how to use angular directives inside angular 1.5 components - angularjs

How can I use an angular directive inside my angular 1.5 component. I have a angular-ui bootstrap tooltip that I want to use in my angular 1.5 component. Everything is working fine except that I pass is not displaying inside the tooltip.


Show Bootstrap 3 Modal using AngularJS

I am using AngularJS 1.5.0 and Bootstrap 3.3.6.
I am trying to display the Bootstrap Modal Plugin using AngularJS.
It is easy to display using Bootstrap JS Modal
$("#myModal").modal() works with JQuery, but I need to get this working with AngularJS.
I suggest to install the UI Bootstrap which is a Bootstrap components written in pure AngularJS. Then you can use the Modal as seen in the Demo here

How to call Angular Directive inside Vue Js Component

<chat-system options="chatOpts"></chat-system>
which is defined as Directive in Angular Js (1.Ox)
and we are using globally for other systems
Now we want to Integrate the same directive for Vuejs Component.
Could you help me?

What version of UI Bootstrap works with Angular 1.6.3?

I am using AngularJS v1.6.3 and am trying to find a version of UI.bootstrap that works with it (in terms of Bootstrap's Javascript functionality, such as popover).
This Plunker uses UI.Bootstrap v0.12.0 and the popover works:
This Plunker uses UI.Bootstrap v2.5.0 and the popover does not work:
This is the popover code that does not work in the latter:
<p>Click me and see popover on the right.</p>
I suspect I am doing something wrong. Thanks!
In newer versions of Angular UI Bootstrap, the directive name has been changed from popover to uib-popover. This is a fork of your 2nd Plunker in which the popover is displayed on the right of the link.
You can find the new directive name here

jQuery doesnt work with AngularJS ng-route view

I have four html pages that I want to inject in my index.html using AngularJS ngRoute.
I have a carousel on hairstyle.html and a photo zoom-in jquery on salon.html, both do not work on angularjs route.
How do I make my jquery code work on AngularJS ngRoute view?
Here is the link to my codes:

Angular-ui-bootstrap typehead not working with AngularJS 1.2.0-rc3

Here is a working example of Angular-ui-bootstrap typehead working with AngularJS 1.0.5:
The template uses ng-bind-html-unsafe witch is deprecated in AngularJS 1.2.0-rc3.
How can I bind html unsafe in that template? I would have used ng-bind but the filter typeaheadHighlight:query adds tags in match.model.title.
AngularJS removed the ng-bind-html-unsafe tag in its 1.2RC version which breaks the default typeahead template. But you have at least 2 ways to work-around it:
Move to the version 0.6.0 of the angular-ui/bootstrap library that has an equivalent tag named bind-html, here is a working plunk:
Include the ngSanitize module and use AngularJS built-in ng-bind-html directive:
