malloc alternative for interrupt safety - c

Once again, Im not a developer but a wood worker so my questions might be, well, stupid.
I forgot something really important I've to use gcc-3.8 to compile as the original code I'm working with can't compile with newer version. I totaly forgot to talk about that, sorry.
I'm sending data from a tool to an autonomous robot.
Robot receive data as unsigned char*
I read a lot and it seems that malloc isn't interrupt safe.
As the robot could do bad & dangerous things, I try to make every parts safe (at least as much as I can).
This malloc happens after an interrupt raised by data received.
This code segment is now giving me an hard time to make it safe, also my syntax is probably bad..
char* _Xp = (char*) malloc(strlen((char*)_X)*sizeof(char));
strcpy(_Xp, (char*)_X);
1) is malloc really not interrupt safe? information I found are from 2004.
2) is there a more efficient way to initialize the buffer?
3) why are unsigned char "bad"? (read something about that).
4) last question is strcpy also not interrupt safe? sources I read differ on that point.
answering some questions:
Robot doesn't have operating system, target is an STR911FFM44 at 25Mhz (if it helps)
Input arrays are all nul-terminated.
Code is not in the interruption handler but in the infinite loop and processed only if the IrHandler as set the flag for it.
I don't know the rate of the data stream to "hard code" the safety. but interruption should be in [500ms to 1500ms].

1) is malloc really not interrupt safe?
malloc accesses and modifys a global resource, the common memory pool of you running program. If the access happens from two unsynchronized places, such as your normal program flow and the ISR1, then it can mess up the pool. If your ISR doesn't call malloc itself it won't be a problem.
If it does, you'd need to put in place a system for preventing such reentry into malloc. For instance, wrap the call to malloc in a function that turns interrupt handling off, and then on again.
2) is there a more efficient way to initialize the buffer?
If you need a buffer with allocated storage duration (i.e. that you decide when its lifetime ends, and not the scope it's allocated in) then there isn't really a standard C alternative. By the way, sizeof(char) is always 1, so no need to specify it. And since C allows implicit conversion of pointer types from void*, the call can at least be prettified a bit2:
char* _Xp = malloc(strlen((char*)_X));
3) why are unsigned char "bad"?
They aren't bad. In fact when you need to know exactly whether or not the character type is signed or not, you have to use signed char or unsigned char. The regular char can be signed on one platform and unsigned on another.
1 Interrupt Service Routine.
2 C has a notion of reserved identifiers. In particular, any identifier the starts with an underscore followed by an uppercase letter is always reserved. So renaming your variables may help with portability.

First of all, you say that you are using a bare metal microcontroller, so malloc never makes sense. It is not a PC - you don't share your RAM with anyone else. So all the dangers and disadvantages of malloc don't even enter the discussion, since malloc makes no sense for you to use at all.
1) is malloc really not interrupt safe? information I found are from 2004.
4) last question is strcpy also not interrupt safe? sources I read differ on that point.
No function using shared resources between an ISR and the main application is interrupt safe. You should avoid calling library functions from an ISR, they should be kept minimal.
All data shared between an ISR and the caller has to be treated with care. You must ensure atomic access of individual objects. You must declare such variables as volatile to prevent optimizer bugs. You might have to use semaphores or other synchronization means. This applies to all such data, whether you change it by yourself or through a library function.
Failing to do all of the above will lead to very mysterious and subtle bugs, causing data corruption, race conditions or code that is never executed. Overall, interrupts are always hard to work with because of all this extra complexity. Only use them when your real-time requirements give you no other options.
2) is there a more efficient way to initialize the buffer?
Yes, use an array. static char _Xp [LARGE_ENOUGH_FOR_WORST_CASE]; Usually it is a good idea to keep such buffers in the .data segment rather than on the stack, hence the static keyword.
3) why are unsigned char "bad"? (read something about that).
There is nothing bad with them as such. The different char types are problematic though, because in theory they could have other sizes than 8 bits. Worse, char without signed/unsigned has implementation-defined signedness, meaning it might be signed or unsigned depending on compiler. Meaning that you should never use the char type for storing anything else but text strings.
If you need a variable type to hold bytes of data, always use uint8_t from stdint.h.
As the robot could do bad & dangerous things, I try to make every parts safe (at least as much as I can).
Writing safe software for embedded systems is a highly qualified task. I wouldn't recommend anyone with less than 5 years of experience working full-time with embedded firmware programming to even consider it, unless there's at least one hardened C veteran who is part of your team and all code passes through peer review and static analysis.
It sounds like you would benefit a lot from reading through the MISRA-C:2012 coding guidelines. It is a safe subset of the C language, intended to be used in safety-critical applications, or any form of application where bugs are bad. Unfortunately the MISRA-C document is not free, but it is becoming an industry standard.


Assign to a null pointer an area inside a function and preserve the value outside

I have a function that reads from a socket, it returns a char** where packets are stored and my intention is to use a NULL unsigned int pointer where I store the length of single packet.
char** readPackets(int numToRead,unsigned int **lens,int socket){
char** packets=(char**)malloc(numToRead);
int *len=(int*)malloc(sizeof(int)*numToRead);
for(int i=0;i<numToRead;i++){
register int pack_len=read(socket,packets[i],MAX_ETH_LEN);
//TODO handler error in case of freezing
return packets;
I use it in this way:
unsigned int *lens_out=NULL;
char **packets=readPackets(N_PACK,&lens,sniff_sock[handler]);
where N_PACK is a constant defined previously.
Now the problem is that when I am inside the function everything works, in fact *(lens) points to the same memory area of len and outside the function lens_out points to the same area too. Inside the function len[i] equals to *(lens[i]) (I checked it with gdb).
The problem is that outside the function even if lens_out points to the same area of len elements with same index are different for example
Can anyone explain where I made the mistake?
Your statement char** packets=(char**)malloc(numToRead) for sure does not reserve enough memory. Note that an element of packets-array is of type char*, and that sizeof(char*) is probably 8 (eventually 4), but very very unlikely 1. So you should write
char** packets = malloc(sizeof(char*) * numToRead)
Otherwise, you write out of the bounds of reserved memory, thereby yielding undefined behaviour (probably the one you explained).
Note further that with i--; continue;, you get memory leaks since you assign a new memory block to the ith element, but you lose reference to the memory reserved right before. Write free(packets[i]);i--;continue; instead.
Further, len[0] is an integral type, whereas lens[0] refers to a pointer to int. Comparing these two does not make sense.
Firstly, I want to put it out there that you should write clear code for the sake of future maintenance, and not for what you think is optimal (yet). This entire function should merely be replaced with read. That's the crux of my post.
Now the problem is that when I am inside the function everything works
I disagree. On a slightly broader topic, the biggest problem here is that you've posted a question containing code which doesn't compile when copied and pasted unmodified, and the question isn't about the error messages, so we can't answer the question without guessing.
My guess is that you haven't noticed these error messages; you're running a stale binary which we don't have the source code for, we can't reproduce the issue and we can't see the old source code, so we can't help you. It is as valid as any other guess. For example, there's another answer which speculates:
Your statement char** packets=(char**)malloc(numToRead) for sure does not reserve enough memory.
The malloc manual doesn't guarantee that precisely numToRead bytes will be allocated; in fact, allocations to processes tend to be performed in pages and just as the sleep manual doesn't guarantee a precise number of milliseconds/microseconds, it may allocate more or it may allocate less; in the latter case, malloc must return NULL which your code needs to check.
It's extremely common for implementations to seem to behave correctly when a buffer is overflowed anyway. Nonetheless, it'd be best if you fixed that buffer overflow. malloc doesn't know about the type you're allocating; you need to tell it everything about the size, not just the number of elements.
P.S. You probably want select or sleep within your loop, you know, to "handle error in case of freezing" or whatever. Generally, OSes will switch context to another program when you call one of those, and only switch back when there's data ready to process. By calling sleep after sending or receiving, you give the OS a heads up that it needs to perform some I/O. The ability to choose that timing can be beneficial, when you're optimising. Not at the moment, though.
Inside the function len[i] equals to *(lens[i]) (I checked it with gdb).
I'm fairly sure you've misunderstood that. Perhaps gdb is implicitly dereferencing your pointers, for you; that's really irrelevant to C (so don't confuse anything you learn from gdb with anything C-related).
In fact, I strongly recommend learning a little bit less about gdb and a lot more about assert, because the former won't help you document your code for future maintenance from other people, including us, those who you ask questions to, where-as the latter will. If you include assert in your code, you're almost certainly strengthening your question (and code) much more than including gdb into your question would.
The types of len[i] and *(len[i]) are different, and their values are affected by the way types are interpreted. These values can only be considered equal When they're converted to the same type. We can see this through C11/3.19p1 (the definition of "value", where the standard establishes it is dependant upon type). len[i] is an int * value, where-as *(len[i]) is an int value. The two categories of values might have different alignment, representation and... well, they have different semantics entirely. One is for integral data, and the other is a reference to an object or array. You shouldn't be comparing them, no matter how equal they may seem; the information you obtain from such a comparison is virtually useless.
You can't use len[i] in a multiplication expression, for example. They're certainly not equal in that respect. They might compare equal (as a side-effect of comparison introducing implicit conversions), which is useless information for you to have, and that is a different story.
memcmp((int[]){0}, (unsigned char[]){ [sizeof int] = 42 }, sizeof int) may return 0 indicating that they're equal, but you know that array of characters contains an extra byte, right? Yeh... they're equal...
You must check the return value of malloc (and don't cast the return value), if you're using it, though I really think you should reconsider your options with that regard.
The fact that you use malloc means everyone who uses your function must then use free; it's locking down-stream programmers into an anti-pattern that can tear the architecture of software apart. You should separate categories of allocation logic and user interface logic from processing logic.
For example, you use read which gives you the opportunity to choose whatever storage duration you like. This means you have an immense number of optimisation opportunities. It gives you, the downstream programmer, the opportunity to write flexible code which assigns whatever storage duration you like to the memory used. Imagine if, on the other hand, you had to free every return value from every function... That's the mess you're encouraging.
This is especially a poor, inefficient design when constants are involved (i.e. your usecase), because you could just use an automatic array and get rid of the calls to malloc and free altogether... Your downstream programmers code could be:
char packet[size][count];
int n_read = read(fd, packet, size * count);
Perhaps you think using malloc to allocate (and later read) n spaces for packets is faster than using something else to allocate n spaces. You should test that theory, because from my experience computers tend to be optimised for simpler, shorter, more concise logic.
In anticipation:
But I can't return packet; like that!
True. You can't return packet; to your downstream programmer, so you modify an object pointed at by an argument. That doesn't mean you should use malloc, though.
Unfortunately, too many programs are adopting this "use malloc everywhere" mentality. It's reminiscent of the "don't use goto" crap that we've been fed. Rather than listening to cargo cult propaganda, I recommend thinking critically about what you hear, because your peers are in the same position as you; they don't necessarily know what they're talking about.

Is variable declaration within a loop bad?

I'm referring to the main static languages today (C, C++, java, C#,). I've heard some contradicting answers about this, so I wanted to know:
If I have some code such as:
loop(...) {
type x = val;
('loop' is some type of loop, e.g. for, while)
Will it cause memory allocation in each iteration of the loop, or just once? Is it different from writing this:
type x;
loop(...) {
x = val;
where memory is only allocated once for x?
The strictly correct answer is that it depends on the implementation, as both are semantically correct. No language specification would require or prohibit such implementation details.
That said, any implementation worth its salt will be able to reuse the same stack slot or even CPU register (with native compilation, especially likely in presence of a JIT). Even the bytecode will likely be completely identical.
And finally, there's that thing with premature optimization... Unless proven otherwise, you shouldn't even bother thinking about low-level details like this (if you think knowledge and control over such issues matters, perhaps you should just program in assembler), because:
Unless you're doing a microbenchmark (or a really huge number-crunching task - but how many people freaking out about performance actually do those?), you won't even notice any difference even if it isn't optimized. If you're doing anything of interest in the loop body, it will dwarf the difference (again, if any). Especially if you're doing any I/O.
Even if there is memory allocation, it boils down to pushing and popping a few bytes on the native stack, which in turn boils down to adding an integer constant to a hardware register. All C and C++ programs use that stack for their local variables, and non of those ever complained about its performance... if you have to reserve space, you can't get faster than using the stack.
If you have to ask this kind of question, you're not someone who could do anything about it. Those people know to just (1) measure it, (2) look at the generated code and (3) look for large-scale optimizations before even thinking on this level ;)

C99: Restricted Pointers to Document Thread Safety?

This question isn't about the technical usage of restricted, more about the subjective usage. Although I might be mistaken as to how restricted technically works, in which case you should feel free to grill me for basing a question on a false premise.
Here are two examples of how I'm using restricted so far:
If I have a function that takes a pointer to a sequence of immutable chars, I don't say it's restricted, since other people are allowed to access the data via their own pointers at the same time as the function's executing, e.g. from another parallel thread. The data isn't being modified, so no problem.
However, if the function takes a pointer to a sequence of mutable chars that it might modify, I say it's restricted because the data absolutely should not be accessed in anyway from any pointer (bar the argument the function uses, obviously) during the execution of the function due to potentially inconsistent data. It also states the possibility of the data being modified, so the coder knows not to read stale data and that they should use a memory barrier when accessing or whatever...
I don't code much C, so I could easily be wrong about what I'm assuming here. Is this correct usage of restrict? Is it worth doing in this scenario?
I'm also assuming that once the restricted pointer is popped off the stack when the function returns, that the data can then freely be accessed via any other pointer again, and that the restriction only lasts as long as the restricted pointer. I know that this relies on the coder following the rules, since accessing a restricted data via an 'unofficial' pointer is UB.
Have I got all of this right?
I'd just like to make clear that I already know it does absolutely nothing to prevent the users from accessing data via multiple threads, and I also know that C89 has no knowledge of what 'threads' even are.
But given that any context where an argument can be modified via reference, it's clear that it mustn't be accessed as the function is running. This doesn't do anything to enforce thread safety, but it does clearly document that you modify the data through your own pointer during the execution of the function at your own risk.
Even if threading is taken completely out of the equation, you still allow for further optimizations in a scenario where it seems correct to me.
Even so, thanks for all your authoritative answers so far. Do I upvote all the answers that I liked, or just the one that I accept? What if more than one is accepted? Sorry, I'm new here, I'll look through the FAQ more thoroughly now...
restrict has nothing to do with thread safety. In fact, the existing C standards have nothing to say on the topic of threads at all; from the point of view of the spec, there is no such thing as a "thread".
restrict is a way to inform the compiler about aliasing. Pointers often make it hard for the compiler to generate efficient code, because the compiler cannot know at compile time whether two pointers actually refer to the same memory. Toy example:
void foo(int *x, int *y) {
*x = 5;
*y = 7;
printf("%d\n", *x);
When the compiler processes this function, it has no idea whether x and y refer to the same memory location. Therefore it does not know whether it will print 5 or 7, and it has to emit code to actually read *x before calling printf.
But if you declare x as int *restrict x, the compiler can prove that this function prints 5, so it can feed a compile-time constant to the printf call.
Many such optimizations become possible with restrict, especially when you are talking about operations on arrays.
But none of this has anything to do with threads. To get multi-treading applications right, you need proper synchronization primitives like mutexes, condition variables, and memory barriers... All of which are specific to your platform, and none of which have anything to do with restrict.
To answer your question about using restrict as a form of documentation, I would say "no" to that, also.
You seem to be thinking that you should document when a variable can or cannot be concurrently accessed. But for shared data, the proper discipline is (almost always) to ensure that it is never concurrently accessed.
The relevant documentation for a variable is whether it is shared at all and which mutex protects it. Any code accessing that variable for any reason, even just to read it, needs to hold the mutex. The author should neither know nor care whether some other thread might or might not happen to be accessing the variable concurrently... Because that other thread will be obeying the same discipline, and the mutex guarantees there is no concurrent access.
This discipline is simple, it works, and it scales, which is why it is one of the dominant paradigms for sharing data between threads. (The other is message passing.) If you ever find yourself trying to reason "do I really need to lock the mutex this time?", you are almost certainly doing something wrong. It would be hard to overstate this point.
No, I don't think that this is a good dialect to provide any information about acces from different threads. It is meant as assertions about pointers that a particular peace of code gets for different pointers it handles. Threading is not part of the language, yet. Thread safe acces to data needs much more, restrict is not the right tool. volatile isn't a guarantee, which you sometimes see proposed as well.
mutexes or other lock structures
memory fences that ensure data integrity
atomic operations and types
The upcoming standard C1x is supposed to provide such constructs. C99 isn't.
The canonical example of restrict is memcpy() - which the manpage on OS X 10.6 gives the prototype as:
void* memcpy(void *restrict s1, const void *restrict s2, size_t n);
The source and destination regions in memcpy are not permitted to overlap; therefore by labelling them as restrict this restriction is enforced - the compiler can know that no part of the source array aliases with the destination; can it can do things like read a large chunk of the source and then write it into the destination.
Essentially restrict is about assisting compiler obtimizations by tagging pointers as not aliasing - in and of itself it doeen't help with thread safety - it doesn't automatically cause the object pointed to be to locked while the function is called.
See How to use the restrict qualified in C and the wikipedia article on restrict for a more lengthy discussion.
restrict is a hint to the compiler that the buffer accessed via a pointer is not aliased via another pointer in scope. So if you have a function like:
foo(char *restrict datai, char *restrict dataj)
// we've "promised" the compiler that it should not worry about overlap between
// datai and dataj buffers, this gives the compiler the opportunity to generate
// "better" code, potentially mitigating load-store issues, amongst other things
To not use restrict is not enough to provide guarded access in a multi-threaded application though. If you have a shared buffer simultaneously accessed by multiple threads via char * parameters in a read/write way you would potentially need to use some kind of lock/mutex etc - the absence of restrict does not imply thread safety.
Hope this helps.

Which functions in the C standard library commonly encourage bad practice? [closed]

Closed. This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers.
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Closed 5 years ago.
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This is inspired by this question and the comments on one particular answer in that I learnt that strncpy is not a very safe string handling function in C and that it pads zeros, until it reaches n, something I was unaware of.
Specifically, to quote R..
strncpy does not null-terminate, and
does null-pad the whole remainder of
the destination buffer, which is a
huge waste of time. You can work
around the former by adding your own
null padding, but not the latter. It
was never intended for use as a "safe
string handling" function, but for
working with fixed-size fields in Unix
directory tables and database files.
snprintf(dest, n, "%s", src) is the
only correct "safe strcpy" in standard
C, but it's likely to be a lot slower.
By the way, truncation in itself can
be a major bug and in some cases might
lead to privilege elevation or DoS, so
throwing "safe" string functions that
truncate their output at a problem is
not a way to make it "safe" or
"secure". Instead, you should ensure
that the destination buffer is the
right size and simply use strcpy (or
better yet, memcpy if you already know
the source string length).
And from Jonathan Leffler
Note that strncat() is even more
confusing in its interface than
strncpy() - what exactly is that
length argument, again? It isn't what
you'd expect based on what you supply
strncpy() etc - so it is more error
prone even than strncpy(). For copying
strings around, I'm increasingly of
the opinion that there is a strong
argument that you only need memmove()
because you always know all the sizes
ahead of time and make sure there's
enough space ahead of time. Use
memmove() in preference to any of
strcpy(), strcat(), strncpy(),
strncat(), memcpy().
So, I'm clearly a little rusty on the C standard library. Therefore, I'd like to pose the question:
What C standard library functions are used inappropriately/in ways that may cause/lead to security problems/code defects/inefficiencies?
In the interests of objectivity, I have a number of criteria for an answer:
Please, if you can, cite design reasons behind the function in question i.e. its intended purpose.
Please highlight the misuse to which the code is currently put.
Please state why that misuse may lead towards a problem. I know that should be obvious but it prevents soft answers.
Please avoid:
Debates over naming conventions of functions (except where this unequivocably causes confusion).
"I prefer x over y" - preference is ok, we all have them but I'm interested in actual unexpected side effects and how to guard against them.
As this is likely to be considered subjective and has no definite answer I'm flagging for community wiki straight away.
I am also working as per C99.
What C standard library functions are used inappropriately/in ways that may cause/lead to security problems/code defects/inefficiencies ?
I'm gonna go with the obvious :
char *gets(char *s);
With its remarkable particularity that it's simply impossible to use it appropriately.
A common pitfall with the strtok() function is to assume that the parsed string is left unchanged, while it actually replaces the separator character with '\0'.
Also, strtok() is used by making subsequent calls to it, until the entire string is tokenized. Some library implementations store strtok()'s internal status in a global variable, which may induce some nasty suprises, if strtok() is called from multiple threads at the same time.
The CERT C Secure Coding Standard lists many of these pitfalls you asked about.
In almost all cases, atoi() should not be used (this also applies to atof(), atol() and atoll()).
This is because these functions do not detect out-of-range errors at all - the standard simply says "If the value of the result cannot be represented, the behavior is undefined.". So the only time they can be safely used is if you can prove that the input will certainly be within range (for example, if you pass a string of length 4 or less to atoi(), it cannot be out of range).
Instead, use one of the strtol() family of functions.
Let us extend the question to interfaces in a broader sense.
technically it is not even clear what it is, a variable, a macro, an implicit function call? In practice on modern systems it is mostly a macro that transforms into a function call to have a thread specific error state. It is evil:
because it may cause overhead for the
caller to access the value, to check the "error" (which might just be an exceptional event)
because it even imposes at some places that the caller clears this "variable" before making a library call
because it implements a simple error
return by setting a global state, of the library.
The forthcoming standard gets the definition of errno a bit more straight, but these uglinesses remain
There is often a strtok_r.
For realloc, if you need to use the old pointer, it's not that hard to use another variable. If your program fails with an allocation error, then cleaning up the old pointer is often not really necessary.
I would put printf and scanf pretty high up on this list. The fact that you have to get the formatting specifiers exactly correct makes these functions tricky to use and extremely easy to get wrong. It's also very hard to avoid buffer overruns when reading data out. Moreover, the "printf format string vulnerability" has probably caused countless security holes when well-intentioned programmers specify client-specified strings as the first argument to printf, only to find the stack smashed and security compromised many years down the line.
Any of the functions that manipulate global state, like gmtime() or localtime(). These functions simply can't be used safely in multiple threads.
EDIT: rand() is in the same category it would seem. At least there are no guarantees of thread-safety, and on my Linux system the man page warns that it is non-reentrant and non-threadsafe.
One of my bêtes noire is strtok(), because it is non-reentrant and because it hacks the string it is processing into pieces, inserting NUL at the end of each token it isolates. The problems with this are legion; it is distressingly often touted as a solution to a problem, but is as often a problem itself. Not always - it can be used safely. But only if you are careful. The same is true of most functions, with the notable exception of gets() which cannot be used safely.
There's already one answer about realloc, but I have a different take on it. A lot of time, I've seen people write realloc when they mean free; malloc - in other words, when they have a buffer full of trash that needs to change size before storing new data. This of course leads to potentially-large, cache-thrashing memcpy of trash that's about to be overwritten.
If used correctly with growing data (in a way that avoids worst-case O(n^2) performance for growing an object to size n, i.e. growing the buffer geometrically instead of linearly when you run out of space), realloc has doubtful benefit over simply doing your own new malloc, memcpy, and free cycle. The only way realloc can ever avoid doing this internally is when you're working with a single object at the top of the heap.
If you like to zero-fill new objects with calloc, it's easy to forget that realloc won't zero-fill the new part.
And finally, one more common use of realloc is to allocate more than you need, then resize the allocated object down to just the required size. But this can actually be harmful (additional allocation and memcpy) on implementations that strictly segregate chunks by size, and in other cases might increase fragmentation (by splitting off part of a large free chunk to store a new small object, instead of using an existing small free chunk).
I'm not sure if I'd say realloc encourages bad practice, but it's a function I'd watch out for.
How about the malloc family in general? The vast majority of large, long-lived programs I've seen use dynamic memory allocation all over the place as if it were free. Of course real-time developers know this is a myth, and careless use of dynamic allocation can lead to catastrophic blow-up of memory usage and/or fragmentation of address space to the point of memory exhaustion.
In some higher-level languages without machine-level pointers, dynamic allocation is not so bad because the implementation can move objects and defragment memory during the program's lifetime, as long as it can keep references to these objects up-to-date. A non-conventional C implementation could do this too, but working out the details is non-trivial and it would incur a very significant cost in all pointer dereferences and make pointers rather large, so for practical purposes, it's not possible in C.
My suspicion is that the correct solution is usually for long-lived programs to perform their small routine allocations as usual with malloc, but to keep large, long-lived data structures in a form where they can be reconstructed and replaced periodically to fight fragmentation, or as large malloc blocks containing a number of structures that make up a single large unit of data in the application (like a whole web page presentation in a browser), or on-disk with a fixed-size in-memory cache or memory-mapped files.
On a wholly different tack, I've never really understood the benefits of atan() when there is atan2(). The difference is that atan2() takes two arguments, and returns an angle anywhere in the range -π..+π. Further, it avoids divide by zero errors and loss of precision errors (dividing a very small number by a very large number, or vice versa). By contrast, the atan() function only returns a value in the range -π/2..+π/2, and you have to do the division beforehand (I don't recall a scenario where atan() could be used without there being a division, short of simply generating a table of arctangents). Providing 1.0 as the divisor for atan2() when given a simple value is not pushing the limits.
Another answer, since these are not really related, rand:
it is of unspecified random quality
it is not re-entrant
Some of this functions are modifying some global state. (In windows) this state is shared per single thread - you can get unexpected result. For example, the first call of rand in every thread will give the same result, and it requires some care to make it pseudorandom, but deterministic (for debug purposes).
basename() and dirname() aren't threadsafe.

Concurrent access to struct member

I'm using 32-bit microcontroller (STR91x). I'm concurrently accessing (from ISR and main loop) struct member of type enum. Access is limited to writing to that enum field in the ISR and checking in the main loop. Enum's underlying type is not larger than integer (32-bit).
I would like to make sure that I'm not missing anything and I can safely do it.
Provided that 32 bit reads and writes are atomic, which is almost certainly the case (you might want to make sure that your enum's word-aligned) then that which you've described will be just fine.
As paxdiablo & David Knell said, generally speaking this is fine. Even if your bus is < 32 bits, chances are the instruction's multiple bus cycles won't be interrupted, and you'll always read valid data.
What you stated, and what we all know, but it bears repeating, is that this is fine for a single-writer, N-reader situation. If you had more than one writer, all bets are off unless you have a construct to protect the data.
If you want to make sure, find the compiler switch that generates an assembly listing and examine the assembly for the write in the ISR and the read in the main loop. Even if you are not familiar with ARM assembly, I'm sure you could quickly and easily be able to discern whether or not the reads and writes are atomic.
ARM supports 32-bit aligned reads that are atomic as far as interrupts are concerned. However, make sure your compiler doesn't try to cache the value in a register! Either mark it as a volatile, or use an explicit memory barrier - on GCC this can be done like so:
int tmp = yourvariable;
Note, however, that current versions of GCC person a full memory barrier for __sync_synchronize, rather than just for the one variable, so volatile is probably better for your needs.
Further, note that your variable will be aligned automatically unless you are doing something Weird (ie, explicitly specifying the location of the struct in memory, or requesting a packed struct). Unaligned variables on ARM cannot be read atomically, so make sure it's aligned, or disable interrupts while reading.
Well, it depends entirely on your hardware but I'd be surprised if an ISR could be interrupted by the main thread.
So probably the only thing you have to watch out for is if the main thread could be interrupted halfway through a read (so it may get part of the old value and part of the new).
It should be a simple matter of consulting the specs to ensure that interrupts are only processed between instructions (this is likely since the alternative would be very complex) and that your 32-bit load is a single instruction.
An aligned 32 bit access will generally be atomic (unless it were a particularly ludicrous compiler!).
However the rock-solid solution (and one generally applicable to non-32 bit targets too) is to simply disable the interrupt temporarily while accessing the data outside of the interrupt. The most robust way to do this is through an access function to statically scoped data rather than making the data global where you then have no single point of access and therefore no way of enforcing an atomic access mechanism when needed.
