Fos User Bundle for Symfony 3.2 does not support propel datastore anymore? - fosuserbundle

I've been running Symfony 2.3 and used FOS User Bundle a lot so I reused some of my config.yml configuration in a new project with Symfony 3.2.8. I just restored FOS User Bundle via composer and I am wondering why that vendor package is lacking the user class FOS\UserBundle\Propel\UserManager which was used in the older version. Also, I cannot specify 'propel' as the 'user_class' in config.yml.
I get the message:
'The driver "propel" is not supported. Please choose one of ["orm","mongodb","couchdb","custom"].
What should be done? Implement the Propel User Manager as a custom user class?
Thanks a lot for the info!

I've managed to solve it by setting driver to "orm" and using FOS\UserBundle\Propel\User.
db_driver: orm
user_class: FOS\UserBundle\Propel\User


How to save AbpEntityChanges data in database of the entity table?

I want to use entity change functionality and enabled it from .Application section
but it's not working.
When I download github repo and check in .NetCore EntityFramwork IEntityHistoryHelper class. but this using in commonDBContext but object not created.
Can you please explain how to resolve dependency or user IEntityHistoryHelper in application.
Your ABP Framework version.=
Your User Interface type (Angular/MVC/React... etc.) if the issue is related to a specific UI = MVC
Your database provider(EF Core/MongoDB)=EF Core

Agiletoolkit-bundle 4.3 installation

i want to try new atk4 4.3 version. I know its still in development, but my hands itch ;)
So i found this, and i thought this is good bundle to start with?
I cloned it and used ./, but i get this error:
Cloning failed using an ssh key for authentication, enter your GitHub credentials to access private repos
The credentials will be swapped for an OAuth token stored in C:/Users/wechta/AppData/Roaming/Composer/config.json, your password will not be stored
To revoke access to this token you can visit
But if i remove this lines from composer.json it gets to the end:
is this the right package to start playing with atk4 3.4, or what im doing wrong? im using all this stuff the first time on windows, so there is a lot of not knowing.. Thank for help!
The bundle is currently not fully available through GIT. If you do want to follow our internal development, then:
and click download. You can also check periodically:

Joomla Extension Komento Installation Not Creating Database Tables

I am trying to install a Joomla 3.0 plugin called Komento. When I go to Extensions->Extension Manager->Upload Package File and select the extension from the upload package file tab (for Joomla 2.5-3.0) it gives the error
An error has occurred.
SQL=SHOW FIELDS FROM `komento_activities`
The table komento_activities does not exist in my database. It appears as if it is trying to create it, but cannot. I do not see any errors in my logs. The extension website does not offer any troubleshooting for this problem.
Does anyone have any troubleshooting suggestions?
Have you contacted their customer support and send them a ticket on this? I have experience with them and they were very friendly and helpful.
It looks like Joomla is having permission issues creating the table on your site and you should definitely contact their customer support in their official page.

did I mess up with multiple certificates?

I'm quite confused :S
I m trying to add a certificate to my domain serverName. com.
I create a active directory sercer (DC) with ad.servername. com and cms.servername. com for Alfresco page.
and as far as I know, because it's alfresco bundle, it already has a tomcat with java and a Alfresco certificate configured (expire 2112).
then i generated my own .cer with microsoft certificate services with "servername. com" and imported to my java keystore (alfresco/java/jre/lib/security/cacert) expires 2014
later I decide to try a free trial third-party CA startssl. com and I generated for "servername. com" but they asked me to put an alternative, so I put and I also imported to my alfresco/java key store (expire 2013)
now, whenever I put https://servername:8443/myApp or https://cms.servername:8443 browser shows using Alfresco certificate. did I mess up with certificates or java or something is just selecting the older expiring date certificate to use?
Hi did you put the right certificates and keys etc. in the right directory?
Like alf_data/keystore and in the tomcat config the 8443 points to the alfresco keys.

First Hibernate project where to place addAnnotatedClass()

Hello all
I'm trying to build up my first Hibernate project for a Web app, but i'm having some issues
Trying to find out where to place the method:
AnnotationConfiguration config =
new AnnotationConfiguration();
i have some java beans decorated with annotations, shel i just insert it in the same class there the bean is?
Thank you
Ideally, you'd call this only if you are developing a standalone application. In a Java EE environment, you'd just define a persistence.xml file (or hibernate.cfg.xml) in your deployment archive and the container (like JBoss AS) would make a #PersistenceContext (EntityManager) available to you.
In a standalone application, you'd call this in your "Bootstrap" code. The one which sets up the environment.
In "non-Java EE" web applications (seriously, who still uses that?), you'd have to resort to some "hacks", like doing some initialization during context startup (so that you won't need to run this for all requests, as it's an expensive operation).
Partenon is right, you should bootstrap JPA with a persistence.xml.
The Stripes web framework it self does not offer any persistence services. But to make life easier there is an Stripersist extension that offers an out of the box session in view pattern (starts a transaction before the actionbean and does a roll back after the request is handled). Very good examples of how to use and configure Stripersist can be found in the book: Stripes: ...and Java web development is fun again
