
for /f "tokens=2*" %%b in ('reg.exe query "!regkey!\Parameters" /v ServiceDll') do set ImagePath=%%c
call :regag
goto :eof
echo !ImagePath! >> registry_hklm_installed_services_tmp2.txt
goto :eof
for /f "delims=?" %%a in (registry_hklm_installed_services_tmp2.txt) do echo %%a >> registry_hklm_installed_services_tmp3.txt
You can use the for /f command to cycle through the lines in the file like you are doing, and pass the line from the file to a subroutine inside the batch file, which will resolve it while it is being passed. Give the following:
This batch file will resolve the environment variables:
#echo off
for /f "delims=" %%i in (Test.txt) do call :Expand "%%i"
goto TheEnd
set _var=%1
echo !_var:"=!
This is how the output looks when you run it:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Test2.txt
You can redirect the result to a new text file like this:
Test.bat > NewFile.txt
Or you can modify the original Test.bat to output the modified filename under Expand instead of echoing it to the console. It is important to include the quotes around %%i ("%%i") or spaces in the resolved paths will break into multiple variables when calling Expand (e.g., %1, %2, %3, etc.). The !_var:"=! removes the quotes.
This will also expand the variables.
#echo off
for /f "delims=" %%a in (Test.txt) do call echo %%a
FOR /f "delims=" %%a IN (q22726616.txt) DO (
FOR /f "delims=" %%b IN ('echo %%a') DO (
ECHO %%b
I used a file named q22726616.txt containing your data for my testing.
[fixed following response - %%b line]

Batch - Combining Two Pieces of Text on One Line in a Loop

I'm trying to work up a batch file to combine two pieces of text on one line. The first is the filename; the second is the first line of text beginning with "To: ". I have been struggling for hours and this is as far as I've gotten:
#echo off
IF EXIST fullnames.txt DEL fullnames.txt
FOR /F %%g IN ('dir /b *.eml') DO (
SET filename=%~f1
SET toline=FINDSTR /B /C "To: "
ECHO %FILENAME%%TOLINE% >> fullnames.txt
and it doesn't work. I am getting errors or incorrect results almost regardless of what I put down for the filename line; haven't even begun to test the toline part. Any suggestions?
You already used FOR /F to capture the output of the DIR command. Capturing the output of FINDSTR is no different.
However, it is more efficient to use a simple FOR in place of the FOR /F with the DIR command.
You used %~f1 when I think you intended %%~fg.
You cannot expand a variable set within parentheses using %var%, you must use !var! delayed expansion instead. Type SET /? from the command line for more information - read the section starting with "Finally, support for delayed environment variable expansion has been
However, in your case, you can easily avoid using delayed expansion (not that it is a problem).
Instead of deleting any existing "fullnames.txt" and then appending output to it, it is more efficient to enclose the entire construct within parentheses and redirect all output to the file using the over-write mode.
#echo off
for %%F in (*.eml) do (
for "delims=" %%A in ('findstr /b /c:"To: " "%%F"') do echo %%F %%A
) >fullnames.txt
But the above solution, simple as it is, is much more complicated than it needs to be.
FINDSTR can process multiple files specified with wildcards, and it will prefix each matching line with the filename followed by a colon.
You can get your results simply from the command line without even using a batch file (or you could put this in a batch file):
findstr /b /c:"To: " *.eml >fullnames.txt
If you are concerned that a file might contain multiple lines starting with "To: ", and you only want to use the first line, then it is back to using a batch file:
#echo off
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
set "prevFile="
for /f "tokens=1* delims=:" %%A in ('findstr /b /c:"To: " *.eml') do (
if "%%A" neq "!prevFile!" echo %%A: %%B
set "prevFile=%%A"
) >fullnames.txt
The above solution could fail if a filename contains !. Also, a path could be used with *.eml as long as the path does not contain a drive letter. Both the drive and ! issues can be resolved with additional modifications.
#echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
if exist fullnames.txt del fullnames.txt
for %%f in (*.eml) do (
set toline=
for /F "delims=" %%l in ('findstr /B /C:"To: " "%%f"') do (
if not defined toline set "toline=%%l"
echo %%f!toline! >> fullnames.txt
EDIT: Simpler method added
The set toline= command delete 'toline' variable before each file is processed, so just the first "To: " matching line found is assigned to it and later shown using Delayed Expansion. However, this process may be achieved in a simpler way that doesn't require Delayed Expansion, as dbenham suggested:
#echo off
if exist fullnames.txt del fullnames.txt
for %%f in (*.eml) do (
set firstFind=
for /F "delims=" %%l in ('findstr /B /C:"To: " "%%f"') do (
if not defined firstFind set firstFind=now & echo %%f%%l >> fullnames.txt
You can't assign and use environment variables inside a for loop. Use delayed variable expansion or call a subroutine.
Delayed would look something like this
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
#echo off
IF EXIST fullnames.txt DEL fullnames.txt
FOR /F %%g IN ('dir /b *.eml') DO (
SET filename=%~f1
SET toline=FINDSTR /B /C "To: "
ECHO !FILENAME!!TOLINE! >> fullnames.txt
However, that doesn't look like it would work correctly anyway. I would do it like this
FOR /F %%g IN ('dir /b *.eml') DO call :process %%g
goto :eof
SET filename=%~f1
SET toline=FINDSTR /B /C "To: "
ECHO %FILENAME%%TOLINE% >> fullnames.txt
