recv all socket (until the message end symbol), C - c

I want to write a recvall function for socket in C. I assume, that every message in my protocol ends with \r\n. I wrote something like this below:
int recvall (int socket, char *buffer, int numBytes)
int bytesRcvd = 0;
numBytes = numBytes - 1;
while(bytesRcvd < numBytes)
int chunk = recv(socket, buffer + bytesRcvd, numBytes - bytesRcvd, 0);
if (chunk == 0 || chunk == -1)
if(strstr(buffer, "\r\n"))
bytesRcvd += (chunk);
buffer[bytesRcvd] = '\0';
return bytesRcvd;
But it shows me that it returns and reads 0 bytes. On the other hand, when I remove:
if(strstr(buffer, "\r\n"))
it hangs. How to improve it?

One mistake here is that strstr expects a zero-terminated string. A fix:
buffer[chunk] = 0;
if(strstr(buffer, "\r\n"))
However, there may be more data following "\r\n", and that data gets lost here.
A common design pattern for receiving data is:
Have a class that maintains a connection with send/receive buffers.
When it has received data into the receive buffer, it calls a message parsing callback passing buffer and buffer_size.
The message parsing callback consumes all available complete messages in the buffer and returns the number of bytes consumed (as you do).
The message parsing callback calls another callback, passing a complete message to it.
Something like this:
typedef struct
int socket;
// Message-parsing callback.
size_t(*on_recv_cb)(void*, void*, size_t);
void* on_recv_cb_data;
unsigned char recv_buffer[256 * 1024];
size_t recv_buffer_size; // Initialized with 0;
} Connection;
void Connection_on_socket_ready_for_read(Connection* self) {
// Assumes a non-blocking socket. Read once to avoid starvation of other sockets.
ssize_t received = read(self->socket, self->recv_buffer + self->recv_buffer_size, sizeof self->recv_buffer - self->recv_buffer_size);
if(received > 0) {
self->recv_buffer_size += received;
size_t consumed = self->on_recv_cb(self->on_recv_cb_data, self->recv_buffer, self->recv_buffer_size);
self->recv_buffer_size -= consumed;
memmove(self->on_recv_cb_data, self->recv_buffer + consumed, self->recv_buffer_size);
else if(received < 0) {
if(EAGAIN == errno)
// Handle error.
else {
// Handle EOF.
typedef struct {
// Message callback.
void(*on_message_cb)(void*, char*, size_t);
void* on_message_cb_data;
} MessageParserCrLf;
size_t MessageParserCrLf_on_recv(void* cb_data, void* data, size_t data_size) {
MessageParserCrLf* self = cb_data;
char* message_begin = data;
char* message_end = data;
while(data_size - (message_end - (char*)data) >= 2) {
if(message_end[0] == '\r' && message_end[1] == '\n') {
message_end += 2;
self->on_message_cb(self->on_message_cb_data, message_begin, message_end - message_begin);
message_begin = message_end;
else {
return message_begin - (char*)data;
void on_message(void* cb_data, char* message, size_t message_size) {
(void)cb_data; // Unused here.
printf("on_message: %.*s\n", (int)message_size, message);
int main() {
MessageParserCrLf message_parser = {on_message, NULL};
Connection connection = {0, MessageParserCrLf_on_recv, &message_parser, {}, 0};
[~/src/test]$ cat lines.txt
[~/src/test]$ ./test < lines.txt
on_message: abc
on_message: def
on_message: end

If there is "\r\n" in the received buffer, the following line will break and end the while loop,
if(strstr(buffer, "\r\n")) break;
but bytesRcvd hasn't increased, so the function will return with bytesRcvd=0.
Try to put bytesRcvd increase before judging like this,
bytesRcvd += (chunk);
if(strstr(buffer, "\r\n"))


How to enqueue this char[] array in C?

I have to use a buffer of size max_cache_req_len to read in the value received from mq_receive. Here is my code that is receiving a value from shared memory and then placing it on a queue:
size_t received_bytes = 0;
received_bytes = 0;
memset(&buffer, 0, MAX_CACHE_REQUEST_LEN);
received_bytes = mq_receive(mq, buffer, MAX_CACHE_REQUEST_LEN, NULL);
if (received_bytes != -1)
item_type *item = malloc(sizeof(item_type));
item->path = buffer;
steque_enqueue(&queue, item);
Here is my code that is taking the item off the queue, and placing it into a char* value. When I print the path, I get "".
void *worker(void *arg)
item_type *new_item;
char *path;
int fd;
while (1)
while (steque_isempty(&queue) == 1)
pthread_cond_wait(&queue_cond, &queue_lock);
new_item = steque_pop(&queue);
path = new_item->path;
new_item = NULL;
fd = simplecache_get(path);
printf("%d\n", fd);
printf("%s\n", path);
if (fd == CACHE_FAILURE)
If I hardcode something like:
item->path = "buffer";
Then it prints buffer from within my worker function. This is a multithreaded application, I am just unsure what to do with my char[size] array to transform it into a char* and allow it to transfer.
(char*)&char[size] queued -> queue turns it into a void* -> popped off queue, turned into a char* and value is lost

C : dereferencing pointer to a struct has wrong values [mqtt-c, pointers]

I suspect this is a basic issue, I just have a moment of dumbness.
I'm trying to make very simple mqtt client with MQTT-C library as a part of testing tool of my other solution.When I receive subscribed message I have weired issue : inside mqtt-c library (just before a call to a function pointer which happens to be mine "subsriber callback") everything seems ok, but right after a call to my function, dereferencing a pointer shows struct with completly wrong values inside. If I go one step up in callstack, so back to mqtt, the values inspector gives (set to dereference uint32_t value - precisely pointer's address), again, correct structure.
The structure, pointer to which mqtt passes to callback, is allocated on stack inside function in mqtt library. I don't think that thread could change, which would invalidate stack. I have also included mqtt.h, which means that my function should understand the structure.
I will paste some relevant code snippets, any help will be appreciated, including general advices.
ssize_t __mqtt_recv(struct mqtt_client *client)
struct mqtt_response response;
ssize_t mqtt_recv_ret = MQTT_OK;
/* read until there is nothing left to read, or there was an error */
while(mqtt_recv_ret == MQTT_OK) {
/* read in as many bytes as possible */
ssize_t rv, consumed;
struct mqtt_queued_message *msg = NULL;
rv = mqtt_pal_recvall(client->socketfd, client->recv_buffer.curr, client->recv_buffer.curr_sz, 0);
if (rv < 0) {
/* an error occurred */
client->error = (enum MQTTErrors)rv;
return rv;
} else {
client->recv_buffer.curr += rv;
client->recv_buffer.curr_sz -= (unsigned long)rv;
/* attempt to parse */
consumed = mqtt_unpack_response(&response, client->recv_buffer.mem_start, (size_t) (client->recv_buffer.curr - client->recv_buffer.mem_start));
if (consumed < 0) {
client->error = (enum MQTTErrors)consumed;
return consumed;
} else if (consumed == 0) {
/* if curr_sz is 0 then the buffer is too small to ever fit the message */
if (client->recv_buffer.curr_sz == 0) {
printf("receive buff sz is zero??\n");
/* just need to wait for the rest of the data */
return MQTT_OK;
switch (response.fixed_header.control_type) {
/* stage response, none if qos==0, PUBACK if qos==1, PUBREC if qos==2 */
if (response.decoded.publish.qos_level == 1) {
rv = __mqtt_puback(client, response.decoded.publish.packet_id);
if (rv != MQTT_OK) {
client->error = (enum MQTTErrors)rv;
mqtt_recv_ret = rv;
} else if (response.decoded.publish.qos_level == 2) {
/* check if this is a duplicate */
if (mqtt_mq_find(&client->mq, MQTT_CONTROL_PUBREC, &response.decoded.publish.packet_id) != NULL) {
rv = __mqtt_pubrec(client, response.decoded.publish.packet_id);
if (rv != MQTT_OK) {
client->error = (enum MQTTErrors)rv;
mqtt_recv_ret = rv;
/* call publish callback */
printf("address: %d; size: %d\n", (uint32_t) &response.decoded.publish, response.decoded.publish.application_message_size);
//all ok here.
client->publish_response_callback(&client->publish_response_callback_state, &response.decoded.publish);
/* we've handled the response, now clean the buffer */
void* dest = (unsigned char*)client->recv_buffer.mem_start;
void* src = (unsigned char*)client->recv_buffer.mem_start + consumed;
size_t n = (size_t) (client->recv_buffer.curr - client->recv_buffer.mem_start - consumed);
memmove(dest, src, n);
client->recv_buffer.curr -= consumed;
client->recv_buffer.curr_sz += (unsigned long)consumed;
/* In case there was some error handling the (well formed) message, we end up here */
return mqtt_recv_ret;
struct mqtt_response {
/** #brief The mqtt_fixed_header of the deserialized packet. */
struct mqtt_fixed_header fixed_header;
* #brief A union of the possible responses from the broker.
* #note The fixed_header contains the control type. This control type corresponds to the
* member of this union that should be accessed. For example if
* fixed_header#control_type == \c MQTT_CONTROL_PUBLISH then
* decoded#publish should be accessed.
union {
struct mqtt_response_connack connack;
struct mqtt_response_publish publish;
struct mqtt_response_puback puback;
struct mqtt_response_pubrec pubrec;
struct mqtt_response_pubrel pubrel;
struct mqtt_response_pubcomp pubcomp;
struct mqtt_response_suback suback;
struct mqtt_response_unsuback unsuback;
struct mqtt_response_pingresp pingresp;
} decoded;
static void netReqHandler(void) {
int sockfd = myOpenSocket(ipaddr, port);//open_nb_socket(ipaddr, port);
mqtt_init(&client, sockfd, sendbuf, buffersizes, receivebuf, buffersizes, publish_callback);
printf("client error is %d\n", (&client)->error);
void publish_callback(void** unused, struct mqtt_response_publish *published) {
printf("app msg size : %d, addr: %d\n", published->application_message_size, (uint32_t) published);
char *nullTerminatedMessage = malloc(published->application_message_size + 1);
strncpy(nullTerminatedMessage, published->application_message, published->application_message_size);
nullTerminatedMessage[published->application_message_size] = '\0';

Reading large amount of data from socket in c

I have a python tcp server that accepts connections and generates a random string of length between (0,1M) characters, on the other side I have a c client that needs to listen on that socket and read the string and convert it into a single char of the same length as the string returned by the server
int receiver(int soc_desc, char * buffer)
char *arr = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char));
unsigned int received , total_received;
while (1)
memset(arr, 0, MAX); // clear the buffer
if ( received = recv(soc_desc, arr , MAX, 0) < 0)
total_received += received;
return received;
// soc_desc is the socket descriptor
// buffer is the buffer that will hold the final output
The only way that I can think of is using malloc to read chunks of the data returned from the server but I am having bad time trying to figure it out and I need to convert the array of char pointers into a single char when the client is done receiving data from the server
Reassembling network data, particularly from TCP, can get tricky. The following code is untested and surely doesn't account for all contingencies, but hopefully is down the right path of what you need to do.
ssize_t receiver(int soc_desc, char * buffer)
// Whats the buffer argument used for?
// what you had before only allocated space for 1 char. That's not what you want
// This allocates for MAX+1 chars (I'm doing +1 for a NUL terminator)
char *arr = malloc(MAX+1);
// if MAX is small enough, you could do
// char arr[MAX+1];
// 0 buffer. You could use calloc instead of malloc + memset
memset(arr, 0, MAX+1);
// initialize total_received to 0
ssize_t received , total_received = 0;
size_t spaceLeftInBuf = MAX;
while (1)
// don't memset here, you'll erase the data you received last iteration
// write data to arr+total_receieved. This way you won't overwrite what
// you received the last iteration
received = recv(soc_desc, arr+total_received, spaceLeftInBuf, 0);
if (received < 0)
// there was an error
perror("recv failed: ");
// do something with the data already received? Ok, break and
// print what we've got
else if (received == 0)
// socket closed gracefully, suppose we can break again and print
// what we've got
// update counters
total_received += received;
spaceLeftInBuf -= received;
// is our buffer full? This may not be the right check, you need to
// decide when to process the data
// total_received better not ever be > MAX...
if (total_received >= MAX)
// "process" the data by printing it
printf("%s\n", arr);
// reset
total_received = 0;
spaceLeftInBuf = MAX;
// not particularly necessary to reset this to all 0s, but should
// make sure printing goes smoothly if we break out of this loop
memset(arr, 0, MAX); // arr[MAX] should already be '\0' from above
return received;
See Do I cast the result of malloc?
I found a way to do it but this is not tested enough and for sure will cause memory issues
char *arr = malloc(sizeof(char));
char tmp_buff[MAX];
while (recv(soc_desc, tmp_buff , MAX, 0) > 0 )
strcat(arr , tmp_buff);
printf("Size : %ld arr : %s\n",strlen(tmp_buff),tmp_buff);

getting data from server in cycle

my task is get from server data of an file with HTTP protocol
but problem is that i dont know the size of the content so i iterate through read func to get data from socked but it iterates every time only once i dont know really why
int res, len, total, boolk = 0, p=0;
while ((res = read(client_socket,bufferOut,4095)) > 0)
bufferOut[res]= '\0';
buffer = calloc(strlen(bufferOut)+1,sizeof(char));
buffer = realloc(buffer,strlen(buffer)*sizeof(char)+strlen(bufferOut)+1*sizeof(char));
if(isEnough(bufferOut)!=0 && boolk == 0)
index = getIndex(buffer);
kk = getCode(buffer);
len = getLen(buffer);
boolk = 1;
if(strlen(bufferOut)>=len+index && boolk == 1)
function isEnough only looks if full http header arrived getIndex get lenght of header and getLen get length of that file so i wanted to iterate until buffer is same lenght as header file which should be
You're working much too hard.
read_until_enough(int client_socket, char **buf_out, size_t *buflen_out)
char *rdbuf = xmalloc(INITIAL_BUFFER_SIZE);
size_t buflen = 0, bufalloc = INITIAL_BUFFER_SIZE;
for (;;) {
ssize_t n = recv(client_socket, rdbuf + buflen, bufalloc - buflen);
if (n <= 0) goto recv_failure;
if (is_enough(rdbuf, buflen)) break;
buflen += n;
if (buflen == bufalloc) {
bufalloc *= 2;
rdbuf = xrealloc(rdbuf, bufalloc);
*rdbuf_out = rdbuf;
*buflen_out = buflen;
return 0;
int save_errno = errno;
errno = save_errno;
*rdbuf_out = 0;
*buflen_out = 0;
return -1;
Please note that is_enough now takes the size of the received data as an argument, caller gets both the received data and its size, and the buffer is NOT nul-terminated. HTTP is a binary-transparent protocol; you MUST NOTrfc2119 assume that you never receive nul bytes.
Please also note that is_enough is stateless and is expected to do all of the parsing. This is better separation of concerns. Worry about the performance cost of re-parsing the HTTP headers each time around the loop only after you have everything working.
Finally, the functions xmalloc and xrealloc are wrappers around malloc and realloc that either succeed or crash the program. I am using them here to avoid cluttering up the example with error-recovery logic for memory allocation. You will have to decide whether they are appropriate for whatever you're doing.

Handling errors in libcrypto BIO base64 decoding

I've been playing around libcrypto's BIO, and I can't find a way to detect errors during base64 decoding.
Even if data is complete garbage, BIO_read just returns zero, and error queue - as examined with ERR_get_error - remains empty.
The same issue happens with BIO_FLAGS_BASE64_NO_NL flag: in case of mismatch (that is, data contains newlines, but the flag is set; and vice versa), there's no indication of error, there's just no data.
So, is there a way to catch decoding errors?
static unsigned char *base64_decode(unsigned char *data, size_t len, size_t *out_len)
// chain should look like this
// b64 - mem
// so when we read from b64, it gets data from mem and decodes it
BIO *bio_b64;
BIO *bio_mem;
size_t res_capacity;
size_t res_size;
unsigned char *res;
size_t ret;
bio_b64 = BIO_new(BIO_f_base64());
bio_mem = BIO_new_mem_buf(data, len);
res_capacity = 1024;
res_size = 0;
res = malloc(res_capacity);
// don't care about newlines
BIO_set_flags(bio_b64, BIO_FLAGS_BASE64_NO_NL);
BIO_push(bio_b64, bio_mem);
// empty error queue, just in case
while (ERR_get_error() != 0);
while (1) {
ret = BIO_read(bio_b64, &res[res_size], res_capacity - res_size);
if (ret == (res_capacity - res_size)) {
res_size += ret;
res_capacity *= 2;
res = realloc(res, res_capacity);
} else if (ret == 0) {
} else {
res_size += ret;
if (ERR_get_error() != 0) {
return NULL;
*out_len = res_size;
return res;
Unfortunately BIO_read does't emit an error if malformed data. You can either check expected size (4/3) or reimplement without openssl.
