SQL Server : option to specify if Update Transaction was from trigger? - sql-server

First ever post, please be gentle...
I have a need to update one column when a table is either updated or row(s) inserted, thus I've created a trigger (AFTER INSERT, UPDATE). The problem is that it's recursive due to the fact that the insert includes an update statement, thus firing the trigger again.
I've also tried separating the INSERT and UPDATE into two different triggers, but I've ran into problem with sp_settriggerorder() and trigger_nestlevel(), because there are other trigger in place, due to out of box application defaults.
My question is, is there any way to use an IF clause stating whether the update came from the application itself or my trigger? Case, if it's my trigger, than I could easily ELSE IF it to a return and it would no longer be recursive.
CREATE TRIGGER [dbo].[JobCardMetlInsertUpdateItemDesc]
ON [dbo].[JobCardMetl] AFTER INSERT
UPDATE JobCardMetl
SET JobCardMetl.Description = item.Description
FROM JobCardMetl
INNER JOIN item ON JobCardMetl.Item = item.item
WHERE JobCardMetl.RecordDate = (SELECT MAX(JobCardMetl.RecordDate)
FROM JobCardMetl)

Your trigger is very suspicious: It does not reference the INSERTED pseudotable. This means that your trigger is updating records unaffected by the INSERT, always a huge code-smell.
The usual solution to the problem of recursive triggers is to be careful about what columns are being updated, ie. use UPDATED(), and what rows, and the natural business logic should stop the recursion (ie. the nested trigger should find nothing to update, because the guard checks don't qualify).
Ultimately you can use the logical sledgehammer: SET CONTEXT_INFO and CONTEXT_INFO(). You check it, set it and clean it in your trigger. If is already set, you know you're nested from the trigger. The cleaning up part is critical. You also pray no other app/dev does the same, as there is only one context info per session (SQL 2016 improves this).

You could check whether the description is still different from what you want it to be updated to. If the same, you do not update. That way you avoid the endless recursion.
Also, with the WHERE condition you seem to want to limit the update to the currently inserted record, but for that you can use the virtual INSERTED table, which has the records that have been inserted.
Finally, it seems overkill to start a new transaction for an atomic statement. Note that the trigger will anyway execute within the transaction in which the triggering INSERT statement executes.
So taking all that together, you could make your trigger as follows (I assume RecordDate uniquely identifies a record -- change it to whatever is the primary key):
CREATE TRIGGER [dbo].[JobCardMetlInsertUpdateItemDesc]
ON [dbo].[JobCardMetl] AFTER INSERT
UPDATE JobCardMetl
SET j.Description = item.Description
FROM JobCardMetl j
INNER JOIN item ON j.Item = item.item
INNER JOIN INSERTED i ON i.RecordDate = j.RecordDate
WHERE j.Description IS NULL OR j.Description <> item.Description


SQL Trigger for reverting an update change on a table only when another column has specific values

I am trying to write a trigger for what was done as a rather simple job before, so that it fires immediately after change. This was the code for the job.
SET GrdInhalt = 0
WHERE (GrdNummer LIKE 'BEST[A-Z][A-Z]%2') AND (GrdInhalt <> 0)
This is what I have so far.
CREATE TRIGGER [dbo].[GrdFelde_UTrig_Custom] ON [dbo].[GrdFelde] FOR UPDATE AS
IF UPDATE(GrdInhalt)
SET GrdInhalt = 0
WHERE (GrdNummer LIKE 'BEST[A-Z][A-Z]%2') AND (GrdInhalt <> 0)
I am new to triggers and not sure if this works. My problem here is, this is a table that stores all changes to a user interface, so it updates quite often, and I don't want to cause performance problems. Is it possible that the trigger only fires when the WHERE criteria are met? And if yes, where would I put this statement?
The trigger will be fired whenever an update statement is executed on the table. This can not be controlled (except disabling the trigger entirely).
You can, however, write it for better performance.
The UPDATE() function will return 1 even if the update/insert statement fails, so you probably don't want to use that as an indicator.
You have no reference to the inserted or to the deleted tables in your trigger, meaning it might effect records not included in the original update statement that triggers it.
I would probably write that trigger like this:
CREATE TRIGGER [dbo].[GrdFelde_UTrig_Custom] ON [dbo].[GrdFelde]
SET GrdInhalt = 0
FROM GrdFelde t
JOIN INSERTED i ON t.<PKColumn(s)> = i.<PKColumn(s)>
JOIN DELETED d ON t.<PKColumn(s)> = d.<PKColumn(s)>
WHERE t.GrdNummer LIKE 'BEST[A-Z][A-Z]%2'
AND t.GrdInhalt <> 0
AND ISNULL(CAST(i.GrdInhalt AS INT), -1) <> ISNULL(CAST(d.GrdInhalt AS INT), -1)
Please note:
By joining the inserted and deleted tables, I'm ensuring the trigger only changes the rows effected by the statement that fired it.
Change <PKColumn(s)> to the column(s) that makes up the primary key of the table.
I'm casting to int and specifing -1 for null values to handle the case of change from null to a value or from a value to null. If your column is already an int, then the cast is redundant. If -1 is a valid value, you might want to consider casting to varchar(11) and replace null with an empty string.

SQL Server - Neutralizing a trigger during SP execution

I have two tables, Orders and App.
App is a "helper" table which is populated according to Orders, and then passes the information on via web service to smart phones.
In order to populate App, we have created a parameterized stored procedure which runs at specific times, fluidly passing data from Orders to App.
But some updates to Orders are not caught by this stored procedure, so we were asked to create a trigger on Orders which executes this SP in these specific instances. This, too, works fine.
The problem starts when updates arrive from smart phones to the table App. The same parameterized SP runs "in reverse" to update the fields in Orders, and this works well - except that doing so can fire our supposedly selective trigger, resulting in redundant updates. To demonstrate:
New row in Orders > SP > Row is written in App > App updated by application > SP > Corresponding row in Orders is updated > Trigger catches this update, firing the SP again.
In this chain, only the last step is a problem.
I have tried using DISABLE TRIGGER and ENABLE TRIGGER within the SP to avoid this problem, but this is risky business and certainly cannot be the best possible way.
The solution I'm working on now is by using a field which is updated during application updates to Orders, but is not updated at any other time. For instance:
SET Orders.StartTime = getdate(),
Orders.EndTime = CASE ... END,
Orders.Unique_Field = X
In standard updates to Orders, the field Unique_Field is not included in any INSERT or UPDATE statements. However, in some updates from App, this field may remain NULL.
My question is: What is the proper and safe way to tell my trigger to ignore any updates that arrive from my SP?
At present, my trigger looks like this:
#ORDERNO = I.OrderNo,
FROM Inserted I
AND #ORDERDATECHECK >= dateadd(day,-2,getdate())
-- Does not fire from BuildOrder
-- Does not fire on tasks older than 2 days
EXECUTE [dbo].[Asp_Apper;1] 0, -- CallCode, DO NOT CHANGE
1, -- Auto,
1, -- AOK,
0, -- CancelMsg,
0, -- TrailerNo
1 -- RejectMsg
#BUILDORDERCHECK and #ORDERDATECHECK work fine and behave as expected, but I need to find the right way to tell my trigger to check and see if Unique_Field was included in the update statement without being entangled by NULLS. As I said, Unique_Field can be updated by the SP to a value of NULL, so simply checking for NULL doesn't work.
Thanking you all in advance for any thoughts...
EDIT: It's already been pointed out that this trigger seems to ignore cases where more than one row is updated, which is accurate. Usually, we wouldn't build triggers like this; but in this case, updates to Orders are only ever row-by-row, and never in groups. The only time that this isn't the case is when the SP runs, which we want to ignore anyway.
I would use the CONTEXT_INFO and SET CONTEXT_INFO, something like this:
In the trigger, add a check at the top that bails out if a particular context value is set:
IF ISNULL(CONTEXT_INFO(),0x0) = 0x49204C696B6520426967204275747473
And then in the (parts of) the stored procedures where you want to take actions that are ignored, just set that same value:
SET CONTEXT_INFO 0x49204C696B6520426967204275747473;
--Code that shouldn't cause the trigger to fire
Which keeps things nicely contained (unlike disabling the trigger which has global effects)
Also, I know you've already stated in comments that this trigger only needs to work for single row update but it would be an automatic failure in code review for me for any trigger that doesn't properly deal with multiple rows existing in inserted (or at the very least, checks the number of rows and gives a clear error message if the requirement of single row updates hasn't been fulfilled)

Auto update time in SQL Server

I would like to have two columns in my table to store the add-time and update-time. As the name suggests, the add-time is the time when a row was first added; the update-time is the last time a row was updated. I can implement first by defaulting value to GETDATE(). As for the second, #Jeremy suggested using triggers here:
On Update: Auto Update Date/Time Field
Is there any easier way?
If I implement a trigger, does that mean two UPDATE statements (or one INSERT and one UPDATE in case the row is just created) have to be executed?
EDIT: For the second part of the question, this is the trigger I have in my database:
CREATE TRIGGER [dbo].[TR_AddUpdateTime]
ON [dbo].[AddUpdateTime]
-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
-- interfering with SELECT statements.
-- Insert statements for trigger here
SET UpdateTime = GETDATE()
FROM AddUpdateTime r
JOIN inserted i
ON i.Id = r.Id
Does this mean that an additional update statement will be executed whenever I make an update to AddUpdateTime table, or MSSQL is smart enough to recognise that I am updating the same record and save both changes at the same time?
Other ways:
Use a stored procedure to wrap the updates
You can do UPDATE MyTable SET ..., UpdatedWhen = DEFAULT...
You need an UPDATE trigger that itself has one more UPDATE. Using a default on the table means you don't need a trigger for INSERT
You could make sure all inserts and updates go through a stored procedure that inserts the time.
No, the insert trigger will modify the values so that it's only one statement.
Edit: For entity framework could you implement the OnSavingChanges event to insert the update-time field (see here)? This is moving the responsibility from the DB to the Code which you may or may not be comfortable with.
In entity framework, you can use the partial class to extend the business logic. In this case, you can use OnPropertyChanged to set the update-time to DateTime.Now. You can use this article on MSDN as a guidance.
1) "Auto update" and "triggers" doesn't really sound like the way to go.
2) SQL Server has a (relatively new) "merge" statement. But that doesn't really sound like what you're looking for, either.
3) Instead:
a) If primary key doesn't exist (if "new"), then INSERT. In this case, first time = last time = GETDATE().
b) Otherwise, if the primary key already exists, then UPDATE. Your update will update only the "last time" column (along with the rest of the fields you need to update for this record.
4) Perhaps you can wrap this logic in a stored procedure?
5) Again - the key is to update BOTH "first time" and "last time*, the FIRST TIME, and then update ONLY "last time" all SUBSEQUENT times.
They might be an easier way but using triggers will be more effective and will guarantee no mater how records inseted or updated (from .net code or direct table inserts/updates), those two fields are populated
To Gurantee that only one trigger get fired each time, combine insert and update trigger
And do conditional checking to distinguish between two actions

How to make sure a row cannot be accidentally deleted in SQL Server?

In my database I have certain data that is important to the functioning of the app (constants, ...). And I have test data that is being generated by testing the site. As the test data is expendable it delete it regularly. Unfortunately the two types of data occur in the same table so I cannot do a delete from T but I have to do a delete from T where IsDev = 0.
How can I make sure that I do not accidentally delete the non-dev data by forgetting to put the filter in? If that happens I have to restore from a production backup which is wasting my time. I would require some sort of foreign key like behavior that fails a delete when a certain condition is met. This would also be useful to ensure that my code does not do anything harmful due to a bug.
Well, you could use a trigger that throws an exception if any of the records in the deleted meta-table have IsDev = 1.
RAISERROR('Can''t delete constants', 1, 16)
I'm guessing a bit on the syntax, but you get the idea.
I would use a trigger.
keep a backup of the rows you want to retain in a separate admin table
Seems like you need a trigger on delete operation that would look at the row and rollback transaction if it sees that it's a row that should never be deleted.
Also, you might want to read this article: Prevent accidental update or delete commands of all rows in a SQL Server table
Depending on how transparent you want to make this, you could use an INSTEAD OF trigger that will always remember the WHERE for you.
FROM Deleted d
INNER JOIN YourTable t
ON d.PrimaryKey = t.PrimaryKey
WHERE t.IsDev = 0
I suggest that instead of writing the delete statement from scratch every time, just create a stored procedure to do the deletions and execute that.
create procedure ResetT as delete from T where IsDev = 0
You could create an extra column IS_TEST in your tables, rename the TABLE_NAME to TABLE_NAME_BAK, and create a view TABLE_NAME on the TABLE_NAME_BAK so that only rows where IS_TEST was set are displayed in it. Setting IS_TEST to zero for the data you wish to keep, and adding a DEFAULT 1 to the IS_TEST column should complete the job. It is similar to the procedure required for creating 'soft deletes'.

How to keep an audit/history of changes to the table

I've been asked to create a simple DataGrid-style application to edit a single table of a database, and that's easy enough. But part of the request is to create an audit trail of changes made, who made them, and the date/time.
How might you solve this kind of thing?
(I'll be using C# in VS2008, ADO.NET connected to SQL Server 2005, WPF and Xceed's DataGrid, if it makes any difference.)
There are two common ways of creating audit trails.
Code your data access layer.
In the database itself using triggers.
There are advantages and disadvantages to both. Some people prefer one over the other. It's often down to the type of app and the type of database use you can expect.
If you do it in your DA layer it's pretty much up to you. You just need to add code to every method that saves to the database to also save a log of the changes. This auditing code could be in your DA layer code, or even in your stored procs in your database if you are using stored procs for everything. Essentially the premise is the same, any time you make a change to the database, log that change.
If you want to go down the triggers route, you can write custom triggers for each table, or fashion a more generic trigger that works the same on lots of tables. Check out this article on audit triggers. This works by firing of triggers whenever a change is made, and the triggers log the changes. Remember that if you want to audit SELECT statements, you can't use triggers, you'll have to do that with in code/stored proc auditing. It's also worth remember that depending on your database, triggers may not fire in all circumstances. For example, most databases don't fire triggers during TRUNCATE statements. Check that your triggers get fired in any case that you need auditing.
Alternately, you could also take a look at using the service broker to do async auditing on a dedicated machine. This is more complex and takes a bit of configuring to set up.
Which ever way you do it you need to decide on the format the audit log will take. Normally you would save this log in your database, but you could just save it in a log file or whatever suits your requirements. You could use a single audit table that logs all changes, or you could have an audit table per main table being audited. For large scale implementations you could even consider putting the audit tables in a totally separate database. If your logging into a table, it's common to have a "change type" field which indicates if the audited change was an insert, update or delete style of change, along with the changed data, user who made the change and the date/time the change was made. Don't forget to include the old and new data for update style changes.
Ditto use triggers.
Anyone considering soft deletion should have a read of Richard Dingwall's The trouble with soft delete.
Most universal method would be to create another table for storing versions of record from the first table. Then, you can remove all the data from main table. Suppose you need versioning of a table Person(PersonId, Name, Surname):
PersonId INT, // PK
CurrentPersonVersion INT // FK
CREATE TABLE PersonVersion
PersonVersionId INT, // PK
PersonID // FK
Name VARCHAR, // actual data
Surname VARCHAR, // actual data
ChangeDate // logging data
ChangeAuthor // logging data
Now any change requires inserting new PersonVersion and updating the CurrentPersonVersionID.
The best way to do this is set up triggers in the database that write to audit tables.
Solution 1: SQL Server Change Data Capture
First you need to enable change data capture on your database
USE AdventureWorks2012
EXEC sys.sp_cdc_enable_db
Then you can query the changes using fn_cdc_get_all_changes_ or fn_cdc_get_net_changes_.
-- ========
-- Enumerate All Changes for Valid Range Template
-- ========
USE AdventureWorks2012;
DECLARE #from_lsn binary(10), #to_lsn binary(10);
SET #from_lsn = sys.fn_cdc_get_min_lsn('HR_Department');
SET #to_lsn = sys.fn_cdc_get_max_lsn();
SELECT * FROM cdc.fn_cdc_get_all_changes_HR_Department
(#from_lsn, #to_lsn, N'all');
Solution 2: SQL Server Database Auditing
Source : https://www.dbaservices.com.au/how-to-configure-sql-server-auditing/
Database auditing requires that a server audit (although not necessarily server audit specification) to be in place. The DB auditing however is created within the user database that is to be audited, rather than within the master database where the server audit gets created. Database audit specifications can be found within the DB itself under Security –> Database Audit Specifications.
To create a database audit, you’ll need to first USE the database (to select it), then the following provides an example syntax for auditing SELECT, UPDATE and DELETE operations for specific tables within that database;
USE UserDatabase
ADD (SELECT , UPDATE , DELETE ON UserDatabase.dbo.Customer_DeliveryAddress BY dbo )
,ADD (SELECT , UPDATE , DELETE ON UserDatabase.dbo.DimCustomer_Email BY dbo )
,ADD (SELECT , UPDATE , DELETE ON UserDatabase.dbo.DimCustomer_Phone BY dbo )
The SELECT, UPDATE and DELETE operations aren’t the only things you can add to the audit specification though…
| Action | Description |
| SELECT | This event is raised whenever a SELECT is issued. |
| UPDATE | This event is raised whenever an UPDATE is issued. |
| INSERT | This event is raised whenever an INSERT is issued. |
| DELETE | This event is raised whenever a DELETE is issued. |
| EXECUTE | This event is raised whenever an EXECUTE is issued. |
| RECEIVE | This event is raised whenever a RECEIVE is issued. |
| REFERENCES | This event is raised whenever a REFERENCES permission is checked. |
The full list of database events you can log is available here:
I was recently faced with a requirement to audit some tables and I opted to use triggers. Like others, I only wanted to see entries in the audit table for those fields that had actually changed, however, when updating the tables, the application was updating all the fields in row whether they'd changed or not, therefore, checking whether the fields had been updated or not availed me nothing - they all had!
What I wanted, therefore, was a method of checking the actual value in each field to see if it had changed or not and only writing it to the audit table if it had. Having been unable to find any solution to this conundrum anywhere, I came up with my own, as follows:
ON [dbo].[MyTable]
SELECT i.ItemID,i.LastModifiedBy,i.LastModifiedDate,
field1 =
CASE i.field1
ELSE i.field1
field2 =
CASE i.field2
ELSE i.field2
field3 =
CASE i.field3
ELSE i.field3
field4 =
CASE i.field4
ELSE i.field4
field5 =
CASE i.field5
ELSE i.field5
FROM inserted i
INNER JOIN deleted d
ON i.ItemID = d.ItemID
As you can see, I'm comparing the values of each field in the deleted and inserted tables and only writing the field value from the inserted table to the audit table if they differ, otherwise I just write NULL.
It certainly works for me. Can anyone see any issues with this approach? My team own both the application and the database so possible curved balls like schema changes are covered off.
The other way of doing this apart from triggers is this,
Have four columns, UpdFlag, DelFlag, EffectiveDate and TerminatedDate for each table you want to do an audit trail on.
code your sproc's in such a way that when you do an update, to pass in the all of the row's column data into the sproc, update the row by setting the TerminatedDate to the date that was updated, and mark the UpdFlag and to put in the datetime into the column
Then create a new row with the new data (which is really updated). and put in a new date now for the EffectiveDate and the TerminatedDate set to the max date.
Likewise if you want to do a deletion of the row, simply update the row by marking the DelFlag as set, the TerminatedDate with the datetime now. You are in effect doing a soft delete and not an actual sql's Delete.
In that way, when you want to audit the data, and to show a trail of the changes, you can simply filter the rows for those that have the UpdFlag set, or between EffectiveDate and TerminatedDate. Likewise for those that were deleted, you filter for those that have the DelFlag set or between EffectiveDate and TerminatedDate. For the current rows, filter the rows that have both flags set off. The advantage is you don't have to create another table for the audit when the trigger is used!
I'd go triggers route, by creating table with similar structure to updated one, with additional columns for tracking changes like ModifiedAt etc. And then adding on update trigger that will insert changes to that table.
I find it easier to maintain than have everything in the application code. Ofcourse many people tend to forget about triggers when it comes to questions like 'wtf this table is changing' ;) Cheers.
