I am trying to implement some RTOS threads on Arm MBED OS over a K64F board. I am parting from the RTOS examples and I have succesfully run and communicated different threads using Queues. I am having problems when copying char* values from one struct to another to get a message from one queue to another. I believe I am misunderstanding something and that my problem is related to pointers and memory handling but I am not able to get through it.
I have defined diferent queues to send data to various threads. I have also created a basic data structure containing everything I need to go among these threads. In this struct I have a char* variable (rHostAddr) containing the remote host address that requested a service.
MemoryPool<cMsg, 16> AMPool;
Queue<cMsg, 16> AMQueue;
MemoryPool<cMsg, 16> ioLedPool;
Queue<cMsg, 16> ioLedQueue;
typedef struct{
char* rHostAddr;
} cMsg;
In the Main Thread I am creating this data structure and putting it in the first queue (AMQueue).
--- Main Thread ---
cMsg *message = AMPool.alloc();
char* rcvaddrs = "";
message->rHostAddr = "";
rcvaddrs = (char*)addr.get_ip_address();
message->rHostAddr = rcvaddrs;
On the Thread 1 I wait for a message to arrive and on certain conditions I copy the whole structure to a new one created from the corresponding pool and insert it on a new queue (ioLedQueue).
--- Thread 1 ---
cMsg *msg;
cMsg *ledm = ioLedPool.alloc();
osEvent evt = AMQueue.get();
msg = (cMsg*)evt.value.p;
msg.rHostAddr = ledm.rHostAddr;
printf("\t -- Host 1 -- %s\n\r", ledm->rHostAddr);
On the Thread 2 I get the message structure and the data .
--- Thread 2 ---
cMsg *msg;
osEvent evt = ioLedQueue.get();
msg = (cMsg*)evt.value.p;
printf("\t -- Host 2 -- %s\n\r", msg->rHostAddr);
On this stage rHostAddr is empty. I can see the value on the printf "Host 1" but not in the "Host 2"
I believe (if I am not wrong) that the problem comes from assigning with = operand, as I am copying the address, not the value, and it is lost when first pool memory is freed. I have tried copying the value with memcpy, strcpy and even my own char by char but system hangs when calling this methods.
How can I copy the value through this queues?
I move it here as the correct answer was written as a comment. Converting the value to a array of chars was the way to go, so the string data is part of the struct.
char rHostAddr[40];
Now the assignation can be done with srtcpy method and it is passed through all the process correctly:
char* rcvaddrs = (char*)addr.get_ip_address();
Take a look at this solution from ARM mbed:
I would like to read (asynchronously) BLOCK_SIZE bytes of one file, and the BLOCK_SIZE bytes of the second file, printing what has been read to the buffer as soon as the respective buffer has been filled. Let me illustrate what I mean:
// in main()
int infile_fd = open(infile_name, O_RDONLY); // add error checking
int maskfile_fd = open(maskfile_name, O_RDONLY); // add error checking
char* buffer_infile = malloc(BLOCK_SIZE); // add error checking
char* buffer_maskfile = malloc(BLOCK_SIZE); // add error checking
struct aiocb cb_infile;
struct aiocb cb_maskfile;
// set AIO control blocks
memset(&cb_infile, 0, sizeof(struct aiocb));
cb_infile.aio_fildes = infile_fd;
cb_infile.aio_buf = buffer_infile;
cb_infile.aio_nbytes = BLOCK_SIZE;
cb_infile.aio_sigevent.sigev_notify = SIGEV_THREAD;
cb_infile.aio_sigevent.sigev_notify_function = print_buffer;
cb_infile.aio_sigevent.sigev_value.sival_ptr = buffer_infile;
memset(&cb_maskfile, 0, sizeof(struct aiocb));
cb_maskfile.aio_fildes = maskfile_fd;
cb_maskfile.aio_buf = buffer_maskfile;
cb_maskfile.aio_nbytes = BLOCK_SIZE;
cb_maskfile.aio_sigevent.sigev_notify = SIGEV_THREAD;
cb_maskfile.aio_sigevent.sigev_notify_function = print_buffer;
cb_maskfile.aio_sigevent.sigev_value.sival_ptr = buffer_maskfile;
and the print_buffer() function is defined as follows:
void print_buffer(union sigval sv)
printf("%s\n", __func__);
printf("buffer address: %p\n", sv.sival_ptr);
printf("buffer: %.128s\n", (char*)sv.sival_ptr);
By the end of the program I do the usual clean up, i.e.
// clean up
close(infile_fd); // add error checking
close(maskfile_fd); // add error checking
printf("buffer_inline freed\n");
printf("buffer_maskfile freed\n");
The problem is, every once in a while buffer_inline gets freed before print_buffer manages to print its contents to the console. In a usual case I would employ some kind of pthread_join() but as far as I know this is impossible since POSIX does not specify that sigev_notify_function must be implemented using threads, and besides, how would I get the TID of such thread to call pthread_join() on?
Don't do it this way, if you can avoid it. If you can, just let process termination take care of it all.
Otherwise, the answer indicated in Andrew Henle's comment above is right on. You need to be sure that no more sigev_notify_functions will improperly reference the buffers.
The easiest way to do this is simply to countdown the number of expected notifications before freeing the buffers.
Note: your SIGEV_THREAD function is executed in a separate thread, though not necessarily a new thread each time. (POSIX.1-2017 System Interfaces ยง2.4.2) Importantly, you are not meant to manage this thread's lifecycle: it is detached by default, with PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE explicitly noted as undefined behavior.
As an aside, I'd suggest never using SIGEV_THREAD in robust code. Per spec, the signal mask of the sigev_notify_function thread is implementation-defined. Yikes. For me, that makes it per se unreliable. In my view, SIGEV_SIGNAL and a dedicated signal-handling thread are much safer.
I have a working HTTP Apache-like web server implemented in C, and my problem is that I don't know how to initialize the queue (and therefore how to enqueue threads into it), mostly because I'm not sure how to check if there is a previous thread to join before proceeding with the current one.
The server can exploit pipeline requests to increase its response speed, using threads in a
more sophisticated way: the web server can generate a new thread for each request for a new
resource, and simultaneously prepare responses; however, since the resources must be returned
to the client in the same order in which the requests were received by the server (FIFO), it will
take a coordination phase between the various response threads.
This coordination phase is achieved by implementing a sort of "waiting room for the doctor"
in which each patient, when entering, asks who was the last to arrive, keeps track of it and
enters the doctor's office only when the person in front of him leaves. In this way, everyone has
a partial view of the queue (cares for only one person) but this partial view allows a correct
implementation of a FIFO queue.
Here is the description of what do I have to do:
Likewise, each new thread will have to store the identifier of the thread that handles the previous
request and wait for its termination using the system call pthread_join (). The first thread,
obviously, will not have to wait for anyone and the last thread will have to be waited by the main
thread that handles the requests on that connection before closing the connection itself and
returning to wait for new connection requests.
I am having trouble initializing properly the to_join data structure, mostly because I don't understand how to compute the index i of the thread to join.- how can I differenciate the first and last thread in an array of pointers?
Here is the code (I could only modify in between the TO BE DONE START and TO BE DONE END comments):
#include "incApache.h"
pthread_mutex_t accept_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
pthread_mutex_t mime_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
int client_sockets[MAX_CONNECTIONS]; /* for each connection, its socket FD */
int no_response_threads[MAX_CONNECTIONS]; /* for each connection, how many response threads */
pthread_t thread_ids[MAX_THREADS];
int connection_no[MAX_THREADS]; /* connection_no[i] >= 0 means that i-th thread belongs to connection connection_no[i] */
pthread_t *to_join[MAX_THREADS]; /* for each thread, the pointer to the previous (response) thread, if any */
int no_free_threads = MAX_THREADS - 2 * MAX_CONNECTIONS; /* each connection has one thread listening and one reserved for replies */
struct response_params thread_params[MAX_THREADS - MAX_CONNECTIONS]; /* params for the response threads (the first MAX_CONNECTIONS threads are waiting/parsing requests) */
pthread_mutex_t threads_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; /* protects the access to thread-related data structures */
pthread_t thread_ids[MAX_CONNECTIONS];
int connection_no[MAX_CONNECTIONS];
void *client_connection_thread(void *vp) {
int client_fd;
struct sockaddr_storage client_addr;
socklen_t addr_size;
int connection_no = *((int *) vp);
/*** properly initialize the thread queue to_join ***/
/*** TO BE DONE 3.1 START ***/
//to_join[0] = thread_ids[new_thread_idx];
//pthread_t *first; Am I perhaps supposed to initialize the to_join data structure as a queue with two pointers
//pthread_t *last; indicating the first and last element? How can I do it on an array of pointers?
/*** TO BE DONE 3.1 END ***/
for (;;) {
addr_size = sizeof(client_addr);
if ((client_fd = accept(listen_fd, (struct sockaddr *) &client_addr, &addr_size)) == -1)
fail_errno("Cannot accept client connection");
client_sockets[connection_no] = client_fd;
struct sockaddr_in *ipv4 = (struct sockaddr_in *) &client_addr;
printf("Accepted connection from %s\n", inet_ntop(AF_INET, &(ipv4->sin_addr), str, INET_ADDRSTRLEN));
, connection_no);
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
void send_resp_thread(int out_socket, int response_code, int cookie,
int is_http1_0, int connection_idx, int new_thread_idx,
char *filename, struct stat *stat_p)
struct response_params *params = thread_params + (new_thread_idx - MAX_CONNECTIONS);
debug(" ... send_resp_thread(): idx=%lu\n", (unsigned long)(params - thread_params));
params->code = response_code;
params->cookie = cookie;
params->is_http1_0 = is_http1_0;
params->filename = filename ? my_strdup(filename) : NULL;
params->p_stat = stat_p;
connection_no[new_thread_idx] = connection_idx;
debug(" ... send_resp_thread(): parameters set, conn_no=%d\n", connection_idx);
/*** enqueue the current thread in the "to_join" data structure ***/
/*** TO BE DONE 3.1 START ***/
//Again, should I use a standard enqueue implementation? But then how would I keep track of the last node ot arrive?
/*** TO BE DONE 3.1 END ***/
if (pthread_create(thread_ids + new_thread_idx, NULL, response_thread, connection_no + new_thread_idx))
fail_errno("Could not create response thread");
debug(" ... send_resp_thread(): new thread created\n");
void *response_thread(void *vp)
size_t thread_no = ((int *) vp) - connection_no;
int connection_idx = *((int *) vp);
debug(" ... response_thread() thread_no=%lu, conn_no=%d\n", (unsigned long) thread_no, connection_idx);
const size_t i = thread_no - MAX_CONNECTIONS;
debug(" ... response_thread() freeing filename and stat\n");
return NULL;
I am having trouble initializing properly the to_join data structure,
mostly because I don't understand how to compute the index i of the
thread to join.- how can I differenciate the first and last thread in
an array of pointers?
Assignment is different from initialization, and operating on one element is different from operating on the whole array. As far as I can determine, you're not actually to initialize to_join in that function (so the comment is misleading). Instead, you're only to assign an appropriate value to a single element.
That analysis follows from my interpretation of the names, scope, and documentation comments of the various global variables and from the name, signature, and initial lines of the function in question:
it appears that the various arrays hold data pertaining to multiple threads of multiple connections, as the role of one of the file-scope connection_no arrays is to associate threads with connections.
it appears that the function is meant to be the thread-start function for connection-associated threads.
no thread started at a time when any other connection-associated threads are running should do anything other than set data pertaining to itself, lest it clobber data on which other threads and connections rely.
Now, as for the actual question -- how do you determine which thread the new one should join? You can't. At least, not relying only on the template code presented in the question, unmodified.*
Hypothetically, if you could access the version of the connection_no array that associates threads with connections then you could use it to find the indexes of all threads associated with the current connection. You could then get their thread IDs from the corresponding thread_ids array (noting that there is another name collision here), and their join targets from the join_to array. The first thread for the connection is the one that does not join to another, and the last is the one that is not joined by any other. That analysis is not altogether straightforward, but there are no real tricks to it. Details are left as the exercise they are meant to be.
But even if the file-scope name collisions were resolved, you could not perform the above analysis because the file-scope connection_no array is shadowed by a local variable of the same name inside the whole area where you are permitted to insert code.*
Note also that you appear to need to choose a thread index for the new thread, which in general will not be 0. It looks like you need to scan the thread_ids or connection_no array to find an available index.
*Unless you cheat. I take the intent to be for you to insert code (only) into the body of the client_connection_thread function, but you could, in fact, split that function into two or more by inserting code into the designated area. If the second file-scope declarations of connection_no and thread_ids were assumed to be ignored or missing in practice, then splitting up the function could provide a workaround for the shadowing issue. For example:
/*** properly initialize the thread queue to_join ***/
/*** TO BE DONE 3.1 START ***/
return client_connection_thread_helper1(connection_no);
} // end of function
// parameter 'con' is the number of this thread's connection
void *client_connection_thread_helper1(int con) {
int my_index;
// ... Find an available thread index (TODO: what if there isn't one?) ...
thread_ids[my_index] = pthread_self();
connection_no[my_index] = con; // connection_no is not shadowed in this scope
pthread_t *last = NULL;
// ... Find the last (other) thread associated with connection 'con', if any ...
// You can determine the first, too, but that does not appear to be required.
to_join[my_index] = last;
return client_connection_thread_helper2(con);
// A second additional function is required for the remaining bits of
// client_connection_thread(), because they need the local connection_no
void *client_connection_thread_helper2(int connection_no) {
int client_fd;
struct sockaddr_storage client_addr;
socklen_t addr_size;
/*** TO BE DONE 3.1 END ***/
I suppose it is possible that figuring out the need and implementation for such function-splitting was intended to be part of the exercise, but that would be a dirty trick, and overall it seems more likely that the exercise is just poorly formed.
I have a queue structure, that I attempted to implement using a circular buffer, which I am using in a networking application. I am looking for some guidance and feedback. First, let me present the relevant code.
typedef struct nwk_packet_type
uint8_t dest_address[NRF24_ADDR_LEN];
uint8_t data[32];
uint8_t data_len;
/* The circular fifo on which outgoing packets are stored */
nwk_packet_t nwk_send_queue[NWK_QUEUE_SIZE];
nwk_packet_t* send_queue_in; /* pointer to queue head */
nwk_packet_t* send_queue_out; /* pointer to queue tail */
static nwk_packet_t* nwk_tx_pkt_allocate(void)
/* Make sure the send queue is not full */
if(send_queue_in == (send_queue_out - 1 + NWK_QUEUE_SIZE) % NWK_QUEUE_SIZE)
return 0;
/* return pointer to the next add and increment the tracker */
return send_queue_in++;//TODO: it's not just ++, it has to be modular by packet size
/* External facing function for application layer to send network data */
// simply adds the packet to the network queue if there is space
// returns an appropriate error code if anything goes wrong
uint8_t nwk_send(uint8_t* address, uint8_t* data, uint8_t len)
/* First check all the parameters */
if(!len || len > 32)
/* Allocate the packet on the queue */
nwk_packet_t* packet;
if(!( packet = nwk_tx_pkt_allocate() ))
/* Build the packet */
memcpy(packet->dest_address, address, NRF24_ADDR_LEN);
memcpy(packet->data, data, len);
packet->data_len = len;
/* Only called during NWK_IDLE, pushes the next item on the send queue out to the chip's "MAC" layer over SPI */
void nwk_transmit_pkt(void)
nwk_packet_t tx_pkt = nwk_send_queue[send_queue_out];
nrf24_send(tx_pkt->data, tx_pkt->data_len);
/* The callback for transceiver interrupt when a sent packet is either completed or ran out of retries */
void nwk_tx_result_cb(bool completed)
if( (completed) && (nwk_tx_state == NWK_SENDING))
send_queue_out++;//TODO: it's not just ++, it has to be modular by packet size with in the buffer
Ok now for a quick explanation and then my questions. So the basic idea is that I've got this queue for data which is being sent onto the network. The function nwk_send() can be called from anywhere in application code, which by the wall will be a small pre-emptive task based operating system (FreeRTOS) and thus can happen from lots of places in the code and be interrupted by the OS tick interrupt.
Now since that function is modifying the pointers into the global queue, I know it needs to be blocking when it is doing that. Am I correct in my comments on the code about where I should be blocking (ie disabling interrupts)? Also would be smarter to make a mutex using a global boolean variable or something rather than just disabling interrupts?
Also, I think there's a second place I should be blocking when things are being taken off the queue, but I'm not sure where that is exactly. Is it in nwk_transmit_pkt() where I'm actually copying the data off the queue and into a local ram variable?
Final question, how do I achieve the modulus operation on my pointers within the arrays? I feel like it should look something like:
send_queue_in = ((send_queue_in + 1) % (NWK_QUEUE_SIZE*sizeof(nwk_packet_t))) + nwk_send_queue;
Any feedback is greatly appreciated, thank you.
About locking it will be best to use some existing mutex primitive from the OS you use. I am not familiar with FreeRTOS but it should have builtin primitives for locking between interrupt and user context.
For circular buffer you may use these:
check for empty queue
send_queue_in == send_queue_out
check for full queue
(send_queue_in + 1) % NWK_QUEUE_SIZE == send_queue_out
push element [pseudo code]
if (queue is full)
return error;
queue[send_queue_in] = new element;
send_queue_in = (send_queue_in + 1) % NWK_QUEUE_SIZE;
pop element [pseudo code]
if (queue is empty)
return error;
element = queue[send_queue_out];
send_queue_out = (send_queue_out + 1) % NWK_QUEUE_SIZE;
It looks that you copy and do not just reference the packet data before sending. This means that you can hold the lock until the copy is done.
Without an overall driver framework to develop with, and when communicating with interrupt-state on a uC, you need to be very careful.
You cannot use OS synchro primitives to communicate to interrupt state. Attmpting to do so will certainly crash your OS because interrupt-handlers cannot block.
Copying the actual bulk data should be avoided.
On an 8-bit uC, I suggest queueing an index onto a buffer array pool, where the number of buffers is <256. That means that only one byte needs to be queued up and so, with an appropriate queue class that stores the value before updating internal byte-size indexes, it is possible to safely communicate buffers into a tx handler without excessive interrupt-disabling.
Access to the pool array should be thread-safe and 'insertion/deletion' should be quick - I have 'succ/pred' byte-fields in each buffer struct, so forming a double-linked list, access protected by a mutex. As well as I/O, I use this pool of buffers for all inter-thread comms.
For tx, get a buffer struct from teh pool, fill with data, push the index onto a tx queue, disable interrupts for only long enough to determine whether the tx interrupt needs 'primimg'. If priming is required, shove in a FIFO-full of data before re-enabling interrupts.
When the tx interrupt-handler has sent the buffer, it can push the 'used' index back onto a 'scavenge' queue and signal a semaphore to make a handler thread run. This thread can then take the entry from the scavenge queue and return it to the pool.
This scheme only works if interrupt-handlers do not re-enable higher-priority interrupts using the same buffering scheme.
I was asked from where do we know that when passing NULL as a second argument in pthread_create() function the thread is made joinable.
I mean, I know that man pages state so, but a justification in code was demanded.
I know that when NULL is passed in, default attributes are used:
const struct pthread_attr *iattr = (struct pthread_attr *) attr;
if (iattr == NULL)
/* Is this the best idea? On NUMA machines this could mean accessing far-away memory. */
iattr = &default_attr;
I know that it should be somewhere in the code of pthread library, but I don't know where exactly.
I know that the definition of default_attr is in pthread_create.c:
static const struct pthread_attr default_attr = { /* Just some value > 0 which gets rounded to the nearest page size. */ .guardsize = 1, };
but I do not know where is exactly stated in the code that this result in a joinable thread.
Thanks in advance.
First off, from the code you pasted you can see that default_attr contains zeroes in almost all fields (there's no such thing as a half-initialized variable in C: if you only initialize some fields, the others are set to 0).
Second, pthread_create contains this code:
/* Initialize the field for the ID of the thread which is waiting
for us. This is a self-reference in case the thread is created
detached. */
pd->joinid = iattr->flags & ATTR_FLAG_DETACHSTATE ? pd : NULL;
This line checks whether iattr->flags has the ATTR_FLAG_DETACHSTATE bit set, which (for default_attr) it doesn't because default_attr.flags is 0. Thus it sets pd->joinid to NULL and not to pd as for detached threads.
(Note that this answer only applies to GNU glibc and not to POSIX pthreads in general.)
This is a follow-up question to this:
Rebuilding a packet to inject via pcap
What I want to accomplish:
functionA: Capture packets with pcap. Modify source/destination addresses. Recalculate checksums. Inject with pcap.
functionB: Create two threads. Thread 1 sends a magic packet to wake sleeping client. Thread 2 captures packets with pcap and caches the packets into an array of u_char *'s, since pcap puts the packet data serially into "u_char * packet". When both threads terminate, I then change the headers then inject each of the cached packets.
What I need help with:
functionA: I can do everything but calculate checksums. I tried to verify the original checksum by calculating it myself with a function but they never match. However, this issue is not as important because I don't need it to demo my final project. I understand that if IP checksums are incorrect, the receiving computer will discard the packet. But when I demo, so long as my client computer can be shown to have received this incorrect packet, I have proven my overall concept and will not fail. :)
functionB: I guess this is the more important problem. I don't know of an easy way to cache my captured packets. What I'm working on right now is as follows:
functionB creates a pointer to an array that stores u_char * called cachedPackets. So cachedPackets basically points to an array that stores "strings".
It'll be something like this? u_char ** cachedPackets[100], enough array elements for 100 packets.
After this, I start two threads. Thread1 to wake my sleeping client. Thread2 to open another pcap session so no data is lost while client is waking. Thread1 is easy, I've already tested my send magic packet function independently. Thread2 is where I'm screwing up.
Thread2 eventually calls int pcap_loop(pcap_t *p, int cut, pcap_handler callback, u_char *user).
callback is the function that will be run after each packet is captured. It is where I will be caching the packet into the array.
callback takes parameters ( u_char* user,
const struct pcap_pkthdr* packet_header,
const u_char* packet_data )
user is the same string in the 4th argument of pcap_loop.
So I was thinking, I could sneakily give my callback function the pointer to the array of string by type casting it.
pcap_loop(asdf, asdf, callback, (u_char *)cachedPackets);
Since I don't know how big the incoming packets will be, I'll dynamically allocate enough space in the callback function. I will also keep track of my position in the array with a static int.
this is what the callback looks like:
void cacheCall(u_char * user, const struct pcap_pkthdr * header, const u_char * packet)
static int cacheindex = 0;
u_char ** cachethis = (u_char **)user;
//u_char * cachething = *cachethis;
(*cachethis)[cacheindex] = (u_char *) malloc(header->len); <--- 497
int i = 0;
for(i = 0; i < header->len; i++)
(*cachethis)[cacheindex][i] = packet[i]; <-------------------503
//memcpy(cachething[cacheindex], packet, header->len);
but when I compile, i get
497: warning: assignment makes integer from pointer without a cast
503: error: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer
That was pretty longwinded, hopefully my knowledge of what I'm doing isn't completely misinformed. Any help would be awesome! :)
u_char ** cachethis;
cachethis is a pointer-to-pointer-to-u_char.
is a pointer-to-u_char, and:
is a plain u_char.
So line 497 tries to store a pointer into an u_char, and line 503 tries to subscript a u_char, both of which are invalid.
Looks like what you want is simply: