Google app engine vs appscale - google-app-engine

What is the advantage of using appscale when I can locally run app engine project on the server and forward it to my server's external IP to open it to the internet.
Also the resource requirement of appscale is way higher than that of the app engine.

Not sure I follow your question: AppScale allows you to run your app engine up on premise, or on another cloud provider if you so desire. How can you do that from GAE? Also usually our cost/requirements are cheaper for medium/large projects.


Google App Engine vs Tomcat

I was able to create the basic 'hello world' program.
When I tried to understand the difference between a cloud and a server I learned that Cloud is where you have an access to virtual instance created exclusively for you and you are free to choose and install software of your choice.Why Google App Engine(GAE) is used widely where as tomcat is not used. What are major differences between GAE and Tomcat?
Cloud is Google Cloud Platform at this case. App Engine is just one of their services.
App Engine is a platform to build your apps on top of it. A Platform As A Service or PaaS. It simplifies the process of building a scalable application, and you should use it when you understand what you really need and understand principles of scalable application.
Tomcat is a Java web container, and there're many alternatives. Google App Engine is using Jetty. You could actually use it with Tomcat by using Flexible VM, though it doesn't make much sense.
App Engine is not about web server, it's a set of services that helps you to build a scalable app. It includes Memcache, Datastore, Task Queue, Images API, deployments tools and versioning, CDN for static files, and most important automatic scale.
Actually you aren't limited to App Engine on Google Cloud Platform. There is more traditional service, like own server in the cloud, called Compute Engine. There you can run your Tomcat or anything else.

Is it possible to use Google App Engine with Google Cloud VPN?

The documentation from Google is not really clear about it.
Here ( ) it says
Google Cloud VPN securely connects your existing network to your Google Cloud Platform (GCP) network through an IPsec VPN connection
Considering that Both Google App Engine (GAE) and Google Compute Engine (GCE) are part of Google Cloud Platform (GCP), it would mean that Google Cloud VPN works for both GAE and GCE.
Also, the section for Cloud VNP is at the same level than GAE and GCE in the project console :
But the documentation is located in /compute/docs which should not obviously be compatible with /appengine/docs
And here is a graph describing the tunnel, which talks only about GCE, which could exclude GAE :
So, is GAE compatible with Cloud VPN or is it restricted to GCE only ?
Google Cloud VPN securely connects your existing network to your Google Cloud Platform (GCP) network through an IPsec VPN connection. Therefore, only resources that are connected to GCP networks can communicate through Cloud VPN tunnels.
App Engine Flexible Environment is based on Google Compute Engine and consequently can connect to your remote network via Cloud VPNs. As described in this article, you can specify network settings in your app.yaml configuration file of your GAE Flexible application.
EDIT Rodrigo Torres has pointed out that this is NOW possible.
(Leaving up the old post below. It is now WRONG!!!)
Google App Engine standard CAN'T use VPN directly, however the new Flexible Google App Engine (now officially released, no longer in beta) CAN use it directly. Just set up google cloud VPN and your network from the console and make sure to include the network in your app.yaml file.
Flexible App Engine is be the easiest way for new applications to utilize VPN connections since there won't be any migration headaches.
For a standard app engine application that can't be ported over to flexible for whatever reason, you CAN still use a VPN connection - however, it requires a service to be running on flexible app engine (or compute engine), and your app will need to interface with it somehow. This may be the simplest method, as migrating from standard to flexible is not the simplest of tasks. I know - I've done it.

I want to choose my own Server and own database in google app engine

I am very newly in google app engine.. There are three Questoins on google app engine and in google app engine i want to choose JAVA language.
Does google app engine provide private cloude ?
I want to deploy my application with my own server( E.x.glassfish or JBoss) on google app engine ?
I want to use my own database instead of cloud SQL in google app engine?
Is it possible or not?
With Google Cloud Appengine - no, it's impossible.
With Google Cloud Instances or Google Cloud Containers - all of this is possible.
Appengine is just one piece of Google Cloud, designed for very specific job, with infrastructure managed by Google. You can only write some code (with lot of restrictions too) that runs inside it. You can read some details about code restritions there:
What you're looking for is Google Cloud Instances, that are more standard virtual machines, where you can run anything you want. See
There is still tools for Load Balancing, Health Check, Centralized Logging for Cloud Instances, and other stuff similar to features provided by Appengine.

Is there an equivalent of AWS "security groups" between App Engine and Compute Engine instances?

Are there any updates about this question?
Google App Engine communicate with Compute Engine over internal network
It is possibile to enable HTTP traffic between App Engine and Compute Engine instances that are in the same Cloud Project?
Obviously denying all HTTP traffic from other sources.
Between AWS EC2/RDS/Beanstalk this is possibile with "security groups".
I think the best you can currently do is managed VMs (, early access right now). It's essentially managed VMs running custom code in the app engine project. I did not check if the managed VMs will be able to run together with other gce VMs in the same network - if they did one could just connect to the internal addresses of the other instances. There does not appear to be a configuration option to define a network so I'm leaning to guess that they won't be able to see each other on the network like that.
But as an answer to the general question, I don't think there is any way of referencing app engine runtimes as sources in gce network ACLs currently.
As of now In 2016 as google cloud has launched google cloud flexible environment appengine/docs/flexible/. So yes it is possible now because now both app engine and compute engine are present in same network and therefore using app engine you can access compute engine by using their internal Ip, also remember to delete all external firewall rules for your compute engines if you only want to allow access from app engine.
there isn't way to reference App Engine resource within GCE. If you are trying to access GCE only from App Engine app, then you could define ACL in GCE to let traffic only from your AppEngine external IP.

Install tomcat on Google app engine?

I am pretty new to this whole idea of cloud and started of with Google app engine. I was able to create the basic 'hello world' program.
When i tried to understand the difference between a cloud and a server I learned that Cloud is where you have an access to virtual instance created exclusively for you and you are free to choose and install software of your choice.
But I don't see such an option with Google-cloud/app-engine. What if I have a tom-cat based application server which I would like to deploy on a cloud? Will Google app engine be of any help or should I try other cloud service providers such as Amazon EC2, hp cloud etc?
The cloud type that you are referring to is called Infrastructure as a Service cloud.
OTOH, Google App Engine is Platform as a Service cloud.
The difference is that IaaS are a bunch of virtual machines that you need to setup yourself (OS + app stack), while PaaS typically comes with it's own API, where you write your app against the API and the rest (sw stack + scalability) is taken care of.
AppEngine comes with it's own servlet container (Tomcat is also a servlet container), so from this standpoint you could use your code on AppEngine. But the problem lies elsewhere: AppEngine imposes a set of limitation on the apps:
app must use GAE provided databases.
app can not write to filesystem
app can not have listening sockets
requests must finish in 60 seconds (e.g. no Comet or WebSockets -> no push)
You might want to review the FAQ.
To add to Peter's excellent answer, note that Google also has an IaaS service called Google Compute Engine.
Regarding other cloud query-
Before you start with cloud you might once try other options. Currently deploying application in almost all services are very easy.
few of them are-
Jelastic , Heroku , rackspace , nimbus , openshift etc.
Difference between cloud and server is very well explained already.
Since you mentioned about tomcat based application , I have worked with Jelastic for the same and found very easy to implement.
Try all possible option , it will help you more .
