How to understand linear partitioning in dynamic programming - arrays

a couple days ago I learned about linear partitioning problem, here is my code for it, is this code right and I don't understand the formula behind it, why is it like that, if you are able please explain me why the formula works.
for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) {
int dp[n+1][k+1];
for(int i=0;i<=n;i++) {
for(int j=0;j<=k;j++) {
for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) {
for(int i=1;i<=k;i++) {
for(int i=2;i<=n;i++) {
for(int j=2;j<=k;j++) {
for(int x=1;x<i;x++) {
int s=max(dp[x][j-1], rsq[i]-rsq[x]);
if(dp[i][j]>s) dp[i][j]=s;
Thanks in advance.

Following this explanation, apparently the semantics of the state space dp as follows; apparently arr contains the sizes of the items to process and rsq contains the partial sums needed below to circumvent their recalculation.
dp[i][j] = minimum possible cost over all partitions of
arr[1],...arr[i] into j ranges
where i in {1,...,n} and j in {1,...k} or positive
infinity if such a partition does not exist
Apparently in the implementation 987654321 is used to model the value of positive infinity. Note that in the explanation, the axes of the state space are exchanged compared to the implementation in the original question. Based on this definition, we obtain the following recurrence relation for the values of the states.
dp[i,j] = min{ max{ dp[i-1,j'], sum_{i'=j'+1}^{n} arr[i']} : j' in {1,...,j} }
In the implementation, the sum above is precalculated in rsq. The recurrence relation can be interpreted as follows. Given all values of dp[i-1][*] for some specific value of i (which means that all cost values for items 1 up to i-1 are known), all values dp[i][*] (for items 1 up to i) can be obtained by taking all items from j'+1 to n' (j' ranges from j to j, all possibilies are considered) and summing up the remainig items (which then consitute a partition); for the optimal partition of the first items, the precalculated value is used. The maximum of these values is the cost of the choice.
Intuitively, this can be seen as partitioning the items arr[1],...,arr[n] at an arbitrary split point. The items to the right are considered as one partition (the cost of which is the sum of their members, as they are placed together into one partition), the items to the left are recursively partitioned optimally into one partition less. The dynamic programming algorithm (besides the precalculation of the partial sums) initializes some base cases which corrspond to placing every item in a single partition and organizes the order of evaluation of the states in such a way that all values needed for the next larger value j of the second axis are always calculated when needed.


Given an array of integers of size n+1 consisting of the elements [1,n]. All elements are unique except one which is duplicated k times

I have been attempting to solve the following problem:
You are given an array of n+1 integers where all the elements lies in [1,n]. You are also given that one of the elements is duplicated a certain number of times, whilst the others are distinct. Develop an algorithm to find both the duplicated number and the number of times it is duplicated.
Here is my solution where I let k = number of duplications:
struct LatticePoint{ // to hold duplicate and k
int a;
int b;
LatticePoint(int a_, int b_) : a(a_), b(b_) {}
LatticePoint findDuplicateAndK(const std::vector<int>& A){
int n = A.size() - 1;
std::vector<int> Numbers (n);
for(int i = 0; i < n + 1; ++i){
++Numbers[A[i] - 1]; // A[i] in range [1,n] so no out-of-access
int i = 0;
while(i < n){
if(Numbers[i] > 1) {
int duplicate = i + 1;
int k = Numbers[i] - 1;
LatticePoint result{duplicate, k};
return LatticePoint;
So, the basic idea is this: we go along the array and each time we see the number A[i] we increment the value of Numbers[A[i]]. Since only the duplicate appears more than once, the index of the entry of Numbers with value greater than 1 must be the duplicate number with the value of the entry the number of duplications - 1. This algorithm of O(n) in time complexity and O(n) in space.
I was wondering if someone had a solution that is better in time and/or space? (or indeed if there are any errors in my solution...)
You can reduce the scratch space to n bits instead of n ints, provided you either have or are willing to write a bitset with run-time specified size (see boost::dynamic_bitset).
You don't need to collect duplicate counts until you know which element is duplicated, and then you only need to keep that count. So all you need to track is whether you have previously seen the value (hence, n bits). Once you find the duplicated value, set count to 2 and run through the rest of the vector, incrementing count each time you hit an instance of the value. (You initialise count to 2, since by the time you get there, you will have seen exactly two of them.)
That's still O(n) space, but the constant factor is a lot smaller.
The idea of your code works.
But, thanks to the n+1 elements, we can achieve other tradeoffs of time and space.
If we have some number of buckets we're dividing numbers between, putting n+1 numbers in means that some bucket has to wind up with more than expected. This is a variant on the well-known pigeonhole principle.
So we use 2 buckets, one for the range 1..floor(n/2) and one for floor(n/2)+1..n. After one pass through the array, we know which half the answer is in. We then divide that half into halves, make another pass, and so on. This leads to a binary search which will get the answer with O(1) data, and with ceil(log_2(n)) passes, each taking time O(n). Therefore we get the answer in time O(n log(n)).
Now we don't need to use 2 buckets. If we used 3, we'd take ceil(log_3(n)) passes. So as we increased the fixed number of buckets, we take more space and save time. Are there other tradeoffs?
Well you showed how to do it in 1 pass with n buckets. How many buckets do you need to do it in 2 passes? The answer turns out to be at least sqrt(n) bucekts. And 3 passes is possible with the cube root. And so on.
So you get a whole family of tradeoffs where the more buckets you have, the more space you need, but the fewer passes. And your solution is merely at the extreme end, taking the most spaces and the least time.
Here's a cheekier algorithm, which requires only constant space but rearranges the input vector. (It only reorders; all the original elements are still present at the end.)
It's still O(n) time, although that might not be completely obvious.
The idea is to try to rearrange the array so that A[i] is i, until we find the duplicate. The duplicate will show up when we try to put an element at the right index and it turns out that that index already holds that element. With that, we've found the duplicate; we have a value we want to move to A[j] but the same value is already at A[j]. We then scan through the rest of the array, incrementing the count every time we find another instance.
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
std::pair<int, int> count_dup(std::vector<int> A) {
/* Try to put each element in its "home" position (that is,
* where the value is the same as the index). Since the
* values start at 1, A[0] isn't home to anyone, so we start
* the loop at 1.
int n = A.size();
for (int i = 1; i < n; ++i) {
while (A[i] != i) {
int j = A[i];
if (A[j] == j) {
/* j is the duplicate. Now we need to count them.
* We have one at i. There's one at j, too, but we only
* need to add it if we're not going to run into it in
* the scan. And there might be one at position 0. After that,
* we just scan through the rest of the array.
int count = 1;
if (A[0] == j) ++count;
if (j < i) ++count;
for (++i; i < n; ++i) {
if (A[i] == j) ++count;
return std::make_pair(j, count);
/* This swap can only happen once per element. */
std::swap(A[i], A[j]);
/* If we get here, every element from 1 to n is at home.
* So the duplicate must be A[0], and the duplicate count
* must be 2.
return std::make_pair(A[0], 2);
A parallel solution with O(1) complexity is possible.
Introduce an array of atomic booleans and two atomic integers called duplicate and count. First set count to 1. Then access the array in parallel at the index positions of the numbers and perform a test-and-set operation on the boolean. If a boolean is set already, assign the number to duplicate and increment count.
This solution may not always perform better than the suggested sequential alternatives. Certainly not if all numbers are duplicates. Still, it has constant complexity in theory. Or maybe linear complexity in the number of duplicates. I am not quite sure. However, it should perform well when using many cores and especially if the test-and-set and increment operations are lock-free.

Best (fastest) way to find the number most frequently entered in C?

Well, I think the title basically explains my doubt. I will have n numbers to read, this n numbers go from 1 to x, where x is at most 105. What is the fastest (less possible time to run it) way to find out which number were inserted more times? That knowing that the number that appears most times appears more than half of the times.
What I've tried so far:
//for (1<=x<=10⁵)
int v[100000+1];
//multiple instances , ends when n = 0
while (scanf("%d", &n)&&n>0) {
for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
scanf("%d", &x);
if (v[x]>n/2)
printf("%d\n", x);
Zero-filling a array of x positions and increasing the position vector[x] and at the same time verifying if vector[x] is greater than n/2 it's not fast enough.
Any idea might help, thank you.
Observation: No need to care about amount of memory used.
The trivial solution of keeping a counter array is O(n) and you obviously can't get better than that. The fight is then about the constants and this is where a lot of details will play the game, including exactly what are the values of n and x, what kind of processor, what kind of architecture and so on.
On the other side this seems really the "knockout" problem, but that algorithm will need two passes over the data and an extra conditional, thus in practical terms in the computers I know it will be most probably slower than the array of counters solutions for a lot of n and x values.
The good point of the knockout solution is that you don't need to put a limit x on the values and you don't need any extra memory.
If you know already that there is a value with the absolute majority (and you simply need to find what is this value) then this could make it (but there are two conditionals in the inner loop):
initialize count = 0
loop over all elements
if count is 0 then set champion = element and count = 1
else if element != champion decrement count
else increment count
at the end of the loop your champion will be the value with the absolute majority of elements, if such a value is present.
But as said before I'd expect a trivial
for (int i=0,n=size; i<n; i++) {
if (++count[x[i]] > half) return x[i];
to be faster.
After your edit seems you're really looking for the knockout algorithm, but caring about speed that's probably still the wrong question with modern computers (100000 elements is nothing even for a nail-sized single chip today).
I think you can create a max heap for the count of number you read,and use heap sort to find all the count which greater than n/2

Need idea for solving this algorithm puzzle

I've came across some similar problems to this one in the past, and I still haven't got good idea how to solve this problem. Problem goes like this:
You are given an positive integer array with size n <= 1000 and k <= n which is the number of contiguous subarrays that you will have to split your array into. You have to output minimum m, where m = max{s[1],..., s[k]}, and s[i] is the sum of the i-th subarray. All integers in the array are between 1 and 100. Example :
Input: Output:
5 3 >> n = 5 k = 3 3
2 1 1 2 3
Splitting array into 2+1 | 1+2 | 3 will minimize the m.
My brute force idea was to make first subarray end at position i (for all possible i) and then try to split the rest of the array in k-1 subarrays in the best way possible. However, this is exponential solution and will never work.
So I'm looking for good ideas to solve it. If you have one please tell me.
Thanks for your help.
You can use dynamic programming to solve this problem, but you can actually solve with greedy and binary search on the answer. This algorithm's complexity is O(n log d), where d is the output answer. (An upper bound would be the sum of all the elements in the array.) (or O( n d ) in the size of the output bits)
The idea is to binary search on what your m would be - and then greedily move forward on the array, adding the current element to the partition unless adding the current element pushes it over the current m -- in that case you start a new partition. The current m is a success (and thus adjust your upper bound) if the numbers of partition used is less than or equal to your given input k. Otherwise, you used too many partitions, and raise your lower bound on m.
Some pseudocode:
// binary search
binary_search ( array, N, k ) {
lower = max( array ), upper = sum( array )
while lower < upper {
mid = ( lower + upper ) / 2
// if the greedy is good
if partitions( array, mid ) <= k
upper = mid
lower = mid
partitions( array, m ) {
count = 0
running_sum = 0
for x in array {
if running_sum + x > m
running_sum = 0
running_sum += x
if running_sum > 0
return count
This should be easier to come up with conceptually. Also note that because of the monotonic nature of the partitions function, you can actually skip the binary search and do a linear search, if you are sure that the output d is not too big:
for i = 0 to infinity
if partitions( array, i ) <= k
return i
Dynamic programming. Make an array
int best[k+1][n+1];
where best[i][j] is the best you can achieve splitting the first j elements of the array int i subarrays. best[1][j] is simply the sum of the first j array elements. Having row i, you calculate row i+1 as follows:
for(j = i+1; j <= n; ++j){
temp = min(best[i][i], arraysum[i+1 .. j]);
for(h = i+1; h < j; ++h){
if (min(best[i][h], arraysum[h+1 .. j]) < temp){
temp = min(best[i][h], arraysum[h+1 .. j]);
best[i+1][j] = temp;
best[m][n] will contain the solution. The algorithm is O(n^2*k), probably something better is possible.
Edit: a combination of the ideas of ChingPing, toto2, Coffee on Mars and rds (in the order they appear as I currently see this page).
Set A = ceiling(sum/k). This is a lower bound for the minimum. To find a good upper bound for the minimum, create a good partition by any of the mentioned methods, moving borders until you don't find any simple move that still decreases the maximum subsum. That gives you an upper bound B, not much larger than the lower bound (if it were much larger, you'd find an easy improvement by moving a border, I think).
Now proceed with ChingPing's algorithm, with the known upper bound reducing the number of possible branches. This last phase is O((B-A)*n), finding B unknown, but I guess better than O(n^2).
I have a sucky branch and bound algorithm ( please dont downvote me )
First take the sum of array and dvide by k, which gives you the best case bound for you answer i.e. the average A. Also we will keep a best solution seen so far for any branch GO ( global optimal ).Lets consider we put a divider( logical ) as a partition unit after some array element and we have to put k-1 partitions. Now we will put the partitions greedily this way,
Traverse the array elements summing them up until you see that at the next position we will exceed A, now make two branches one where you put the divider at this position and other where you put at next position, Do this recursiely and set GO = min (GO, answer for a branch ).
If at any point in any branch we have a partition greater then GO or the no of position are less then the partitions left to be put we bound. In the end you should have GO as you answer.
As suggested by Daniel, we could modify the divider placing strategy a little to place it until you reach sum of elements as A or the remaining positions left are less then the dividers.
This is just a sketch of an idea... I'm not sure that it works, but it's very easy (and probably fast too).
You start say by putting the separations evenly distributed (it does not actually matter how you start).
Make the sum of each subarray.
Find the subarray with the largest sum.
Look at the right and left neighbor subarrays and move the separation on the left by one if the subarray on the left has a lower sum than the one on the right (and vice-versa).
Redo for the subarray with the current largest sum.
You'll reach some situation where you'll keep bouncing the separation between the same two positions which will probably mean that you have the solution.
EDIT: see the comment by #rds. You'll have to think harder about bouncing solutions and the end condition.
My idea, which unfortunately does not work:
Split the array in N subarrays
Locate the two contiguous subarrays whose sum is the least
Merge the subarrays found in step 2 to form a new contiguous subarray
If the total number of subarrays is greater than k, iterate from step 2, else finish.
If your array has random numbers, you can hope that a partition where each subarray has n/k is a good starting point.
From there
Evaluate this candidate solution, by computing the sums
Store this candidate solution. For instance with:
an array of the indexes of every sub-arrays
the corresponding maximum of sum over sub-arrays
Reduce the size of the max sub-array: create two new candidates: one with the sub-array starting at index+1 ; one with sub-array ending at index-1
Evaluate the new candidates.
If their maximum is higher, discard
If their maximum is lower, iterate on 2, except if this candidate was already evaluated, in which case it is the solution.

What is the bug in this code?

Based on a this logic given as an answer on SO to a different(similar) question, to remove repeated numbers in a array in O(N) time complexity, I implemented that logic in C, as shown below. But the result of my code does not return unique numbers. I tried debugging but could not get the logic behind it to fix this.
int remove_repeat(int *a, int n)
int i, k;
k = 0;
for (i = 1; i < n; i++)
if (a[k] != a[i])
a[k+1] = a[i];
return (k+1);
int a[] = {1, 4, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 1, 5};
int n;
int i;
n = remove_repeat(a, 9);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
printf("a[%d] = %d\n", i, a[i]);
1] What is incorrect in above code to remove duplicates.
2] Any other O(N) or O(NlogN) solution for this problem. Its logic?
Heap sort in O(n log n) time.
Iterate through in O(n) time replacing repeating elements with a sentinel value (such as INT_MAX).
Heap sort again in O(n log n) to distil out the repeating elements.
Still bounded by O(n log n).
Your code only checks whether an item in the array is the same as its immediate predecessor.
If your array starts out sorted, that will work, because all instances of a particular number will be contiguous.
If your array isn't sorted to start with, that won't work because instances of a particular number may not be contiguous, so you have to look through all the preceding numbers to determine whether one has been seen yet.
To do the job in O(N log N) time, you can sort the array, then use the logic you already have to remove duplicates from the sorted array. Obviously enough, this is only useful if you're all right with rearranging the numbers.
If you want to retain the original order, you can use something like a hash table or bit set to track whether a number has been seen yet or not, and only copy each number to the output when/if it has not yet been seen. To do this, we change your current:
if (a[k] != a[i])
a[k+1] = a[i];
to something like:
if (!hash_find(hash_table, a[i])) {
hash_insert(hash_table, a[i]);
a[k+1] = a[i];
If your numbers all fall within fairly narrow bounds or you expect the values to be dense (i.e., most values are present) you might want to use a bit-set instead of a hash table. This would be just an array of bits, set to zero or one to indicate whether a particular number has been seen yet.
On the other hand, if you're more concerned with the upper bound on complexity than the average case, you could use a balanced tree-based collection instead of a hash table. This will typically use more memory and run more slowly, but its expected complexity and worst case complexity are essentially identical (O(N log N)). A typical hash table degenerates from constant complexity to linear complexity in the worst case, which will change your overall complexity from O(N) to O(N2).
Your code would appear to require that the input is sorted. With unsorted inputs as you are testing with, your code will not remove all duplicates (only adjacent ones).
You are able to get O(N) solution if the number of integers is known up front and smaller than the amount of memory you have :). Make one pass to determine the unique integers you have using auxillary storage, then another to output the unique values.
Code below is in Java, but hopefully you get the idea.
int[] removeRepeats(int[] a) {
// Assume these are the integers between 0 and 1000
Boolean[] v = new Boolean[1000]; // A lazy way of getting a tri-state var (false, true, null)
for (int i=0;i<a.length;++i) {
v[a[i]] = Boolean.TRUE;
// v[i] = null => number not seen
// v[i] = true => number seen
int[] out = new int[a.length];
int ptr = 0;
for (int i=0;i<a.length;++i) {
if (v[a[i]] != null && v[a[i]].equals(Boolean.TRUE)) {
out[ptr++] = a[i];
v[a[i]] = Boolean.FALSE;
// Out now doesn't contain duplicates, order is preserved and ptr represents how
// many elements are set.
return out;
You are going to need two loops, one to go through the source and one to check each item in the destination array.
You are not going to get O(N).
The article you linked to suggests a sorted output array which means the search for duplicates in the output array can be a binary search...which is O(LogN).
Your logic just wrong, so the code is wrong too. Do your logic by yourself before coding it.
I suggest a O(NlnN) way with a modification of heapsort.
With heapsort, we join from a[i] to a[n], find the minimum and replace it with a[i], right?
So now is the modification, if the minimum is the same with a[i-1] then swap minimum and a[n], reduce your array item's number by 1.
It should do the trick in O(NlnN) way.
Your code will work only on particular cases. Clearly, you're checking adjacent values but duplicate values can occur any where in array. Hence, it's totally wrong.

Calculate efficiently the minimum over each group and sub-group

Imagine that we have drawn a random sample y1, y2, ...,yn from some population, so double y[] and int n are known. And there are groups in our population but we do not know exactly which observation is allocated on a particular group. So to each yi we introduce an allocation variable zi that tells us from which group yi has been drawn. Now we assume that there are int k groups, so zi e {0, .., k-1} for all i. Now to make inferences for the groups I need to iterate my algorithm several number of times say 50,000 or 100,000. And at each iteration we will allocate probabilistically each observation to some group so my array of allocations int z[] will be changing. In this case to count the number of observations in each group and minimum is very easy;
int nj[k], yj_min[k];
/* initializing the variables at each iteration */
for(j=0; j<k; j++){
yj_min[j]=y[n]; /* y[] are ordered so y[n] is the maximum*/
for(i=0; i<n; i++){
nj[z[i]] = nj[z[i]] + 1;
if(yj_min[z[i]]) < y[z[i]]){
yj_min[z[i]] = y[z[i]];
but if we introduce a further allocation variable di for each observation yi that will indicate the sub-group from which yi has been sampled (as well sampled probabilistically). There are int m sub-groups, so di e {0, .., m-1}. Then (zi=j, di=s) indicates that the observation yi has been drawn from the group j and sub-group s.
How could I calculate EFFICIENTLY, as I have to do this at each iteration, the minimum yjs_min over {i:zi=j, di=s}? i.e. the minimum over yi such that zi=j and di=s with j=0, ..k-1 and s=0,..,m-1
It would be great to do something like
for(i=0; i<n; i++){
njs[z[i]][d[i]] = njs[z[i]][d[i]] + 1;
if(yjs_min[z[i]][d[i]]) < y[z[i]][d[i]]){
yjs_min[z[i]][d[i]] = y[z[i]][d[i]];
but obviously this is impossible!!! So please any ideas?
It looks like you're trying to do something like a Fisher exact test or a permutation test. If so, you might try using a statistics package like R, which is designed to do this kind of stuff, and is likely to have the most efficient algorithms built in already.
That aside, as I understand it, you are stratifying the sample into n subgroups (y), and then each of those subgroups into k sub-subgroups. You want to find the minimum element of each sub-subgroup.
One reasonably efficient solution is: create n*k unique identifiers, and a map that indicates which sub-subgroup each of them corresponds to. Then, randomly allocate these numbers, (using the same distribution) to your sample observations (like you were before). Use an efficient in-place sort (like quicksort with a properly selected pivot) to sort the sample by identifier, so that all elements with the same identifier are stored in a contiguous block of memory. This takes log-linear time, so it should be very quick.
Then you just need to walk through the array in order, and find the minimum element for each unique identifier. This should take linear time and n*k extra space.
Hope that helps.
