Clicking link not rendering dom in reactjs - reactjs

First time data loads properly but when i click filter button like latest or top ajax is passing but view not getting updated. I am not sure what is wrong in my code. I am new to react js.
Here is my example code :-
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import axios from 'axios';
import css from './css/bootstrap.css';
//import Search from './Search';
class FetchDemo extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
posts: [],
loading: true,
error: null
componentDidMount() {
// Remove the 'www.' to cause a CORS error (and see the error state)
.then(res => {
// Transform the raw data by extracting the nested posts
const posts =;
// Update state to trigger a re-render.
// Clear any errors, and turn off the loading indiciator.
loading: false,
error: null
.catch(err => {
// Something went wrong. Save the error in state and re-render.
loading: false,
error: err
renderLoading() {
return <div>Loading...</div>;
renderError() {
return (
Uh oh: {this.state.error.message}
renderPosts() {
if(this.state.error) {
return this.renderError();
return (
<div className="row">
{ =>
<div className="col-md-3">
<img src={post.urlToImage} className="img-responsive" />
<h2 key={}>{post.title}</h2>
<p className="lead">
by {}
<p><span className="glyphicon glyphicon-time"></span> Posted on {post.publishedAt}</p>
render() {
return (
<h1>Top Stories</h1>
{this.state.loading ?
: this.renderPosts()}
var First1 = React.createClass({
myClick: function(e){
var city = e.currentTarget.getAttribute("data-city");
//alert('Show 1');
.then(res => {
// Transform the raw data by extracting the nested posts
const posts =;
// Update state to trigger a re-render.
// Clear any errors, and turn off the loading indiciator.
loading: false,
error: null
.catch(err => {
// Something went wrong. Save the error in state and re-render.
loading: false,
error: err
render: function() {
return (<div>
<a onClick={this.myClick} data-city="latest"> Latest</a>
<a onClick={this.myClick} data-city="top"> Top</a>
// Change the subreddit to anything you like
<FetchDemo subreddit="reactjs"/>,
Here is link

Issue is first time you are setting the data in parent component, and second time setting the data in child component, you need to update the state of parent component on click of top and latest.
Pass a function from parent component and use that function to update the state once you get the response in child component, like this:
In Parent Component:
<First1 _updateState={this._updateState.bind(this)}/>
loading: false,
error: null
In Child Component:
myClick: function(e){
.then(res => {
this.props._updateState( //pass data to parent component
Check the fiddle for working solution:
Note: In 1st component you are using es6 and in 2nd component you are using es5, try to use one thing either es6 or es5.


I wanna console.log the value after clicking the submit button once and to delete the previous mapped items, but it doesnt work

I'm very new to react and I got two problems:
I want to console log the input and display the mapped data after clicking the submit button once. But I get console logged the input and the mapped data after clicking the button twice.
I wanna clear the mapped list (data from previous input) and display new list items depending on the input. But the new list items are only added to the end of the previous list (only the last list item from the previous list got overwritten by the first list item of the new list).
So this is the code from my app component:
import React, { Component, Fragment } from 'react';
import './App.css';
import Display from './/Display';
class App extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
value: "",
passedValue: ""
this.handleChange = this.handleChange.bind(this);
this.handleSubmit = this.handleSubmit.bind(this);
handleChange(event) {
this.setState({ value: });
handleSubmit(event) {
this.setState({ passedValue: this.state.value });
render() {
return (
<form className="inputContainer" onSubmit={this.handleSubmit}>
<input type="text" name="company_name" onChange={this.handleChange} />
<input type="submit" value="Submit" />
<Display listDataFromParent={this.state.passedValue} />
export default App;
And this is my display component:
import React, { Component } from 'react'
import "./Display.css";
export default class Display extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
error: null,
isLoaded: false,
data: []
componentWillReceiveProps() {
fetch("http://localhost:5000/company?company_name=" + this.props.listDataFromParent)
.then(res => res.json())
(result) => {
isLoaded: true,
data: result
// Note: it's important to handle errors here
// instead of a catch() block so that we don't swallow
// exceptions from actual bugs in components.
(error) => {
isLoaded: true,
render() {
const { error, isLoaded, data } = this.state;
// if (error) {
// return <div>Error: {error.message}</div>;
// } else if (!isLoaded) {
// return <div>Loading...</div>;
// } else {
return (
<div className="display">
{ => (
<li key={item.c.company_id}>
Relation type: {item.r.relation_group}
Last name: {item.p.last_name}
Can anyone help?
1) setState is async method in react means it will take some time to update the component state. You can get your console log by using callback function of setState like
this.setstate({ value: }, () => { console.log(this.state.value) });
2) in display component, your using componentWillReciveProps life cycle and inside that your using this.props.listdatafromparent which is pointing previous props. Rather than using this.props I would suggest consider props param of life cycle, means it should be like
componentWillReciveProps(props) {
// your code
The handleSubmit method is wrong... the console log is executed before the state is changed. You need to put it inside a callback function as a second parameter of setState.
this.setState({ passedValue: this.state.value }, () => {
Answers are:
1) Callback function should be used on setState, in order to do console.log after state is really updated.
In your case you call setState and setState is async function, which means that console.log won't wait until state is really updated.
Your code should be:
handleSubmit(event) {
this.setState({ passedValue: this.state.value },
() => console.log(this.state.passedValue));
2) I would move data fetching out of componentWillReceiveProps(), since this lifecycle method will be deprecated from version 17 and it is fired on every render(). Try replacing with componentDidMount() or componentDidUpdate(). Maybe just this small change will solve your problem. If not pls post results and I will take a look again.

Infinite Looping Errorr in ReactJS

import React, {Component} from "react"
import Aircraft from "./Aircraft"
class Layout extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
test: true,
acn: ""
WhatIsAircraftName = (acn) => {
acn: acn
render() {
return (
<div className="mainD posRel hidO">
<div className="posRel hidO topD">
<div className="posRel hidO bottomD container">
<Aircraft clk={this.WhatIsAircraftName} />
export default Layout
import React, {Component} from "react"
import Loading from "./Loading"
class Aircraft extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
aircraft: [],
loading: false,
utilized: 0
componentDidMount() {
let mod_this = this
loading: true
.then(function(response) {
if (response.ok) {
return response.json()
.then(function(myJson) {
aircraft: myJson,
loading: false
DisplayAircraft() {
let ac = this.state.aircraft
return (
<div className="acD posRel hidO selected">
render() {
const {aircraft} = this.state
return (
<div className="posRel hidO leftD">
!aircraft || aircraft.length <= 0 || this.state.loading ?
<Loading /> :
export default Aircraft
When I run my app, I get setState loop error:
Unhandled Rejection (Invariant Violation): Maximum update depth
exceeded. This can happen when a component repeatedly calls setState
inside componentWillUpdate or componentDidUpdate. React limits the
number of nested updates to prevent infinite loops.
The reason I am doing it like this is the Aircraft component will get the Aircraft ID which I want to send to another child component, hence I am sending it to the parent to use it as props for another component.
Section is:
Layout.WhatIsAircraftName [as clk]
The problem is that your render method is not pure and is updating state.
The render() function should be pure, meaning that it does not modify component state, it returns the same result each time it’s invoked, and it does not directly interact with the browser. - React Docs
In your parent component, you have WhatIsAircraftName which is calling setState. Whenever this method is invoked, it will trigger a state update which will trigger a render. In the parent's render you are passing the Aircraft component the prop clk which is assigned to WhatIsAircraftName. Then, in Aircraft's render, it's calling DisplayAircraft, which is invoking the prop clk which starts us back at the top.
Layout#render -> Aircraft#render -> DisplayAircraft -> this.props.clk -> WhatIsAircraftName -> this.setState -> Layout#render -> etc. (infinite loop).
This loop needs to be broken, setState should never be invoked within render.
Try something like this, I've moved the logic around that you are no longer updating the state from the render function.
import React, {Component} from "react"
import Loading from "./Loading"
class Aircraft extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
aircraft: [],
loading: false,
utilized: 0
componentDidMount() {
let mod_this = this
loading: true
.then(function(response) {
if (response.ok) {
return response.json()
.then(function(myJson) {
aircraft: myJson,
loading: false
render() {
const {aircraft} = this.state
return (
<div className="posRel hidO leftD">
!aircraft || aircraft.length <= 0 || this.state.loading ?
<Loading /> :
(<div className="acD posRel hidO selected">
export default Aircraft
This should at least get it working for you but based on what I can see in your code I do have another suggestion. It would be much simpler to do the API call from the Layout component and then pass the aircraft information down to the Aircraft component via Props. In your current code you are having to pass the data back up via a function you passed via a prop which makes it all a little more complicated. React tends to be much easier to work with when you are passing data down the chain.
Hope that helps!

React.js child state not re-rendering even after calling setState?

I have an app with one child component that I would like to re-render when setState updates the bookInput in the parent's state. I am using axios to request info from google's book api. For some reason, even though the state is updating, the child is not re-rendering. Please help if you can! Thank you!
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import axios from 'axios';
class App extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
bookInput: 'ender',
bookSubmitted: 'initial'
this.handleChange = this.handleChange.bind(this);
this.handleSubmit = this.handleSubmit.bind(this);
this.handleSubmitEmpty = this.handleSubmitEmpty.bind(this);
handleChange(e) {
//this.setState({bookSubmitted: false});
handleSubmit(e) {
//this.setState({bookSubmitted: true})
const name = this.state.bookInput;
this.setState({bookInput: name});
this.setState({bookSubmitted: 'userSub'});
handleSubmitEmpty(e) {
alert('please enter an item to search for');
render() {
return (
<div className="App">
<header className = "App-header">
<h1>Book Search App</h1>
<form className = "form-style" onSubmit = {this.state.bookInput ? this.handleSubmit: this.handleSubmitEmpty}>
<input type="text" className = "input-style"
value = {this.state.bookInput} onChange = {this.handleChange}>
<button type="submit">search books</button>
{/* <Book bookInput = {this.state.bookInput}/> */}
{/*this.state.bookSubmitted && <Book bookInput = {this.state.bookInput}/>*/}
(this.state.bookSubmitted === 'initial' || this.state.bookSubmitted === 'userSub') &&
<Book bookInput = {this.state.bookInput}/>
export default App;
class Book extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
//bookInput2: "ender",
bookTitles: [],
bookExample: '',
isLoading: false
this.bookClick = this.bookClick.bind(this);
bookClick(book) {
const bookURL = book.volumeInfo.infoLink;;
componentDidMount() {
//this.setState({ isLoading: true });
this.setState({isLoading: true});
.then((response) => {
const bookExample1 =;
this.setState({bookTitles: bookExample1, isLoading: false});
.catch((error) => {
console.error('ERROR!', error);
this.setState({isLoading: false});
render() {
return (
{ this.state.bookTitles ? (
<h2>book list</h2>
{<ul className = 'list-style'>
{this.state.isLoading &&
loading book list
{ => (
<li key={}>
<span className = 'book-details book-title' onClick = {() => this.bookClick(book)}> {book.volumeInfo.title}</span>
{book.volumeInfo.imageLinks &&
<img src = {book.volumeInfo.imageLinks.thumbnail}/>
{ book.volumeInfo.description &&
<span className = 'book-details'>{book.volumeInfo.description}</span>
<span className = 'book-details'>Categories {book.volumeInfo.categories}</span>
</div>) :
(<p>sorry, that search did not return anything</p>)}
May be you are looking for something similar to this?
The above code can be simplified more and organized but it gives you some idea.
Main changes in the code.
Changed Api call from componentDidMount lifecycle event to a new method named getInitialdata which is called in handleSubmit.
.then((response) => {
const bookExample1 =;
this.setState({bookTitles: bookExample1, isLoading: false, bookSubmitted: 'userSub'});
.catch((error) => {
console.error('ERROR!', error);
this.setState({isLoading: false, bookSubmitted: 'userSub'});
Changed the way how Child component is used.
<Book bookTitles={this.state.bookTitles} isLoading={this.state.isLoading}/>
Issue with your code is you are making an API call in your component's didMount method. This lifecycle event will be invoked only when the component is mounted. Not when it is updated.
When you enter some input in your textbox and click on "Search books", componentDidMount event doesnt fire. And this is the reason why API calls are not happening from the second time.
More on the lifecycle events at
I've taken your code and extrapolated it into this sandbox. Just as you said, your parent component state is updating as it should, but the problem is that the child component doesn't change its state.
A state change will always trigger a re-render in React. The only problem is, your child component is managing it's own state, which isn't directly changing. Instead, it's just receiving new props again and again, but not doing anything with them.
If you look at your code for the <Book /> component, you only modify its state on componentDidMount, which only happens once. If you'd like to programmatically make it update, you can do one of two things.
Remove state from the child component, and make it rely entirely on props, so that it stays in sync with the parent
Use the componentDidUpdate lifecycle method (docs) to choose when to change the state of the child (which will trigger the re-render)

What is best approach to set data to component from API in React JS

We have product detail page which contains multiple component in single page.
Product Component looks like:
class Product extends Component {
render() {
return (
Here we have 3 APIs for
- Details
- Similar Product
- Other Products
Now from Detail API we need to set data to these components
In which component we need to make a call to API and how to set data to other components. Lets say we need to assign a,b,c,d value to each component
componentWillMount(props) {
fetch('/deatail.json').then(response => {
if (response.ok) {
return response.json();
} else {
throw new Error('Something went wrong ...');
.then(data => this.setState({ data, isLoading: false }))
.catch(error => this.setState({ error, isLoading: false }));
Do we need to create separate api for each components?
Since it's three different components you need to make the call in the component where all the components meet. And pass down the state from the parent component to child components. If your app is dynamic then you should use "Redux" or "MobX" for state management. I personally advise you to use Redux
class ParentComponent extends React.PureComponent {
constructor (props) {
this.state = {
gallery: '',
similarPdts: '',
otherPdts: ''
componentWillMount () {
//make api call and set data
render () {
//render your all components
The Product component is the best place to place your API call because it's the common ancestor for all the components that need that data.
I'd recommend that you move the actual call out of the component, and into a common place with all API calls.
Anyways, something like this is what you're looking for:
import React from "react";
import { render } from "react-dom";
import {
} from "./components/components";
class Product extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
// Set default values for state
this.state = {
data: {
a: 1,
b: 2,
c: 3,
d: 4
error: null,
isLoading: true
componentWillMount() {
loadData() {
.then(response => {
// if (response.ok) {
// return response.json();
// } else {
// throw new Error('Something went wrong ...');
// }
return Promise.resolve({
a: 5,
b: 6,
c: 7,
d: 8
.then(data => this.setState({ data, isLoading: false }))
.catch(error => this.setState({ error, isLoading: false }));
render() {
if (this.state.error) return <h1>Error</h1>;
if (this.state.isLoading) return <h1>Loading</h1>;
const data =;
return (
<Gallery a={data.a} b={data.b} c={data.c} d={data.d} />
<Video a={data.a} b={data.b} c={data.c} d={data.d} />
<Details a={data.a} b={data.b} c={data.c} d={data.d} />
<Contact a={data.a} b={data.b} c={data.c} d={data.d} />
render(<Product />, document.getElementById("root"));
Working example here:
You API calls will be in the product component. Catering your need to best practices, I want to make sure that you are using an implementation of FLUX architecture for data flow. If not do visit phrontend
You should send you API calls in componentWillMount() having your state a loading indicator that will render a loader till the data is not fetched.
Each of your Components should be watching the state for their respective data. Let say you have a state like {loading:true, galleryData:{}, details:{}, simProducts:{}, otherProducts:{}}. In render the similar products component should render if it finds the respective data in state. What you have to do is to just update the state whenever you receive the data.
Here is the working code snippet:
import React from 'react';
import SampleStore from '/storepath/SampleStore';
export default class ParentComponent extends React.Component {
constructor (props) {
this.state = {
componentWillMount () {
//Bind Store or network callback function
this.handleResponse = this.handleResponse
//API call here.
// check Response Validity and update state
// if you have multiple APIs so you can have a API request identifier that will tell you which data to expect.
//retry or show error message
this.state.loading = false;
//set data here in state either for similar products or other products and just call setState(this.state)
this.state.similarProducts =;
render () {
{this.state.loading} ? <LoaderComponent/> :
{this.state.similarProducts && <SimilarProd data={this.state.similarProducts}/>}
{this.state.otherProducts && <OtherProd data={this.state.otherProducts}/>}
Just keep on setting the data in the state as soon as you are receiving it and render you components should be state aware.
In which component we need to make a call to API and how to set data
to other components.
The API call should be made in the Product component as explained in the other answers.Now for setting up data considering you need to make 3 API calls(Details, Similar Product, Other Products) what you can do is execute the below logic in componentDidMount() :
var apiRequest1 = fetch('/detail.json').then((response) => {
this.setState({detailData: response.json()})
return response.json();
var apiRequest2 = fetch('/similarProduct.json').then((response) => { //The endpoint I am just faking it
this.setState({similarProductData: response.json()})
return response.json();
var apiRequest3 = fetch('/otherProduct.json').then((response) => { //Same here
this.setState({otherProductData: response.json()})
return response.json();
Promise.all([apiRequest1,apiRequest2, apiRequest3]).then((data) => {
console.log(data) //It will be an array of response
//You can set the state here too.
Another shorter way will be:
const urls = ['details.json', 'similarProducts.json', 'otherProducts.json'];
// separate function to make code more clear
const grabContent = url => fetch(url).then(res => res.json())
Promise.all( => {
this.setState({detailData: response[0]})
this.setState({similarProductData: response[1]})
this.setState({otherProductData: response[2]})
And then in your Product render() funtion you can pass the API data as
class Product extends Component {
render() {
return (
<Details details={this.state.detailData}/>
<SimilarProd similar={this.state.similarProductData}/>
<OtherProd other={this.state.otherProductData}/>
And in the respective component you can access the data as :
this.props.details //Considering in details component.

Child component's state does not change while rendering

I am a novice to ReactJs so please bear with me. I am trying to build a project from this course called Git-Hub profile viewer. Here is my code for Parent component:
import Profile from './github/Profile.jsx';
class App extends Component {
this.state = {
username: 'xxxx',
userData: [],
userRepos: [],
perPage: 5
// get user data from github
url: '' +this.state.username+'?client_id='+this.props.clientId+'&client_secret='+this.props.clientSecret,
success: function(data){
error: function(xhr, status, err){
this.setState({userData: null});
return (
<Profile userData = {this.state.userData} />
App.propTypes = {
clientId: React.PropTypes.string,
clientSecret: React.PropTypes.string
App.defaultProps = {
clientId: 'some_genuine_client_Id',
export default App;
and here is my child's component:
class Profile extends Component {
render() {
return (
<div className="panel panel-default">
<div className="panel-heading">
<h3 className="panel-title">{}</h3>
<div className="panel-body">
export default Profile;
Problem is that the props in child component does not update its state while rendering the page although the data retrieval is successful from Git-Hub as shown in console log. What am I doing wrong, can somebody please help?
So firstly, you should be ensuring that you are accessing userData in the correct way, as #mersocarlin mentioned. This is quite likely to be the cause of your problem.
Theoretically, your way of doing this should work. However I've written a working jsfiddle for you as an example. I couldn't make the Ajax call so have simulated it with a setTimeout event over 5 seconds.
The other way of doing this is to pass down the getUserData function to the child component (Profile) and let it handle the call itself. Here is the jsfiddle for that, and the code below:
class Profile extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
userData: {}
componentDidMount() {
const userData = this.props.getUserData();
this.setState({ userData: userData });
render() {
return (
<div className="panel panel-default">
<div className="panel-heading">
<h3 className="panel-title">Hello, { || 'World'}</h3>
<div className="panel-body">
class App extends React.Component {
return {
'name': 'Tom'
return (
<Profile getUserData={this.getUserData} />
First of all, you should call getUserData() in componentWillMount rather than componentDidMount to get the data before the component has rendered. And then in the child component use a life cycle method componentWillReceiveProps to check if the child component is getting the right props and updating the state accordingly. It'll be something like this:
componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
if(this.props.userData !== nextProps.userData) {
console.log('condition met');
userData: nextProps.userData
Try this and let me know, I'll help you further.
