How can we use the dynamically upload images effectively and responsively in content management system like Drupal 7? - drupal-7

Need Solution for the following:
single image uploaded via cms to be used responsively without losing
clarity...and also bigger file size images being used in devices.
methods that can be done to improve faster loading of image files and overall site performance.

Have you tried using the picture module You need to set it up using breakpoints but it should be able to take care of both of your issues. The picture module creates variation of your image for different breakpoints.


What should I focus when migrating from a non-responsive reactjs website to responsive one

I have inherited a non-responsive website that was created using reactjs. It is a fairly large website, that uses fixed layout. I have been tasked with evaluating/measuring the risks/effort of making the current website responsive. As i see it, these are the different things that I need to evaluate/accomplish that will help me with my goal
Go from fixed layout to relative layout. This might include using a grid layout or something similar
Decide on the app's flow, look and feel on mobile vs desktop. By this I mean, how should the links look when viewed in a mobile phone (maybe a hamburger menu) vs links that are laid out flat in a desktop browser.
What does it take to make individual components that make up the website responsive using media queries.
My question is should I prioritize one over another for whatever reason? And am I missing anything else that I should be focussing on

Image not scaling correctly for each device screen

I am having problems with multi image in the new GUI builder. It doesn't scale as should with individual skin or device screen. Is there another way to add multi image to scale according to screen size in the code?
I got this done very well in the old GUI builder. This is preventing me from having my app update.
Open the designer and verify that the image is indeed a multi-image and that resolutions exist for all the right DPI's.
Look at the code and verify that the image is fetched using getImage(String) and isn't manipulated in any way.
Verify that you are using Label and not ScaleImageLabel or some similar class.
The Phoenix demo was created using the new GUI builder and uses a lot of multi-images.

How to reduce the jar size of a codename one app to stay under 50meg

My app is too large for the 50 meg limit so I am looking at some ways to significantly reduce the file size.
If I discard a dpi what happens when it runs on that dpi? I have some HUGE backgrounds making my app very bloated, I was wondering if I can remove them all but say the HD one and it would scale or would it be simply empty? Or would I need to change the background image scaling to make it do this?
Also CN1 seems to use png, can I use jpg for selected items to save space? Backgrounds that are 2.3 meg pngs could be 35k jpgs.. Even if I wrote a script that jpeged them after I press save in the gui designer, this could work I assume?
Any any further final tips for reducing the size of cn1 apps?
A 50mb app is not only big, but prone to be slow on devices (performance wise).
To reduce your App size tremendously, do the following:
All my answers are based on old GUI Builder
For background image, use a single image (not multi-image) and style the form UIID to use the image and type IMAGE_TO_FILL.
Avoid using png image whenever possible, CN1 supports jpg perfectly.
Don't use images for basic icons, use fonticon. Thousand of icons could be made 100kb and of high quality svg image that doesn't pixelate. I will explain at the end of this list how to create your custom fonticons.
Avoid using 9-piece border image where it's not really needed, try to use solid background color if it won't ruin your design.
Delete unused images, they also take a lot of space. On your GUI Builder.
Re-use UIIDs, instead of creating multiple similar UIIDs.
Migrate your GUI Builder forms to code, I posted a sample form Class to answer another question here and also talk about similar thing here.
Delete UIIDs you're not using and in most cases, copy and paste UUID of unselected style to selected, instead of creating similar.
Be Careful with this. Keep your GUI Builder open, make sure Xml team mode is checked under File, save the GUI Builder after deleting Unused Images, without closing the GUI Builder, go to your project folder -> res -> delete theme.xml and the theme folder inside res folder (The name might be different if you've renamed your theme.res file). Now go back to your app and save again. A fresh copy of your res files would be saved in the same folder.
Minimise the amount of background images you use, Modern good looking apps are simple plain background apps. E.g, Facebook, Twitter, Uber, AirBnB, BBC News App and many others. Unless your app is actually a game or necessarily require rich images that have to be static.
Watch this video about performance tuning, It's a bit old but still contains useful information
If your app is bigger than 20 mb on iOS and 5mb on android, you should be worried about it's performance.
Creating fonticons:
Go to and check the icons present, if there are icons you need that are not there...
Go to and search for it there, download it as svg and drag'n'drop the svg on fontello webpage. If the icon doesn't look as expected...
Go back to and download the image as black 512px png image and go to, convert the png to Monochrome svg file, this helps you to create a compound image that works well with fontello.
download the fonticon as zip on fontello and follow Shai's chat app example to use it. the zip contains demo html file to preview your icons and also a config.json that can be drag'n'drop on to continue where you stopped.

How to set a placeholder for a Image control (while it downloads)?

I have an app that show a list of images. The image source is set to a http URL, and the images are downloaded and display automatically.
However, while the app is taking time to download, the image control shows nothing. The user experience is not good this way.
How may I display a loading placeholder image, or a loading gauge, for each of the image control?
While an image is loading, it is drawn transparently. You can use this to your advantage to display an element underneath the image while it is loading. For example, you could have a stock image that is bundled with your XAP that represents a default avatar for example. Or you could display a XAML loading animation. Then when the image is finished loading, it will obscure the element behind it.
Mick's suggestion is a good one if you need to minimize your visual tree and if your scenario allows for a code solution. This suggestion is not perfect but it does make it easier to deal with the case where your placeholder image is unscaled/centered but the loaded image is scaled/stretched.
You could set the image source to your placeholder then when ImageOpened fires, change it to the remote url and let that run it's course.
In addition to the 2 other suggestions (from Josh & Mick) you could display a placeholder in the xaml and then, in code, download the actual desired image in the background using HttpWebRequest. Then when the image has fully downloaded save it to isolated storage and then update the source to the displayed image.
Yes this is more complex than the other solutions but would simplify the visual tree and avoid a blank image being displayed while the image is downloaded.
It would also give you offline caching of images too.
Interesting how many options there are for tackling this problem.
You might also like to consider Ben Gracewood's image caching implementation or what appears to be a development on that idea in his blog comments.
One-time Cached Images in Windows Phone 7 «
Peter Nowaks Mobile Blog - “Intelligent” Image Caching for WP 7
Some background on the discussion leading up to this here if it's of interest.
Image control cache duration?

Displaying PDF content within Silverlight

The requirement is below:
--> The version of Silverlight is 3.0
--> I don’t want to convert it to jpg, png etc. since I want end user to copy data from the displayed data.
--> I am currently using IFrame to display pdf but it has some problems like IFrame not supported consistently across different browsers.
--> I could not find any control (third party) that displays pdf with SL 3.0 Most of the controls that I came across are either for 4.0 or does conversion into some png kind of format which doesn’t allow user to copy data. If there is nothing that can be done from SL easily then I am ready to use 3rd party controls that are meant to work with SL 3.0 and allow end user to copy data.
--> I thought about reading data from pdf and displaying again over some control like text block but this would eventually become complicated for scenarios where I have to maintain formatting and displaying images etc.
Please suggest on this.
I think you gonna lose this one. I don't know of anything that renders PDF well in Silverlight 4 let alone Silverlight 3.
Whilst this comment "IFrame not supported consistently across different browsers" may be true IFrame is generally supported by the all major browsers.
Hence your best bet is to test and tweak your IFrame solution with these browsers.
Alternatively launch an independent browser window to display the PDF or let the users local system use whatever it has installed to display the PDF.
