GDB step over command - c

I have the following C code:
#include <inc/x86.h>
#include <inc/elf.h>
#define SECTSIZE 512
#define ELFHDR ((struct Elf *)0x10000) // Scratch space
void readsect(void*, unit32_t);
void readsec(uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t);
void bootmain(void)
struct Proghdr *ph, *eph;
// Read the first page off disk
readseg((uint32_t) ELFHDR, SECTSIZE*8, 0);
. // The rest of the code
I am using GDB to step in my code and see what is happening.
I found the address of bootmain 0x7d0a and I put a breakpoint there.
b *0x7d0a
The above two commands: b adds a breakpoint and c runs until the breakpoint is reached.
I can see that I stopped at 0x7d0a as expected.
Then after a few commands I can see the function parameters being pushed to the stack as arguments. And a call for readseg.
0x7d0f push $0x0 // 0
0x7d11 push $0x1000 // 512*8 = 4096 B
0x7d16 push $0x10000 // 64 KB
0x7d1b call 0x7cd1
How do I just step over this function? The next command using si just gets me inside the readseg function. I don't want to step into, but to step over. I tried putting a breakpoint next to the next command:
b *0x7d21
But it never returns...
Should I perhaps have set the breakpoint on a different address?
I am not sure. However this is a way around and I'd rather use the step over command which I couldn't find in the documentation here.

The "step over" analogue of si is called nexti (also abbreviated ni). This will step a single assembly instruction, but step over calls.


how to get line numbers same as lldb using atos/addr2line/llvm-symbolizer/lldb image lookup --address

I want to programmatically convert backtrace stack addresses (eg obtained from backtrace_symbols/libunwind) to file:line:column. I'm on OSX but doubt this makes a difference.
All of these give wrong line number (line 11) for the call to fun1():
lldb image lookup --address using lldb's pc addresses in bt
lldb bt itself gives correct file:line:column, (line 7) as shown below.
How do I programmatically get the correct stack address such that, when using atos/addr2line/llvm-symbolizer/image lookup --address, it would resolve to the correct line number? lldb bt is doing it correctly, so there must be a way to do it. Note that if I use backtrace_symbols or libunwind (subtracted from info.dli_saddr after calling dladdr), I'd end up with the same address 0x0000000100000f74 as shown in lldb bt that points to the wrong line number 11
Note: in .lldbinit, if I add settings set frame-format frame start-addr:${line.start-addr}\n it will show the correct address (ie resolve to 0x0000000100000f6f instead of 0x0000000100000f74, which will resolve to the correct line 7). However, how do I programmatically generate start-addr from a c program without calling spawning a call to lldb -p $pid (calling lldb has other issues, eg overhead compared to llvm-symbolizer, and in fact can hang forever even with -batch).
clang -g -o /tmp/z04 test_D20191123T162239.c
void fun1(){
void fun1_aux(){
int a = 0;
fun1(); // line 7
a++; // line 11
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
return 0;
lldb /tmp/z04
(lldb) target create "/tmp/z04"
Current executable set to '/tmp/z04' (x86_64).
(lldb) b fun1
Breakpoint 1: where = z04`fun1 + 4 at test_D20191123T162239.c:2:1, address = 0x0000000100000f54
(lldb) r
Process 7258 launched: '/tmp/z04' (x86_64)
Process 7258 stopped
* thread #1, queue = '', stop reason = breakpoint 1.1
frame #0: 0x0000000100000f54 z04 fun1 + 4 at test_D20191123T162239.c:2:1
1 void fun1(){
-> 2 }
4 void fun1_aux(){
5 int a = 0;
7 fun1();
Target 0: (z04) stopped.
(lldb) bt
* thread #1, queue = '', stop reason = breakpoint 1.1
* frame #0: 0x0000000100000f54 z04 fun1 + 4 at test_D20191123T162239.c:2:1
frame #1: 0x0000000100000f74 z04 fun1_aux + 20 at test_D20191123T162239.c:7:3
frame #2: 0x0000000100000fab z04 main(argc=1, argv=0x00007ffeefbfb748) + 27 at test_D20191123T162239.c:16:3
frame #3: 0x00007fff71c182e5 libdyld.dylib start + 1
frame #4: 0x00007fff71c182e5 libdyld.dylib start + 1
(lldb) image lookup --address 0x0000000100000f74
Address: z04[0x0000000100000f74] (z04.__TEXT.__text + 36)
Summary: z04`fun1_aux + 20 at test_D20191123T162239.c:11:8
echo 0x0000000100000f74 | llvm-symbolizer -obj=/tmp/z04
atos -o /tmp/z04 0x0000000100000f74
fun1_aux (in z04) (test_D20191123T162239.c:11)
likewise with addr2line
It's easier to understand if you look at the disassembly for fun1_aux -- you'll see a CALLQ instruction to fun1, followed by something like a mov %rax, $rbp-16 or something like that, the first instruction of your a++ line. When you have called fun1, the return address is the instruction that will be executed when fun1 exits, the mov %rax, $rbp-16 or whatever.
This isn't intuitively how most people think of the computer working -- they expect to look at frame 1, fun1_aux, and see the "current pc value" be the CALLQ, because the call is executing. But of course, that's not correct, the call instruction has completed, and the saved pc is going to point to the next instruction.
In cases like this, the next instruction is part of the next source line, so it's a little extra confusing. Even better is if you have a function that calls a "noreturn" function like abort() -- the final instruction in the function will be a CALLQ, and if you look at the return address instruction, it may point to the next function.
So when lldb is symbolicating stack frames above frame #0, it knows to do a symbol lookup with saved_pc - 1 to move the address back into the CALLQ instruction. That's not a valid address, so it should never show you saved_pc - 1, but it should do symbol / file & line lookups based on it.
You can get the same effect for your manual symbolication by doing the same thing. The one caveat is if you have an asynchronous interrupt (_sigtramp on macOS), the frame above _sigtramp should not have its saved pc value decremented. You could be executing the first instruction of a function when the signal is received, and decrementing it would put you in the previous function which would be very confusing.

SPARC assembly jmp \boot

I'll explain the problem briefly. I have a Leon3 board (gr-ut-g99). Using GRMON2 I can load executables at the desired address in the board.
I have two programs. Let's call them A and B. I tried to load both in memory and individually they work.
What I would like to do now is to make the A program call the B program.
Both programs are written in C using a variant of the gcc compiler (the Gaisler Sparc GCC).
To do the jump I wrote a tiny inline assembler function in program A that jumps to a memory address where I loaded the program B.
below a snippet of the program A
unsigned int return_address;
unsigned int * const RAM_pointer = (unsigned int *) RAM_ADDRESS;
printf("RAM pointer set to: 0x%08x \n",(unsigned int)RAM_pointer);
__asm__(" nop;" //clean the pipeline
"jmp %1;" // jmp to programB
:"=r" (return_address)
:"r" (RAM_pointer)
RAM_ADDRESS is a #define
#define RAM_ADDRESS 0x60000000
The program B is a simple hello world. The program B is loaded at the 0x60000000 address. If I try to run it, it works!
int main()
printf ("HELLO! I'M BOOTED! \n");
return 0;
What I expect when I run the ProgramA, is to see the "jumping..." message on the console and then see the "HELLO! I'M BOOTED!" from the programB
What happens instead an IU exception.
Below I posted the messages show by grmon2 monitor. I also reported the "inst" report which should show the last operations performed before the exception.
grmon2> run
IU exception (tt = 0x07, mem address not aligned)
0x60004824: 9fc04000 call %g1
grmon2> inst
407085 600047FC mov %i3, %o2 [600063B8] -
407086 60004800 cmp %i4 [00000013] -
407089 60004804 be 0x60004970 [00000000] -
407090 60004808 mov %i0, %o0 [6000646C] -
407091 6000480C mov %i4, %o3 [00000013] -
407092 60004810 cmp %i4, %l0 [80000413] -
407108 60004814 bleu 0x60004820 [00000000] -
407144 60004818 ld [%i1 + 0x20], %o1 [FFFFFFFF] -
407179 60004820 ld [%i1 + 0x28], %g1 [FFFFFFFF] -
407186 60004824 call %g1 [ TRAP ] -
I also tried to substitute the "jmp" with a "jmpl" or a "call" but it does not worked.
I'm quite confused.
I do not know how to cope well with the problem and therefore I do not know what other information it is necessary to provide.
I can say that, the programB is loaded at 0x60000000 and the entry_point is, of course, 0x60000000. Running directly program B from that entry point it works good!
Thanks in advance for your help!
Looks to me like you did execute the jump, and it got to program B, as evidenced by the addresses of the instructions in the trace buffer. But where you crashed was in stdio trying to print stuff. Stdio makes extensive use of function pointers, and the sequence clearly shows a call instruction with the target address in a register, which indicates use of a function pointer.
I suggest putting fflush(stdout) in program A just before the jump, and this will allow you to see the messages before doing the jump. Then, in program B, instead of using printf, just put some known value in memory that you can examine later via the monitor to verify that it got there.
My guess is that the stdio library has some data or parameter that needs to be set up at the start of the program, and that's not being done or not done properly. Not sure about the platform you are running on, but do you have some sort of debugging or single stepping ability, like in a debugger? If so, just single step through the jump and follow where the program goes.

Call stack backtrace in C

I am trying to get call stack backtrace at my assert/exception handler. Can't include "execinfo.h" therefore can't use int backtrace(void **buffer, int size);.
Also, tried to use __builtin_return_address() but acording to :
... on some architectures, including my beloved MIPS, only __builtin_return_address(0) works.MIPS has no frame pointer, making it difficult to walk back up the stack. Frame 0 can use the return address register directly.
How can I reproduce full call stack backtrace?
I have successfully used the method described here, to get a call trace from stack on MIPS32.
You can then print out the call stack:
void *retaddrs[16];
int n, i;
n = get_call_stack_no_fp (retaddrs, 16);
printf ("CALL STACK: ");
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
printf ("0x%08X ", (uintptr_t)retaddrs[i]);
printf ("\r\n");
... and if you have the ELF file, then use the addr2line to convert the return addresses to function names:
addr2line -a -f -p -e xxxxxxx.elf addr addr ...
There are of course many gotchas, when using a method like this, including interrupts and exception handlers or results of code optimization. But nevertheless, it might be helpful sometimes.
I have successfully used the method suggested by #Erki A and described here.
Here is a short summary of the method:
The problem:
get a call stack without a frame pointer.
Solution main idea:
conclude from the assembly code what the debugger understood from debug info.
The information we need:
1. Where the return address is kept.
2. What amount the stack pointer is decremented.
To reproduce the whole stack trace one need to:
1. Get the current $sp and $ra
2. Scan towards the beginning of the function and look for "addui
sp,sp,spofft" command (spofft<0)
3. Reprodece prev. $sp (sp- spofft)
4. Scan forward and look for "sw r31,raofft(sp)"
5. Prev. return address stored at [sp+ raofft]
Above I described one iteration. You stop when the $ra is 0.
How to get the first $ra?
How to get the first $sp?
register unsigned sp asm("29");
asm("" : "=r" (sp));
***Since most of my files compiled with micro-mips optimisation I had to deal with micro-mips-ISA.
A lot of issues arose when I tried to analyze code that compiled with microMips optimization(remember that the goal at each step is to reproduce prev. ra and prev. sp):
It makes things a bit more complicated:
1. ra ($31) register contain unaligned return address.
You may find more information at Linked questions.
The unaligned ra helps you understand that you run over different
2. There are functions that do not move the sp. You can find more
information [here][3].
(If a "leaf" function only modifies the temporary registers and returns
to a return statement in its caller's code, then there is no need for
$ra to be changed, and there is no need for a stack frame for that
3. Functions that do not store the ra
4. MicroMips instructions can be both - 16bit and 32bit: run over the
commnds using unsinged short*.
5. There are functions that perform "addiu sp, sp, spofft" more than once
6. micro-mips-isa has couple variations for the same command
for example: addiu,addiusp.
I have decided to ignore part of the issues and that is why it works for 95% of the cases.

Strange load instructions produced by mipsel-gcc when compiling glibc

I'm trying to get a small piece of hello-world MIPS program running in Gem 5 simulator. The program was compiled with gcc 4.9.2 and glibc 2.19 (built by crosstool-ng) and runs well in qemu, but it crashed with a page fault (trying to access address 0) in gem5.
Code is rather simple:
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
printf("hello, world\n");
return 0;
file ./test result:
./test: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, MIPS, MIPS-I version 1, statically
linked, for GNU/Linux 3.15.4, not stripped
After some debugging with gdb, I figured out that the page fault is triggered by _dl_setup_stack_chk_guard function in glibc. It accepts a void pointer called _dl_random passed by __libc_start_main function, which happens to be NULL. However, as far as I know, these functions never dereference the pointer, but instructions were generated to load values from the memory _dl_random pointer points to. Some code pieces might help understanding:
in function __libc_start_main (macro THREAD_SET_STACK_GUARD is not set):
/* Initialize the thread library at least a bit since the libgcc
functions are using thread functions if these are available and
we need to setup errno. */
__pthread_initialize_minimal ();
/* Set up the stack checker's canary. */
uintptr_t stack_chk_guard = _dl_setup_stack_chk_guard (_dl_random);
THREAD_SET_STACK_GUARD (stack_chk_guard);
# else
__stack_chk_guard = stack_chk_guard;
# endif
in function _dl_setup_stack_chk_guard (always inlined):
static inline uintptr_t __attribute__ ((always_inline))
_dl_setup_stack_chk_guard (void *dl_random)
uintptr_t num;
unsigned char bytes[sizeof (uintptr_t)];
} ret = { 0 };
if (dl_random == NULL)
ret.bytes[sizeof (ret) - 1] = 255;
ret.bytes[sizeof (ret) - 2] = '\n';
memcpy (ret.bytes, dl_random, sizeof (ret));
ret.num &= ~(uintptr_t) 0xff;
ret.num &= ~((uintptr_t) 0xff << (8 * (sizeof (ret) - 1)));
# error "BYTE_ORDER unknown"
return ret.num;
disassembly code:
0x00400ea4 <+228>: jal 0x4014b4 <__pthread_initialize_minimal>
0x00400ea8 <+232>: nop
0x00400eac <+236>: lui v0,0x4a
0x00400eb0 <+240>: lw v0,6232(v0)
0x00400eb4 <+244>: li a0,-256
0x00400eb8 <+248>: lwl v1,3(v0)
0x00400ebc <+252>: lwr v1,0(v0)
0x00400ec0 <+256>: addiu v0,v0,4
0x00400ec4 <+260>: and v1,v1,a0
0x00400ec8 <+264>: lui a0,0x4a
0x00400ecc <+268>: sw v1,6228(a0)
0x4a1858 (0x4a0000 + 6232) is the address of _dl_random
0x4a1854 (0x4a0000 + 6228) is the address of __stack_chk_guard
Page fault occurs at 0x00400eb8. I don't quite get it how instruction 0x00400eb8 and 0x00400ebc are generated. Could someone shed some light on it please? Thanks.
Here is how I find the root of this problem and my suggestion for solution.
I think it helpful to dive into the Glibc source code to see what really happens. Starting from _dl_random or __libc_start_main are both OK.
As the value of _dl_random is unexpectedly NULL, we need to find how this variable initialize and where it is assigned. With the help of code analysing tools, we can find _dl_random in Glibc is only assigned with meaningful value in function _dl_aux_init, and this function is called by __libc_start_min.
_dl_aux_init iterates on its parameter -- auxvec -- and acts corresponding to auxvec[i].at_type. AT_RANDOM is the case for the assignment of _dl_random. So the problem is that there isn't an AT_RANDOM element to make _dl_random assigned.
As the program runs well in user mode qemu, the root of this problem resides in system environment provider, say, gem5, which has the responsibility to construct auxvec. Having that keyword, we can find that the auxv is constructed in gem5/src/arch/<arch-name>/
The current auxv for MIPS is constructed as below:
// Set the system page size
auxv.push_back(auxv_t(M5_AT_PAGESZ, MipsISA::PageBytes));
// Set the frequency at which time() increments
auxv.push_back(auxv_t(M5_AT_CLKTCK, 100));
// For statically linked executables, this is the virtual
// address of the program header tables if they appear in the
// executable image.
auxv.push_back(auxv_t(M5_AT_PHDR, elfObject->programHeaderTable()));
DPRINTF(Loader, "auxv at PHDR %08p\n", elfObject->programHeaderTable());
// This is the size of a program header entry from the elf file.
auxv.push_back(auxv_t(M5_AT_PHENT, elfObject->programHeaderSize()));
// This is the number of program headers from the original elf file.
auxv.push_back(auxv_t(M5_AT_PHNUM, elfObject->programHeaderCount()));
//The entry point to the program
auxv.push_back(auxv_t(M5_AT_ENTRY, objFile->entryPoint()));
//Different user and group IDs
auxv.push_back(auxv_t(M5_AT_UID, uid()));
auxv.push_back(auxv_t(M5_AT_EUID, euid()));
auxv.push_back(auxv_t(M5_AT_GID, gid()));
auxv.push_back(auxv_t(M5_AT_EGID, egid()));
Now we know what to do. We just need to provide an accessible address value to _dl_random tagged by MT_AT_RANDOM. Gem5's ARM arch implements this already (code). Maybe we can take it as an example.

How to print every executed line in GDB automatically until a given breakpoint is reached?

I would like to be able to set a breakpoint in GDB, and have it run to that point - and in the process, print out lines it has "stepped through".
Here is an example, based on this simple file with a main and a function, and two breakpoints for each:
$ cat > test.c <<EOF
#include "stdio.h"
int count=0;
void doFunction(void) {
// two steps forward
count += 2;
// one step back
int main(void) {
// some pointless init commands;
count = 1;
count += 2;
count = 0;
//main loop
while(1) {
printf("%d\n", count);
$ gcc -g -Wall test.c -o test.exe
$ chmod +x test.exe
$ gdb -se test.exe
Reading symbols from /path/to/test.exe...done.
(gdb) b main
Breakpoint 1 at 0x80483ec: file test.c, line 14.
(gdb) b doFunction
Breakpoint 2 at 0x80483c7: file test.c, line 7.
To start the session, I need to run (r) the program, which will then stop at first breakpoint (main):
(gdb) r
Starting program: /path/to/test.exe
Breakpoint 1, main () at test.c:14
14 count = 1;
At this point - I can, for instance, hit continue (c); and the process will run through, not outputing anything, and break at the requested line:
(gdb) c
Breakpoint 2, doFunction () at test.c:7
7 count += 2;
On the other hand, instead of continue - I can go line by line, either by using step (s) or next (n); for instance:
14 count = 1;
(gdb) n
15 count += 2;
(gdb) s
16 count = 0;
(gdb) s
19 doFunction();
(gdb) s
Breakpoint 2, doFunction () at test.c:7
7 count += 2;
(gdb) s
9 count--;
(gdb) s
10 }
(gdb) s
main () at test.c:20
20 printf("%d\n", count);
(gdb) s
(gdb) s
_IO_vfprintf_internal (s=Cannot access memory at address 0xe5853361
) at vfprintf.c:210
210 vfprintf.c: No such file or directory.
in vfprintf.c
(gdb) s
245 in vfprintf.c
(gdb) s
210 in vfprintf.c
(gdb) n
245 in vfprintf.c
(gdb) n
2006 in vfprintf.c
(gdb) n
__printf (format=0x80484f0 "%d\n") at printf.c:39
39 printf.c: No such file or directory.
in printf.c
(gdb) n
main () at test.c:21
21 }
(gdb) n
19 doFunction();
(gdb) n
Breakpoint 2, doFunction () at test.c:7
7 count += 2;
Anyways, I am aware that I can keep Enter pressed, and the last entered command (step or next) will repeat (left a bit longer session in the second case, to show that 'next' remains on same level, 'step' steps inside the functions being called). However, as it can be seen, depending on whether step or next runs, it may take a while until a result is reached - and so, I don't want to sit for 10 minutes with my hand stuck on the Enter button :)
So, my question is - can I somehow instruct gdb to run to 'breakpoint 2' without further user intervention - while printing out the lines it goes through, as if step (or next) was pressed?
Well, this wasn't easy - but I think I somewhat got it :) I went through a bunch of failed attempts (posted here); relevant code is below.
Basically, the problem in a "next/step until breakpoint" is how to determine whether you're "on" a breakpoint or not, if the debugger is stopped (at a step). Note also I use GDB 7.2-1ubuntu11 (current for Ubuntu 11.04). So, it went like this:
I first found about Convenience Variables, and thought - given there are program counters and such available, there must be some GDB convenience variable that gives the "breakpoint" status, and can be used directly in a GDB script. After looking through GDB reference Index for a while, however, I simply cannot find any such variables (my attempts are in nub.gdb)
In lack of such a "breakpoint status" internal variable - the only thing left to do, is to capture the ('stdout') command line output of GDB (in response to commands) as a string, and parse it (looking for "Breakpoint")
Then, I found out about Python API to GDB, and the gdb.execute("CMDSTR", toString=True) command - which is seemingly exactly what is needed to capture the output: "By default, any output produced by command is sent to gdb's standard output. If the to_string parameter is True, then output will be collected by gdb.execute and returned as a string[1]"!
So, first I tried to make a script (,gdbwrap) that would utilize gdb.execute in the recommended manner; failed here - because of this:
Bug 627506 – python: gdb.execute([...], to_string=True) partly prints to stdout/stderr
Bug 10808 – Allow GDB/Python API to capture and store GDB output
Then, I thought I'd use a python script to subprocess.Popen the GDB program, while replacing its stdin and stdout; and then proceed controlling GDB from there ( - that failed too... (apparently, because I didn't redirect stdin/out right)
Then, I thought I'd use python scripts to be called from GDB (via source) which would internally fork into a pty whenever gdb.execute should be called, so as to capture its output (pygdb-fork.gdb, This almost worked - as there are strings returned; however GDB notices something ain't right: "[tcsetpgrp failed in terminal_inferior: Operation not permitted]", and the subsequent return strings don't seem to change.
And finally, the approach that worked is: temporarily redirecting the GDB output from a gdb.execute to a logfile in RAM (Linux: /dev/shm); and then reading it back, parsing it and printing it from python - python also handles a simple while loop that steps until a breakpoint is reached.
The irony is - most of these bugs, that caused this solution via redirecting the logfile, are actually recently fixed in SVN; meaning those will propagate to the distros in the near future, and one will be able to use gdb.execute("CMDSTR", toString=True) directly :/ Yet, as I cannot risk building GDB from source right now (and possibly bumping into possible new incompatibilites), this is good enough for me also :)
Here are the relevant files (partially also in pygdb-fork.gdb,
pygdb-logg.gdb is:
# gdb script: pygdb-logg.gdb
# easier interface for stuff
# from within gdb: (gdb) source -v pygdb-logg.gdb
# from cdmline: gdb -x pygdb-logg.gdb -se test.exe
# first, "include" the python file:
source -v
# define shorthand for nextUntilBreakpoint():
define nub
python nextUntilBreakpoint()
# set up breakpoints for test.exe:
b main
b doFunction
# go to main breakpoint
run is:
# gdb will 'recognize' this as python
# upon 'source'
# however, from gdb functions still have
# to be called like:
# (gdb) python print logExecCapture("bt")
import sys
import gdb
import os
def logExecCapture(instr):
# /dev/shm - save file in RAM
gdb.execute("set logging file "+ltxname) # lpfname
gdb.execute("set logging redirect on")
gdb.execute("set logging overwrite on")
gdb.execute("set logging on")
gdb.execute("set logging off")
replyContents = open(ltxname, 'r').read() # read entire file
return replyContents
# next until breakpoint
def nextUntilBreakpoint():
isInBreakpoint = -1;
# as long as we don't find "Breakpoint" in report:
while isInBreakpoint == -1:
isInBreakpoint = REP.find("Breakpoint")
print "LOOP:: ", isInBreakpoint, "\n", REP
Basically, pygdb-logg.gdb loads the python script, sets up the alias nub for nextUntilBreakpoint, and initializes the session - everything else is handled by the python script. And here is a sample session - in respect to the test source in OP:
$ gdb -x pygdb-logg.gdb -se test.exe
Reading symbols from /path/to/test.exe...done.
Breakpoint 1 at 0x80483ec: file test.c, line 14.
Breakpoint 2 at 0x80483c7: file test.c, line 7.
Breakpoint 1, main () at test.c:14
14 count = 1;
(gdb) nub
LOOP:: -1
15 count += 2;
LOOP:: -1
16 count = 0;
LOOP:: -1
19 doFunction();
LOOP:: 1
Breakpoint 2, doFunction () at test.c:7
7 count += 2;
(gdb) nub
LOOP:: -1
9 count--;
LOOP:: -1
10 }
LOOP:: -1
main () at test.c:20
20 printf("%d\n", count);
LOOP:: -1
21 }
LOOP:: -1
19 doFunction();
LOOP:: 1
Breakpoint 2, doFunction () at test.c:7
7 count += 2;
... just as I wanted it :P Just don't know how reliable it is (and whether it will be possible to use in avr-gdb, which is what I need this for :) EDIT: version of avr-gdb in Ubuntu 11.04 is currently 6.4, which doesn't recognize the python command :()
Well, hope this helps someone,
Here some references:
GDB: error detected on stdin
GDB has problems with getting commands piped to STDIN
Re: [Gdb] How do i use GDB other input?
gdb doesn't accept input on stdin
Using gdb in an IDE - comp.os.linux.development.apps | Google Groups
rmathew: Terminal Sickness
[TUTORIAL] Calling an external program in C (Linux) - GIDForums
shell - how to use multiple arguments with a shebang (i.e. #!)? - Stack Overflow
Redirecting/storing output of shell into GDB variable? - Stack Overflow
Corey Goldberg: Python - Redirect or Turn Off STDOUT and STDERR
The Cliffs of Inanity › 9. Scripting gdb
gdb python scripting: where has parse_and_eval gone? - Stack Overflow
shell - Invoke gdb to automatically pass arguments to the program being debugged - Stack Overflow
Storing Files/Directories In Memory With tmpfs | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials
simple way to touch a file if it does not exist | Python | Python
os.fork() different in cgi-script? - Python
java - Writing tests that use GDB - how to capture output? - Stack Overflow
Debugging with GDB: How to create GDB Commands in Python - Wiki
GDB reference card
What about doing it like this in gdb, using a command file. Change file argument, and loop count as required.
gdb -x run.gdb
set pagination off
set logging file gdb.log
set logging on
set $i = 0
file main
break main
break WriteData
# sadly, commands not getting executed on reaching breakpoint 2
commands 2
set $i=1000
print "commands 2 : %d",$i
while ( $i < 1000 )
# next
# continue
set $i = $i + 1
Based on the link in #sdaau's answer (, I created my own script to simply keep sending 's' and reading the output of gdb continuously, while printing output to textfile and terminal, of course, my script can be modified to fit anyone else's needs, however, I hope that the modification I made should fit most people needs.
gcc gdbwalkthrough.c -o gdbwalkthrough
./gdbwalkthrough <application full path> [application arguments]
As a new answer, since the previous is already hogged :) Basically, if the point is to observe execution of source (and/or assembly) code lines as the program as running - as the motivation is often for me when looking into "automatic printout" -- then, basically, a very quick way is to use GDB TUI mode; I quote:
c - gdb behavior : value optimized out - Stack Overflow #1354762
Use the GDB TUI mode. My copy of GDB enables it when I type the minus and Enter. Then type C-x 2 (that is hold down Control and press X, release both and then press 2). That will put it into split source and disassembly display. Then use stepi and nexti to move one machine instruction at a time. Use C-x o to switch between the TUI windows.
The trick here is that, even if you hit continue - this time source will be shown and indicated on the TUI; and followed as the program runs:
... and this for me avoids many situations where I'd have to script the breakpoints in "auto-stepping context" (although there are still such situations).. Docs about TUI: TUI - Debugging with GDB
Actually, I have a Github repo with a Python-GDB extension, which does exactly the same thing as You have described, but with some more functionality.
You can just clone the repo:
git clone
and feed the python script to GDB with the following command inside GDB:
source gdb-debug-until/
(Change python script path if necessary)
And now you can use the following command to run through each line of your code until a breakpoint:
debug-until somefile.c:100 --args="" --end="somefile.c:200"
"somefile.c:100" here is a starting breakpoint, and "somefile.c:200" is the final breakpoint.
"--args" specifies a set of arguments to your program (you can omit it if there are no arguments).
With this extension you can also run few times through the code (with '-r' option) and even specify some events that should be handled while debugging. For more info see:
The currently accepted answer includes a lot of file io and does only stop on breakpoints, but watchpoints, signals and possibly even the program end is ignored.
Using the python api this can be handled nicely:
define a user command (with additional argument to say how fast to auto-step)
optional: define a parameter for the default (both variants below)
do the while loop within python, handle the "expected" keyboard interrupt of CTRL-C
register a stop event handler that checks for the stop reason and store the kind of step there
adjust the while loop to stop for a "not simple" stop (breakpoint/watchpoint/signal/...)
The following code may be placed in a which can be made active with source whenever you want that (or include in the .gdbinit file to make it always available):
import gdb
import time
import traceback
class CmdAutoStep (gdb.Command):
"""Auto-Step through the code until something happens or manually interrupted.
An argument says how fast auto stepping is done (1-19, default 5)."""
def __init__(self):
print('Registering command auto-step')
super(CmdAutoStep, self).__init__("auto-step", gdb.COMMAND_RUNNING)
def invoke(self, argument, from_tty):
# sanity check - are we even active, prevents a spurious "no registers" exception
except gdb.error:
raise gdb.GdbError("The program is not being run.")
# calculate sleep time
if argument:
if not argument.isdigit():
raise gdb.GdbError("argument must be a digit, not " + argument)
number = int(argument)
if number == 0 or number > 19:
raise gdb.GdbError("argument must be a digit between 1 and 19")
sleep_time = 3.0 / (1.4 ** number)
# activate GDB scrolling, otherwise we'd auto-step only one page
pagination = gdb.parameter("pagination")
if pagination:
gdb.execute("set pagination off", False, False)
# recognize the kind of stop via stop_handler_auto_step
global last_stop_was_simple
last_stop_was_simple = True
# actual auto-stepping
while last_stop_was_simple:
# we just quit the loop as requested
# pass keyboard and user errors unchanged
except (KeyboardInterrupt, gdb.GdbError):
# that exception is unexpected, but we never know...
except Exception:
# never leave without cleanup...
if pagination:
gdb.execute("set pagination on", False, False)
def stop_handler_auto_step(event):
# check the type of stop, the following is the common one after step/next,
# a more complex one would be a subclass (for example breakpoint or signal)
global last_stop_was_simple
last_stop_was_simple = type(event) is gdb.StopEvent
To specify the default with a parameter (aka "the gdb way") add a new parameter via api and use it as follows (comes also with 0 = unlimited, handling process exit, an additional auto-next command and more class wrapping):
import gdb
import time
import traceback
class ParameterAutoSpeed (gdb.Parameter):
"""default speed for auto-step and auto-next commands (0-19, default 5)"""
def __init__(self):
self.set_doc = """Set speed for "auto-step" and "auto-next",
internally used to calculate sleep time between iterations of "step" / "next";
set "auto-speed 0" causes there to be no sleeping."""
self.show_doc = "Speed value for auto-step/auto-next."
super(ParameterAutoSpeed, self).__init__("auto-speed", gdb.COMMAND_RUNNING, gdb.PARAM_UINTEGER)
self.value = 5
self.backup = self.value
def get_set_string (self):
self.value = int(self.validate(self.value))
except gdb.GdbError:
self.value = int (self.backup)
self.backup = self.value
return ""
def validate (self, argument):
"""validation for auto-step/auto-next speed"""
speed = int(argument)
if speed < 0 or speed > 19:
raise ValueError()
except (TypeError, ValueError):
raise gdb.GdbError("speed argument must be an integer between 1 and 19, or 0")
return speed
class CmdAutoNext (gdb.Command):
"""Auto-Next through the code until something happens or manually interrupted.
An argument says how fast auto stepping is done (see parameter "auto-speed")."""
def __init__(self, worker):
self.worker = worker
super(CmdAutoNext, self).__init__("auto-next", gdb.COMMAND_RUNNING)
def invoke(self, argument, from_tty):
self.worker.invoke (argument)
class CmdAutoStep (gdb.Command):
"""Auto-Step through the code until something happens or manually interrupted.
An argument says how fast auto stepping is done (see parameter "auto-speed").
Note: To be usable you likely need several "skip" setup for not stepping into functions of
the C library and other system libraries which may have no debug symbols available
or are of no interest.
You may press [CTRL]+[C] and execute "skip file", then "finish" to leave those."""
def __init__(self, worker):
self.worker = worker
super(CmdAutoStep, self).__init__("auto-step", gdb.COMMAND_RUNNING)
def invoke(self, argument, from_tty):
self.worker.invoke (argument, do_step=True)
class AutoWorker ():
def __init__(self):
print('Registering parameter auto-speed and commands auto-step, auto-next')
self.speed = ParameterAutoSpeed()
def invoke(self, argument, do_step=False):
# calculate sleep time
if argument:
number = self.speed.validate(argument) # raises an error if not valid
number = self.speed.value
if number:
sleep_time = 3.0 / (1.4 ** number)
sleep_time = 0
# activate GDB scrolling, otherwise we'd auto-step/next only one page
pagination = gdb.parameter("pagination")
if pagination:
gdb.execute("set pagination off", False, False)
# recognize the kind of stop via stop_handler_auto_step
self.last_stop_was_simple = True
# actual auto-stepping
while self.last_stop_was_simple:
if do_step:
gdb.execute ("step")
gdb.execute ("next")
# we just quit the loop as requested
# pass keyboard and user errors unchanged
except (KeyboardInterrupt, gdb.GdbError):
# wrap GDB errors like "the program is not being run" to let them be
# handled via default invoke error reporting, not as a python error
except gdb.error as err:
raise gdb.GdbError(err)
# that exception is unexpected, but we never know...
except Exception:
# never leave without cleanup...
if pagination:
gdb.execute("set pagination on", False, False)
def stop_handler_auto(self, event):
# check the type of stop, the following is the common one after step/next,
# a more complex one would be a subclass (for example breakpoint or signal)
self.last_stop_was_simple = type(event) is gdb.StopEvent
def exit_handler_auto(self, event):
self.last_stop_was_simple = False
