Twilio Send SMS throw exeption Salesforce - salesforce

I am trying to send and SMS using Twilio but getting an error. Earlier it was working fine but now I am getting an exception : TwilioRestException: Script-thrown exception.
I suspect its a enhancement in Salesforce but don't know how to fix it. Any suggestion is appreciated.

There is a Twilio<>Salesforce Library you can use that doesn't have the issue:

Twilio recently deprecated the SMS/Messages resource and replaced with Messages resource. You can view the change log here:
I also encountered a similar issue and resolved by implementing the new process. Hope this helps!


Trying to implement in-app voice call from browser

I have cloned the click-to-call repository and followed the steps as mentioned. I am able to login with said created user but then get stuck at /rtc API.I got some error in network panel. and "General SSL engine problem in console which is not correct. SSL certificates are all correct." Let me know where i went wrong. Please check the screenshot below :
I have had a talk with nexmo team, they said it is the ssl issue.
Now I am unable to find where to import the certificate to my app?
I am the JavaScript Developer Advocate at Vonage (Nexmo).
You also filed an issue at correct? Thanks for that. I will also post my response here.
From your issue, it looks as if the Conversation Id is not being sent.
We recently merged some changes to the repo.
In your .env file, do you have SUPPORT_PHONE_NUMBER? That should be NEXMO_NUMBER.
Also, when calling the server, previously the code in the client.js around line 34 was application.callServer(); it is now application.callServer(;
Let me know if this works for you.
Check with Nexmo - either you are out of balance or your account has been been marked inactive for some reason. Most of the time its because of insufficient balance.

Why I can get all Messages when Message HTTP REST API is disabled?

I recently work with Commercetools platform and I have a question.
I disabled Message Settings in Admin Center you can see it here:
But when I execute Query:
I get all my Messages.
Why is it happens? What did I miss?
Thanks for your question. Turning off the messages will not remove existing messages. However, no new messages will be published.
Does that make sense?
Best Regards

Sending email with camel

I'm having issues sending an email out through camel with the java dsl.
I've been using the camel mail guide but I receive the following error.
Caused by: [com.sun.mail.util.MailConnectException - Couldn't connect to host, port:, 25; timeout 30000]
Here is what I have in my route
from("timer://foo?period=5000") // Create a message every 5 seconds
.setHeader("subject", simple("hello from camel"))
The email service is actually provided by gmail. Now I did see a gmail plugin, but its pretty tough to find an example, so I thought I would use the standard method for now. But if someone knows the solution using it, I welcome it!
PS. I have camel-mail dependency and thecamel-google-mail which I'm not using.
Versions 2.20.2
It was due to less secure apps not fully being turned off.
Use this link here
Also some of the silly mistakes pointed out in the comments.

Can't create a new user on a app

I'm trying to create a new user on using iOS, and it succeeds (at least it shows up in the console) but I also get an error: Kinvey Ertror Code = 406, "Device token is empty".
Can someone please explain what that means, and how to get around it?
We have a thread on the Kinvey forums that has been set up to address this issue. We are tracking it over here:
We have patched this issue and are awaiting user feedback of the new SDK.
I had the same problem..
I was using kinvey 1.40.3 -> did an update: "pod update" in the terminal to 1.40.4
since then it is working for me

Handling Google clientLogin Captcha Example

I have a desktop application.
I try to perform authentication using
However, whenever I get a Captcha challenge, I use a HTTP GET request (I test using web browser) to get the image to present to user.
However, I always get the images :
Sorry, we are unable to handle your
request at this time. Please try again
Any idea what I had did wrong? Thanks!
I had solved the problem, please refer to code (See getCapchaRespond method)
