STM32 - Why is my function stopped and taken over by another? - c

I have a main file that's running on a STM32F4 chip with ThreadX running in the background (part of the WICED SDK for those of you who know). In this case I'm not use any of the ThreadX APIs.
My code is set up like this:
void func_a(void) {
void func_b(void) {
int main() {
In func_a(), it's interacting with a serial NOR flash chip over SPI. But every time it executes, it seems like it's terminated early after a second or so. I noticed this because interact_over_spi() would be printing out messages to serial console, and then all of a sudden stop and the messages from func_b() starts to print.
I don't even know where to begin troubleshooting this. Is there a length limit on how long a function would run? Like I said, I'm using ThreadX by default and not using any thread management functions yet. I also noticed that the problem went away when I put the device under GDB. It seems like having breakpoints in the middle of the interact_over_spi() forces it to run till completion. Any ideas why?


Program runs, calls function but I get no "output" on STM32L1

I encounter a problem currently with a custom STM32L151 board that I will try to explain here.
The program I am testing runs properly for some time, I get debug messages on puTTY as intended but at a time, the program seems to be "blocked".
It is pretty weird behaviour because the function which prints over UART is called (I put a breakpoint here to see if I reach this point) but I get no output on a terminal.
So I was wondering what could be the issue, if someone as an idea because I kinda run out of ideas to be honest, I tried to understand. I will assume there is no hardware issue, it is still possible but I do not think it could be that reason.
Also, the programs is aimed at receiving a FSK message and answering it and it seems that I have the same behaviour with the radio chip: I receive the message and send a response (I get the TxDone callback called which indicates that the FSK message has normally been sent but the device which waits for this response does not receive it).
So to sum up a bit: the program runs properly for a moment then "blocks" & I do not get any output anymore (debug or radio communication) but still runs (functions effectively called) and after a moment again, the program "unblocks" itself and runs properly again (debug messages work).
The device I work on is STM32L151 based, I work with Keil, UART config is: 19200 baudrate, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity, XON/XOFF flow control & the radio chip I use is SX1272.
If someone has any idea or any trail I can investigate on. If you need any further details, I am not sure I am accurate enough on the description of the problem but any help is appreciated.

C Kernel - interrupts not working during while loops

I am making a kernel from scratch in c (Not linux. COMPLETELY from scratch) and I have come along a bit of a problem. I have this code:
#include "timer.h"
int ms = 0;
void timer_handler(struct regs *r){
println("I print every tick");
void sleep(int ticks){
unsigned long eticks;
eticks = ms + ticks;
while(ms < eticks);
And timer_handler is attached to IRQ0 (The PIT) and works perfectly fine. The println that says "I print every tick" works just fine, and If I print the ms variable in my code, it prints the correct amount. But, If I call the sleep function, the timer_handler stops firing and it gets stuck in an infinite loop. Is there any way I can allow interrupts to fire while in a while loop?
It sounds like you are not sending the end of interrupt. You need to do an outb(0x20,0x20) (port and data value are the same so it doesn't matter how you have defined outb) for IRQ0 in your interrupt handler. If you are getting only one interrupt, from your question it is not clear if you are getting any interrupts or not, then this is most likely your problem. If not post all the relevant code, e.g. where you are setting up your IDT.
If this is not the case one simple thing you can do to debug is to cause a software interrupt via the int instruction for the corresponding IDT. If that works then it has something to do with the PIC or PIT and not your IDT entry.
Also as others have mentioned you should make ms volatile or use a barrier so the compiler doesn't optimize reading the value. I don't think this is your problem though as you would still be seeing multiple prints if the timer interrupt was occurring.
It was just virtualbox for some reason, it works on my actual PC.

STM32F0Discovery TIM1_CC_IRQHandler issue

I am currently trying to debug my project and am having a small issue. We are running the debugger using Ride7 with an RLink connected to our board on the SWD pins. When we run the code we get stuck at one point where the device gets stuck at one point. We paused it and found that the program counter is point to TIM1_CC_IRQHandler. We interpreted this as a flag for timer1's capture compare. However, we are not even using capture compare mode. We never even initialize timer 1. What is the microcontroller trying to do and how can we get past it?
We have tried stepping through the program and cannot follow the PC to the point where it gets stuck. We have run it, it passes through our main while loop, but on the second pass it gets lost. We then reset it and found that the PC is pointing to RESET_HANDLER. This happens in the printf() call; I don't know what it is trying to do.
Code if it helps:
#include <stdio.h>
#include "device_initialization.h"
void main(void)
uint32_t time = 0;
printf("\n\rUSART Printf Example: retarget the C library printf function to the USART\n\r");
/* Loop until the end of transmission */
/* The software must wait until TC=1. The TC flag remains cleared during all data
transfers and it is set by hardware at the last frame’s end of transmission*/
while (USART_GetFlagStatus(EVAL_COM1, USART_FLAG_TC) == RESET)
Using printf() in microcontroller is new for me. I think you should get a compile or a linker error. I see a commented row //initTIM(); so I recommend to checking timer init methods (NVIC structure settings).
The delay while cycle runs only at once.

How to prevent linux soft lockup/unresponsiveness in C without sleep

How would be the correct way to prevent a soft lockup/unresponsiveness in a long running while loop in a C program?
(dmesg is reporting a soft lockup)
Pseudo code is like this:
while( worktodo ) {
worktodo = doWork();
My code is of course way more complex, and also includes a printf statement which gets executed once a second to report progress, but the problem is, the program ceases to respond to ctrl+c at this point.
Things I've tried which do work (but I want an alternative):
doing printf every loop iteration (don't know why, but the program becomes responsive again that way (???)) - wastes a lot of performance due to unneeded printf calls (each doWork() call does not take very long)
using sleep/usleep/... - also seems like a waste of (processing-)time to me, as the whole program will already be running several hours at full speed
What I'm thinking about is some kind of process_waiting_events() function or the like, and normal signals seem to be working fine as I can use kill on a different shell to stop the program.
Additional background info: I'm using GWAN and my code is running inside the main.c "maintenance script", which seems to be running in the main thread as far as I can tell.
Thank you very much.
P.S.: Yes I did check all other threads I found regarding soft lockups, but they all seem to ask about why soft lockups occur, while I know the why and want to have a way of preventing them.
P.P.S.: Optimizing the program (making it run shorter) is not really a solution, as I'm processing a 29GB bz2 file which extracts to about 400GB xml, at the speed of about 10-40MB per second on a single thread, so even at max speed I would be bound by I/O and still have it running for several hours.
While the posed answer using threads might possibly be an option, it would in reality just shift the problem to a different thread. My solution after all was using
Also tested sched_yield / pthread_yield, both of which didn't really help. Unfortunately I've been unable to find a good resource which documents sleep(0) in linux, but for windows the documentation states that using a value of 0 lets the thread yield it's remaining part of the current cpu slice.
It turns out that sleep(0) is most probably relying on what is called timer slack in linux - an article about this can be found here:
Another possibility is using nanosleep(&(struct timespec){0}, NULL) which seems to not necessarily rely on timer slack - linux man pages for nanosleep state that if the requested interval is below clock granularity, it will be rounded up to clock granularity, which on linux depends on CLOCK_MONOTONIC according to the man pages. Thus, a value of 0 nanoseconds is perfectly valid and should always work, as clock granularity can never be 0.
Hope this helps someone else as well ;)
Your scenario is not really a soft lock up, it is a process is busy doing something.
How about this pseudo code:
void workerThread()
workToDo = DoWork()
void sighandler()
signal worker thread to finish
void main()
Clearly a timing issue. Using a signalling mechanism should remove the problem.
The use of printf solves the problem because printf accesses the console which is an expensive and time consuming process which in your case gives enough time for the worker to complete its work.

How can I send a string serially from an 8051 only ONCE?

I am making an 8051 microcontroller communicate wirelessly with a computer. The microcontroller will send a string to its serial port (DB9) and the computer will receive this string and manipulate it.
My problem is that I do not know how to make the 8051 transmit the string just once. Since I need to manipulate the string at the PC end it has to be received only one time. Currently, even though in the C code I am sending the string once, on my computer I am receiving the same string continuously.
I assume this is because whatever is in the SBUF is continuously transmitted. Is there any way that I can send my string only once? Is there a way to empty the SBUF?
I tried to use the RTS (Request to Send) pin (7th pin) on the DB9 because I read somewhere that if I negated the voltage on that pin it would stop the flow of data to the serial port. So what I did was programmed my microcontroller to send the string and then sent logic level 0 to an output pin that was connected to my DB9 RTS pin. However, that didn't work.
Does anyone have any suggestions? I'd really appreciate them.
The software that I'm using on the PC is X-CTU for Xbee modules. This is the code on my microcontroller:
include reg51.h
void SerTx(unsigned char);
void main(void)
TMOD = 0x20;
TH1 = 0xFD;
SCON = 0x50;
TR1 = 1;
void SerTx(unsigned char x)
SBUF = x;
TI = 0;
Could someone please verify that it is in fact only sending the string once?
Looks like Steve, brookesmoses and Neil hit the nail on the head when they said that it was what was happening AFTER my main function that was causing the problem. I just tried the suggested code Steve put up (more specifically the for(;;); and defining serTX outside of main) and it worked perfectly. The controller is probably rebooted and hence the same code keeps repeating itself.
Thanks so much for the help! :)
Can you confirm that the 8051 really is sending the data only once? One way to check would be to use a scope to see what is happening on the UART's TX pin.
What software are you using on the PC? I'd suggest using simple communications software like HyperTerminal or PuTTY. If they are showing the string being sent to the PC multiple times, then chances are the fault is in the software running on the 8051.
EDIT: To be honest, this sounds like the kind of debugging that engineers have to face on a regular basis, and so it's a good opportunity for you to practise good old-fashioned methodical problem-solving.
If I may be very blunt, I suggest you do the following:
Debug. Try things out, but don't guess. Experiment. Make small changes in your code and see what happens. Try everything you can think of. Search the web for more information.
If that doesn't produce a solution, then return here, and provide us with all the information we need. That includes relevant pieces of the code, full details of the hardware you're using, and information about what you tried in step 1.
EDIT: I don't have the rep to edit the question, so here's the code posted by the OP in the comment to her question:
void SerTx(unsigned char);
void main(void)
TMOD = 0x20; TH1 = 0xFD; SCON = 0x50; TR1 = 1;
SerTx('O'); SerTx('N'); SerTx('L'); SerTx('Y');
void SerTx(unsigned char x)
{ SBUF = x; while(TI==0); TI = 0; }
As Neil and Brooksmoses mention in their answers, in an embedded system, the main function is never allowed to terminate. So you either need to put your code in an infinite loop (which may be what is inadvertently happening), or add an infinite loop at the end, so the program effectively halts.
Also, the function SerTx should be defined outside main. This may be syntatically correct, but it keeps things simple not declaring functions within other functions.
So try this (I've also added some comments in an attempt to make the code easier to understand):
void SerTx(unsigned char);
void main(void)
/* Initialise (need to add more explanation as to what
each line means, perhaps by replacing these "magic
numbers" with some #defines) */
TMOD = 0x20;
TH1 = 0xFD;
SCON = 0x50;
TR1 = 1;
/* Transmit data */
SerTx('O'); SerTx('N'); SerTx('L'); SerTx('Y');
/* Stay here forever */
for(;;) {}
void SerTx(unsigned char x)
/* Transmit byte */
SBUF = x;
/* Wait for byte to be transmitted */
while(TI==0) {}
/* Clear transmit interrupt flag */
TI = 0;
The code you posted has no loop in main(), so you need to determine what your compiler's C runtime does when main() returns after sending 'Y'. Given your problem, I imagine the compiler generates some code to do some cleanup then restart the micro (maybe a hardware reset, maybe just be restarting the C runtime). It looks like your program works exactly as you've written it, but you've ignored what happens before and after main() is called.
If you want your string sent once and only once, ever, then you need something like while(1) {} added after the last character is sent. But, then your program is doing nothing -- it will just execute an empty loop forever. A reset (such as power cycling) is needed to start again, and send the string.
Note that if your micro has a watchdog timer, it might intervene and force an unexpected reset. If this happens, your string will be sent once for each watchdog reset (which could be something like once each second, with the rate depending on your hardware).
Also, having serTx() defined nested inside main() is probably not what you want.
It's hard to say what the problem is without seeing any of the 8051 code. For example, a logic error on that side could lead to the data being sent multiple times, or the 8051 software might be waiting for an ACK which is never received, etc.
Normally on an 8051 code has to explicitly send each character, but I assume this is taken care of for you by the C run-time.
Use of the RTS/CTS (Request To Send/Clear To Send) is for flow control (i.e. to prevent buffer overruns - the buffers are usually pretty small on these microcontrollers) and not to stop transmission altogether.
Echoing Neil's answer (in a reply, since I don't yet have the rep to comment): In a typical microcontroller situation without an OS, it's not immediately clear what the exit() function that gets implicitly called at the end of main() should do -- or, more accurately, it can't do the usual "end the program and return to the OS", because there's no OS to return to.
Moreover, in a real application, you almost never want the program to just stop, unless you turn off the system. So one thing that the exit() implementation should definitely not do is take up a lot of code space.
In some systems I've worked on, exit() is not actually implemented at all -- if you're not going to use it, don't even waste a byte on it! The result is that when the execution path gets to the end of main(), the chip just wanders off into a lala land of executing whatever happens to be in the next bit of memory, and typically quickly ends up either stuck in a loop or faulting with an illegal opcode. And the usual result of a fault with an illegal opcode is ... rebooting the chip.
That seems like a plausable theory for what's happening here.
